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Can you keep up with me? (Pet Wanted~)

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Long Live The King
Jan 22, 2012
Hey there. Let me just start by saying that I rarely make threads and prefer to look into others to find what I need. Yet this is somewhat of a special request so I figured hey, what the hell. This will be short and to the point.

Before going further, here's a link to my real request thread which has quite a few plots for you to explore, though I doubt I'll meddle with them right now.

Now, to get to the point.
I'm feeling...rather dominant as of late, and want to find someone who's willing to become my little pet. There's only one condition that I ask for, and that is that you MUST be on for a lengthy period of time in the day. I'm tired of getting one post a day and having my partner vanish. Seeing as I'm a university student and have quite a bit of time to kill, I'm on very frequently and often, especially late at night. If you think you can be here enough to satisfy me, then you're perfect for what I need (; You must also be literate.

I have no preference in genders, so as far as I'm concerned you can be a:
2-Boy (Must be feminine)
6- Anything you want, just no tentacles.

So don't be shy, just hit me up with a PM or give a post here and I'll be happy to accommodate you :)
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