Lusting for a Squib ((Closed to Shadow Malfoy))

Draco took her to the balcony of the second floor, and sat down at a table overlooking the grounds of Malfoy manor. He motioned for her to sit with him. "I'm sorry. He's an ass, and thinks he can have his way with any woman he wants." He wants. "I never got your name Miss?" He asked, as he wasn't going to call her anything but her name.

Draco had to find out what Lucius had done to her. "I hate to ask, and please don't take this the wrong way, but I need to know what he did to you." Draco said softly, a light blush forming on his cheeks. He usually didn't blush, and was by no means a virgin, but she was so pretty. "I'm just asking so I can help protect you." He added, looking at the ground, ashamed to be related to that monster he has to call a father.
"I-it's alright... I agree though... he is an ass..." she said in a very jaded voice before looking back towards Draco again when he asked her name, "My name is Opal... I believe your name is Draco, am I correct?" she looked towards him curiously.

When he asked what Lucius had done to her, she started to get up, her face turning pink, feeling like he was suddenly like the other, but then Draco said it was to protect her. She slowly sat back down, lowering her head, feeling ashamed as Draco about his father. "I-I don't know... i-if I can talk about it... I-I'm a virgin... s-so I'm not comfortable talking about these things, sir..."
Draco smiled. "Nice to meet you Opal. Lovely name." He said. "Yes I am Draco." He added with a soft nod. He listened to her, andhis eyes grew wide. "Oh no. Please tell me you didn't tell him you were." He said, he heard she was a virgin. His father for some reason liked to take virginity away from women. But watching her, from her reaction, he knew, and Draco had to do something about it.

Draco settled down for a moment. He didn't want her to freak out anymore than she already was. "So he knows? Damnit." He said, runninghis hands through his hair. "I have to figure out a way to keep him from you. Until then, he will not stop trying to take your virginity." He said, now wanting to scare her, but it was true. "If you got away this, time, the next time, he will take it, weather you want to or not." Draco said out loud, not meaning to. He sometimes talked out loud when stressed, and he was certianaly stressed right now.
When Draco complimented her name, she smiled and blushed a bit, lowering her head. Boy, he seemed sweet after all for being one that was related to Lucius. "W-well thanks... i-it's nice to meet you too.." When he asked about her telling Lucius about her virginity, she nodded and became anxious when it seemed like something bad. Biting her lip, her eyes filled with concern.

This wasn't good... he was going to try and take it?? "H-he almost did too... with his wand... i-if I hadn't convinced him... you mean fighting him isn't enough? Oh... what am I to do?" she began to cry quietly, shaking her head as she did. "I-I'm sorry... I am..." she tried to wipe away her tears.

"I-I don't want this taken away from me... not by him... I-I haven't even fallen in love yet... I-I want to give it to someone who means something to me.."
Draco looked at her. "Aw, Opal, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said, as he knelt down and put his hand gently on her shoulder. Draco stood up, and helped her to her feet. "Come here, don't cry, I'll figure something out." He said, gently wrapping his arms around her. He didn't want her to think that he was going to be like Lucius, and he wasn't. If she backed away, he would let her. But he hoped she didn't.

Draco seen the sun starting to set. He knew what that meant. "Damn." He said. "Sun's setting." He added. Draco looked into Opal's eyes. "Do you have any suggestions? Anything that might help?" Draco asked, still at a loss. He did have one idea, but he was sure she would say no. And he wasn't going to push it. He knew one sure fire way to make Lucius back off, but he actually had to do it, because he could tell. Draco sighed. "Let's go in and to my room. Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything, it's just so he doesn't come looking for you. I Promise." Draco said, as he looked into her eyes.
She clung onto Draco surprisingly, openly accepting his invitation to hug him. She needed comfort at the moment she wasn't going to turn him down, she hadn't hugged someone in ages. He made her feel so safe... so happy almost... even in such a horrible situation.

"D-Draco... I-I have an idea..." she blushed faintly, looking away, noticing that the sun was setting too. She bit her lip, "show me to your room... I trust you..."
Draco took Opal to his room. "I'm just going the shut the door half way, and I am not going to put a locking spell on it." Draco said, and to prove it, he threw his wand on his desk. "Is that okay?" He asked, knowing that he would have a fear of closed doors. "Thank you for trusting me." He told her. Then he heard that she had an idea.

He sat on his bed, and patted next to him. If she wanted she could sit by him without fear of physical harm. "What's your idea Opal?" He asked, looking at her. She sure was beautiful. He couldn't believe his father would hurt someone like her. He waited to see what her idea would be.
"Y-yes... it's alright... I-I... trust you ... because you don't seem too far from my age... and I can definitely see you don't like him..."

She swallowed hardly when she saw him pat down next to him on the bed though. She strolled over and sat down next to him before saying, "What do you think he would say if we pretended that you were... you know..." her virgin face turned pink as she tried to find the right terminology. "We pretended that you were... having me... and that you claimed me as your... would you say... property ... maybe..."
Draco smiled at Opal, as she was trying to tell him what she thougt. When she finally said it, Draco looked at her. He was all for it, but he knew that his father knew Occlumency. "That's a good idea Opal, but there is only one problem with it." He said, seeing her slump a little. He felt horrible, but he knew the truth, and he couldn't hide it from her.

"But the fact of the matter is, my father knows Occulmency." He said. He knew she didn't know what this was, as she hadn't been to Hogwarts. "Occulmency is being able to see into someones recent memory." He said. "And if I had truly taken your virginity, he would see it, cause it's a big thing to loose it." He added. Then he wrapped his arms around her again. "If I was having sex with you, Opal, you would be my girlfriend. Not my property." He added, giving her shoulders a light and brief squeeze.
Her eyes widened nervously, and she teared up only slightly, "h-he can do something like that?" she bit her lip. She suddenly hugged Draco tighter. When he said that she'd be his girlfriend, her eyes widened... she had never considered that anyone would want her to be their girlfriend. Biting her lip, she whispered softly, "W-would you... would you... let me be your girlfriend... i-in other words... would you... would you..."

She couldn't finish the words, absolutely tongue tied.
Draco held on to Opal. "He can, and he will if he really wants to." Draco said. It dsgusted him that he could, and would do it, just to find out if she really did have sex. Draco listened to her. "Opal, I don't have to have sex with you just so you could be my girlfriend. But I think I know what you are trying to ask." He said. He looked Opal in the eyes. He wanted to make sure she wanted to.

"But I have to ask you this." He said, keeping his steel blue eyes locked on hers. "Are you sure? Not that I'm saying that I'm going to be like my father, but I just want to make sure." He added. Draco knew that dinner was coming, and he would have to go downstairs. It would be perfect for her to think about it. "I have to go to dinner, and you will have to do the dishes." He said. "Can I do something to help you through dinner?" He asked her, not wanting her to think he was going to do something mean or nasty to her.

He walked over to his dresser, and grabbed his wand. "I promise, this won't hurt, and it's just a spell to help you stay calm through dinner." He said. "As I'm sure that my father will be trying to get you to mess up anyway possible, just so he can have and excuse to take it from you." He added. With that, he waved his wand and seen her start to relax. "I'll be there with you, and I won't leave until your done. Okay?" He said, as he stuck his wand in his pocket and started down to dinner with his mother and father. "Come on. I'm right here." He added, walking out.
"I-I know..." she said looking towards him, though she was still surprised... she had never felt such a sense of worth before. Her real family didn't love her because she was a non magic person coming from an important magic family. Now a handsome boy her age from one of the most notorious rich, pure blood magic families was caring about her? It was like a dream come true... but still, there was the nightmare of his father not too far away.

"I-I'll think about it... during dinner..." she whispered gently. "And tell you after..." however, when he said he was going to use a spell on her, she looked at the wand nervously, covering herself, not really sure what was going to happen. However, when he used the spell to calm her, she suddenly felt a relaxed mood take over, and she even managed to smile a little bit. "Thank you..." she said sincerely to him.

Then, she got up and followed him at a distance so it didn't look coincidental.
Draco nodded. He knew she would be nervous with his wand, after all, one did just about take her virginity. But as soon as he cast the spell, he seen her relax. Then he headed to dinner. He sat down, as far as possible from his father, and waited for dinner to be over. He wasn't hungry, he was nervous. He didn't want anything to happen, thus why he brought his wand. To protect Opal. From his..father. And he would at all costs. The only thing that scared Draco about his father is who he worked for.

Dinner crawled by, and Draco finally finished. He pushed his plate away, but didn't leave. He seen Lucius looking at Opal, and he felt the rage build in him, but he kept calm.

Lucius looked at Narcissa. "Where is that new servant? Shouldn't she be here by now?" He said, still stinging from thier encounter. But he was determined to get her, and he would take her this time. He seen her enter, and he gave her an evil smile. He didn't even care if she messed up or not, it was just a way to let them know, that he was thier master. "Better? Now that you got that out of the way?" He asked her. He seen her jump, but it didn't effect her as much as he thought. "I'm watching you girl." He growled, as she walked by. Just to rattle her more, as she did, he slapped her ass.
A strange reaction occurred when he slapped her rear. Since the spell calmed her, she just made a simple, squeak, but nothing more- though the expression in her eyes were much like bedroom eyes since being spanked somehow turned her on, she had a toned down reaction instead. She accidentally cast the bedroom eyes at Draco because she was curious of his reaction when Lucius slapped her rear. She then quickly took the plates from the table, looking towards Lucius coldly saying, "Hope you enjoyed your meal, sir.." and then to Narcissa with a sincere expression before walking out of the room with the plates, not dropping a single one.

She walked into the kitchen and one of the other maids said, "Did you see Opal look at Draco like that... hmnn... that makes me wonder..." Opal was walking in as she saw the maids talking and cleaning plates and it made both the maids blush in shame. "Oh, Opal..." said one of them. She walked over and put the plates down on the counter. Then, she shook her head, walking back out to the dining room to make sure she didn't forget anything.
Draco seen the look that Opal gave him after his father slapped her ass. But it still made him mad. "Father? Seriously, I'm trying to eat here." Draco said, as he seen Lucius glare at him. Draco glared right back at him. This only made Lucius madder. "Draco, is there something wrong?" He asked.

Draco stood up, remembering the look that Opal gave him. He would have to remember that, for later. "No, I just mean, at the dinner table? Come on, at least wait until you're alone." He said, hoping to expose his father's secret to his mother. He looked at her, but it didn't seem to effect her much. Draco sighed, sat back down, and waited for the table to be cleared.

After Lucius left, Draco made sure that he was in his study, before letting Opal out of the kitchens. "Okay Opal, it's clear, he's in there, problably trying to figure someway to get to you." He said with a sigh. Grabbing her hand, he led her out of the kitchen. But he noticed the other maids looking at him. He just flashed his Malfoy smirk at them, and walked away.
"Yeah... you're right..." she said softly to Draco, still terribly relaxed. She smiled softly, knowing she was now with Draco and that was all that mattered.

The maids giggled at Draco's smile, but one of them pouted when Draco walked off with Opal. They could hear one of them say childishly, "what's so good about her, anyway?" as he brought her back to his room.

When they got to Draco's room, it was a very nice scene- the window was open and the moonlight was shining onto the bed, lighting up the room and a gentle breeze was blowing in, moving the long curtains.
Draco heard the maids talking about her. He turned and looked at them. "Do you remember your first time with my father?" He asked them. He seen them gasp and get back to work. "That's what I thought." He snapped, then left.

Draco sat on his bed, the moonlight making his blonde hair shine even brighter. He looked over at Opal. He hated to bring this up, but he had to. "I hate to do this, but have you thought any about what we talked about ealier?" He said, looking over at her, not wanting to upset her. "I'm just asking so I will know what to do from now on with my father." He added. Knowing that if he did take her virginitiy from him, there would be sever and immediate consequenses. But Draco didn't care. He would do it a thousand times over for Opal.
"Draco... I would... really... rather give it to someone I love..." she looked towards him, "Or someone I feel that I can love..." she paused a bit more before adding, "So that means that I.. I want to give myself to you tonight..." she looked away shyly, "But... is he gong to hurt you... when he finds out?" looking towards him sadly, she bit her lip.

"I don't want him to hurt you.."
Draco smiled. "He won't. I have my wand, and my schooling, so I'll be fine." Draco said, as he put his arms around her. Slowly, he leaned in closer, and gave her a kiss. Her lips were soft like velvet. He pulled away, not wanting to scare her, but damn her lips. He would try to protect her from his father. When She didn't seem freaked out by the kiss, he smiled.

"Don't be afraid. I'm nothing like Lucius." He told her. Then he laid back on his bed. Looking out the window, he sighed. Grabbing his wand, he waved it, and closed his door. He seen her look at him. "It's not locked. Not yet anyways, and when it does lock, it's for your protection." He told her. Then he laid on his side, and motined for her to move a litte closer to him.

He held her, as she sat there. He wasn't going to rush things too much, but he knew it had to be done tonight, or it would be too late for her. He looked in her eyes, and smiled. "Would you like another calming charm?" He asked her, wanting her to be comfortable.
"Oh, alright... good..." she whispered, making eye contact with him and smiling. Her eyes grew wide when he kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back tenderly, melting into the kiss- something so wonderful that she had never felt before.

She watched him close the door with his wand and she panicked just a bit, but then realized that Draco had nothing but good intentions. She nodded softly, "I understand..." She timidly approached the bed, seeing him lay down on his side. Swallowing hardly, she walked over and sat down on the other side.

"A-a calming charm? A-another one.." she nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yes... yes.. please..."
Draco smiled. "It's okay. Don't worry." He said, grabbing his wand. He cast the calming charm. "There. Take a few deep breaths." He said. For all the help he was trying to be, he still felt himself getting hard. This somewhat disgusted him, but he knew it had to be done.

For now, he quickly threw a blanket over him, even though he was hot. He hoped thatshe hadn't noticed. He didn't want her to freak out too much. Doing this was going to take time, especially since she was freaked out by his father. It wasn't like Pansy. She was wild. But he shoved that thought aside. He had a bigger problem, and it wasn't his father. "Are you okay?" He asked, smiling at her.

Lucius sat in his study. He had to find Opal, and claim her. He did that to all of his maids. She was no different. But where was she? He hadn't seen her since dinner.
She smiled shyly towards him after he cast the spell on her. She sat down by him, trying to keep calm, "You can lock the door now, Draco... I trust you.... I trust you way more than whatever may come through that door..." she placed a hand on his chest. Being a virgin, teased or not by Lucius, she was still fairly naive... and she was curious why Draco had thrown a blanket over himself. "I'm fine now..." she looked to him, still her soft and timid self, but no longer nervous or jittery.

"Draco... why did you do that with the blanket..." she reached for it.
Draco nodded. "Okay." He said, as he grabbed his wand. Waving it, he heard the lock click. Then he cast a silencing spell. He was quiet enough, he just didn't want to take any chances. Then he moved to put his wand back. As he did, he reached under the blanket to adjust his ever growing hard on. Just as he got it where he thought he was safe, he heard Opal asking him something.

It happened so fast, but it still seemed to be in slow motion. "Wait, Opal, no....unghhh." Before he knew it, Opal had the blanket off of him. He had adjusted himself to where just his head was sticking out his pants. It was too late to do anything now, as it was impossible to hide. He sat there, stunned. "Opal, I'm sorry." He said. He felt dissapointed in himself. He felt just like his father. "I didn't expect you to take the blanket off." He added, as he looked down at the floor. "I'll unlock the door, you can leave if you want." He said reaching for his wand, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"No!" she said quickly suddenly as he suggested unlocking the door, "Please... it's only natural, Draco... I understand..." she looked at him sincerely. She reached up to stroke his face, "I need guidance... I-I need you... you may fear you're like your father, but you're not... you have one big difference that he doesn't have... you have humility, Draco... and you have kindness... I know you'll treat me right..." she took the wand from Draco and placed it back down.

"Kiss me..." whispered softly, crawling ontop of him, her face inches from his.
Draco looked at her. He smiled. "Ahh." He gasped,his breath catching in his throat. He couldn't help but let a soft moan out as she crawled on top of him. He nodded. "Okay Opal, thank you." He said, hearing her say that it was natural. He gladly gave her a kiss, her lips sending shockwaves through him. He put his hands on her hips, as he slowly ran his tongue across her lips.

He let another small moan out. For as good as he was, he was still a guy, and damn if it didn't feel good to have her on top of him. He broke ths kiss, for just a moment, and brushed her hair out of her eyes. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He asked her. Buthe didn't wait for a reply, as he kissed her again.
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