Starship Troopers (zellsantal and thewhiterabbit)

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders most men were little boys with big toys. The toy that was inside of her was more then big enough to get the job done. "Slow down soldier i am not race car we will both cross the Finnish line when we need to" She did not kiss him it was fucking not making love. If she ever got home again then she might make love with him or no. She thrust her hips back against him using her heels like a cowgirl would to guide the pace and length of his strokes.
"Well when you said pushups it is fast for guys like us. Otherwise we get ass's whiped or worst." he said as he slow down some. If have thought of asking her out though half the time they both been bussy with there dutys its hard for pilots and soldiers to go on a date or have a relationship for that matter. But if some how he could he would take the a chance but right now it seems there minds are more set for the monment. Nick roles them around with her now on top of him and him on the floor "well then cowgirl, how about you show this soldier how you can ride?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
So the pup though he was a dog oh she would show him but not now. "A colt then, well do something with these hooves" The pilot demanded placing his hands on her chest. She grabbed the over head roll bar and began to ride the soldier. Transport pilots were the bridge between the army and navy. She laughed he had a nice cock bigger then most navy and smaller then some army. "Well soldier are you a sprinter or a marathon runner" She asked with a grin.
Nick gunted as he felt her ride him, even with robotic limbs she felt good to him. She place his hands on her breasts and in return he start squessing them firm grip while a finger and thum pinch her nipples. "Not much of a runner time, more of a sniper guy. I can Run but not that fast though." he said to her while he let her have her way with him for now.
She had to laugh "That's not what i meant but i hope it means yo have good stamina" Men, especially soldiers tended to fire like there guns. She was in no mood for one that fired often but fast. She felt his hands on her chest a bit rough but nice. At least he was not trying to tune her "Yes, yes just like that" She threw her head back a good fuck always cleared her head before a mission, better still with another person and not bullet.
"I see, and yes I do have a lot of that. I might not be as good as the others but I still have a good admont of stamina. So we can have some fun for a while if thats what you were hoping for?" he Nick asked before he chuckles. He kept playing with her breast as he thrust best he could while she was riding him. He did wonder how long until ether they get attacked or somthing else comes up, in ether case he hoped it wount be for a while. Knowing his luck it might not be long.

Recconess walked down the halls of the human ship and looking around, as he did he come across one of the rooms which had a few humans in it. It looked to be a training room of some sort sense it was indeed a larg and long room with practice dummys, a small gun range and a few other things that is use to keep there skills sharp. The humans looked at him and he could tell a few didn't seem pleased and while other seem worryed that he might start something. After a few monments one of them did ask him "Um can we help you?". "I only came to talk and .. mingle with the other memebers of our.. team. I only wish to get to know the new face's in out group so maybe we can understand each other better. If thats alright?" he asked them.
She smiled holding tightly onto him she needed this as much as he did maybe more. "Um sorry i mean" It was one of the mechanics come to repair a problem light. She almost invited him to join in but the boy was about to throw up "sorry about that you know rack time is only for sleep" She did not know what to do as an officer this one female entered "Report why are you oh" She tilted her head "Sorry but i need this bird at one hundred percent, get dressed and i will not add this to my report"

Gene was not a soldier she was a bug specialist which still put her in the army. She was part of a new division the grunts nick named the spooky division. The division did research, and occasionally spied on there own soldiers. Gene looked like a runway model with piercing blue eyes and blonde hair. She watched the can enter the range she placed her book open on the table. "Listen cat, this section is not for you" She walked out expecting him to follow her.
Nick was close to relese inside of her until suddenly the door of the fox five opens and one of the mechanics busted in. "Damit, and just as we were having fun." he said in a whisper and then a woman came in as well making it a second person. Though luck seem to be on there side sense it seems they wouldn't get in trouble if they hurry up and get changed. He looks at Rhena "well could we met up later and just get back to where we left off or did you have your fill for the day?" he asked her as he slowly slide her off him so he could get change.

Rec only look at the woman with a brow risen up, it was indeed rude to say to him and she was only lucky he wasn't like the rest of race or else he would have taken that talk as a challage with the cat comment. "True, but I am aloud to be here just as the rest of you, I only wish to talk and nothing more." he told her though he did not fallow her when she went out the door.
Rhena laughed he was far too much a little boy to be in the army he would be eaten alive by the bugs. "I feel so loved after that, no don't worry about me i will go on somehow" She teased giving him her private link code to he personal channel. "When you want to finish meat me in the ship i usually fly support for missions after a load is dropped" She smiled and left to get cleaned up after she dressed.

Gene scowled at the cat creature and left to find any other cats she could scan. Her second mission was to rile them up cause them to drop there guards around her. Few people knew about espers even among the humans top brass. They were not human but they were not alien, they were something else. "God prude" Gene said under her breath.
Nick takes a look at the code that Rhena have given to him and add it to his memory, he was glade that Rhena would want to finsh up what they started and maybe more once they have time. He look at her with a grin "sounds like a winner to me, just dont kill your self in your mission ok." he said to her before he went ahead and left the fox five and headed back to the barracks.
Gene felt the hull shake as the ship was knocked out of FTL warning sirens began to blare. "Core critical in 90 minutes" What the fuck happened she thought. It had to be one of those no good cats, suicidal warrior bullish. "Sir i mean mam the coolant tubes to reactor one have been severed by an outside collision" Impossible they were buried so deeply a hit like that would have cut the ship in half. Bug mines hit a ship in FTL and eat there way inside. "Get a sweeper team i want that bug dead and new coolant lines started and get me a cat i am sure they will want in on this"
Right away the Kel'ra sense's were going off, they felt the empact of somthing hiting the ship and right away they could sense it wasn't normal ether. They gave a few glows not of anger but of eargerness, and with that they quickly got out of the mass hall and start tracking down there new prey. Reconess sense the same thing as this fellow Kel'ra had and quickly look at the humans in the room. "Seem the bugs came to us after all, if I were you I would hurry up and get what you need before me and the others of my kind take all of them out." he said before having a grin on his face and quicly left the room to join with the others.
A worm burst through the wall on Genes right and plowed through the wall on her left. It slid between steel plates as easily as a fish swims through water. “Kill it kill it” Gene demanded of the fire team. The creature burst through the floor its face a gaping maw of fangs. As it punched its way into the floor above its tail finally appeared in the hole on the left where it emerged.
“Can't you hit anything” Despite being exposed only ten feet away in a cramped hall no one could hit the worm. Its black chitin armor seemed to devour the light around it. Just before Gene could fire point blank into the worm the lights failed. The small hall was plunged into darkness Gene could taste the ind of humans and one large cat. “What are you doing come to gloat” Humans have terrible night vision. Compared to cats.
The worm on the other hand could not see it all it felt the vibrations send through steel and air. “Well do something, everyone on the deck I don't want him collecting any more human pelts” It was not fair humans were ever bit as capable of violence as the cats. As the lights came on there was no sign of the worm. Only a trail of blue glowing blood around the edge’s of the last two holes. “You coming or are we just going to let the worm eat are ship, oh that’s right you can just leave”
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