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A Plotline to Consider! (MxF)

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May 15, 2012
This plotline actually came to me in a dream, so I don't know what to think about that.

At any rate, the story is one of those cheesy teenage romances things, but with a tad more smut. The plot is this: a man and a girl, coworkers, have a passing acquaintance with each other since they work in the same place.

At some point, their relationship kicks off, and the girl finds out that the man can stop time, and that when he does, anything he touches returns to normal.

Once they have been intimate once, something strange happens when he stops time: this strange dark cloud appears, slowly destroying everything that he brings into the time-stopped realm. The skies go black, it begins to rain, and if the cloud touches anything that does not itself possess the ability to stop time, it dies.

Shortly after, he loses the ability to bring her out of the time-stopped realm, leaving her constantly in danger of the dark cloud and unable to properly interact with the real world. To people in the real world, she seems to constantly be moving in the same spot, creating a vague blur of motion that no one can interact with without severe injury.

So, yeah. Thats it. Would anyone like to RP this out? PM me! I'm willing to allow creative license, don't worry. I'm not dead set on exactly how this pans out.

Just know in advance this will be pretty vanilla, but if there are things you must have to make a RP interesting in a sexual sense just PM and ask.
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