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he nodded a little. "i will speak to him. he... trusts me, for some ungodly reason." he shuddered and leaned into her touch with a happy little sigh, his eyes falling half closed as he enjoyed the attention. he'd never been pet before. "i'm in contact with most of the larger Packs all around the world... if i tell Voldemort, rumors about Russia being ripe for the picking, he might not be able to help himself." he admitted. "he's only just taken over England. once he has his power base here secure, he'll move on to another place. it's in his nature... like a parasite." he admitted, his nose twitching at the smell, a low growl falling from his chest as he nudged her, a smirk on his lips. "your doing that on purpose." he hissed, his pupils widening again, eagerly drinking in the scent of her arousal. "oh the things that i would do to you... all the ways i would make you veg for more..." and then he paused, jerking as he realized what he was saying, and in an instant, he was several feet away from her, and back in human form, blushing furiously. "i...i'm sorry..."
"That is disturbing.What's more disturbing is he's trusting me to carry his son."She snorted amused as she sighed softly."Oh. I like that. Yes, he would turn on us then, if he thought that. Espcially since it's not a well known fact that the nikolaivich clan will back up the weres. We do protect them,just discreetly."She sighed softly before laughing."I am not."She whined before frowning a little, smirking at his reaction before turning to face him, making that seemless pass to tiger, her tail batting against his legs as she rubbed against his side."Hmm I'm not."she purred before bounding off into the forest, just to see what he would do.
he snickered a little and shook his head a little. "he's stupid... in your luck, it will be at least four or five more months before he will be able to reproduce. he might be able to... get it up, but for now, he's sterile." he admitted simply. "we tried to restore his body, but not his sperm, but it wasn't possible, not in the time we had left." Draco admitted with another shudder. "i'll send a discreet letter to the werewolf closest to the Nikolaivich clan then, if you'll tell me which one. they'll rely the warning to your clan and they'll be ready for the attack and the subsequent massacre of the Dark Army." he smirked viciously before blushing even harder at her as she purred at him... and in an instant he was back in Wolf form, howling his delight as he chased her. eager to play, still hyper from the full moon as he chased after her, nipping playfully at her tail.
"Good. I do not want to consider that."she whined at the idea of being pregnant before nodding."We will do that in the morning then.I am eager to make sure the boys know that I am fine to."she said before grinning whining as he nipped at her tail, twisting midstep to bat him on the nose with a huge paw, though thankfully with her claws seathed.
he laughed a little as he followed after her, chasing and running through the woods. he managed to keep himself from trying to mount her, much to his Wolf's eternal annoyance, and he led the way back to the Manor once lunchtime came around, hungry and wanting something more than the rabbit he had managed to catch and share with her. he melted back into human form, eternally grateful that he at least, wasn't naked, and headed inside, holding the door open for her with a slight grin. "that was fun... i haven't run like that since i was first bitten." he admitted with a shake of his head. "things where so much easier back then.... until that bastard Grayback realized i wasn't a normal werewolf... ah well, i killed him." he smirked, remembering that fun memory. it was actually one of the reasons why the Dark Lord trusted him so much, as Draco had looked to Voldemort for permission before slaughtering the mentally deranged werewolf. "ah, there you are Draco." Snape stated. "a Letter has come for you. and you as well Elena." Snape admitted, handing them both letters. Draco's was a rather dirty envelope, marked with a snake seal. Elena's was from her family. "aaah. good." Draco murmured softly. "he managed to convince the Centaurs." he murmured, walking off to the kitchens, completely distracted.
Elena smiled as her stomach grumbled despite the rabbit they'd eaten. Sighing softly as she shifted back to human form, she straightened her clothes as she followed him inside."That was fun. We don't get to run often at home, just because I live in the city so I try not to panic the world as I ran."She said looking amused as draco wandered off as she started reading her letter.
Draco snickered a little and nodded. "we'll both have to do that more often... would you like to meet my Pack, before i forget? i think you might like running around with five hundred plus people." Draco admitted with a rather vicious smirk. "trying to keep the fighting down is hard." he admitted with a shake of his head as he stared at the letter, Severus snickering a little. "don't mind him, he gets that way sometimes... only it's usually over a potion." he admitted, studying Elena. "i just want you to know, that Draco is... naive." Snape admitted. "if you want something from him, something more than a friendship, blunt would be best... pin him against a tree and give him the kiss of a lifetime, or he's never going to get it. he wants you of course, but he'll never act on it for fear of chasing you off." Severus admitted, patting her head. "don't forget to respond to your family. Draco will probobly be trying to contact them as well, if only for their potions knowledge." Snape paused. "...perhaps i should be contacting them as well? the things they must know..."
"I would.It'll be fun."Elena smiled starting a little when severus talked to her, tilting her head a little. Flushing slightly at his words she nodded a little,"I...I don't know."She stuttered a little not about to admit that she wanted to do exactly that, pin draco up against a tree and snuggle him to death."I'll let them know to expect his letter. It'll be good for them to talk to someone besides family."She said snickering a little as she headed to her rooms to write.

Later that night she knocked on draco's door, looking pale and nervous."Draco?"She said swallowing hard as she wrapped her arms around her waist, lookng so small and scared in the robe draco had given her, having wrapped up in it to try and get some sort of comfort
Draco opened the door when she knocked, bare chested... in fact, the only thing he was wearing was a pair of Boxers... "Elena?" Draco asked, sleepily, clearly worried. "what is it? what's wrong?" he demanded, pulling his door open all the way and gently pulling her inside, settling her down in a chair that was close to the fire. like her rooms, Draco had a set of rooms, only he had five instead of three. "here, sit down, let me get you something a little warmer." he offered, rushing into a door and coming back out with a throw blanket, carefully arranging the warm material over her shoulders. "there we go..." Draco muttered, gently slipping some warm fuzzy slippers onto her bare feet. "you shouldn't be going out barefoot Elena, it's cold in the stone walkways." he complained, tossing her a worried glance. "now, what's wrong?" he asked, now that the 'danger' of her being too cold was over, he was worried about why she had thought it a good idea to walk through the freezing cold halls of Malfoy Manor in nothing but a robe, and bare feet no less!
Elena swallowed hard, flushing at the sight of the nearly naked man. shivering as he settled her in a chair she smiled a little as she huddled into te blanket, looking so small and cuddly in his things."I-I have to go to voldemort's in the morning."She said looking a little wide eyed before whimpering quietly."It...its cold...wasn't really thinking."She muttered looking up at the lycan smiling slightly at him
he blinked at her, before he went as pale as the fur of his wolf form. "shit... oh god... he... he might be sterile but he can still... Merlin almighty Elena i'm sorry..." he whispered, gently pulling her into a tight hug, simply holding her, cradling her until she was sitting in his lap instead of the chair, using his chest like a giant pillow. "i wish i could save you from this." he admitted softly. "but there's nothing that i can do..." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes. "i will be there for you, as best as i can, alright? i'll wash the filth of him off of you myself if i have to." he promised, his voice shaking. he knew, all to easily it could be him, or Granger, or even Lovegood in Elena's position right now... somehow... he almost wished it was him, if only to spare Elena the trauma.
Elena swallowed hard, pressing her face into his shoulder as he held her close, starting to cry softly, "i know.There's nothing anyone could do...I thought...when I came...I was strong enough to deal with this alone...and I'm not.Draoc, I'm not strong."She whispered crying harder as she clung to him.
he held her more tightly, closing his eyes as he thought of the best way to go about this, wishing desperately that there was some way he could help her. "Elena. you are strong." he promised, stroking her hair gently. "your one of the strongest women i know." he admitted, grimacing a little. "anyone would be panicking, at the knowledge that their going to be..." raped, basically. Voldemort would certainly not make it a pleasant experience. not in the least. "i can promise you, that for every touch of pain he brings you, i will wash it away with the pleasure that you truly deserve." he promised, ducking his head, kissing her, kissing her deeply. "i want you to be mine." he admitted softly. "i want you to rule my pack, with me at your side." most werewolves, where actually ruled by the females. the females made the decisions, and the males carried out those decisions. with Draco being the Alpha, she'd be the Alphi. the leader. that Draco was offering her the position... meant he loved her with all of his human, and all of his Wolf.
Elena whined a little, pressing closer to him as she shivered harder. Whining quietly as he kissed her, not even really aware as she tangled her fingers into his hair, looking up at him, eyes widening at his words. Looking confused. Not...rejecting him, but confused. "You...but...draco, I'm not a wolf."She said after a moment.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "a Lycan cares little for things like that." he admitted simply. "we have different instincts than werewolves do. the Wolf in me wants you, because your just as powerful, if not more powerful than it. the human in me wants you because your gorgeous, and kind, sweet and brave... and GOD do you smell good." he growled playfully, dipping his head, pressing his cold nose to her neck, and inhaling deeply in the hopes that she might giggle. "it doesn't matter hat your not a Wolf, because i'm not looking for another wolf... i'm looking for a person who is perfect for me."
Elena smiled a little as she thought giggling as he pressed his nose against her skin, squirming a little as she twisted to look at him,"well in that case.."she smirked a little,"you do realize this is probably a bad idea, considering my family has a history of having melgomanics and narcissists in it." she teased
Draco chuckled a little as he smiled at her. "so do the Malfoy's... hell i'm a well known Narcissist." he admitted with a smirk. "why do you think Severus compares me to the peacocks? i always have to look my best you know." he teased with an impish grin. "and Lucius is certainly a Megalomaniac." he paused. "so am i for that matter..." he teased with a small snicker. "i sent a letter to your family." he admitted. "warning them of my plan. i told them i'd give them enough time to respond before starting." he admitted, stroking her hair. "and then, i can court you properly." he purred happily, the deep, happy rumble that filled his chest, was very clearly a wolf sound... but Draco didn't seam to notice that he was making it.
Elena giggled a little, looking amused, and distracted from her worry of what was coming in the morning."You do always look your best."She muttered blushing slightly,relaxing as he stroked her hair."Oh, I'm getting courted properly?"She teased looking amused and startled at the rumbling purr of a happy wolf.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "of course your going to be properly courted! just because i'm a 'flea bitten mutt' doesn't mean i'm not still a pure-blood! it wouldn't be proper for me to date you without setting up the proper courtships first. i have to find seven perfect gifts for you." pure-blood custom dictated that Draco wood her for at least seven days, though seven weeks was much more proper. the courtee would try to find the seven best gifts, most pure-bloods liked flashy, expensive gifts. the more it cost, the more the woman was likely to accept you, but Draco had his doubts that expensive and flashy would woo Elena. she didn't seam to be a materialistic person. he was thinking of getting her Tigereye, a rare magical plant that was supposed to act like catnip to any sort of shape-shifter. something to help her feel calm and happy and relaxed after a stressful day. it wasn't addictive, and it didn't affect her mentally.. it was almost like a calming drought really... but what else to get her? "come on... you need to get some sleep, you can take my bed and i'll stay up and watch over you." Draco promised, carefully picking her up and tucking her into his soft, so very soft bed, settling next to her in a lounging chair, clearly intending on staying up all night, just so she wouldn't be alone.
Elena giggled a little,"Oh good. I've never been courted before."She said sounding amused sighing softly as she snuggled into the other shifter, closing his eyes as he tried to relax.Yawning a little as seh rubbed her eyes, snuggling down into his bed, relaxing under his care.

In the morning she swallowed hard as she sat up, trembling and tired, despite sleeping well, the woman was still aware that she had to go to voldemort's. Moving to the edge of the bed she stood slowly, trying not to disturb draco, not wanting to upset him with leaving, because she knew she had no choice but to go
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