Head in the Game ~{Raeona and Chrono}~

Alastair noticed she picked up her pace in running as the village came into view, so he did as well. He was glad to of gotten her excited about something given the circumstance at hand. He easily evaded any dangers and soon they were walking within the gates of the village. It was only slightly smaller than the town they were previously in as it had to be big enough for a starter zone. Most shops were on the right side, a few restaurants on the left figuring they'd be better suited there. Houses mostly lined the left side and places for guilds as well. But straight ahead of them was the Inn and he didn't stop running until they had reached the door and he began to gently push it open.
Saiyuri followed him into the inn and went right to the man at the desk. "Luckily, we got here early. A lot of the others must be back at the start trying to farm still." She said, smiling a bit as she got them a room and held up the key, dangling it in front of him. "Lucky us huh?"
Alastair smiled when she mentioned they were lucky but then looked to the key, tilting his head a little. "You're fine with sharing a room?" He then checked their gold and laughed softly. "I guess we were lucky enough to have enough gold just for that one." He stretched a bit and started for the rooms. "Which one is ours?' He was ready to get situated in the room and then get a bite to eat as his stomach growled again.
"I don't mind" She said as she walked with him to the room. Soon, she opened the door and stepped in, looking over to him. "Here we are" She said, smiling a little as she sat on the edge of the bed and glanced around. "Well then, shall we get something to eat?"
After he checked the room out a bit, he looked to her and nodded. "Yes. I'm very much ready to go find something to eat." He counted his gold and smiled a bit. "I have enough for us to eat something cooked by an intermediate chef." He thought for a moment, wondering where they could get food around this village.
Nodding slowly, she looked around and started to wander. "Maybe I should pick up that skill. It would make things easier for sure, we could avoid towns more often and I could cook what we find" She said softly, figuring it wouldn't be a bad idea. "That is... If you're planning on sticking around for a while"
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