HeartOfTheDarkness said:
Fact: Feeling much better than before, but I still have a stuffy nose.
Info: I really want to get Metal Gear Rising. After seeing so much stuff on it, I want to play it.
Wait for a price drop. O got it the day it came out, huge disappointment. As a hack 'n' slash, it's decent, if flawed. The game mechanics need work, the story is boring and doesn't feel like a Metal Gear game at all, and the overall enemy AI and placement is more infuriating that Operation Raccoon City. The saving grace was that if you're looking for a decent, mindless hacker that's more like Bayonnetta than MGS, you're in luck. Plus, the soundtrack (especially during boss fights) kicks major ass.
All things considered though, I'd still recommend waiting for it to drop another $20. Besides, Kijoma productions showed off their new Fox engine at GDC. And they announced info on MGS: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid 5, so with those two in the wings, the smartest thing to do for a MGS fix is get the HD collection and play Peace Walker/MGS3 (I'm not a big fan of MGS2 myself, but after beating Peace Walker, things in that game make a fuckton more sense than ever before.)