The Tribute From District 1 (Snake Plissken & Touch Of Temperament)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
The day had finally arrived, Reaping Day, today was the day the tributes were selected to take part in the Hunger Games. District 1 was buzzing with talks of who everyone thought would volunteer this year, they had a large selection of young men and women who just turned 18 and most of them were as deadly as they come. Ryan stood with the other male tributes in his age range as they waited patiently for the announcer to come out and select the tributes. Finally after a few moments someone stepped onto the stage, they showed the normal video from the capitol then went on to the selections.

Before the woman's hand could reach into the container with all the girls names in it someone shouted, "I volunteer"! Stacey Kline was her name, she had an athletic build and was deadly with a spear, and she knew hand to hand combat very well. People in the crowd cheered as Stacey made her way up to the stage, when she got up there she took raised her hand up and smiled while waving to everyone. Next came the boys and again before the woman's hand could reach into the container Ryan's voice came from the crowd, "I volunteer!" ,he shouted before making his way up to the stage.

After the two tributes had volunteered they were brought into the Justice Building and led to a train that would be taking them to the capitol. Within hours they had arrived and were greeted by a sea of people cheering and screaming out for them. Both Stacey and Ryan weren't shy they went straight to the window and started waving to their 'fans'. Finally the train came to a stop and the two were taken to be prepped for the opening ceremonies.
There was no other day in the year where everyone was this awkward around each other. Even if you were not picked, there was still someone ripped from their family, there was no real relief in that. Zoe had spend most of the day alone, until finally they had to be there. The town square filled with people. General audience away from the kids who might be picked, boys and girls separated and then lined up in groups according to age. She stood with friends and classmates, all of them exchanging tense nods. None of them said much, still there was a small buzz of talk that filled the space.

Seventeen now, she only needed to survive this year's and next year's reaping, chances only growing with the tesserae she'd taken. The woman from the Capitol, Zoe couldn't remember her name, was on the stage, standing next to the mayor. Silence fell as everyone waited for the names. The hand went into the bowl, she was terribly slow before she finally read the girl tribute's name. Once she did though.. Zoe sucked in her breath. There was a fleeting hug from a friend, but everyone else stepped away, making way for her. Finally exhaling, a coldness seeped into her gut. Walking up to the stage, she didn't look around. There was no need to see the looks of pity, nor to see her brothers' anger or her parents' pain. It would only make things harder. She knew the camera's were on her, capturing any reaction. Her hand was shaken by the mayor and the woman, as though there was reason for congratulations. She barely heard the reapon of the boy tribute. Sander Colson was a fifteen year old boy. She knew his family would struggle without him.

After this, funny enough, everything seemed to go so fast. A few minutes to say goodbye to her family, and they were put on a train to the Capitol. All three District 12 winners were present on the same train. At first Zoe was uncomfortable around Katniss. They'd seen each other every once in a while in the woods, both hunting. Zoe could hunt, forage, trap, but she wasn't a second Katniss and she wasn't quite sure she wanted to be.

The Capitol was unlike anything she could have imagined, bright and colourful. Crowds awaiting the trains with the tribute, cheering excitedly. Zoe had stepped back from the window, just watching them as they surely would watch her. The excitement seemed so very wrong to her, in light of a tournament that would kill 23 of Panem's children. It was something she was trying to forget, if it weren't for the Games she might've enjoyed visiting the Capitol. And if she wanted to last even for a bit, she needed to make a good impression.

The train stopped and both her and Sander were rushed off. Preparations for the Openingsceremony.
When it was time for the opening ceremonies Ryan was dressed from head to toe in a gold and silver tux with diamonds lacing the sleeves while Stacey wore a beautiful white evening gown with gold woven into the fabric and a gold tiara on her head. Seeing as the districts tributes had to wear something that represented their district the stylist felt that since District 1 made luxury items they would dress the tributes as if they were treasure, an item of luxury. Ryan hated his outfit it wasn't the fact that it was heavy because of the gold and diamonds on it, he just felt so tacky wearing it.

"Alright you two look great" ,the stylist told them. "Now Ryan smile at the crowd and wave show your pride for district one and you do the same Stacey". The woman bit her bottom lip and started to tear up as she looked at her work, she then rushed the two onto the chariot and they were off. Ryan immediately put a smile on his face and began to wave at the crowd he even flexed a bit to show off, the crowd adored the young man but normally the crowd loved the career tributes anyway.

By the time the opening ceremonies were over Ryan was exhausted, when he got back to the hotel he ate some food then went to bed. He wanted to get a good nights rest before the trainings began in the morning. Dawn came all too soon and before Ryan knew it he was being suited up and sent to the training area along with Stacey and the other tributes.

When he arrived in the training room he immediately made his way over to the area to learn how to throw knives. Of course Ryan didn't need really any training with most of the stuff there except for maybe the survival techniques like knowing what plants are poisonous and which ones were safe to eat but he was going to be visiting as many stations as he could while there to pick up any useful info he could get. As Ryan seen it everyone else there training with him were merely targets, there could only be one victor and he intended it to be him.

He picked up a handful of knives then stepped to the area where he could throw them. Ryan looked around at the other tributes before he began, visualizing some of there faces on the targets as he hit them in either the head or the heart. When he finished he could see the fear in some of the other tributes eyes and it made him smirk slightly. "Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor" ,he stated as he walked by a scrawny looking boy from district 9. The boy simply cowered then walked away making Ryan laugh a little bit.
After the rather thorough and uncomfortable prepping session, she had been dressed in a tight, formfitted black suit, that in her case was straples. A black powder had been airbrushed onto her face and hair in a decorative pattern, resulting in a stylish sooty look. The pattern continued down her neck, over any skin that was bare before the pattern disappeared in the black suit. It wasn't actually that bad Zoe thought. It could have been so much worse and the blackness of it all seemed suitable to her. Sander was dressed like her.

They hadn't spoken much at all. Zoe suspected he resented the fact that Katniss had known her. Also it was rather practical, why get to know someone who's most likely about to die, when you're probably about to die too. Their chariot was last to go out, but the crowd still roared at the sight of them. Zoe raised her arm in the air, even managing to smile.

Afterwards she was caught in another whirlwind of activity until finally, she got some time to herself. She found herself standing at the window for a long time, barely seeing the incredible view of the Capitol. She missed her family, somehow she could only recall the memories of their goodbye. She couldn't really tell when she find went to bed, but she fell into a dark, dreamless sleep instantly.

At training the next morning she got her first good look at the other tributes. Sander was already off on his own. They'd gotten the advice not to show off their best skills, which made sense. After all they weren't career tributes and she didn't want to make herself a target. This morning she'd decided on her strategy for the games, none of the mentors had agreed with her. It was her decision to make though, as long as she kept it to herself it might work. She watched as the boy from district 1 showed off, earning bragging rights amongst the careers and intimidating any other. She wouldn't want to be targeted by him, but she wasn't exactly impressed by his attitude.

Shrugging, she moved towards a station on medicinal plants, hoping to learn about plants from other districts. It was quiet here, no other tributes with their prying eyes and mocking faces, and the instructor was more than happy to show her a thing or two. Enthusiastic in learning something, she spent quite a while there. She wasn't planning on visiting any of the weapon stations, not even the one with the bows, how alluring it may seem. So she had time enough to check out the survival ones extensively. She got so caught up at the trapping station that the instructor had to tell her to go get lunch.

The other tributes were already eating, when she entered. Compared to most of the other girls, especially the career tributes, she was small and slender, but she betted she'd be faster and more nimble than any of them. She didn't even bother comparing herself to the boys, in all likelyhood even Sander would overpower her if they came face to face. A situation she was going to have to avoid. All the career tribute had packed together at one table. The rest was scattered and no one seemed to be looking for company.
Ryan visited a few of the other weapons stations while in training but he also went to a plant station and a trap station. The young man was definitely different from the other careers but he didn't show it, he wasn't stupid and he knew he wouldn't be able to rely on whatever is in that cornucopia especially if his plans carry through during the blood bath at the beginning of the Games. The Capitol wanted a good show and Ryan intended to give them one, in fact he planned on giving them a show they'd never forget.

When lunch came Ryan made his way into the cafeteria, of course the other career tributes waved for him to sit with them but Ryan simply smiled and shook his head before taking a seat at a table by himself. He received a few looks but none of them were angry, more confused then anything and that was exactly what Kevin wanted. The young man then looked around at the other tributes, he was looking around for possible allies, he wasn't looking to be part of the same old career pack the ones who are brutal and deadly but have no clue how to survive if they're food supply gets cut off. Kevin was looking for allies with skills and it didn't matter what district they were from to him, in the end there was no teams but if he could team up with people who were useful then he'd live a lot longer and he was prepared to kill his allies in the end, after all there could only be one victor.

After lunch Kevin was taken to be prepared for the interviews with Caesar Flickerman later that evening. When the stylists were finished he was allowed to have a quick snack before being brought to Flickerman. Being the male tribute from District 1 he was the first of the tributes to be interviewed.

"So Ryan tell me what do you think your odds of winning this thing are?" ,Caesar asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Well I'm here to win of course and as far as my odds go I think they're pretty good if I say so myself, I'm ready to go into that arena and take out the other 23 tributes that stand in the way of me and the prize at the end of it all" ,Ryan replied confidently.

Caesar looked to the crowd that was practically on their feet for the young man then looked back to Ryan, "Looks like you've already got a pretty big fan base here at the capitol that should help your chances at sponsors don't you think?" ,Caesar continued.

"Hey I'm here to give these Hunger Games fans what they want to see and I'll say this too any potential sponsors out there, if you put your money into me then your making a good choice because I plan on winning" ,Ryan stated confidently.

When the interview was over Ryan was brought into a waiting room to sit while the other tributes did their interviews. He watched the screen as the other tributes took the stage, he didn't want to miss any of the other interviews because he wanted to get to know his competition as much as he could.
Zoe found a table of her own too, looking at the others. If these were the last days of her life, she didn't want to spend them alone. There was no other option though. She didn't know any of these people and they were readying themselves to kill her. With her strategy in playing these games, she would be the perfect ally. Fast, knowledgeable, a hunter and easy to dispose of once the time for alliances was over. So she was planning to play these games solo. As she popped cherry tomatoes in her mouth, she watched the others. It was interesting to observe them. The boy from district 1 had separated himself from the other Careers. Pretty much everyone had noticed and she wondered what his strategy would be. Whether part of the Pack or on his own, she'd want to steer clear of him.

When the stylists swarmed her again to prepare for the interviews, she barely felt them go to work on her hair and make up. It was a black dress, the bodice in a lacy pattern that reminded her of the black airbrush they'd done for the opening ceremony, the black skirt flowing down to the ground. Her hair was teased up into an updo, with a chain of pretty red flowers starting in her hair, draping over the bodice of her dress. Her skin was glowing beautifully, her makeup warm, but simple.

Of course she would be second to last as the girl tribute from district 12, but it meant she could watch the other tributes. The boy from 1, Ryan was his name, did a great job opening up the show. Confident, eager to find, the challenger in the games. None of the other tributes was a memorable and by the time it was her turn, she'd seen every kind of image she could think off.

Caesar Flickerman was on top of his game as always, helping the tributes to shine and she glad to find him still energetic by the time it was her turn. "Zoe! How are you feeling after watching the other contestants?" Smiling she pulled up her shoulders. "I'm waiting to see what will happen in the Arena."

"Then are you Distrct 12's next Katniss?" Caesar immediately asked her. Zoe looked at him for moment and then said. "No.. I don't think anyone can be Katniss better than Katniss. You can count on me being myself." She winked and Caesar clapped his hands. "And what can you tell you about you being yourself?" Zoe breathed in, thinking about it for a moment. "My brother would tell you I'm a survivor." Her eyes found the camera as she said it. It was something significant to her, but she quickly changed the subject before Caesar could ask anymore. The crowd seemed to have liked it. For the remaining time they chatted, she was witty, clever in her answers, easy with a smile. But she was glad when the buzzer went, time's up.

Sander was last, but she didn't watch. In her head she was going over the interview, had she been clever like she thought or silly? She didn't need allies, but she'd need sponsors. After the interviews they went back to their floor. Zoe immediately went to her room, she wasn't up for discussion about her interview, about her ideas, about her plan for the Games. It was bad enough, knowing the risk she'd take. Where everyone was trying to increase their chances, she'd made things harder for herself. She lay on the floor, looking up out of the window. She'd seen enough of the Capitol.

There was a knock at the door and with a sigh she got up. As she opened the door, she was already saying. "I really don't.." Her words trailed off when she saw Peeta push open the door further. So far she'd talked with him the least, but he'd also given her the least grief about her decision. "Come with me." He said friendly and after a shrug she followed him out, closing the door behind her. He lead her to a pair of stairs, which ended in a door. The door opened to the roof. It was simple, but with shields to prevent any tribute to throw themselves off the building. "I came here during our Games. So did Katniss. I though you might like it." Zoe stood there, gazing up at the sky, feeling a little less oppressed. Somehow the stars and moon seemed so much further away than they did at home. Still it was a clear night, she could gaze up for hours. After a moment of silence, she looked at him. "I've not given up, you know. I'm not ready to die." There was another soft sigh, how to explain herself.
"I'm not going to kill other kids for someone's perverse sense of entertainment. Even it gets me killed myself. Odds are I'll die these coming few days anyway, killing others or not. I'm trying to survive this in a way I can still live with myself afterwards."
As the last of the tributes were interviewed Ryan readied himself to leave, he heard Caesar ask the girl tribute from district 12 if she was the next Katniss and it made him quirk a brow. He knew who Katniss was, everyone did and if this girl from 12 was anything like Katniss then he'd want her on his side at least until it came down to the two of them. After her interview Ryan didn't bother watching the last one before he left.

When he got into his room he changed into his pajamas then made his way over to one of the windows to look out it for a while. He could hear people cheering in the streets and celebrating the games. It was sickening in a way but it was something that everyone was used too, the people in the Capitol viewed it as a show and nothing more, they didn't have to worry about their children being put into the games. Kevin let out a small laugh as he watched the people in the streets from his window, "Hope you're all ready because I plan to put on a show you'll never forget" ,he stated quietly.

When morning came he didn't really want to be bothered but of course him being a tribute for the Hunger Games he was constantly being prepped or pushed into the public eye. He made his way to the training room after getting dressed and eating breakfast. Most of the time he spent in the survival stations, he knew he was good with pretty much any weapon they had there but what they didn't teach the career tributes was how to survive in different conditions and he intended to gain an upper hand on the other tributes by gaining more knowledge in surviving.

Ryan was learning how to camouflage himself when they made the call for lunch, he walked into the cafeteria and sat down alone like he had done the previous day. He wanted people to wonder what his strategy was, maybe even confuse some.
For another while she stood on the roof, grateful that Peeta seemed not to need to talk. The wind swept through her hair and for a moment she didn't have to think about anything. There was just the wind and the night. After a while she just left, going back to her room. Falling to her bed to let sleep overtake her while her mind was still and quiet.

In the morning she went through the whole routine again, dressing in her training clothes. Breakfast was a little more relaxed. Sander was discussing a few things and Zoe was content to just eat something before the rest of the day would happen to her. At the training hall, she took a moment to oversee all the different stations. The weapon stations were mainly filled with either Careers showing off their skill or other Tributes working to master a skill. There was a brutish, huge boy from District seven. He could have been a Career, they had already invited him to join their little pack. Maybe seeking to fill the spot that boy from 1 left open. He'd been doing something very different from the other Careers, but very deliberately. He would have a plan.

Zoe wasn't interested in learning to use a new weapon and not interested in showing off the skill she had with the bow or a knife. So she stuck to the other stations. She'd done well at the climbing station. Her lifestyle had left with a healthy, agile body. It gave her an advantage over some of the other tributes who'd never had had a day in their lives where they'd had enough to eat. If only they would get an arena where she could use her experience in survival. That morning she spent at a station where the instructor told her how to find water in different environments.

For lunch she joined the other tributes in the cafetaria. As she entered, she had to pass the three girl Careers. There was the girl from district 4 who stepped backwards suddenly. In such a way that Zoe didn't have time to evade her and bumped into the girl's shoulder. Immediately the three girls were in her face, confronting her with cruel smirks. She didn't even bother listen to whatever threat was issued. They couldn't fight her here, it was just intimidation like they'd been doing for the past two days. "Really?" She replied, lifting her chin slightly. "I already know you're more than prepared for this thing. So what's the point?" Guards were already there to break them up. Tributes weren't allowed to fight before the Arena.

This time she heard the hiss. "See you in the Arena bitch." Zoe didn't look at them to see which had said it. The Career would be looking for her in the Arena. Maybe she should have cowered in front of them. Too late now though, at least one tribute had marked her as a target. She'd deal with it in the Arena, that was all she could do.
As Ryan ate his lunch he noticed the three career girls picking on the girl from district 12, intimidation that's all it was, those three girls wanted to get into 12's head. When Ryan finished up his lunch he stood and his tray was taken away as he stood. He then made his way over to the table where the three girls sat giving them a smile. The three looked up at him and one of them spoke, "So finally decide to join us?" ,she asked. Ryan let out a small laugh then leaned down and looked the girl who spoke directly in the eyes, "No I just came over to get a better look at your neck, it's gonna snap like a twig in my hands" ,he stated making the girl swallow nervously. He then looked to the other two, "And you two I'll enjoy watching you flail around in one of 12s hunting traps before you get your throats slit". With that he smiled again then walked away, as he passed Zoe he gave her a nod letting her know she wasn't alone then slipped her a piece of paper discreetly so that no one else would see it.

The note on the paper read: "Hunt and survive....together, we need to speak alone before we enter the arena tomorrow, find a way". He was sure nobody noticed him pass the note and even if they did it would only further everyone's curiosity. Ryan made his way out of the lunch room without permission and made his way back into the training area and grabbed a spear and hurled it towards a target hitting it directly in the heart.

When the day came to an end Ryan was rushed off to impress the gamemakers, when in the room he showed them his weapon skills along with the other skills he had learned while in training. After he was finished they dismissed him and he left without a word. As he walked away he wondered if the girl from 12 would take up his offer and if she did he wondered if she would find a way for them to speak face to face before they went into the hell hole they called the arena.
Zoe was still feeling annoyed with herself to have challenged the Careers like that. Her plan and strategy had been steer clear of everyone as much as she could. A pack of Career tributes hunting her would make it a lot harder. The confrontation between Ryan and the girl Careers confused her, a frown falling over her face. What was he doing? He flatout threatened them, very successfully too, but partly on her behalf. The frown deepened as she tried to figure out his angle. Why? For her strategy, it was exactly what she didn't need. He nodded towards as he walked passed and she gripped the little piece of paper tightly. There was no way she could read it right now without anybody else noticing.

So she waited for all the tributes to have left for the training area again. Slowly she opened the note. It was good she was alone right now, the shock registering on her face as her mouth fell open. He wanted her as an ally? After he'd blown off the other Careers, after his interview. She couldn't trust this at all and choosing him as an ally might prove very dangerous to her. Whatever he was planning, he'd just pulled her in.

Zoe crumpled up the piece of paper, but pushed it into a pocket of her pants anyway. It was hard to admit to herself that she was curious. Also more rationally she knew she had to be careful with this. After a deep breath, she also returned to the training area, calm and collected. Her guard was up even more than it had been. For the rest of the afternoon she quickly alternated between stations to keep herself occupied. Oh she longed for that beautiful bow, one thing she liked about archery was how it stilled and focused the mind. All that mattered was the target.

She'd get her chance though, later as they would have to show their skill to the gamemakers. All the tributes were taken to a hallway with a door at both ends, where they each waited for their turn. One door would lead to the area where the Gamemakers awaited. The other to the way out. Most people were sitting, but she lingered at the last door. There she feigned restlessness, moving around, but staying near the door.

As Ryan emerged from his time with the Gamekeepers, he needed to pass her. Grabbing his hand roughly as he went by, her eyes were trained on his face. She nodded once and then let go, a note of hers pressed into his hand. This note told him to come to the roof that night. It had been the only place she could think off where they could meet without someone else. As it was finally her turn, she completely ignored the Gamemakers. Just her and the bow and whatever target she could find in the room.

Afterwards she retreated to her room again. Later their scores would be announced on the screen on the tv, but it was the meeting with Ryan that had her distracted. When she joined Sander and the mentors in the main room, there was tension in the air. The scores would be an important indicator to potential sponsors. Sander approached her immediately, asking her what was going with that boy from 1. She hadn't even realized that he'd seen it. It surprised pretty much everyone when she explained about Ryan confronting the girl Careers, leaving out the bit about the note. Somehow she felt she needed to keep it to herself. Katniss mused that if Zoe were willing to change her strategy, that there would be possibilities in making an alliance with the boy. Zoe was only glad that the screen switched on with Claudius Templesmith ready to announce their scores. Everyone was glued to the screen and Zoe stared as Ryan's picture was of course the first up. His score barely registered, as she found herself considering the possible angles for his actions. Hopefully she'd find out more tonight on the roof, if he decided to show up. They watched all the different tributes and scores pass by. The girl from 4 scored a 9, which didn't surprise Zoe at all. Then it was her face they showed on the screen and she inhaled sharply, holding her breath until they showed her score. A 9? The same as the girl from 4.. The highest score they had given for a girl in this Games. Her score would reinforce Ryan's words that afternoon. Zoe was quite sure if it work to her advantage.

After receiving compliments all around, she and Sander both went to their rooms. He was quiet, having received a lower score than she had. There was nothing she could say that would help though. In her room she paced, waiting until it grew quiet on their floor. That was her moment, to sneak up to the roof. There she was greeted by the wind and the night sky. Even if the boy from 1 didn't show up, she felt a little better coming here.
The note was unexpected but Ryan hid it well when Zoe pressed it into his hand. As soon as he got a moment alone he read it, she was at least considering his offer and that was all he needed. He made his way to where he would watch the scores being posted he was quiet as he entered the room and sat down. He wasn't really in the mood for a conversation nor did he even care to talk to anyone in the room.

Ryan sat with Stacey and their mentors as the scores were posted, Stacey got a 7 and Ryan managed an 11. It was no surprise that Ryan scored so high, even the mentors in the room didn't really pay any attention to the scores because they already knew the district 1 tributes scored high every year. After the scores were posted and the screen went blank Ryan excused himself and made his way to his room to change. He put on a pair of black silk pajama pants that were laid out for him and a solid black t-shirt with a pair of black slippers.

He waited a little while to make sure everyone else was either asleep or occupied before making his way up to the roof. No one caught him as he snuck up there and that was a good thing because he really didn't have an excuse for why he would be heading up to the roof. When he got there he was quiet as he stepped up behind Zoe, "It's really nice up here" ,he said loud enough for her to hear him. "So what made you decide to trust me?" ,he asked right before smiling.
With the wind howling around her and the sounds of the festivities down below, she never even heard him coming onto the roof. Finally hearing him behind her, startled her and she whipped around to face him. Silently she cursed herself for not paying attention, in the Arena she would have been dead by now. Plus she could do much better than let a Career tribute surprie her. Now as he stood before her, she realized she had not expected him to come, not really. She'd been expecting another game played by another Career. Not to say he might still be playing her.

Still, she managed a nod, she agreed with him on that at least. "It's as far away from all this that I can get right now." Tomorrow that would all chance.

Her eyes beheld him in a calm and steady gaze, studying his face as he asked her what made her decide to trust him. It gnawed at her, she wasn't a walking lie detector, as far as she could tell it was genuine. "I haven't decided.. yet." She told him, no malice in her voice. Zoe didn't play games, but she didn't want him to make a fool out of her. "I was curious." She continued, talking in all honesty. "Why would you want me as an ally, over the other well trained and prepared Careers?"

Her guard was up and she held him in her line of sight constantly, although she didn't think he'd try anything right now. Glancing down at the party in the street, she said. "You took a risk this afternoon, defending me in front of everyone. Or are you just looking to shake things up?" His interview with Caesar came to mind.
Ryan let out a small laugh when Zoe jumped after hearing him then when she mentioned the roof being a place to get away a bit he sighed then walked closer to her. He was quite a bit larger then her but he had the equipment in his district to keep himself built like a gladiator and he had food whenever he wanted, "Wish I had a place to go to get away even if it is for only a few minutes" ,he stated quietly. Even though Ryan was confident and slightly cocky he still didn't want to be put into the games, unfortunately it was his year to volunteer and his entire district was depending on either him or Stacey to bring pride to district 1.

When Zoe told him she didn't know what made her trust him and then asked why he wanted her as an ally he smiled, "I told you hunt and fight together, you know how to hunt you know plants and how to set traps, I know how to kill, use stealth, find shelter, we're the perfect team" ,he began. Ryan then started pacing back and forth for a moment, Zoe's next question caught him off guard. He indeed was trying to stir things up and if all went as planned not everyone would die. "I am trying to stir things up but what made you think that in the first place?" ,he asked curiously.
The sheer size of him was a little daunting. He towered over her. The thought flashed through her mind that she would have to be faster than him if she wanted to survive a confrontation with him. Still she didn't think he was there to intimidate her or play some twisted game, however why she thought so she couldn't tell. It was a hunch and right now, more than ever she would have to trust her own intuition. Her eyes darted over his face as he told he wished for a place to get away. To her it seemed sincere and she nodded, she could understand.

There was this confident smile as he told her they were the perfect team. He must have been paying attention to know her survival skills. It was a little odd, she wasn't quite sure how she felt about it. On the other hand she'd been paying attention to him as well, but because he seemed like the biggest competitor. Zoe was convinced he already was everyone's favourite to win these games. He was so right though, they would make a really good team. It would greatly improve her chances for her to team up with him. She knew what Katniss would have done and what her family would want her to do. But he didn't know about her choice and she wouldn't change her mind for this alliance. Could she watch as her ally killed off the other tributes? Biting her lowerlip softly, she watched as he paced, wondering what had him on edge.

It amused her that he was surprised that she'd picked up he was trying to stir things up. "You're not the only one who pays attention. Your interview, your behavior during training. Every single time you've kept everyone on their toes, never going for the option that would be expected of you. You're playing the Games for everything it's got." A smile tugged up the corners of her lips.

She sighed then and turned away from him, looking over the edge of the roof. Her body instinctively tensing up at the long drop, even though she knew there was an energy field to keep her from falling. "You don't want me as your ally Ryan. Not really, because I'm not planning on playing." She said softly, looking over her shoulder at him. "I hope to survive them, but I can't play them the way I think you are planning to."
"Good to know you pay attention, I do to, I've watched you in training and seen your skills and I know who Katniss is and she's your mentor, no? That means you can probably use a bow, I can too but not as good as Katniss could and a long range weapon is a good thing in these games, I mean I have my knife throwing but I can only put so much power behind the throw" ,he began. "Honestly if it came down to you and me and you had a bow and all I had was knives I'd be dead" ,he admitted. He looked at her then smiled realizing he had just made himself look slightly weak.

When she mentioned he was playing the games for everything it's got he let out a small laugh, "Yeah I am, you know what's funny though I know I won't make it out of there alive nor do I care too....I'm gonna go out with a bang though and I'm guaranteeing your victory before we even go in there, I want those career wolves to focus on me and leave you alone, hunt and survive Zoe I'll protect you from the pack" ,he told her. He wasn't going to tell her the reason behind his plan just yet there would be time for that later even if they were going to be in the arena.

"Zoe you have to play, you have to win and I'm gonna help you as much as I can" ,he told her. Ryan placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, he then leaned in and whispered in her, "Let's make this years Hunger Games something to remember". He put his head down for a moment then took a few steps away from her, he knew he was going to die, that was what he planned after all. No one knew of his tactics and he was happy with that, the only person that would know besides him is Zoe.
He had deduced that she was also skilled with a bow. Another person comparing her to Katniss and he hadn't even seen what she could do. There was a bitter smirk sliding over her lips as he admitted that long distance she'd beat him. "And if I ran into you this close, I would be dead before I could even prepare an arrow." She retorted in a matter-of-fact tone. None of it mattered. The chance that even got her hands on a bow in the Arena was small and she wouldn't use it like that in any way. But Zoe would have to admit that Ryan was nice, charming.

She watched his laugh, her lips parting slightly as disbelief and shock mingled in her expression. He was going to guarantee her victory? Protect her from the others? Her eyes narrowed slightly, suddenly wondering if he was playing her for a fool. Still he looked sincere, there was no dark humor in his face, no menace. "What are you talking about? You don't even know whether I'm any good with a bow, you don't even know me at all. You have the best chances of winning this thing by far. Why would you want me to win it?" Her guard was back up as she just couldn't understand what he thinking. Even if it was true, she didn't know what to think. Killing another person was something she refused to do, letting someone else give up their life for hers seemed worse somehow.

She didn't shake off his hand as he squeezed his shoulder, because she was still trying to figure him out. And also because.. Since the reaping, this was the closest anyone had come to her. The next person this close would most likely kill her. Her eyes stayed on his face, following him as he stepped away. "You don't understand Ryan." Her words barely more than a whisper, as though maybe someone else could overhear. He'd told her his strategy, she returned the favour. He couldn't invest in her like that. "I'm not going to kill anyone."
"I do know you're good with a bow, don't tell me you haven't at least been taught something with Katniss being your mentor" ,he said in response to her. "I want you to win because 12 is the district that will bring down the capitol, Peeta can talk and Katniss....well she's done her part in shaking the capitol up, want these games to end?, Do you want innocent children's lives saved?" ,he asked her. His eyes were sincere and even starting to tear up a bit, "Listen I've lost so many people to these games, every sibling I've ever had died in an arena". The tears now fell freely and he turned to look away from her but not to hide his emotion. "You know I've never even kissed a girl? I've never even been able to get close to one even as a friend, I can't let myself love anyone because I'm from District 1 and we volunteer, we're selected by our parents and our peers parents before the reaping even comes, they send us to our deaths at least in your district your families care and don't want you to be stuck in the arena, you guys at least have some hope, hope that you'll make it past your 18th birthday without being selected at a reaping" ,Ryan continued.

When Zoe said that she wouldn't kill anyone Ryan sighed, "Well then I guess I'll kill until it's down to the two of us, then.....I'll kill myself, leaving you the victor" ,Ryan told her. He then walked closer to her until he was mere inches from her, "When you get back to district 12 let Katniss and Peeta know there's a hidden rebellion, the workers in the gold factory want to go against the capitol, find Jasper he's the leader of it, keep it quiet and don't let the capitol catch on because they kill them along with others who weren't even involved, this all needs to stop and we can do this, we can change everything, yeah I'll die but it's a small price to pay when you look at the big picture". Ryan smiled through his tears then reached up to wipe them away, "Help me to help everyone else in Panem".
Zoe clenched her jaw slightly, nodding once tersely. Of course she was good with a bow, she couldn't deny that. It made her uncomfortable how certain he was that she should win. Once he began about bringing town the Capitol she tensed up further. She didn't think anyone would overhear them here, but if anyone heard him talking like this. The gamemakers would ensure both their deaths in a horrifying way in the arena. Still she listened to him intently, eyes darting over his face. He was saying all these things she couldn't ignore.

Suddenly she was reminded of all these things she told her brother at their goodbye after the Reaping. "I'm not going to kill other kids for someone's perverse sense of entertainment. Even it gets me killed myself. Odds are I'll die these coming few days anyway, killing others or not. I'm trying to survive this in a way I can still live with myself afterwards." His words echoed a lot of the same sentiments, pulling at her heartstrings. Especially as she watched the emotion on his face while he told her about his situation in District One, the people he'd lost, the life he'd led. Real tears that he dared show. She'd never realized what it would be like in District One. They were one of the districts with the most victors, but she'd never realized kids would be singled out for this sacrifice. At least in Twelve everything was random, at least in Twelve her life had been hers until she'd been reaped. Was it true? Was there a rebellion, was Twelve significant for the rebellion? Could she just believe him on his word? Now would she have to become a player in the Games to make sure no one else ever would?

Suddenly the prospect of the Games seemed that much worse. She didn't like that he would be protecting her, that she would be owing him her life. The responsibility of what he was saying angered her. After what he told her, everything seemed so complicated, while the last few days she'd had a clear picture of the Games to come. So sure and comfortable in her choices and actions. Not anymore. Her hate of the Games only increasing, for what it had done to both her and his life. Her hand reached up, resting on his arm, squeezing softly, her hand looking pale and small in contrast to his strong arm. "Alright, I'll be your ally and we'll work together." She told him finally, but an edge crept into her voice. "On the conditions that you're not allowed to risk your life for mine or kill yourself."

"Nothing will be certain in the Games. At least one of us will die in the Arena, might as well work together to get what you want." A small crooked smile tugged at a corner of her lips. "And you'll have a friend for a few days."
When she finally agreed to be allies with him Ryan let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you" ,he stated quietly before she mentioned the conditions that would seal the deal. It was going to be hard to do seeing as there could only be one victor in the games and he wanted it to be her. "Alright deal but what happens when it's just the two of us at the end?" ,he asked. Ryan wasn't sure what would happen at that point but he knew he refused to kill Zoe, "I won't kill you".

Her hand was small against his arm but it was comforting and he appreciated the gesture. Slowly he brought his hand up to grab hers, he held it gently then looked into her eyes, "Maybe we can find a way that both of us could get out alive, ya know like Katniss and Peeta did, of course they won't fall for the poison berry thing again but there has to be something else" ,he began. "Suddenly the thought of not walking out of the arena with you seems horrible, you're the first person I've ever had a real connection with, I'm so used to being liked for my deadly skills instead of who I really am" ,he told her. It was true no one in district 1 or the capitol cared about who Ryan truly was all they cared about was how nastily he could kill someone, they didn't care that he liked to read or write or take long walks to simply think or the fact that he always looked at the stars during the night because he thought they were amazing. It was all a game to them nothing more, he was a pawn, a player, a piece to use as they seen fit.
There was a quiet moment between them as she agreed to their alliance. It didn't take him long to put his finger right on the painful other side of the coin. Alliances were great, but with only one victor coming out alive.. It could never last. She still didn't want to kill anyone in the games, least of all her ally. Yet she'd been hoping to ignore this. Odds were still in favour of one of them dieing rather than them two being the last two left. A bitter expression fell over her face, she couldn't quite understand yet why he'd chosen her. Even with the rebellion going on in Twelve.

"Let's not get our hopes up. We're not starcrossed lovers, we're not Panem's favorite couple. We're not even from the same district. Only way we might get the gamemakers to like us enough to let two walk out, is if we give them one hell of a show." She retorted, telling herself as much as him. A show she didn't exactly want to give away. They needed to stay realistic. These were the Hunger Games and the odds weren't in any tribute's favour. "We'll just cross that bridge if we get there. We need to survive weeks in the Arena first. One day at a time, okay?" Looking to the future was just too bleak.

It gave her pause when he told that she was the first person he'd connected to. "And we don't even know each other yet. You still have to find out all the stuff my brother had to put up with when we went hunting in Twelve." Her heart twisted a little at the memories of home, but she managed to flash a grin at him. At least she wasn't going into this alone, only realizing now how lonely the past few days had been. "Even in the Arena you'll be more than just deadly skills. Maybe that's something you should show them."
Ryan listened as she spoke and knew she was right about them not being star crossed lovers or Panem's favorite couple. He knew they'd have to give them a hell of a show and he had a pretty good idea of what sort of show would get the people of Panem's attention. The young man's eyes met hers briefly before he responded, "We will get to that bridge, working together it'll be impossible not to reach that point" ,Ryan stated. "Just when that time comes to cross that bridge we both need to be ready for it, I know you don't want to look too far ahead but we have to, we have to have some kind of game plan to stay alive".

He laughed when she stated they didn't even know each other yet, "Well we have some time before we're thrown into the arena, although the time to enter the battle zone is really, really close I got a few moments to spare if you do" ,he said before sitting down. "I'd like to get to know a little more about you and I don't mind telling you a bit about myself either even though there really isn't too much to tell". When she mentioned that in the arena he'd be more then just deadly skills he gave her a look, "Listen I've been trained to kill my whole life, I've only spent a few days learning survival skills there's not too much more to me then deadly skills and being able to rile up the capitol" ,he admitted. "If we fuck the career tributes with food like Katniss did in the 74th annual Hunger Games they'll be pretty helpless, none of us know what to eat that is safe in the wild nor do we know what is poisonous in our district's they don't teach you that stuff they just teach you to be ruthless".
Zoe stared into his eyes as he insisted, forcing her to face the prospect of the Arena. Slowly, she sat down by his side, facing him. A few locks of her hair fell into herface and closing her eyes for a moment she brushed them away. Sitting there together, she narrowed her eyes slightly, because he had invited her to stay and get to know each other. This would make things harder in the Arena, but having an ally felt nice for now. His confession of deadly skills being all there was to him annoyed her. "Oh Ryan. In that case I'm nothing more than a girl with a bow that knows about the forest in Twelve. And then there would be very little to get to know about either of us. We're a lot more than just our skills." She lifted her chin, looking at him as she spoke to him. "What would you like to know about me?" The question sounded more like a challenge than an invitation.

Looking at Ryan again, she sighed. "Fine. Let's make a game plan, that's a very good idea. But please, I don't want to talk about which one of us will kill the other or commit suicide. If you have an idea of how to get both of us out, then that, you can tell me." Her emotions showed on her face, in the past few days she had kind of gotten used to the possibility of dieing. It frightened her more to think off having to watch him die, so she could win. She had never wanted anything like that, that had been the whole point. Clenching her jaw slightly, she cleared her throat. "We're cut out for different things though. I would not even think of joining the bloodbath at the Cornucopia, but going in there, that would be playing to your strengths, getting you the weapons you need." His suggestion about screwing with the career's food was interesting. She considered it for a moment, nodding slowly before she said. "Yes, that's a start. But I don't see how we could plan for that, we don't know what kind of Arena we'll have, how they will protect their supplies. It's very well possible that we get stuck in an Arena that has nothing to do with trees or a forest. Then my survival skills might not help us that much either." She could very well be an almost useless ally to him. This time she found herself hoping this wouldn't scare him off. Now that she had an ally, she didn't want to lose him.
Ryan knew Zoe didn't like the idea of talking about the arena but he had to insist after all the two did need an awfully good plan if they were both to come out alive. He had no problem taking his life to save hers but she had insisted he didn't think that way so he was going to make sure they would both live in the end....somehow. "Well I know how to sew but I don't know how much that'll help us in the arena unless we rip our clothes or something, I guess I could possibly stitch up a wound if necessary and if I really try" ,he admitted.

When she mentioned that they were cut out for different things he smiled then let out a small laugh, "You get yourself as far away from the cornucopia as possible, find water, I'll get you a bow and anything else I can get my hands on you just find a place to hide" ,he told her. He knew that he could survive the slaughter and that her best bet would be to run off and find some sort of fresh water source. "No matter where we end up I know you'll do great and together we can survive this". Ryan placed his hand gently on her leg then offered her a smile, "As for the food source we'll have to wait and see what kind of elements we'll be playing in before we can decide how to destroy their food source hell most of the planning we do will have to be in the arena, to be honest I really didn't want to plan anything out I was just trying to make excuses to stay here with you a little bit longer" ,he admitted, his face turning slightly red. "This is honestly the longest conversation I've had with anyone in my life not even my own parents care what happens to me they're just like everyone else in District 1, all about winning doesn't matter if it's me or Stacey as long as one of us comes out they'll be happy".
His laugh was nice, it broke some of the tension she was feeling. He told her to get as far away from the cornucopia. Easy enough, she'd get to avoid any confrontation, just run, find a place to hide from any others. "That means splitting up though. We'll need to have a way to find each other again. You know, like Rue's whistle or something." Their alliance wouldn't do them any good if they were going to be separated. His encouraging words seemed to work, she was feeling a little better about their prospects, even if it might not be realistic.

His hand moved to her leg, she glanced down for a slight moment. Relaxing a little more, she returned his smile. It was really sweet that he was enjoying her company. She had to admit to herself she didn't want to leave either. It was not just that she had been lonely. It was nice to be here with him in particular, especially when he wasn't overwhelming her with this talk about the Arena and a rebellion. He was unlike anyone else she had ever met and he continued to surprise her. The blush on his face was quite unexpected, a lot softer than the face he'd been showing everyone the past few days. "Well.. I don't think I can sleep anyway. " She said softly, placing her hand over his hand resting on her leg. "So let's stay here a little longer. It's so strange to hear about your life. Things in District 1 are so different from the way I grew up in Twelve. We don't have a lot back home, but at the very least we have each other." Or they had had each other. She was on her own now, or maybe not anymore. Thanks to her ally. "And of course sneaking into the woods to hunt helps. You know, my parents were dead against me going outside the boundaries into the woods, learning how to hunt. I kept it a secret from them for a long time." She pursed her lips in amusement, how ironic that it's become her biggest asset now.

"What do you like to do for fun Ryan?" She asked with a smile. "What makes you happy?" Her eyes traveled up to the nightsky, she sighed enjoying the sight.
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