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Looking for all sorts of things (mxf)

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Jan 18, 2013
What I'm looking for:​

A dedicated player (male or female or other, too) who is willing to work with me on plot and other things concerning the rp. Someone who at least reads their posts once over before sending them off.
I usually write two to three paragraphs and I would like my partner to match me. :)
Someone who is okay with me posting about once a day. Sometimes more, rarely less.
Lastly, I'm not opposed to some OOC chattering via pm. Of course, that's not a requirement, but I love getting to know the players behind the characters!

So, onto my ideas. They are grouped by genre for your convenience. I'm looking to play the female role (bolded if it's not obvious) and the more * are next to it, the more I'm craving it. If you're interested in any of them, please send me a pm.


** Right of the first night: A king excercises his right of the first night, choosing a lady who is to wed one of his most trusted knights.
However, she discovers that she likes him much more than the simple and brutish knight she is to marry and it seems like the king has taken a liking, as well. Unfortunately, the king is already married, but still that doesn't have to be the end of it...
(If you want, I can also play the king's wife and you can play the lady's husband as well as our original characters)

** The Apprentice: A mage has lived secluded for a long, long time when suddenly one day, a young woman comes to his tower and asks to be his apprentice.
He agrees, after some convincing, and teaches her all he knows while their relationship grows and he starts to show her some more... interesting uses for magic.

Sci Fi:​

* The android: A man inherites an android from a distant relative. While androids are common, they are usually not very intelligent and mostly used for jobs humans just don't want. And they usually don't look very realistic, at least not like this one does. He discovers that this android is different from all the others he knows.


**Blackmail: She thought she had it all. Money, fame, the perfect life. But when he shows up with those pictures of her she never meant to be seen, she fears she will lose it all. And when she realises it's not her money or fame he's after, she has no clue how to get herself out of that mess. Taken!

The priest: Priests are supposed to be celibate, everyone knows that. But this special priest, he has a rather... liberal interpretation of celebacy.
Once a week, or more often as the urges strike, he will meet up with a prostitute, always the same girl. The deal is also always the same: She will tell him what she did with her clients while he pleasures himself. But with time, his urge to finally do all the things she's describing to him is rising....
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