Leo's Claim(KyaKonami and HaseoGentsu1)


Jan 28, 2013
Somewhere between Gotham and Daten City
Lucy Heartfilia sighed, hand to her chin. The dress she had on looked nice, but she wasn't sure if this plum colored one was better than the blue one hanging off to the side. There was some sort of fancy to-do tonight, and some of the members of Fairy Tail were invited. Her included. Erza of course, who was going with Jellal under the guise of Mystogan and apparently attributing his covered face with a deformity that none needed to see. Gray, but of course Juvia had insisted that she go with him. And of course Natsu had Lisanna, which left Lucy pretty much dateless.

Though there was one option left to her. But then again she had a feeling he might take this as meaning something it didn't. Still though, she didn't want to show up alone and get hit on by men much older than her. She laughed at the thought lightly. "I don't have much of a choice." she said to herself, pulling a familiar key out. "Gate of the Lion, I open thee!" she said, and waited on her Celestial Spirit to come forth to her. Though it was still hard to think of Loki that way, after all they had been through.
Loki, the Lion celestial spirit, was sitting around with Aries and Scorpio. There wasn't much to do where they were. Scratch that, there was soo much to do that none of these three knew what to do. Gemini were cloning themselves as Aquarius and bothering her to the point that she would have the water attack, and Gemini would copy it and those three would go back and forth at it. Taurus was gawking at Virgo no that she wasn't fat and was to the liking of Lucy. The others were out doing what they wished to do. Loki and the other two were bored and nothing was really going on. "Is this really what we'll be doing if Lucy doesn't call for us?" Loki asked the other two. Aries had scooted closer to him and was about to lean against him when a calling was heard. Scorpio got up hoping it was him, but was immediately shut down. Loki grinned. "My princess is calling me. Cancer is always up for more subjects, have fun." Loki said with a laugh. He stepped through the gate and appeared before Lucy.

Loki appeared in a black tux and his arms open. "I have come to your call my princess! What can I do for you?" He said in an exaggerated tone.
Lucy looked at Loki as he appeared, a nervous look on her face. She didn't know why but she always had a strange feeling whenever he addressed her as his princess. "Well, Loki, I uh...kinda have a favor to ask of you.." she said, not believing she was about to proposition this. Of course, he was going to agree to it, she just hoped he didn't read more into it than what she meant it to be. Which he probably would. "See, there's this big fancy to-do going on tonight and some of us were invited and well..I...kinda don't have a date..." she told him. "Natsu and Gray already have their so I was wondering if you would go with me." she said, not wondering why that had taken a lot of out of her say. It was just Loki after all.
Loki looked at Lucy and listened to her problem. But as the words came out of her mouth, a victory scene unfolded in his head. Lucy, the one that he loves, was actually asking him to be her date to this fancy get together! His face unfolded into a big smile and he nodded. Loki took Lucy's hand and kissed it gently. "I'll gladly be your date Lucy, after all, you are the princess." He said with a big grin on his face. But then it struck him kind of odd. "Natsu has a date?! That's pretty surprising." He said in a surprised tone.
Lucy saw the smile on his face, and then he was kissing her hand. The action did make a flush cross her face, as well as his words. She took her hand away, laughing nervously. "Y-Yeah uhhh this is just for tonight though! Remember that.." she said, her hands at her sides as she tried not to think on it too much. This was Loki after all. Before she had really gotten to know him, before she found out he was a celestial spirit, he was a playboy. She couldn't afford to think anything of this, and neither could he. Besides, he had Aries, right? Not to mention she was a human and he was a spirit. More importantly though, why the hell was she even thinking about this? She mentally shook her head, looking back at him as he mentioned Natsu. "Yeah. Lisanna is back, so she's going with him." she told him. "Long story short, she wasn't dead."
Loki's mind was soaring high, but then he heard her say it's just for the night. He mentally shrugged. "Better than nothing I guess..." He thought to himself. Then her heard about Lisanna. It had been two years since he heard that name. She was supposed to be dead, but he guessed not. It was better that way anyways. Elf Man and Mira would both be pretty happy after all. "Well, that's great then. I'm happy for all of Fairy Tail to have Lisanna back." He looked back to Lucy and smiled. "You look beautiful like always Lucy." He said with a smile.
Lucy nodded. "Yeah, it's done everyone quite a bit of good, having her back. Elfman and Mira especially." she said. Then Loki was complimenting her and she was blushing once more, but quickly hid it. "Thanks. I was trying to decide if I liked this one or the blue one hanging over there more though.." she told him. "What do you think?" she asked him. Having Loki's opinion wouldn't be a bad thing. He was going to be her date to this thing after all.
Loki looked at both dresses then thought about it for a second. "If you want to be bold, I would go with the blue one. You would look beautiful in either, but the blue one would fit your features better. I think even Cancer would agree with me on that one." He said with a small chuckle. Then he looked at himself. "Am I okay with the tux that I'm wearing now?"
Lucy smiled a bit. "Okay. Blue it is..." she said, walking over and grabbing the blue dress. She looked back to Loki as he spoke. "Of course! You...you always look good in it." she said, then turned away from him before she flushed again. Stupid! He's going to take that and run with it and you know it! she thought. "I'm gonna change now.." she said, walking over to the bathroom in her apartment and closing the door.

Once she was changed, she stepped out again, now in the blue dress, looking at him. "Well, here it is." she said to him, shifting slightly, now in a bit of a cute pose. She smiled at him. Loki was not only one of her strongest spirits, but one of the closest to her. Even though he was 'in love' with her, she could trust him. She was glad that his loyalty wasn't based on her breasts like Taurus' though.
Loki looked away as Lucy went to change. Even though she was behind a door, he didn't wish her to think he was just waiting to gawk over her once she walked back out of the door. It took a couple of minutes for her to come out of the door, but when she did, Loki turned around to look at her. His face got slightly tinted red as he saw her in the dress. He mentally shook himself to regain focus. "Beautiful...I guess my prediction was correct. It really does suit your figure." He said with a smile.
Lucy looked at him as he turned, thinking she saw a bit of red on his face, but didn't say anything. She smiled back at him. "Yeah, guess so..." she said, then looked at the time. "We should get going..it will take a bit to get there." she told him.
Loki nodded at the time. "You're right..We should get going." He said as he opened the door for her. They walked out of her place and Loki intertwined their arms so he could escort her. "We need to look the part right?" He said with a smile and a laugh. Loki hoped that he wasn't going too overboard with how he was being, but it was hard not to be. He was Lucy's date after all. "Date!! That word just makes this day even better!" He thought to himself. They walked by a few fountains and gardens and things in those manner, but the feeling was still a bit tense. Once they were a little closer to the place to meet everyone, Loki stopped. "Are you sure you want to go in with me?"
Lucy walked out of her door as he opened, surprised when he intertwined their arms, then nodded. "Yeah, we do." she said with a small laugh. She was trying her best not to flush as they walked together. She had asked Loke after all, so anything that happened was on her and not him. She knew how he felt, and sometimes she would wonder about herself but quickly shoved the thoughts away. No, it wasn't possible, and she couldn't afford to think that way about him. They were closer to their destination when he stopped and spoke again. "Of course! I wouldn't have asked you to do this for me if I wasn't sure." she said, then smiled a bit at him.
Loke nodded and stepped forwards with her still in his arm. "Alright then...I guess that's true." He said, then he shook his head mentally and put his smile back on his face. "Then, we should go on and meet everyone then! Can't have us be late to a party that only a few from Fairy Tail was invited." He said lightly as he began to escort her again. He needed to keep the tone of the night right. If he could keep it nice and light, maybe Lucy's feelings would go up for him. Or, so he wants to happen.
Lucy couldn't help but smile after seeing the look on his face. "Yeah, let's go!" she said, letting him escort her again. Once inside, things were decorated very fancy, and everyone there was dressed well as well. There were a few others from the other guilds there that Lucy recognized. She was sure that was Lyon leaning against a wall over on the far right. "Lucy!!!" a familiar voice yelled, running up to her. It was Natsu, and Lisanna was right behind him, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at the dragon slayer's antics on her face. "About time you got here I thought-" he stopped as he looked at Loki, a grin crossing his features. "Loki!! I didn't expect to see you here!" he said. "Natsu, can you be quieter please? This is not the guild." Erza said, walking up. She was in one of her sultry yet sophisticated dresses.
Loke and Lucy walked into the building and was immediately called upon by Natsu. He was being his usual loud self, and he kind of felt bad for Lisanna about his behavior. He was about to say something, but Erza came up to shut him up. Loke laughed lightly. "It's always nice to see our guild the way it's supposed to be." He said lightly. "And yet, I wish it could be More like our guild." Gray said as he walked up with Juvia right beside him. His shirt was already off. "Already seems like our guild with your starting to strip already." Jellal said as he walked up to take the hand of Erza. Loke looked around to see that all of the Fairy Tail guild was already here. "As long as there isn't a big fight, I think we'll be good." He said with a grin. Gray pointed to Natsu. "I don't think we need one with Natsu here...This place will come down before anything even comes close to happening." He said as his pants had disappeared as well.
Lucy was glad all of her friends had found them, but was still worried about what Natsu would do while here. Why Marakov trusted him to come when he was prone to destroy things, she had no clue. "Hey, Gray! Is that a challenge?!" Natsu said, the determined fire of competition gleaming in his eyes. Lisanna grabbed Natsu's arm as he looked ready to pounce on GrYay. "Natsu, calm down. Master trusted us to come here and not destroy anything.." she pointed out. Natsu struggled only a few more seconds before calming, a disappointed pout on his face. "Fine.." he said. The nervous look that Lucy had been wearing on her face turned into giddy relief, not even realizing she had gotten closer to Loke. Juvia however was distracted from everything by Gray, who was now not only without his shirt, but his pants as well. "Gray-Sama....Your clothes.." she pointed out, hearts practically in her eyes as she admired his physique, a small blush on her face. Erza sighed. "You two can't even behave somewhere formal. Natsu's already wanting to pick a fight and Gray...get your clothes back on..." she said, keeping her hand in Jellal's. She was glad he had come, even though he had to be in disguise. Lucy had now realized she was closer to Loke, almost cozy with him. She loosened herself away from him a bit, then laughed nervously. "Well, uhhh guess we should get to mingling, huh guys?" she asked them all.
Gray looked at Natsu ready to go. Anyone could feel one side getting hot, the other pretty cold, but since Lisanna got Natsu to calm down, he needed to as well. "When did my clothes come off?" He questioned. He put them on after Juvia had put a hand on him. But then was pulled away. "Do not worry my lovely Juvia, I will make sure that you are safe." Said Lyon, but was quickly pulled away by Chelia. Gray pushed him away as well. "In any case, Juvia is my date. Get lost Lyon." He said firmly. "I'll be back one day Gray!!!" Lyon yelled back from halfway across the floor. Chelia waved and disappeared into the crowd. Jellal grinned lightly. "At least we'll know it's lively here. Let's not go over react or anything though. We're supposed to have fun." He said lightly, pulling Erza closer to him. "Like Lucy said, let's go mingle..." He said lightly, and as they were further away, out of earshot, "Or maybe just to a more quiet place." Then the two of them were out of sight.

Loke had noticed that Lucy was very close to him, and he hid his red face pretty well. "We should for sure Lucy. Want to get a drink or something?" He asked her lightly. Loke looked back at Natsu, Lisanna, Gray, and Juvia. "What are you all going to do?" He asked lightly. Gray looked down to Juvia. "I don't do parties well, I'm just going to follow Juvia." He said lightly, his shirt off again.
Juvia felt herself being pulled, and looked to see Lyon. She gave him an unimpressed look. "Juvia doesn't want you to protect her! Gray-Sama is the only one worthy to protect Juvia!" she told him rather bluntly. When Gray pushed him away, she couldn't help but fawn all over him. Grabbing onto him, she looked up at him adoringly while the others spoke. Erza found the whole thing amusing, a small smirk on her face being the only indication of it. She waved to the others lightly. "See you guys later.." she said, and when she heard Jellal, a small flush of color hit her face before she smirked again. "Sounds like a plan to me. I think that counts as 'mingling.'" she told him as they walked out of sight of the group.

Lucy looked at Loke as he spoke, nodding. "Yeah, sure. I'm parched anyways." she said, looking at the others. When Gray said he was just going to follow Juvia, she nearly squealed in excitement. "Juvia just really wants to dance with Gray-Sama!!" she said, motioning to the floor where a few couples were dancing to the music in the background. Not even caring that his shirt was off again, she grabbed Gray's arm and drug him off, waving back to the others. Natsu looked at them, a bored look on his face. "Oi, this is boring..." he complained, then noticed someone off in the distance. A grin broke out on his face. "Hey there's Ichiya!!" he practically yelled running off towards the mage from Blue Pegasus, yelling something loudly and incomprehensible. Lisanna laughed lightly at him, then looked at Loke and Lucy. "I'm going to go follow Natsu and try to keep him out of trouble. You guys have fun.." she said, leaving them. Lucy watched her leave then sighed. "Well, now that they're gone, how about those drinks?" she asked Loke.
Loke laughed as everyone left their separate ways. It was pretty funny how everyone reacted outside of Fairy Tail. Some stayed the same, while others changed quite exponentially. Loke looked over to Lucy after she said something about getting a drink and nodded. He escorted her to the bar and ordered something for himself, while Lucy ordered what she wanted. "It's not so bad here, I don't think." He said lightly as he took a sip of what he had. They sat down next to each other and he watched Lucy drink as well.
Lucy walked with Loke to the bar, and she ordered herself a daquiri, then looked over at him. "Yeah, it's not too bad" she said, "If my father had gotten his way, I'd have been hosting parties fancier than this right about now." she said, sipping her drink after it was set in front of her. She still remembered when her father had sent Phantom Lord after her. Everyone in Fairy Tail had come to her aid, including Loke. He hadn't been able to rescue her that time, but she was still grateful to him for trying his hardest to protect her.
Loke smiled down at his drink. "Well, I'm glad that you weren't taken. I just wish I was stronger back then, so then I could have protected you more than I did..." He said lightly as he drank more of his drink. Loke could hold liquor pretty well, so it wasn't a big problem for him to have a couple. He wondered about Lucy though. Once he drained his glass, he asked for another one and noticed that a good amount of other guilds were around them getting drinks as well. It was good to see all of them, but he made sure that he was close to Lucy, just in case.
Lucy looked at him. "It's alright! Really...I know you did your best, and you couldn't help it in your condition. I know your heart was in the right place, and I'll always be grateful for that.." she told him, smiling softly. "I'm...just glad I was able to save you, Loke.." she told him. She finished her drink, and soon a refill was in front of her. She started to sip on it was well. She never really drank much so she wasn't sure how well she could hold liquor, but there was no harm in a couple of drinks, right?
Loke smiled gently at Lucy when he heard what she had said. "Well, I really am glad that you did save me. I got to become one of your partners...And then I could be at your side at any minute. Me being able to open my gate by myself included." He said with a laugh. He took another small drink from his glass and noticed that Lucy had gone for another one. Without too much thought, he had put his arm around her waist, making sure she wasn't going to go anywhere. A girl as beautiful as her, drunk, could cause a lot of problems, and Loke wasn't going to allow it.
Lucy smiled, laughing a bit. "Yeah...I'm glad you can.." she said. She was still sipping on her drink when she felt his arm wrap around her waist. She flushed slightly, but quickly hid it. It was just Loke being protective. That's why she had chosen him over anyone else, because he wouldn't let some idiot hit on her. But the more time went by and the more she drank and talked with him, she found herself getting a bit intoxicated. She was giggling at him more, and leaning against him slightly. Finally, she slid out of his hold around her. "I'll be right back..and no, you can't follow me into the ladies' room." she joked, giggling a bit more. Once she was done with what she needed to do, she left the ladies' room, only to bump into a man. "Oops...sorry.." she said to him. "Not at all miss..Oh, you're a pretty young thing aren't ya?" the man said with a grin. "Oh..uhh, thank you.." she said, about to return to Loke when the man slid an arm around her. "So, pretty lady, you have a name?" he asked her. She laughed nervously, squirming out of his arm. "I'm sorry I really need to go.." "What's the rush sweetie? We could get out of here, just you and me. Find some...real entertainment.."
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