A Call to New Heros!(CommieXVineco)

Vailed In Black

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Jan 9, 2009
Sharron stood on the wall of Solitude looking over the last of the captured from the failed rebellion almost hundred years ago started, it was the dragonborn which is now passed away that quashed the whole rebellion within days. The idea of such a thing always intrigued Sharron for which is why she joined up with the imperial legion, she wanted to fight just like the dragonborn had so she could protect Skyrim itself. While have grown up in Skyrim hailing from Winterhold she often found herself alone due to the strong Nord presence in the region. However she made due and often trained herself in single handed weapons, shield, and restoration magic in case she ran out of potions in the middle of a battle.

Sharron was one of the top elite guard in the imperial legion stationed in Skyrim however despite the power they possess as mere fighters the imperial legion's strength within Skyrim was waning. The stormcloak rebellion was a small poisoned wound that took a lot of time and effort to cleanse of, yes they didn't have the worship of Talos back nor did the nords get appreciated for this. This whole thing was just the reason why the imperial legion should impose even more to keep the region stable which was Sharron's first thought however the legion began to give relief to the war torn nord. She honestly thought that it was a horrible thing to do since they needed to keep a strong military presence in the region in case another Ulfric start up again. This time they didn't have the mythical dragonborn like those of old did.

The thoughts of the Alderi Deminion didn't help out either, the thought of the elves and how their presence was becoming a problem. After the death of the dragonborn they began to get more active as in spies and less in diplomacy it was almost seeming like they were reading for an attack. Sharron's thoughts were constantly on here as General Rhitar was constantly giving aid he cared less about the whole idea of the elves giving a shove into the country from the oceans. However as much as Sharron was lost in her thoughts a guard tapped her arm telling her it was time for him to take over post that she was done for the day. Sharron nodded heading for the barracks to get off her armor, finally dress in her civilian clothes. The thoughts didn't stop haunting her as the walk to the barracks seemed awkwardly longer than usual as her eyes looked up at the sky as she made her way toward the door.
He stood there looking at Sharron, the dark elf Ivunia is a well known wizard in Solitude, an adviser in the magical world to nearly anyone in town whos curious. He was a good distance away from her but still able to observe the woman..Everyone was suspicious of everyone else of late, no more so than other elves even if they were not Thalmor..
Ivunia was natural to be a suspicious person, he had past ties with necromancer but had renounced his 'wrong ways' years ago and served as a valuable ally agaisnt necromancers, knowing how they operate, where they gather.. But there was always caution around him from the citizens..

He approached her, speaking while walking and announcing to her that he was behind her up to that point. "So, i was hired to help you find where a bunch of necromancers are gathering..Heard they are trying to bring back a army of the strongest to fight the Thalmor..Apparently there confidence in the Imperials are growing thin.." He added that last bit of ice with a grin, his hands in his pockets once he got close enough to her and waiting her response.
Sharron stopped as she was still in her armor, she guessed maybe the general wanted some necromancers whipped out due to the increase presence of them. "Sure...Ivunia...I recognize you: most of the city is talking about your exploits. Well, if the general wants these necromancers uprooted I guess I am not one to complain." She said though her body was tired from standing guard for so long if the country needed her she would be there to defend it.

When she finished her little chat she walked with him out of the barracks it was nearly night out as she looked back at him while others were busily doing their daily close ups. "Where are these necromancers hiding Ivunia? I need to dispose of them before they become a concern." She spoke quickly and too the point as that was the reason why she was high ranked; she got the job done and quickly though effectively as well. It was really hard to balance all those qualities but she managed to do it almost every time.
"Just a cave nearby.." He would reply with very little energy in his voice. He started to walk on towards the nearest gate out of the city. They would continue for the swamps where the cave was with no run ins with any beasts, rabbit or dragon.
Once there, a single necromancer which they caught off-guard was there with his back turned to the two. For the sake of being quiet, Ivunia didn't use any of his magic to take down the man. He looked to Sharron, knowing her armor wasn't really sneak capable. But figured she has a bow or something to dispose of the man quietly with. If not, well it would be him and his daggers, he wasn't wearing any armor.
Sharron walked into the cave looking about the dark damp cavern. Her eyes moved around suddenly necromancers were in front of them. Though their backs were turned as she moved quickly up to the man. He had turned to just feel her sword go through his stomach. The man cried out as the blood poured from his wound, pushing in some more as she pushed him off her sword. When Sharron turned to her companion couple other necromancers came from the different cave paths as Sharron held her shield to block a dagger from striking her side.
He knew the person she first killed, a usually happy man who joked a lot, he and another necromancer were getting close and he believed the reason she was not here was she was back at Solitude pregnant with his child. The other ones she engaged were unknown to him, the only time he stepped in to help was when it looked like she was being overwhelmed.

His magic was monstrous, the lightning spell he used nearly instantly killed the two necromancers it hit. He didn't appear to break a sweat either, just who was this dark elf? Someone with his magical ability should be a head mage to a city, a teacher at the college, or a ex-leader of his group when he was considered a necromancer.

"Come along lizard, we haven't reached the ritual area yet.." He points out, walking forward calmly, showing no remorse for what he did to what was his comrades.
Sharron looked at him then ahead not really bothered by the senseless killing that the wizard did, he did his country proud all she worried about is the problems these beings were creating for the empire. She was a woman of integrity and honor, these people were a spot on that honor for her country. Just like the storm cloaks were before them, they were bandits that destabilized their overall empire.

Though she realized the dunmer that was helping her was on of these necromancers though he wished to help the empire. Normally she'd be against what they allowed but with how he killed off those he associated with was proof that he wanted to atone. "My name is Sharron..." She commented as they trekked further into the cave, that is when Sharron heard a sound as a cave rat attacked. Sharron quickly drew her sword using her shield she bashed the animal against the wall dazing it as she then cut its head off with one swoop of her ebony sword that she had been rewarded for her long service. The body just fell as blood oozed out of the wound that was its head as she moved on with the wizard.

Meanwhile back in the barracks in Solitude the general was sitting with the emperor of the Thalmor. "Tal'or I know you want Skyrim and I feel our force might not be able to fight back but we have a treaty! That was signed over a couple centuries ago! We even outlawed the worship of Talos! What you had intended to have enforced anyway. Why would you want us to give up the province of Skyrim to the Alderi?" The general rebutted in their debate as the high elf drank his tea that he had personally made every time he visited Solitude. When he finished a sip he put the glass down looking at the imperial like a mud worker.

"General, you are in no condition to pose even a good argument. How long did it take for you to finally stabilize this province of the ignorant Nord uprising? It was pathetic on how slow it has been, they had started this petty rebellion almost a hundred years ago and the empire hasn't even begun to rebuild what the rebellion had destroyed. I propose this not in a fashion that you talk about this with your leader in Cyrodiil but as a way to get some money and just have the legion push back to the mainland. I swear if you don't take this generous offer now, I will be forced to take what rightfully belongs to me! The Thalmor have kept this region more stabilized than the legion ever has! We may only have an embassy but we have reach and the nords have felt it! I have reported that we have decreased the amount of fighting more in a single night than any of your legionaries! Now...one last time: will you just forfeit Skyrim by retreating to the border?" The emperor looked at the General as he looked down.

The other legion soldiers were standing by the Thalmor soldiers as they had tension between them all, finally the general's eyes lifted from their deep stance. "We started out in this land by Tiber Septum unifying the land! We aren't about to just hand it over to the Thalmor cause they ask nicely! Tal'or please leave Skyrim before something unpleasant happens within our borders to you..." The general spoke with anger as the Emperor stared him down as he could feel the hate from the Alderi leader, without a word he left the office of the General as he headed to his carriage looking back the high elf yelled, "Be prepared for a fight, a war is coming this way for you all! I won't be merciful...thank your own leadership as you all will be treated harshly when we reign in this region and even all across Tamriel!" With this he got into his coach heading off from Solitude toward his ship back to the Summerset isle to plan his attack.
"So it is ms. Sharron.." He replied softly, the dark elf was one of those rare types.. Not racist, he figured if the being spoke like he did well it was a equal, give or take ranks and royalty of course. She doubt Sharron was of any royalty nor himself, so in his eyes they were equals. That being said, he wasn't one to pass out on teasing people, the Angorians being lizards, khajiit were kitties, Nords being babarians, Bretons bookworms, etc.

Had she been a Khajiit he would have commented on how the cat would be dinner later. He walked forward, the sounds of a chant becoming louder and louder, apparently they had a virgin offering somewhere here and was offering it to a god or goddess to bring them a warrior to combat the troubles of the world. Ivunia felt like he could relate, although he wouldn't ask the gods for a warrior since he considered himself strong enough to handle the issues that came across the world he lived in, he knew that men and women went to desperate decisions when in desperate times..

"I suppose you want to save the virgin then?"
Sharron looked back at him then ahead in the further depths, "There is a sacrifice going on here? I thought these were just squatters of a necromancy cult...of course I do." She spoke as she heard sounds of a woman which made her gape wide for a second as she moved ahead though she knew that if she didn't be careful the many possible traps that lay inside of these caverns will be the end of her. Sharron used her training to avoid some of the traps as flying spiked balls flew down, rock slides down sloping caves and even flying side doors of spiked doom.

While doing this she escorted the wizard while she took out any necromancer that was within her range knowing that the wizard had the other ones that were further off, that is what she liked about magic flingers; they were like archers they could just fling their magic over at somebody to kill them. Though she stayed away from the area fearful that his magic might do more than just what he had intended for the enemy. The screaming was getting closer as she continued to move further down noticing that the cave walls were being replaced with an ancient temple, though it looked more like dredra instead if just natural cave. "They aren't just squatters I suspect this whole 'virgin' thing has been going on for quite some time! This is some kind of temple to one of the prince deadra!" She commented stopping just before another entrance that opened up into a quite larger room though it wasn't the main one for what they were doing as the screams still sounded far off.
"Seems like a correct deduction." he replied to her comment about it being a temple to one of the deadra princes. There weren't too many temples dedicated to them in Skyrim, this was a rare treat for any outsiders.
He wouldn't admit it..But he knew of this place before coming here, in fact this was a place he visited often. Not so much because it was his deadra that he followed, but because he had connections here, resources available back in his necromancing days. The place seemed to have fallen out of order since he left, it was better kept and more civilized..

They came upon a large opening, the alter where the ritual was being taken place was at the center of this opening. Two robed men fell back from the chanting and wielded magic, throwing it at the two who came to stop them..Ivunia cast a magic shield upon Sharron, these two were not like the others they faced before, their magic was strong, experienced.
Sharron raised her shield hoping that it'd at least take most of the force from the magic, though when she noticed the magic put up in front of her she looked at her companion. A worried look turned into a heartfelt nod as she turned back drawing out your sword. Her eyes were focused on the ones in front of the alter, "You got one chance to give up and face judgement of the courts, make it easier on yourself and give yourselves up!" Sharron yelled out as she held her sword at the ready for anything they could throw at her.

While they stood there she looked around noticed a couple oil filled urns hanging from the ceiling as she noticed random gas filled spots. It was a common sight for those to be around cause of the disrepair of the temples themselves. Even if these fiends visited this temple often they never repaired what was broken which made it all too easy to devastate them. Sharron looked to her back as her long bow waited for its eventual use on the urn knowing these mages had no intention of surrendering.
The men laughed, they knew whatever fate that would come from surrendering would be worse than death considering the views on necromancing. Skyrim was not shy about the conditions of their prisons..

Ivunia summoned up a large lightning spell, he drew the attention of one of the magicians while the other one went at Sharron. "Hurry up with this miss Lizard, my mana isn't endless." He reminds, throwing his spell at his opponent while avoiding a few fireballs. Meanwhile, the spell was going well, it looked like the virgin would be completely sacrificed in another 5 minutes, if things didn't interrupt them..
Sharron moved to the side dodging the area magic affect as she side stepped to move in on the attack. "Ivunia! attack them! we need to stop this sacrifice! We don't know what they are summoning!" She yelled out quickly offing one of the necromancers that were in her way, it seemed they kept members around just to keep them safe, the major players in this game. Sharron used her shield to negate some of the effect of the elemental magics as well as dodged any of the status affecting ones. They had her jumping on all manner of things inside of the ruined temple. It didn't feel like a level battle but more of a missile dodging contest.

The amount of fighting she was doing was distracting her to the point where she couldn't even tell where Ivunia was at which upset her cause she didn't want to go back to command and tell them that a world famous wizard was killed. When she finally had disposed of a fifth member she looked toward the alter then around for her companion on this journey, "Hey Ivunia! Where are you?! We don't have much time!" She yelled out as she dodged and even blocked a couple more spells, her body feeling weak just form constantly dodging and blocking these powerful incantations.
Ivunia had cast a invisibility spell onto himself and sneaked his way over to the alter. He looked down, the woman they had there was a cute Nord, too young to die already still having so much to do in her lifetime. He wondered if she was married yet, Nord women usually married young to older men but maybe she avoided that and managed to find another young person, someone that felt like true love..
Well enough thinking about romance, he took out a dagger and cut across one of the chanter's throats while the battle raged down with Sharron. This cancelled his invisibility spell but the chanting was broken and the summoning was done.

"Kill everyone!" One of the leaders said, this was not good now, being outnumbered. Ivunia threw his dagger impaling one of them into the shoulder and used a weak fire spell to cut away the woman's bindings. He reached down and picked her up, carrying her on his shoulder and running to the edge of the alter, jumping off..

"Heads up!" Was all the warning Sharron got as he was coming down from above her. It wasn't too terrible of a fall, it would hurt himself a little, and Sharron if he ended up landing agaisnt her, but not the woman they were rescuing.
Sharron jumped out of the way just as a spell flew past her companion's head as well as her own. Sharron jumped to her feet quickly due to her training keeping herself fit as she looked at him, "We need to get out of here!" She said as she backed out with her sword and shield to them to make sure that Ivunia wasn't struck in the back by a glancing magic attack as she backed up slowly. Her eyes focused on the remaining necromancers as a couple more rushed her.

Quickly taking advantage of their charge she allowed one to swing a dagger dodging out of the way quickly, taking her shield she bashed their arm up then took her sword and cut clean through the man's body then pushing outward she cut the man in half. Though that didn't stop the other as she dodged quickly to the left just in time to see them slash to the right taking the oppertunity she quickly drew her blade across the neck of the last necromancer easily severing his head from his shoulders as blood gushed from the wound. Sharron could see the main necromancer was fuming from the death of his entire cult as he launched a powerful lighting attack which blew Sharron back in front of Ivunia and the hostage sliding back some kicking up dust.

Sharron coughed some jumping up but not as fast taking a really powerful spell to the body she was feeling it as her scaly skin was kinda cut from the powerful lightening spell, though when she looked for the magician he had retreated into temple. "He isn't worth it, come lets take this girl home, she probably has parents worried about her." She said coughing some panting some from the very stressful fight that she hadn't been in for so long, guess that command saw she wasn't getting her daily gutting and killing so they sent her on a powerful and dangerous mission. When the exited the cave they could see a large troop pass by looking they were heading toward Dawnstar and Winterhold Sharron blinked as she hadn't seen that much troops moving toward the ocean than before.

"There is something wrong Ivunia, there shouldn't be that much troop movement. I think we got something big coming and I don't think it is a good thing with that many troops being called. We need to head back to Solitude to talk to the general." She spoke quickly taking the lead heading down the road hoping that Ivunia heard what she said and was tagging along with her, they would drop the girl off in town before speaking with her Garrison General.
They entered the town in a short amount of time. The woman thanked them a hundred times it seemed and promised them a table at her restaurant with free food for as long as they lived. Ivunia was half tempted to take up that offer now, but Sharron was right, they should investigate what was going on.

"What could it be? Dragons or Oblivion gates again?" He half joked, half was serious, there were too many incidents that were close to the end of their world and a reign of evil starting the last couple of hundred years or so.
Both he and Sharron were scraped up, bruised, maybe even bleeding but especially sore from the rescuing of that woman. But it didn't seem like they had time to visit the court's physician right now, nor the time to rest or stop throwing magic or flailing their weapon around. The general was overlooking a map of Skyrim when they came into the room where he was located at.
Sharron blinked, "I thought that Martin with help of another person closed the oblivion gates almost 300 years ago? Also Dragons have been slowing down over the past hundred years, I guess when Aldiween was destroyed the magics sustaining the dragons began to wear off. I can tell you are trying to be funny as seeing that neither of those scenarios could ever happen again." She giggled softly giving a wave to the girl as she walked off then suddenly back in duty mode she moved toward the garrison.

The soldiers continued to move past them as if Sharron was invisible which meant that they were on some serious orders to not really pay attention to her. Sharron couldn't help anymore as she finally stopped one of the straying platoons heading out of the city, "Hey what is going on? Why is everybody mobilizing?!" she asked as the soldier took a second before he realized who she was. "Ma'am, we are heading to the ocean beaches along Skyrim water border, we have suspicion that the Alderi might attack soon. The emperor went out of his way to make a threat at the General as well as the whole Imperial army. I think that the emperor intents to try to start another war with the intention of taking the entire empire rather than just Skyrim." The random male soldier spoke to her as she couldn't believe it, letting the boy go his platoon headed out of the gates to join the rather growing army on the other side of the province.

Sharron then quickly made her way to the garrison, moving past the guards and the doors she stood in front of the General in record timing. "Sir! I just got told that we are staging an defensive against the alderi deminion! What happened to the treaty, the one signed at the White Golden Tower? The one that prohibits warship of one of the nine that we used to heed to?! Why are they stomping on all that, unless it was something we said to attract their violent attention..." Sharron ended with that knowing that the General wasn't sometimes nice even to those he was supposed to be nice to. "No I didn't say anything, he wanted me to sell out Skyrim to the alderi due to 'security' issues. I told him to go shove it as he walked off he proclaimed that he'd be setting up an attack force to strike here first due to how weakened SKyrim is compared to the rest of the other provenances. Due to the war that we had with all the infighting we are weaker than any province in the empire! The emperor intends to use that as a disadvantage to us as a whole by attacking us when we are our weakest and taking SKyrim easily. Sharron, I want you down with the main strike force, Ivunia, you are free to join her but I suggest fleeing. Though I didn't give Skyrim to the Emperor he probably attack in a large force fleeing to escape it isn't a bad thing. If you wish to stay that is good as well, it'd be more help for us however I thought you at least know the circumstances of your staying." The general was a born Nord and he was going to stay with his home land no matter what the high elves had in store for them.

Sharron just nodding saluting him some as she looked at Ivunia, "You heard the man, if you decide to come talk to me, I will be by the blacksmith." She mentioned as she had to go sell the shit she did mange to tear out of the necromancers that they had fought as she looked up at the sky still in shock that the high elves were going to try to put them selves on top.
Ivunia smiled a bit from Sharron's assessment of his joke. He stayed with her during her interrogation of the soldier boy, seemed like a dark storm was coming. There hadn't been a army vs. army kind of battle since the Stormcloaks went up against the Imperials. But this time it wasn't as small as that was, they were talking about an invading force capable of taking a country. Skyrim better hope they had a good defense.

He was just a boy that Sharron pulled aside, children were fighting battles now, getting their experience in early and losing their youth quickly. It was more than likely that he would die, the inexperienced boy up against a well trained Alderi. Looking upon that platoon of troops, a lot of them were young, inexperienced, it was what made up the recruiting troops because they were short on soldiers at this time, not looking good for Skyrim.

He followed her to the garrison, listening to the general's explanation of what had happened in that short amount of time that they were away. When the part came to whether or not he would stick around and join them towards death, he smiled.

"I can always use more experience under my belt." He commented, as Sharron was walking away towards the blacksmith. Ivunia had not obtained much from the necromancers they defeated, some soul gyms and scrolls that he would use rather than sell. It seemed like they had a slight amount of time to do as they pleased and he had some plants to water in his room in the castle..
Sharron talked with the blacksmith as he begun to work on her armor which was damaged slightly due to the intense fight. Though Sharron did pocket some potions of health she would keep them for the upcoming battle, though she didn't know when the high elves decided to strike it was best they set up a front line against them. Sharron knew that the elves could attack any moment though she hoped that the General had cleared out the embassy that was down the road and to the north of them. If he didn't they could attack from there as there was a sizable force to draw away from the defense of the coast along skyrim.

When she finished with her armor, she asked the blacksmith to forge her sword, make it the strongest in the empire. The blacksmith shook his head, "You need to visit the Higroth Grey Maine, he got his skills from his legendary father that crafted all unique pieces of armor and weapons. He could probably help you even make your imperial armor even stronger than what those pathetic high elves could muster." He commented as Sharron smiled nodding in response to his comment. When he finished what he could do she took back her sword sheathing it wondering when Ivunia would return from whatever he was doing.

Sharron in the mean time walked to the stables getting a horse ready for the travel to Whiterun so she could craft her weapon even stronger for this upcoming battle. The General did say that he wanted her up to par to fight this war as he had sent word to the Imperial Emperor in Cyriidil a long time ago. When she was ready she grabbed a messenger telling him to head to the castle (where she assumed) he would be to send him a message that he needed to be down by the gates cause she was leaving to head to Whiterun for last minuet forging.
He tended to his plants. He wasn't really a herbalist, though he knew how to make a potion when he needed the mana. Tending plants was more of a hobby than anything else. He got her note and took about 10 mins to meet up with Sharron.

"No time for rest it seems." He commented, wondering what she looked like under all that armor. "So war huh? Have you been through something like that?" He asked curiously. There were other needs for legionaries besides hunting down necromancers. A lot of troops got deployed out in other countries before landing elsewhere, like Morrowind.
Sharron shook her head as she sat on her horse waiting for him to get on his, "This will be the first kind of war I have been through I haven't even been in the civil war, it was mostly just cleaning up pockets of resistance." She explained as she looked toward the horizon looking forward to the travel down to whiterun and then back up toward around Dawnstar and Winterhold though off a bit to get to the coast of Skyrim to defend it. "Normally wizards that aren't associated with the army usually book it out of the province when it is threatened with war, why did you stay?" She asked as her horse tapped the ground impatient to get going with the journey to get the lizard lady off of its back due to the weight she probably weighed cause of her armor.
He chuckled. Ivunia could ask why her species decided to be in Skyrim, a hella cold country whereas their home country was warm, suiting to there species.

"Are you trying to talk me out of it?" He asked with a grin, getting onto his horse, getting a feel for it again. It had been a while since he had a reason to ride a horse, let alone leave the city. He had become spoiled with nightly bar visits and luxury comfort beds. Being a traitor to his necromancer friends was easy when you had such pleasant living qualities.
Sharron laughed, "You are a funny wizard, I am not talking you out of it I am just amazed is all. You know they have all the magic in the world but once you give them a global or even national threat and wizards coop themselves up in their big fancy towers! I just was curious to why you have chosen to stand with the rest of us soldiers." She said laughing some more after she had finished her statement. With a light kick to the side of her horse they were off down the stone walkway toward Whiterun.

Though they had horses the travel was at least going to take a day and a half, Skyrim was one of the largest provinces that Tamriel had. Sharron hoped this Wizard would be the talkative type as she hated long distances without any kind of communication. It reminded her of how bootcamp was like and other training she had to go through, normally just silent training and practicing only when the instructor spoke. The other recruits often had to wait on talking till they were done with their lessons and often once a recruit was finished they just left instead of staying back with the others that were taking breaks in between.
Fortunately the weather wasn't too bad today, snow wasn't coming down all over the place and patches of nature were beginning to pop up on the road soon after leaving more and more leaving the snow behind. Ivunia didn't leave the city too often, it was nice to see the outside world again, foxes running by on the road, deers trying to avoid their path. This was one of the reason people settled in this country and it was being fought over, the beauty and nature. That and the large mining deposits of course..

"So tell me about yourself..Have you always lived in Skyrim?"
He asked, giving into her desire for a non silent trip. The pack on the back of his horse provided sleeping bag, food, things needed for at least one night of sleeping on the ground without food being served alongside wine and song. "What about romance? Anyone special..?"
Sharron nodded as they went down a well walked path either by horses or people, "Yeah I sometimes would visit the main provinces like sometimes Morrowind, Cryidill, and like High Rock though those trips were rare and I often only traveled for business or my military career. However my feet have been planted in Skyrim since I was born." She commented as she walked down the path her horse neighing a little as she calmed her down.

Sharron laughed softly, "Love life? It becomes nearly impossible when you get to be so high in the military. The constant demands, the fact that you go out on missions that could end your life at any moment. Any man or woman for that matter find it hard to latch onto you despite how fast people marry here in Skyrim for those very reasons. Just I guess when you get so high up and probability of living gets so low some people just don't bother anymore." She explained to his second question as they began to cross into more seasonable weather and land, it was nice to be away from the snow and visit the heartland of Skyrim where there were farms and other natural beauty that isn't possible in the northern regions of Skyrim.
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