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Semi to Advance Lit Plot Search M | M or M | F

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Dec 6, 2012
Greetings all.

Get this in the open, I am a FEMALE behind the screen. The reason I am putting this out there is because I know a lot of people are picky about what gender someone is behind the screen. Personally, I don't know why that it is, but to each their own. I can roleplay a male character extremely well and have done so in the past. I have even taken on male roles during plays in drama class back in high school. When I've had male avatars on avatar sites, a lot of people were shocked and did not believe that I was really a female behind the screen. I am going to put this out there, I am not some "Yaoi Fan Girl". .___.; I'm not obsessed or anything of that nature. I simply enjoy writing and have fun playing male characters, just I like enjoy playing mythical creatures, made up creatures, etc.

Now, if you are still interested, let's continue on with the main gist of the thread.

Main Female Request Thread.

Also, another note, I most like to play the pitcher (aka seme) in m | m pairings, but I also do play the catcher (aka uke) roles in m | m, but my "ukes" have dominant personalities like a stereotypical seme usually has. I may.. MAY be convinced to play a more submissive male, but only if the idea is intriguing enough.

Personal Data
Real Life Name | Don't ask for you shall not receive.
Gender | Female
D.o.B. | 17-12-1987
Material Status | In a Committed Relationship since 17-1-2O1O
Time Zone | EST
Schedule | Work Mon-Fri 8am-1pm at my Day Job and I also work from home which the hours can vary due to it being for commissions.
Due to this reason, there may be times that I am too busy with commissions to be able to respond to roleplay posts. Around the holidays, I do get extra busy, fair warning.

Roleplay Data
|(This is what you can expect from me during our roleplays and what I am hoping for in turn.)|
Proper Capitalization, Grammar, and, Spelling. There me be some minor mistakes occasionally, but I do my best to avoid them. Bare MINIMUM of FOUR paragraphs. My posts length vary and may depend upon my partner. I can type 'chapter' posts as well. The MAX I have ever typed in a rp response was TWENTY-FIVE paragraphs. IM responses may/will be smaller due to character limit and so forth. IM rp's are mostly for smut based. In my opinion I value QUALITY and QUANTITY the SAME.

Lists Data
|(Some important factors you should read before continuing on to determine if we are compatible to roleplay with one another. Subjects may be edited as I see fit.)|
♦ Absolutely NOT going to happen: Scat, Watersports, You transforming of my character in shape, form, nor size, anal to mouth (a2m), first person roleplaying, roleplaying via pm.
♦ Third Person Roleplaying Only.
♦ I will roleplay through THREADS only in regards to this thread.

Characters Data
|(At Current and Present time, I will only roleplay the characters I have listed below. Sorry. :c)|

Aiden | 5'11", Dominant and Pitcher (aka Seme), Bisexual
|(Real Life Picture References)|

Tori | 5'11", Dominant and Catcher (aka Uke), Gay
|(Non Real Life aka Art Picture References)|
1 2 3 4 5

Stray | 5'11", Dominant and Pitcher (aka Seme), Bisexual
|(Non Real Life aka Art Picture References)|
1 2 3

Tori and Stray
|(Non Real Life aka Art Picture References)| Certain rp's, I will be using them both and they'll be twin brothers.
1 2

Ideas Data
|(My OC Tori | Male[/url])|
Tori is the son of a well renowned mafia boss. His father's terror and reputation proceeds him and he has a rap that he has worked for. He is a powerful crime lord known through out the nations, yet he is seemingly untouchable. Witnesses always seem to vanish and justice never can wrap its arms around his neck. His most valued possession is his son from his late wife. Despite his cruel behaviour, Tori is one who has never been fed his wrath. He spoils his son yet he is not a spoiled brat, simply spoiled and well loved by his father. Tori is the one he trusts with every detail and core of his being and Tori loves his father more than any other. Yet, a young man soon finds his way into the life of the eighteen year old lad. A skilled mercenary goes under cover and manages to worm his way into Tori's father's ranks. He is quite skilled, having been raised in the mercenary life since he was a young child. He first enters when he is seventeen and Tori is thirteen. When Tori turns eighteen and he twenty-two, he is assigned to be Tori's body guard.

The way he has secured his title as Tori's body guard was a tricky play and took some patience to set up Tori's original body guard. He managed to make Tori and his father believe that the other body guard was betraying them and was threatening the safety of Tori. The body guard is soon 'discarded' in the mannerism that his father saw fit. The twenty-two year old mercenary's hard work pays off as he can get close to Tori now and get what he can to bring down his father. Yet, what will happen when he forms feelings for the young lad? The feelings had been kindling since Tori was sixteen, and after two more years of watching Tori from afar and now being able to interact with him on a daily basis, what will he do? What will happen when Tori learns of who he really is? A betrayal is sure to happen and blood will be shed. Will the mercenary turn over the information he has collected? Will he bring down Tori's father's reign? Will Tori become head of the syndicate and with the mercenary at his side? What will happen?

More ideas too come and other ideas are welcomed!
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