Lusting for a Squib ((Closed to Shadow Malfoy))


Dec 18, 2012

Name: Opal Faye
Age: 19
Personality: Obedient, apologetic, clever, sexually sensitive, hot tempered, gullible, hard-working
Bio: A squib who was sent to work at the Malfoy Manor permanently because a magic family from the Ministry had this daughter they no longer wanted and decided to keep it quiet by getting rid of her and bringing her to work at the Malfoy Manor.
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Opal's breath caught in her throat as she was frightened by the sudden rumble of thunder outside, causing the plates that she had been holding in her hands to crash to the floor, plates shattering. Her eyes widened as Narcissa growled in annoyance, bounding in the direction of the shatters.

"For Merlin's sake!" she hissed in anger, using her wand to quickly repair the plates, "Those are the second set of plates you broke today... once you put those in the sink, go to my damn husband's office... I've been complaining about you and I do believe he has something suitable for you." Opal's eyes widened as she swallowed and then she put the plates into the cabinet where they belonged.

Then, her head hung slightly, she made her way to the office of Mr. Malfoy. Holding her breath, she reached out and knocked on the door, her heart felt lke it was tied in a knot.
Lucius heard the plates crash to the floor, then a knock on his office door. "Enter." He said. He had no need of a squib, and was furious when he found out he was to get one. He seen Opal walk in. "Oh, what happened now?" He said as he took his wand and waved it. the door slammed shut, making her jump. "You still insist on pissing Narcissa off? Why can't you relax and do your job right?" He said, his piercing steel blue eyes glaring at her. He didn't wait for an answer.

"You do know this calls for punishment, right?" He said, an evil grin forming on his lips. He had many many ways to punish her, and most of the she wasn't to keen to. So he got an idea. "Look at me." He said. "You choose your own punishment today." He added. "And remember, I have ways of knowing what you are thinking. So choose wisely, or it will be more severe than normal." He told her as he sat back and watched her shiver in fear.

It disgusted him. That he would punish a squib like he did her, but then again, Narcissa wasn't quite the loving wife she use to be. He needed release somehow, and he was above masturbation, even with magic, he still had primal needs. He also knew he could get any woman he wanted, but Opal was free. Which was even better. He smirked. "Well?" He asked, getting impatient.
Her eyes widened and her head snapped up to look at him when he ordered it. Then she heard what he had said. "S-Sir..." she said softly, lowering her head, shaking before the other, really not wanting to choose her punishment, afraid she'd pick the wrong thing or say something incorrect.

"M-May I just... just... h-have my dinner taken away for the next few days..." she whispered softly, hoping that this would suffice. "Is that suitable enough, sir?" she swallowed hardly as her face grew pale.

She reached down to play with the frayed edge of her shirt.
Lucius glared at her. "You're kidding, right?" He asked. Then, getting up he walked over to her. "No, something different, something that benefits me too." He added, a smirk forming on his lips. "Now if you can't figure it out, then it will last longer than a few skipped meals." He added.

"If you need help figuring it out, I'll gladly give you a hint." He said, looking at her. He wondered if she would be as good as she looked. He wondered if she was still a virgin. Shaking the thought from his head, he decided to find out now. He walked over to where she was sitting, and got mere inches from her, he could feel her warm breath, only making this situation spiral further our of control. "Tell me, are you a virgin, Opal?" He whispered in her ear.
"Kidding, sir? No, I would never kid..." she swallowed hardly as she watched him get up to walk over to her, saying he wanted something that would benefit him as well. "Well, um... I-I..."

"A-a hint?" she asked faintly, then he asked that dreaded question, the words whispered in her ear and she could barely begin to believe that she was being asked such a thing. "I-is that... applicable... t-to the s-situation at hand?" She whispered nervous, not being able to make herself speak much louder. "I-if it is... y-yes... sir... I am..." she swallowed hardly.
"That's great." Lucius said, as he stood up. He seen her sitting there, shivering in fear. "Well, how many times were the dishes dropped? Twice I believe." He said, thinking to himself. Then he looked at her, an evil smile on his face. "No worries, for now, you will remain a virgin." He said. "But there is still the punishment I must give you." He added, looking around.

Then it dawned on him. "Stand up." He said, grabbing her arm. "Sit on my desk, now." He told her. Grabbing his wand, he pointed it at the door, heard a click, and smirked. Then he muttered something, and looked at Opal. "There. Now there is no way to leave, and no one will hear your screams." He said, as he seen her on his desk. Oh the things he could do to her. But for now, dropped dishes didn't warrant to sever a punishment, so this would be perfect. Lucius walked up to her and pusheh her back on his desk, holding her hands above her head. "So, what do you think is going to happen now?" He asked, staring into her eyes, his smirk back on his face.
"Yes, sir... twice..." she said softly, nodding seriously before biting her lip when she saw his evil smile. Oh no... what was he going to do to her? The next words he uttered horrified her... the key words were for now...

When he told her to stand up, she did so right away, swallowing nervously when he said that nobody would hear her screams. She tried to keep her mouth shut, keep from talking back, though she wanted to so badly... wanted to tell him that she wasn't afraid... but that would be a lie. She was horrified. That was when he pushed her back onto the desk, her arms above her head now. She began to squirm a bit as a natural response. When he asked her what she thought was going to happen, she said curtly, "I d-don't know, sir..."
"You don't know?" He said, mimicing her. "Well let me show you. Then maybe you will know." He added, as he took his free hand and put it on her inner thigh. "Maybe you get it now?" He asked, seeing her try to squirm away. He rubbed higher, right beside her virgin hole. "How about now?" He said.

Lucius smirked, and moved his hand over her panties, and started to rub them gently across her skin, watching for any reaction. She would learn the error of her ways, one way or another. This was unconventional punishment, and he loved it. "So, does this clear up anything for you?" He asked as he started to rub her clit. "You move, and I will make it to where you CAN'T move." He said, as he took his hand off her wrists. Watching her, he waited for a reaction.
"N-no... sir... I don't know..." she growled quietly, in a slightly testy way, but then her breath caught in her throat as a gasp when he placed a hand on her inner thigh. She clenched her teeth slightly as she looked towards him, "e-excuse me... what are yo-you..." she slowly trailed off in horror and astonishment when the other began to rub her through her panties.

As he rubbed her clit, she nodded angrily towards him at his words, although her face was becoming flushed. However, the moment that he let go, despite his warning, she sprung up, jamming her elbow roughly into him with attempts to hurt his wand arm and running for the door, which she forgot was locked by magic.
Lucius growled as he spun to see her run for the door. Laughing, he sees her trying to open the door. "Well, a fighter are you?" He asks, as he pulls out his wand, but puts it back. He'll do this without magic. Walking to the door, he pinned Opal to the door, putting his knee between your legs. Getting in your face, his light blue eyes getting darker, the madder he gets, he holds himself back, but barley.

Having you against the door, he looks for a piece of fabric to tie your wrists up. Finding none, he sighs. He'll just let her fight then, makes it more exciting. Pulling her by her wrists, he brings her back to the desk, and shoves you on top of it, putting his knee back between your legs. "I love to fight, didn't you know that?" He asked her. "I mean, I am Lucius Malfoy after all, Death Eater, Bellatrix's brother in law." He added. "She isn't the only one who can be crazy, you know." He added, all the while staring into Opal's eyes. "So go ahead, fight." He tempted, but making sure he was ready this time.
She gasped as he pinned her to the door, his knee between her legs making her grow flush and squirm even more, "N-nah..." she whined weakly, arching her back, biting her lip and then giving him the dirtiest look she could- she didn't want him to see her embarrassingly submissive side.

She kicked and shouted as he dragged her back to the desk by her wrists and sat her back on the desk. Moaning slightly at his knee, she brought back her fist with attempts to punch him in the jaw, managing to do so- moving away from his knee, not looking into his eyes- not allowing herself to.
Lucius grunted as her punch hit him, recoiling slightly. "You dirty squib, think you can get away with that do you?" He said, wrenching her legs apart once again. Once he did, he jammed his thumb on her clit, and rubbed it hard, making sure the cloth was right against it, smirking. "Like it do you?" He asked. "Don't think you can get anything past me, I heard you." He said, an evil smile spreading across his lips.

He continued, holding her wrists above her head. Although he didn't like to admit it, she was giving him a good fight. But it was only turning him on more. Leaning in, he whispered into her ear. "Don't fight, you're just making it worse." Then he nibbled her earlobe, making sure to keep the pressure on her clit, not giving her time to process anything.
She growled as he grabbed her by the wrists, not allowing her to hit him again, he attempted to kick him, but then started losing it at the point where he roughly began to rub her clit. Her eyes widened and she began to arch her back, looking away with a flushed, angered face as she let out another muffled whimper which she tried to stifle by biting her lip.

When he whispered into her ear, she felt him nibble, she jerked her head so that it slammed into his, but it wasn't worth much more of a fight at the moment because she was embarrassingly starting to stain the front of her panties with her wetness. She took a deep breath and shook her head in embarrassment, lowering it and panting softly.
Lucius felt her arch her back. He wondered if she was enjoying this? No, she can't be, can she? So he decided to further investigate. With the same hand, he pushed her panties to the side, and slid his middle finger across her wet slit. "Liking this are you?" He said, as he kept on her clit, gently pushing his middle finger into her wet hole. "Hm, easier than I thought." He said, to himself.

"Look at me Opal." Lusius said. When she looked away, he gave her clit a hard pinch. "I said look at me." He repeated. He wanted to know just how far she was willing to let things go. Wondering why he was even doing this, as she had no magic in her at all. But damn she looked so hot, sitting on his desk, trying to be defiant, but slowly giving in. It turned him on, and it befuddled him. "Look at me, tell me you enjoy this." He said, a smile creeping on his face.
"H-hey... w-what the hell are you doing, you son of a -" she gasped as he pulled aside her panties, "t-that's private, y-you... you..." she suddenly jumped and gasped when she felt him slide his finger across her entrance, "No... I'm not... " she growled defiantly. As he continued to tease her clit and started to fuck her with his finger, she clenched her fists, disdainful about his comment of it being easy. She couldn't help it that her body was sensitive!

When he told her to look at him, pinching her clit, she gasped and proceeded to turn and look at him, anger in her eyes, her jaw clenched. She looked into his eyes, her face getting redder and redder in embarrassment, trying to keep her calm. "F-fuck you..." she growled gently, but let out a little cry, her mouth opening slightly when he touched a sweet, sensitive spot. "I will never... f-fucking t-tell you... anything..." her pussy twitched by his touch, but her face wouldn't show the pleasure, except for the panting and flushed complexion.
Lucius smiled. "You don't have to say it. Your body is screaming the message." He said, as he seen her getting red. "I always say actions speak louder than words." He added, as he put his index finger in her pussy, and hit her g-spot. He noticed as her pussy twitched at his touch. "See, you enjoy this, yet you fight it." He added, putting more pressure on her g-spot and clit at the same time.

With dismay, he felt himself getting hard. Was he really being turned on by her? Did he actually think there was anything that she could give him, that wasn't already avaliable to him? Lucius sighed. Maybe it was time to explore his options. "Well, let's see here, I think you get an even greater punsihment for the last few 'incidents'. What do you think?" He said, moving closer to her, making sure she couldn't get away. But he was sure she wasn't going anywhere.
She whimpered as he teased her pussy more, "Do they... well, then... based on your actions, you might as well be saying, 'I'm a bloody bastard.'" She then gasped, as he put pressure on her g-spot and clit- suddenly whimpering and looking away as her pussy squirted climax- shocked by the response of her body.

"G-Greater punishment..." she growled slightly, "What else could you do to me?" she was shaking just a bit as she looked towards him, though she still had a rough expression. She noticed the fact that he was aroused, even with all the black he was wearing and she began to get nervous.
Lucius laughed. "I am a bloody bastard. You're just now figuring that out?" He said, as he felt her cum on his hand. He smirked. "Well, even though you fought me, you still managed cum. What, do you like it rough?" He asked, totally perplexed. Here she was fighting, giving her all, but she still manages to climax? Maybe he need more time to think about this.

"Oh come on, you know what I'm talking about." He said, as he grabbed his wand, pulled it out, and slowly pushed it in her pussy, until he hit her hymen. He seen her eyes getting wide. "Yeah, now you understand me?" He said, his steel blue eyes locking onto hers. "Don't struggle, or your gonna hurt yourself." He said, as he pulled his wand back just a bit. He didn't want his wand taking her virginity, it was gonna be something else. "So when are you just going to submit?" He asked, knowing it was going to be a long drawn out fight. But he didn't care, he had all the time in the world.
"I-I didn't even... know... I just..." She tried to explain herself after her climax, her face bright red. She then glared towards him, "I don't like it any way... I'm a virgin... I don't know... how I like it... I'm not about ready to find out either..." she retorted.

When he brought out his wand and positioned it at her entrance, she began to panic a bit... feeling it go deeper until it touched her hymen. "W-wait... b-but... n-no please..." she felt his wand so close to breaking it, tears were almost ready to come out. "I-I'm not... I'm not going to... you can't make me..." she bit her lip, "I-I'll ... give you something else... just please... don't take it from me... I'm not ready..."
Lucius looked at her. "Right. Of course." Lucius sneered. "Blame inexperience. Just you wait." He told her. He pulled his wand out of her pussy, but before letting her go, he gave her clit a nice hard pinch. "I will get what I want. Not today, but VERY soon." He added, his cold steel eyes studying her.

He got up, undid the silencing spell on the room and went behind his desk. He sat down, and unlocked the door. "Now, get out. I have things to do." He said, not looking up at her. "But remember, if my wife sends you up here again, it will end differently than today." He added, as he turned to look out the window. "Oh, and leave the door open when you go." He added, knowing she was traumatized, but knowing it could have be much more. Turing around a few minutes later, he seen her gone, as he expected. He shook his head. Why do they always fight? He wondered. No matter. The servants know thier place, and she will know hers soon enough.
She let out a sigh of relief when he pulled out, though glared right at him when he continued to threaten her. Jumping when he pinched her clit, she looked towards him, her eyes fearful but angry at the same time. "We'll see about that..." she spoke back boldly before getting up and straightening herself out.

Lowering her head slightly when he continued to order her, she wanted to turn around and throttle him, but she was not willing to fight any longer today... taking a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears, she walked out of the room, leaving the door open as he wished. She turned to her right and walked down the corridor, tears trickling down her cheeks now, a look of frustration on her face.
Lucius ignored her comment. He was done with her for now, and when he was done, he was done. Plain and simple. He got back to work, forgetting all about her for the time being. Until she messed up again. Which he was hopoing for very soon, as he was still very turned on.

Draco looked up, wondering where is father was. He knew they had gotten a new servant, but he didn't know her yet. He just hoped his father hadn't traumitized her to badly. Unlike the one before her. Poor girl. If he could have only helped. It was at that moment, he saw a young girl leave his fathers office, clearly in a rush to get out, and sighed. His short blonde hair, and light blue eyes shone in the sun. He waked over and tried to find the girl he had seen, hoping to find her. He seen the young lady walking towards him. "Miss, are you alright?" He asked, as he gently grabbed her shoulders.
She jumped when the other took hold of her shoulders and asked her if she was alright. Recoiling a bit from the other, noticing the family resemblance of hair and strong features- she was worried he'd be just the same. Yet, this person seemed her age... and incredibly attractive. But that wasn't her focus right now. "I-I'm fine, young master..." she said faintly.

"Do forgive me for worrying you..."
Draco didn't mean to scare her. He scowled. "Let me guess, you've met my father?" He asked. Shaking his head he silently cursed his father. "Don't worry about him anymore." Draco said. "By the way, I'm Draco." He added. "Come with me, we can talk, and there will be no locked doors." He added, knowing his father and his history with the other servants they had.

"I truly am sorry for what he may have done." He added as he tried to gain her trust. "He does this all the time. He's a bastard like that." He said, not knowing that was exactly how she thought of him. He looked at her, knowing that Lucius had already gotten to her. He just needed to find out how bad. "Please walk with me, I know he did something, but there are things you need to know." He added. He wasn't going to let his father harm her anymore than he already has.
"Yes... I have..." she said faintly, in a stubborn way, still acting guarded, not sure if the other would lash out at her. "I don't know if I can just stop worrying about him..." She said bitterly, clenching her fists slightly, however, her expression softening a bit when she noticed the contempt the other seemed to have for his father. Was he really on her side as he seemed to try and insinuate? When he said there would be no locked doors, she was more encouraged to follow.

"I-it's alright..." she said softly, though it wasn't really that okay to her. So far, this guy wasn't that bad... he seemed particularly sweet. She began to walk by his side as he asked of her.
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