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How many messages do you have...?

Private Messages (Unread 0, Total 814)

That's really too many to carry... I anticipate beginning a new role-play in the next couple of days and a lot of the old ones will have to go, I guess....
(Unread 0, Total 2,045)
8008 now. lol. I really do need to clean it out, but it just seems like such a huge task, and I never want to throw anything away. I have deleted messages though, and it's still that full.
No, Thaedael, I do the same. I have a separate folder for each roleplay and regularly copy them into word, then delete all but the latest post/thread. And I just try to keep just the latest OoC thread from each of my partners in my inbox.

If I had as many as Nich up there, it'd stress me out! Then again, I'm nowhere near as popular, am I Andy? XD?

Unread: 0. Total: 320.
7785 Inbox
0 Unread

Mr. Martin! I am not popular. I just don't throw anything away hardly. Ever. Remember that. *wink* I really should start doing what you do though honestly. I work on clearing it out a little bit at a time, but with 24 roleplays total spanning 3 sites, YIM, and email, I tend to stay busy. I think that number may be wrong by one. I think it's actually 25. I'd have to do my rp list over to make sure though, and my numbers just changed. lol. As I'm typing this I got a new message inbox.
(Unread 0, Total 2,592)
Another cleanout, and I'm down to a neat 150, 0 unread.

Are you sure you're deleting them from your Trash, Nich? XD
Oh ha ha Mr. Q. I know how to delete messages. I just get more in. I throw some out, get some more in. I just need to wipe out my entire inbox and start doing what you and Thaedael do. So you got our rp in a folder then? That is so cool.
I do have it in a folder, that's how I could easily tell today was our 3 month anniversary!

I find it makes it so much easier to stay organised, and you don't stress when you open up your inbox!!!
(Unread 0, Total 4)

I do NOT like having messages just lying around because it confuses my brain. lol So I clean it out as I reply to posts.
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