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Random Info About You 2.0

Fact: I just found out that my brother is older than my crush.He's 23,my crush is 21.And me? I'm 27.I'm the male version of a cougar,if there is such a thing. =/
Fact: I get terrible back pain.
Fact: Everyone on blue moon is a certified hottie!

Info: I drink too much coffee.
Too much info: I love the feeling of being naked.
Aww thanks...I guess...

Fact: I like coffee as well. Even with vanilla. Yummy~
Info: In the Flesh gone done and made me cry.
Info: when I heard about it, I was like, "Oh, cool! Zombehs!"
Fact: It's not, no, it's zombies with feels, 'kay?
Fact: I sometimes rage when I loose at a game.
Fact: I secretly want there to be a real zombie out brake.
Info: I really want ice cream for some reason.
Fact: I only just realised today that the term 'jilling off', describing a woman masturbating, is a derivative of 'jacking off' which guys use.

Get it? Jacking? Jilling? Jack and Jill? I had a massive Sudden Clarity Clarence moment when I realised, even if everyone out there was already aware of it... It blew my mind!
Fact: I can eat and eat without gaining any weight. Fast metabolism for the win, though I have a feeling it'll catch up to me when I get older.​
Ironic said:
Fact: I can eat and eat without gaining any weight. Fast metabolism for the win, though I have a feeling it'll catch up to me when I get older.​

I have the exact same...'problem'? It isn' a problem, but is nice to remain skinny regardless of how much you eat. And I love eating! :D
Info: been getting maybe 5 hours of sleep a night and that's when I'm lucky.
Info: new car has been fixed twice now. Hoping for no more problems.
Info: partner comes home Friday so I'm excited.
Info: I had no idea I had reached 11k posts.
Fact: I hate stretch marks.

Fact: I have stretch marks.
I'm about to me twenty and get my bachelor degree in American Studies, yet I've never had a job before. Its not for a lack of trying either I've been trying since junior year of high school, but only had five or six interviews.
Fact: I like smelling books.
Info: gonna play one man hide and seek tonight! Gathering the supplies now!
Info: only thing I'm not too keen on is it having to be 3 a.m. when I start the ritual. Bleh.
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