Head in the Game ~{Raeona and Chrono}~


Jan 10, 2013

Before all of this, Saiyuri had been excited to play SAO. She's spent tons of time reading up on it, whether it was guides, reviews from the beta testers, anything she could get her hands on. She'd picked out what she wanted to do with skills, professions, everything and had been so eager to log on and play. Now, she wished she'd never heard of the game. The idea of her possible death terrified her, and as everyone panicked and ran in different directions, she stood in the center of it all in shock.

Gulping slightly, she soon found most people gone and hesitantly looked around. What was she going to go? Everyone was at the beginning, everything would be farmed in no time and then she'd be left with nothing. Then again, everything respawned, maybe she would just have to wait it out. Hesitantly, she moved over to sit on the edge of the large fountain in the middle, her eyes staring blanky at the ground beneath her feet.

Luckily, her parents were avid news watchers, which meant she was safe enough on that aspect. By now, they would have heard of the deaths and would know not to touch her helmet, but still... How worried they must be made her feel a slight guilty pang in her chest. She had to get out of here, she just wasn't sure how she would do it just yet.

Alastair's appearance hadn't changed much when the mirror took effect, so that didn't shock him any. But now there was the headmaster having just claimed that everyone would die for real in the real world if they died here or if their headset had been taken off. He stood there, looking around as everyone panicked, though he didn't have a problem with this.

In fact, he didn't believe what was said. There was no possible way a person could die from the game, though he did believe about the headpiece being taken off. He'd read up about it all before purchasing the game. But he hadn't anyone to look after him so he didn't have to worry about that, right?

He stretched out and noticed one individual taking a seat on the edge of the fountain, rather close to him in fact. But she seemed lost and confused, in panic even like everyone else. He sat beside her and smiled softly. "Hi, I'm Alastair. A sword wielder." He extended his hand out towards her. "And yourself?" He seemed a bit all too calm for the situation.
Saiyuri slowly glanced over to him, her eyes staring at him as if he were crazy. "I... I'm Saiyuri" She said hesitantly, slowly moving her hand to hold his and lightly shake it. "You seem... Rather okay with this whole, possible death, trapped in this game sort of thing" She said, frowning a bit as she looked over to him curiously.

Her white hair fell over her shoulders slightly, one of the things that she was teased for at school in the real world. Most people didn't believe it was natural when it was, and constantly called her names because of it. Now with this mirror trick, she only hoped that she didn't get the same treatment here as in real life. She'd made her character specifically to have black hair, something more normal, something she wanted. However, her hair held no colour due to lack of pigment and whenever she'd tried in the real world it would all wash out rather quickly.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she forced a smile and glanced away "You think it's all true?" She asked nervously, her hands clasping each other as she squirmed a bit in place. She was uneasy, nervous, terrified really. There was always a good chance she would die in this game, especially since she'd joined in alone.
Alastair smiled slightly as he shook her hand and thought for a moment. But he was soon shaken from though when she started to speak to him. "Well, I don't believe dying will kill you, but I do believe the forceful removal of the headpiece will." He took in a deep breath and slowly let it out, stretching a bit. "But, we bought this game... We may as well enjoy it, right?"

He rose to his feet and looked around a bit. "Everyone here will be taking the mobs at this town, let's hit the next one." He pulled up the map and sorted out a simple route they could take and sent it to her map. "What do you say to that?" He would hate to leave such a beautiful girl alone, especially since she seemed as new as he was. "We'll be able to take a couple of mobs at the start to get the fighting down before we actually head off."
Hesitantly, Saiyuri nodded her head and got to her feet. In this game, she didn't want to be alone... At all. And the fact that he was willing to be with her made her a bit more relaxed. "Are you sure we can make it to the next town? It will be for slightly higher levels won't it?" she asked, frowning a bit as she walked over to him and crossed her arms as she gazed around the nearly deserted town.

It's going to take them forever to level up like this... Especially with everyone going after the same thing She thought to herself, frowning a bit and shaking her head. For all they knew, they could steal someone's kill and provoke anger, which could lead to a PK. Even if Alastair didn't believe in the death in game thing, she didn't want to take her chances with it.
Alastair shook his head a little. "Near each town is a beginner area, we all just happened to get stuck in this one because of his announcement." He sighed a little. "I thought it was odd that so many were here..." He started to head for the east exit. "We'll want to move fast and we will pass some high levels on the way, but it'll be okay." He looked to her. "So, from the looks of your outfit..." He smiled a little. "We need to get you a pet."
She hesitantly nodded her head and blushed a bit "Y-Yeah, I was wanting to be a tamer" She said softly, shrugging her shoulders as she walked towards him. "But let's just focus on leveling up a bit first" She said softly, shrugging her shoulders slightly as she began to walk towards the exit of the city.
Alastair scratched the back of his head and shrugged. "Well, alright then. I just figured you wouldn't be as strong as you could be until you had a pet." He headed out of town quickly, figuring she would quickly follow him. He didn't run fast, just fast enough to get out to the area where they could practice a little. It seemed like there were some out this way, but not many. He smiled and drew out his sword, holding it in his right hand. "Alright, let's go." He figured if she found something she really liked, she would try to tame it.
Saiyuri nodded and followed him out. Just outside were fields filled with people killing low level mobs, boars, wolves, stuff like that. She took a deep breath and sighed as she walked passed all of them as they went down the pathway. Looking over at him, she took a deep breath and sighed a bit. "You think we can make it?" She asked, tilting her head to the side a bit.
Alastair found a stray of mobs off to the side and shook his head a little. "Not unless we're use to the fighting system. We need to know how to fight and dodge." He then remembered something, feeling really stupid for it. He brought up the menu and sent her a party invitation. "We can't help each other if we aren't grouped up." He then waited until she accepted, but after she did, he walked within range of the mobs to lock them up with them but not yet fight. "Ready when you are."
Taking a deep breath, she saw the invite pop up infront of her eyes and hit accept. "Okay, let's go" She said softly, pulling out her sword and biting her lip. She was in love with MMO's, but now that the risk was there, she wasn't sure she could do this. She was so scared, and she felt her heart race nervously when she saw the mobs.
Alastair figured she would know what to do, so he didn't pay much attention to her. He was able to get a handle on the fighting system a bit and managed to take out the smaller two of the three mobs before them, but the third started to get a handle on him. He was pushed to the ground and he was holding the big mob back with his blade, unable to attack. "Saiyuri!"
Saiyuri watched him curiously until she noticed him getting trouble. Biting her lip, she hurried over, pulling her sword back before charging at one of the beasts, the sword glowing slightly as she sliced through it, knowing it back and taking out it's health.
Alastair rose to his feet and sheathed his sword, looking over to Saiyuri. "Thank you for your help." He was glad he'd be able to count on her. He looked around a little more, figuring they'd need at least a couple more groups to level up and then they could move on.

It didn't take them long to get a few more mobs and get their first level, feeling as though he was well use to the system now. They even managed to get a couple of healing items a piece from it all. "Alright! Let's head on to the next town." He went to the dirt path that was to lead onto the next town, having read that they were the safest ways to go.
Nodding her head, she followed him down the paths towards the nearest town. Her eyes gazed around for anything that could be a threat, and soon she saw a small blue fox. "Oh! Hold on!" She called out before she ran off the side of the path and got to the fox. She quickly did the steps for taming it, and soon a small box popped up asking her to name it.

"Hmm" She thought to herself, biting her lip before she nodded her head and entered in 'Aria'. The fox trotted behind her as she hurried back up to the path.
Alastair almost went to stop her from running off so carelessly until he's spotted the blue fox. He kept on guard the entire time to be sure that nothing came upon them. But soon she was headed on her way towards him and he stared at the blue fox that followed behind her, seeing it's name beneath hers in the HUD. "Aria.. A nice name you've given it." He smiled a bit. "I bet you're the first with a pet." He then started back along the path quickly.
"I thought it was pretty" She said, smiling a bit as she nodded her head "Come on then, let's keep going" She said before walking off down the path once more, Aria trotting behind her happily. Smiling, she glanced back at him, seeming a lot more upbeat and happy than before. "So, what professions are you planning on going after?"
Alastiar looked back to her, raising an eyebrow. "Professions? Oh, I don't know...' He sighed softly and just kept going for a bit. "I just feel like being the strongest. I don't think I have time for any of that if I want to." He was hoping to get this sorted out and manage to help out others when needed.
Blinking curiously, she softly chuckled and nodded her head "I see." She said as she glanced up at the sky and kept walking "Well, I hope you realize that little wish of yours. It's going to be tough. Especially with the beta testers running around" She said, shrugging her shoulders as she continued walking.
Alastair nodded a little, fully knowing of the beta testers. He hated that some of them whom reached a certain point in the game got to keep their stats, but not anything else. "Well, the thing about beta... They bosses are never the same!" He laughed slightly and soon diverged off the main path onto a smaller one. "About a minute this way and we'll start coming across the next place."
She smiled softly and nodded, following behind him and gazing around curiously. "Once there we should try to find a place to stay for a bit" She said softly, looking around curiously before down to Aria who was still happily trotting along.
Alastair turned and started walking backwards towards the next town, finding the path easy to follow from his map. "Hmm... Yes, let's find a room first to be sure they don't get booked if people do end up showing up." He smiled a bit and turned back around. "But I do want to hit at least level five or six before the end of the night."
She nodded her head slightly and followed him around, just wanting to feel safe. "Okay well, we should just kill mobs as we go then" She said softly, figuring that it would help out a bit.
Alastair shook his head a little. "Be at least two minutes before I can do that. Things this far out is for those at level five." He laughed a little and took her hand before beginning to run. "Let's hurry. I'm beginning to get hungry."
She blinked in surprise and ran with him, Aria hurrying after her. Smiling, she kept running, happy to have someone to spend time with in this world. It wasn't long until a village appeared and she grinned, running faster, eager to get there.
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