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Nov 30, 2010

Elena Nikolaivich smiled wanely as she walked through the halls of riddle manor, her toes curling inwards a little as she felt the cold marble against her bare feet. While the woman was used to cold-she was from moscow, it snowed 10 out of 12 months- but locked in riddle manor with a dark lord who dominated their world, was making the woman even more aware of it then normal. Pausing as she caught sight of the handsome- the man had reverted to his more human looks the longer he was back- dark lord waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs."Good evening my lord."She said softly, her voice holding that soft lilting accent of the north. Bracing herself as she thought about what she was going to find on the other side of the ballroom doors, in a room full of death eaters waiting to meet her.

Lucius frowned softly as he leaned against the wall beside Severus, glancing over at him,"do you know why we were summoned tonight?"He asked, wondering why he felt nervous and he knew it was because it was the first one tht draco had also been required to attend, and at 17 his son still made him nervous even if he was a man grown.
Voldemort had indeed regained his former appearances, after years of struggling, Severus had finally pulled it off... and the bastard had been repaid very handsomely for his services as well. Voldemort was insane, and cruelly so, but he rewarded just as handsomely as he punished. the only thing that never changed, where the lovely red eyes that he so adored, Snape had been rewarded even more for that. the only annoyance was that it had to work over a period of years, or his body would crash... no matter, he was almost back to his perfect form, and once he was, it would be time to procure an heir. and only the best would do for Lord Voldemort, Heir of Slytherin. "Good evening my Pet." Voldemort purred, a small smirk lifting the corner of his lips as he examined her. there was no love for her, he saw her as little more than a baby carrier and he knew, that she knew it. she was like a pet... one that he didn't want to take care of.

he took her hand and led her into the Grand Ballroom, Snape tensing next to Lucius as he shuddered. "i don't know, but we're about to find out." he muttered softly, examining the blond delicacy that was being led about by Voldemort as if she was a rare trophy. in a way, she was. "Father." Draco murmured softly, approaching Lucius and Severus. Draco was handsome in ways that Lucius was not. Lucius was more fair, feminine, curved and beautiful... Draco was firm, muscled, handsome, masculine and perfect. standing side by side, they where the most breathtaking people in the room... but no one would ever admit that aloud, especially not with Voldemort within hearing distance... and with the man's paranoia.... he was always in hearing distance. Draco's eyes swept around the room, all the best Death Eaters where there. all of the Inner Circle and the Death Eaters who where being rewarded. fifty faces, a hundred eyes trained on the prize that was clearly Voldemort's... and only Voldemort's.

said man, was enjoying himself, he was sweeping Elena around the room, introducing her as his... bride, though they had not been married. it was easy to see what he intended with her, and out of all the death eaters, only Bellatrix showed contempt for her. the rest, men and women alike, thought that Elena was being rewarded... after all, what greater honor was it to bear the future progeny of the Dark Lord? "ah, Lucius... my favorite." Voldemort purred, smiling at the blond. "and Draco, my pet..." Draco shuddered, but managed to bow to the Lord as was expected. "my lord." Draco murmured, hoping to GOD the Dark Lord never turned gay. Draco would kill himself before then. "i have a task for you, the both of you." he pushed Elena forward. "i have not yet regained my former glory. until that time, you will care for Elena. she is to remain pure, and untainted, unmarred in anyway... i wish to break her body myself." he stated simply, licking his lips as he smirked at Elena, stroked her lips with his thumb, and purred deep in his throat. "you be good, and perhaps i will let you enjoy your first coupling. misbehave... and i will make you suffer the agony of being taken raw and under the crucio." he growled before sweeping away, Draco shuddering again, swallowing thickly as he glanced at Elena, unable to help the pity in his eyes.
Elena snarled mentally, annoyed with being nothing more then something for his child to be put in.She was descentant of kings!She did not deserve this treatment, while royal women had long been seen as just the accessories, the incubators for children, but Elena Nikolaivich was descendant of warrior kings, and had the looks of a rare delicate hot house flower, but the woman was as vicious as pit viper.

Letting herself be led around she tilted her head as they approached the blonds."Good evening my lord, lady."Lucius said bowing his head a little as he glanced at his son, amused that the two looked like a ice queen and prince, alll sharp angles and deadly coldness.

"I would be honored to take care of her my lord."Lucius said even as his stomach turned at the idea o this woman being subjected to voldemort's cruelty, his eyes widening a little as voldemort's stroked her lip and the girl smiled,but anyone who knew wolves recognized baring of fangs instead of seeing a smile. Whatever else this girl was, lucius had a feeling there was more to her then they saw. Elena turned her head watching voldemort go before looking at the two malfoys again."Shall we go?it is cold here, and I do not want to remain."she said the reasons for being cold obvious. Not even russians were insane enough to go out in the thin flimsy gown she was wearing, in bare feet.Only voldemort's demands for her to look like a pale winter flower could have gotten her there, dressed like this
Voldemort was pleased of course, at Lucius's response. like all madmen with a death wish, he did not notice the dangers of her smile, but Draco did. he shuddered as he examined her and a flash of laughter rushed through his eyes. the day this woman became a brood mare was the day the world was doomed. "here." Draco muttered, shedding his heavy winter Cloak and settling it around her shoulders before toeing his own shoes off and sliding them over to her. Snape had to chuckle at Draco. the boy was never cold, ever. granted he didn't 'show off' like that very often, but Snape was fairly certain that Draco was reacting to her like he would a member of the pack... damn that Grayback anyway, at least Fenrir was dead now. "come, let us be gone before someone decides they want to test someone." snape ordered, feeling the thirst burning at the back of his throat. he wanted to go over there and tear Lucius's throat out... and not just because the man was closest... Lucius simply tasted DIVINE.

Draco himself was, astonishing, the Pack Leader of over fifty werewolves... and for good reason. in over a hundred years, Draco was the youngest werewolf to ever achieve the state of a Lycan. Draco could change at will, on command. he never lost his mind, the full moon didn't affect him in the least. Snape thought it had something to do with bloodlines. not many knew it, but Lucius's father, Abraxas, had been a werewolf when he sired Lucius... probobly why Lucius tasted so damn good. granted, Snape had only fed on Lucius in the case of emergencies, but if they didn't leave now and let Snape get to his feeding supply, it was going to BE an emergency... thank god the Dark Lord rather liked the Dark creatures, or Snape and Draco would have been slaughtered for their 'impure' blood. thankfully, Draco was already calmly leading Elena to the Floo and sent her through to Malfoy Manor and then headed through himself. thank all the gods that the posturing was done. he hated those 'fancy' things.

"please follow me My Lady. i'll take you to your suite." Draco promised Elena, leading the way down the hall as Snape stepped through, a hungry hiss falling from his lips as he turned to examine Lucius's neck. "damn that bastard for making us sit there for HOURS... he knows what that does to me." Snape growled, watching the pulse in Lucius's neck... could he make it to his labs?.. he didn't want to... Lucius was just so much more tasty... sometimes he didn't wonder if Lucius was a Lycan too... or some other inhuman species... no one should taste as good as Lucius did... Draco led the way to her rooms, which was a bedroom, a full bathroom with a massive tub, and a sitting area for entertaining any freinds she might have. "i imagine you must be tired." Draco stated calmly, opening her closet, which was empty. "this is a 'Wish It' Closet... you want it, it will have it. if you need anything, call for me, or a house elf. they will answer to you as they would any Malfoy." Draco promised her. "is there anything you need before i go save my father from being molested... again?"
Elena smiled a little as she shivered, "Thank you."She said as she looked up at the younger blond, settling his cloak around her and putting on his shoes. Looking so small and delicate in his clothes.Following draco upstairs she looked around the room before looking at Draco,"I will come with you. I do not enjoy being alone."She said following him towards the door, feeling drawn towards the lycan even if she didn't understand why.

Lucius smiled sligtly as he poured himself a drink, tilting his head towards snape."Do you want something to drink, or shall I just open a vein?"He teased his friend, before sighing softly as he sank into the chair by the fire."Voldemort is a fool. He sees the soft beauty....she's more like draco then voldemort thinks. There is alot of wolf in that one."lucius said sighing softly.
Draco offered her a small smile and a nod. "alright... my father is no doubt taunting him... he just can't help himself." Draco complained, stripping his socks off. he couldn't stand socks. now barefoot, he led the way down to the sitting room where Lucius and Severus where, Draco holding up a hand to tell her to be quiet and to not move. a simple order, but the motion was one that showed that Draco wasn't used to being disobeyed.

"fuck you Lucius." snape hissed as he strode towards the other, his fingers tangling in the soft, oh so soft blond hair, tipping Lucius's head back. "i don't know if your a masochist.. or if you simply like to hear me moan. and perhaps if we are lucky, the young lady will kill the bastard for us." Snape stated, straddling Lucius, well aware that Draco was there. it was the only reason he was letting himself feed from Lucius in the first place. if Snape lost control... and he always lost control. Draco could, and would stop him. in an instant, his fangs where in Lucius's neck, his Legilemancy pushing deep thrusts of pleasure straight into Lucius's mind. Snape could make a person orgasm that way, it distracted from the pain. Snape himself was moaning eagerly as he sucked on the side of Lucius's neck, shuddering eagerly as he drank from his best freind. and all too soon, Draco was there, carefully yanking Severus' teeth out of the smooth, pale neck, a warning snarl escaping Draco's throat when Snape hissed his displeasure. Draco didn't even pause, he batted his Godfather off of his father and leaned down to check and make sure he'd stopped Sev before his father passed out... yup, Lucy wouldn't even be dizzy. "thank you Lucius. wonderful as always." Snape stated, licking his lips clean, in control once again.
Elena laughed softly as she pulled his socks on, bundling up as she followed him downstairs, reacting to the order, a silent snarl on her lips but refusing to move as she waited for him to come back.

Lucius laughed looking up at the man."Hmm I always like watching you moan."the man said snickering before nodding."I think she will at least try."He muttered moaning as the man fed gasping as he came, slumping back into his seat with a sigh, looking well pleased, smirking as he looked up at snape."You are very welcome."he muttered. Elena stepped into the room, looking thoughtful,"You have the oddest family."She said looking around the room, her eyes going silvery gold, just for a moment before fading back to blue. A hint that maybe she wasn't as pureblooded as the family had said she was. The woman was a something more, and something less. But she was definately something that would interest a lycan of draco's power.
the silent snarl was caught, and Draco uttered a short, audible snarl but did little else as he stopped Snape, looking rather disgusted. "Father, have you NO amount of self control? i hate having to come in here and watch you make a mockery of yourself... again!" Draco complained. mostly, he hated to have to watch his father orgasm... again, but that was beside the point. he cleaned his father up and snorted at Elena's comment. "more like we have an insane family." Draco complained, his eyes flashing to a golden amber as he caught her silvery gold, his head cocking to the side as he sniffed lightly at the air. she wasn't a werewolf, he could tell that much at least... another Lycan? maybe... a Hell Hound of some sort? an Animagi that was too in-tuned with their animal? a shape-shifter? maybe a Sidhe of some kind? whatever she was... he wanted to know... he wanted her. his instincts demanded he try to Mate with her... and being a Lycan... he'd mate for life, so he knew her enticing his instincts like that.... she was something... special.

"please, make yourself at home Lady." Draco offered, indicating a plushy couch and chair as he snapped his fingers and ordered the elf to fetch them refreshments. Snape chuckled at Draco's obvious posturing, showing off was something Draco did well, and Draco postured often for the females of his Pack. showing that he was the biggest, the strongest, the toughest... but Snape had a feeling that Elena was... special, in some way. he glanced at Snape, and smirked. he knew Lucius was well aware of Draco's bi polar temperaments. there where times when Draco seamed borderline MPD. (multiple personality disorder.) it didn't happen often, but when Draco wanted one thing, and the wolf wanted another.... it was VERY amusing to watch. it was even more amusing when they both wanted the same thing, hence, the posturing to Elena. no matter that she was already claimed by Voldemort. it was the bastards own fault anyway. course... then he'd kill Draco... and probobly Elena too... maybe Snape should stop him? but Draco was already offering Elena something to drink from a selection of wine, butterbear, champagne, juices, and even some of the more hard liqueur... one of witch he was already pouring for Snape and Lucius.
Lucius smirked looking amused as he stretched out in the seat"You are such a prude draco."He said looking pleased as he stretched and watching the two interested, wondering what was going on between the two. "Well, insane is fun to."Elena said looking amused as she sank down onto the couch, folding her legs under her, looking amused,as she looked around the room with passive stillness,but even in that silent watching there was a edge of violence, that said she wasn't nearly as passive as she appeared.

Lucius smirked at his friend, watching his son was amusing. And even though he was worried about the woman already belonging to voldemort, he also knew that the day this woman became nothing more then a vassel to be used, a body to be broken, the world would end. Whatever she was, she would be good for draco."Draco, you can't have the others meeting you here tomorrow night for the full moon."Lucius said nodding towards the girl, because werewolves were so hated among the normal wizards still, lucius had allowed the pack to run on his lands, as long as they stayed out of the house, it was fine.But he was pretty sure if they caught a scent of elena on draco, there was no way they would stay away.

Elena frowned,"I do not want to interrupt your normal activities."She said frowning a little as she stood to get her drink,turning her head a little to take in more of draco's scent as she took a glass of firewhiskey from him
Draco huffed. "i really hate to have to... watch THAT, father, considering you are, in fact, my father! not to mention you and uncle Sev can't do this when uncle Sev isn't half mad with thirst!" at this, Draco glared at Sev who shrugged. "it's not like i can help it Draco, your father starts it and then i can't stop." Sev stated simply, Draco huffing and turning the glare to his father as he ordered a house elf to bring some food, grabbing a ham, turkey and Swiss sandwich for himself before he slumped, angrily, into a chair and devoured his sandwich. "i know father. we'll go into the Forbidden forest. the Centaurs there won't bother us." he assured his father, grabbing another sandwich as he watched Elena with rapt attention.

"it's no bother on my part." Draco assured her. "the Forbidden forest is jut as convenient as my backyard is." he admitted with a shrug. "and werewolves are not known for their self control. Father and Severus are considered a part of the pack, the Wolves know that if they even growl in their direction, their going to get a fierce ass kicking." Draco admitted as he took a small drink of his butterbeer, "the Wolves do not know the rules about you yet, and you..." here he blushed a little. "smell very enticing. they would try something, no matter how much i kicked their ass, and the last thing i want is an over excited wolf biting you, or worse, trying to mount you." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's safer for all parties to simply move the Run." he admitted. unlike most packs, Draco did not employ the use of Wolfsbane. he could control his pack without any effort at all, and Wolfsbane was very expensive, not even the Malfoy's could afford to buy fifty some doses of Wolfsbane every month. but that was alright, Draco took steps to ensure that the shifts where as painless as possible... using, get this, muggle techniques to help the Wolves and Human's connect, as well as exercise often to keep the wolf content. Draco really was the best Alpha in the country, and his pack grew with every full moon.
Lucius laughed."The fact that I have to watch you pant after very bitch in heat is just as disturbing."He said snickering as he looked at his son before smirking at his friend."You're just to easy to tease,I can't help it."He said shrugging a little.

Elena frowned a little looking at him before nodding slowly."Even at home, wolves are not known for the self control.It would be good to not make me kill one of them."She muttered thoughtfully, nodding."Well, as long as I am not making things difficult for you, by being so enticing-"She smirked a little glancing at him, not about to tell him the secret that the nikolaivich clan had guarded as long as the rommanovs had been in power. While in russia, the tsars had been the power, the public king, the nikolavich clan had moved silently and deadly among the shadows, earning themselves a nickname, сталкер тень, shadow stalkers. No one outside the clan knew exactly what they were, but they feared the dark, because the nikolaivich clan was loyal to the fallen tsars and russia, fantatically so. And out of that loyalty, the population had learned to fear the shadows that were theirs.
Draco shrugged. "i can't help it. you know just as well as i do the effects of pheromones on my instinctive side. at least i can control myself enough not to hump them, what's your excuse?" Severus snickered at the bi play between father and son and took another drink of his Fire Whiskey, humming thoughtfully. "i still don't think your father is completely human. no human should taste so good." "you are NOT helping Uncle Sev!" Draco growled, annoyed as he nabbed yet another sandwich. so close to the full moon, he was starving constantly. the feeling of hunger would fade with the hunt. the first gush of hot blood and the taste of raw meat would settle his nerves... and his bad mood.

Snape looked shocked at Elena's assumption of being able to kill one of Draco's wolves, but Draco carried on as if it was expected. "exactly, the last thing i need is for one of my wolves to get hurt or killed. the others would demand me right the wrong and i don't think i could take you on... maybe in Lycan form i'd have a chance, but not in human, no matter how much i excel in the muggle Martial Arts." Draco mused, ignoring Snape's wide, astonished eyes. yes, Draco's instincts where never wrong, but to have such a respect for such a... flower, was astonishing. she hadn't even had a real interaction with Draco, and already he was treating her like a second Alpha. one from an allied pack. Draco's wolf knew something... but what? "Draco... are you going to leave any sandwiches for the rest of us?" Sev asked, distracting Draco who snarled, his eyes flashing to Amber. "no! their Mine!..." and then Draco paused, coughed and blushed. "i mean... sorry, yes.. help yourself." Sev couldn't help it, he started to laugh. Draco got possessive of the STRANGEST things.
Lucius laughed looking amused."I have no excuse beyond wanting a better sex life then what your mother gave me." "....are they always like this?"Elena asked after a moment looking at snape, looking amused. Wincing a little as her stomach growled, though she picked at the food in front of her biting her lip a little before summoning a elf, lowering her head to whisper her request. flushing when the thing returned with her food, looking vaguely embarassed as she sipped the glass of milk and nibbled at the steak bites that she'd asked for.

"Hmm,we would have to test that sometime. I am not good with martial arts but my father made sure I was well versed in slug fests and duels."She said looking amused and totally focused on the young blond, not realizing just how fascinating the older men were finding them."I think we shall just get some sandwiches for ourselves Sev, unless of course, your going to claim those to draco."He teased his son oking amused at the man's reaction.
Draco gagged at the mention of his mother. "such a shame she... accidentally, wandered out onto the grounds during that first full moon." Draco mused, looking rather pleased. Narcissa had been a bitch, even to her only son, and he had enjoyed sicking his wolves on her when she refused to follow the orders of staying inside. no one mentioned, or even looked at Elena funny for her choice of a meal, Draco ate much stranger things. like that half cooked rabbit, and the roasted squirrel that he liked to cook himself over an open fire. "hmm, i think we could set up a spar, in a few days perhaps? the full moon has me severely on edge, and i might try to kill something if we get into a fight." he admitted simply, stuffing another sandwich into his mouth. mmm watercress. "slug fest? what would you want a festival for slugs?" Draco asked, giving her a very strange look, clearly thinking that just maybe, she was a touch insane.

Sev of course, being muggle raised, had to snicker at Draco's confusion, and demanded some food from a house elf. soon he was enjoying a steak, just as Elena was. Draco didn't seam to notice, he was just enjoying his platter full of sandwiches. "so Miss Nikolaivich... what is Russia like?" Severus asked curiously. "all that we ever hear is that it's cold." Severus admitted, looking amused. "and that the Ice Dragons there are particularly temperamental and territorial." Draco offered his godfather a roll of his eyes, but looked just as curious. "it is said, that the Nikolaivich family, has some of the most respected potions masters in the world." Draco admitted, a tone of wistful delight in his voice. because he was a werewolf, Draco could never get his potions mastery, but he still loved to tinker with the art. in fact, the potion that was returning Voldemort to his former glory, was a mix of Sev, and Draco's work.
Elena nodded."In a few days would be fine. Gives me time to adjust to beign here. Less cold then home really."She said thougtfully before giggling at draco's description and lucius' disgusted look at the idea. "Not a festival of slugs. Like a fist fight. A brawl."She said grinning, and she wasn't insane, just found some things amazingly amusing.

Elena smiled a little as she ate, "It is cold, much like the people."She said smiling a little."But we have a few weeks of true summer, and that to, is like the people. Coldness surrounding warmth."She said before starting to laugh, nodding."The dragons that I have met, are extremely territorial, which is why we have them residing on the estate."She said smirling slightly. "I grew up in the Kremlin, the royal palace we had all sorts of interesting magical thigns there."She said before laughing at draco'd delight, and understanding why he sounded wistful."We do, and you really should think about traveling to meet some of them sometime, being a lycan would only endear you to them. since it is rare for magical creatures to be willign to supply blood for potions and such."
Draco nodded a little and offered her a small little smirk. "would you like a physical duel, or a magical one?" he offered, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at her, as if suggesting something much, much naughtier. Sev had to snort. "and to think, he gets annoyed when WE flirty Lucy." Sev complained, looking amused as Draco's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Dragon's on the estate... now THAT sounds doable! Father!" Draco called to Lucius. "we're getting Dragons!" he stated, Severus snorting again as Draco turned his attention back to Elena. "yes, you'd find it amazing what a few drops of Lycan Saliva can do to a potion, not to mention the fur! and werewolf blood is almost toxic. it won't Turn a person, but as a form of torture? it's marvelous. slip the 'Potion de Were' into someone's drink, and they'll experience the most unforgivable pain for the entirety of a full moon for the rest of their lives!"

Severus chuckled. "Draco made that potion to... punish, several werewolf hunters who tried to attack the children in his pack. Draco was most furious." Severus admitted. "and i was most afraid." Draco scoffed at that of course as he shook his head. "do you think your amazing Potions masters would allow me to trade letters with them? i can't get my mastery myself, but i can share my findings and let someone else take the credit. Sev has done that a few times so far, for me. he introduces the potion and claims he made it.. i don't get the recognition, but i do get the satisfaction."
Elena flushed brightly at his words, smiling a little."Hmm well, I don't know if you could keep up with me physically, being only a lycan, you know."She teased raising a eyebrow. Lucius laughed looking amused."on't call me lucy, nd he does get a interesting shade of red when we flirt."He said looking amused before shaking his head."we can't have dragons draco, they're to dangerous."He sid amused.

Elena smiled looking amused at the man's knowledge of potions before thinking about it, a smirk curling her lips. "My cousin and brother will be most interested in hearing from you master draco."She muttered reverting to the prim and proper lady, responding to the excitement in draco's voice, and her own instincts telling her to be calm and quiet around the man,even if it wasnt her nature to be so."I will send them a letter in the morning, along with yours if you want to write them a small note."
Draco snorted a little. "only a Lycan my ass." he complained, looking amused as he examined her. "you DO know what a Lycan is don't you? one would think that a member of the Nikolaivich Family would know their history a little better." he teased, his eyes glittering with amusement as he blinked at her a little. according to Legend, the Lycan's where the only creatures capable of killing all of the Dracula family. they succeeded, only barley, and after that both the Dracula Clan, and the Lycan's vanished, as if they'd slaughtered each other. the fact that there was a new Lycan... meant many, many things and it was doubtful that any of them where good. "but Elena has Dragons father!" Draco complained, sulking at Lucius. "we need to have Dragons too." and then he paused, staring at Elena before shuddering.

"please, don't do that... you make me feel sick." he complained. "i am not your master in anything." he assured her before pondering. "well, maybe i'm your master in potions, but you might be better than me... i don't know." he admitted with a shrug. "you don't have to hide yourself from us Elena. we know better than to think you are with that... thing, by your own will, and i sure as hell am not. Father has no choice, and Snape is a spy to the few people who still do good in this world." Sev was watching Elena very carefully. he knew what Draco was doing... he was trying to get an Allie. if it failed, they would simply modify Elena's memory, and things would go on as if nothing had happened. "i don't know who you really are, or even what you are, but i'll be dead before i see you as nothing more than a.. a..." he shook his head. "Voldemort is a fool if he things he can use you like a tool." he growled, his eyes flashing. "just as he is a fool for letting me amass such an army, so very loyal to me." his grin was wide, ferocious, and sadistic, and promised pain in the future. "i already have twice as many wolves as he does death eaters... all i have to do is settle my people, wait for the moon to rise and then." the sound that came out of Draco's mouth, was frightening, and Severus shuddered before regaining control of himself.
"I of course know my history. Just as I know that lycans were never the most powerful, once they stepped foot in russia."She purred a little, looking amused as she watched him. "Elena also has the all of russia and more room to have a dragon."Lucius pointed out before sighing."I'll think about dragon."He said.

Elena tilted her head before calming, smirking a little."Well then."she smirked a little."I, am most definately your better."She smirked teasing him before thinking over their words. A small frown on her face as she tilted her head, before smirking wider."He was a fool for letting me cross the country lines. The nikolaivich clan will stay out of things if they do not involve russia...but voldemort involved a russian, when he petitioned my family to let me come."she said her eyes flashing to golden silver, the smugness in that look saying that it wasn't voldemort who had planned this, but the nikolaivich clan had set the man up, to be able to deal with a problem. Swallowing hard."You need to know something then.If you are reall ygoing to be a ally."She smirked before moving to stand up, but between one breath and the next the woman made the seamless pass into cat form,the cat that pressed against draco's leg as big as a full grown tiger but all greys and black, but not stripped like a russian tiger, but blended perfectly, the coats of the nikolaivich clan having been bred to them, to pass unnoticed at even 5 feet in total darkness. They really were the perfect night hunters
Draco snorted a little. "Lycan's where never very interested in starting wars in Russia either. as far as i know, only one has ever been to Russia, and he was very suddenly a part of the Nikolaivich clan." Draco teased, his eyes glittering with amusement. "either that or he was murdered and his subsequent 'adoption' was a cover story." he snickered and then smirked at her, his eyes traveling her body as she teased him. "shall i wear a collar and call you mistress?" Severus was suddenly choking on his wine at the sexual innuendo. "so the Nikolaivich clan planned this?" Sev asked, looking utterly stunned. "your family AGREED to let you become a brood mare for the most disgusting... creature, to walk the planet!?" Sev asked, looking too astonished, Draco smirking viciously.

"no... they only pretended to." he growled eagerly as he watched her shifting, his eyes gleaming with desire and lust as he watched her shift. as she fell into her coat, Draco too shifted, growling as he stretched into his form just as gracefully as she did, his fur so white, that he almost glowed. the perfect camouflage for a snowy winter. it was easy to see that he was a lycan, as he was twice as big as any Wolf... and that was on all fours. his eyes gleamed amber, and his nose twitched as he sniffed at her... and then the most shocking thing, he spoke... in English. "i take it you would like us to keep this a secrete?" Draco asked, offering her a wolfish grin as he stood onto his hind legs, standing so much like any other human... but oh so clearly he was not. he was thin, scrawny almost in his Fur, but there was a... dangerous air about him, as if he was a killer dressed as a child. a false look almost, one that reflected his human form. oh so small and pretty... but he could have your throat slit in a second. "if the Nikolaivich Clan needs a place to hide until they are ready, we have extensive grounds, even places that Voldemort knows nothing about." Draco informed her, flashing her another smirk as he melded perfectly back into his human form. "with just one or two of your people at our side... Voldemort wouldn't have a chance..." he wondered if he shouldn't take her to see... no, not just yet.

(this is what Draco's Lycan form looks like.
"Oh no, he married in.It seems my grandmother found lycans as fascinating as he found the frozen north."Elena smirked before grinning,"Oh yes. I shall lea you around like a pretty puppy, it would be perfect."She said grinnning. Lucius rolled his eyes, blushing slightly."I don't think its safe to leave these two alone. They're going to get us all killed."He whined as elena laughed. "The Nikolaivich clan took a oath centuries ago, to keep russia and our family safe, and ONLY rusiaa and family."She smirked a little. "Only when a outside force threatened family, are we allowed to interfer."

Elena raised her head, giving a huffing couch as she smelled the llycan, "Yes.Russians knows what we are, we are the reason they fear the dark, but you englishmen have not learned it yet.And we are not ready to have it discovered.As of yet, we're still working on convincing the rest of the family to act."Elena said in english to, purring as shebuttered her head against draco's leg, laughing a little as her wobbled."No. They will stay at home, at least for the moment. My cousin and brother are the only ones I have convinced to act here so far, and we are not the best fighters among us. There are others, more deadly. I want to give them enough time to convince them...even if it means acting like a broodmare..."She wrinkled her nose as she shifted back to human form, she stayed crouched, panting ever so softly, flushed and excitement shining in her eyes, her lust scenting the air, still high from the excitement of seeing another shifter.
Draco had to laugh. "maybe i can move to Russia? it sounds SO much better there!" he admitted with a nod, Snape pondering that for a moment. "Russia IS well known for their acceptance of werewolves and Vampires... if you talked to the right people Draco, you might even be able to move your entire Pack to Russia." Snape admitted, looking amused as Draco grinned rather happily. "hmm... only Russia and family hmm?" Draco asked curiously, his eyes narrowed as he pondered something, stuffing a sandwich into his mouth before his fingers stroked the top of her head, reveling in the realization that he wasn't the only one capable of a willing, and painless transformation. "i think i might have to... have a talk with a certain dark lord." he mused, his lips twitching. "and a talk with the Nikolaivich clan... if we could get Voldemort to try and attack Russia, your Vow would allow for your clan to come and handle the... problem, directly." Draco mused, licking his lips at the scent of her lust, forgetting all about his planning as his Lust filled the air to match hers, a low, husky growl falling from his lips.

in an instant, Draco's eyes where Amber, and Snape winced. "it's too close to the full moon... Draco, you have to stop, she's not a Beta... Draco!" Snape was, in an instant in front of Draco, the loud CRACK of flesh on flesh showed what had happened. Snape had struck Draco, very hard, across the face. Draco paused, blinked twice, and then there was a full out fight, snarls emanating from Vampire and werewolf alike. this wasn't the first time Snape had become a distraction to Draco. the last time was because a Veela had ensnared Draco's senses, wanting him for her own. now it was simply to keep Draco from... well, raping Elena. not that she couldn't defend herself, but Snape didn't want to risk Draco's rather fragile unconscious on such a thing. Snape hissed, turned and fled out onto the grounds, Draco following, howling his fury at being attacked and fled from, shifting into his 'fur' as he chased after his godfather. they'd be out, duking it out 'till the death' until the sun came up. it would be up to Lucius to make sure Elena was comfortable in her rooms. one thing was for sure, for Draco to have reacted so strongly... it was more than just lust for Elena.
"It is."Elena said looking amused before shrugging. Looking amused as he stroked her head, sighing softly as she smirked."You might have to."She smirked looking amused yelping as the two disappeared outside.

Two days later Elena smiled as she stood outside in the garden, taking a deep breath, taking in the scent of rain and thunder, the rain covering up the scent of the werewolf coming towards her. Draco having left for his run with his pack already for the night the woman figured she was safe from having to defend herself not realizing the lycan had returned early.
there was a low growl from behind Elena, it was Draco, his pure white fur gleaming and wet. there was blood on his muzzle from his hunt, the red dripping from his maw as his clever eyes studied her intently. he shook, hard, splattering the world with the wet from his fur and then strode forward and settled into a sitting position next to her, sniffing at the air as if he was trying to figure out what she found so fascinating. through the woods came the hundreds of people that was in his pack, all of them nude, but most of them smiling happily, tired, but not hurt as they slowly shuffled into the manor for the beds, food, and pain relieving potions that where waiting for them. Draco watched them intently, checking each person, making sure that everyone was there, everyone was safe, and that no one was hurt. even the children, the few that there where, where giggling happily at the easy transformation... the difference was so acute, that a person could actually tell who the new pack members where, if only because they looked so run down and terrible. but the older pack members where helping them inside, encouraging them on a shifting gone well. it was easy to see that it wasn't just for power that Draco had assembled this massive pack. he really cared about each and every member under his rule. "if we could trick Voldemort into attacking Russia... would the Nikolaivich clan take steps against the person who tricked the bastard?" Draco finally asked.
Elena smiled a little looking over at him, dropping a hand to pet his head as he stopped next to her, tilting her head back again as she watched the storm starting to roll in. "No. Because while it would threaten us, my uncle, who is the current eldest of us, has been trying to figure out a way to help england with their dark lord problem,but we are bound by our own rules, and couldn't step out of russia."Seh sighed little absently stroking his ears as she watched the other wolves come in, her body responding to draco's presence, her scent taking that heady scent of arousal, though the rain drowned it out at least for the furtther away wolves.
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