Starship Troopers (zellsantal and thewhiterabbit)


Dec 9, 2012
The war still going strong as both Humans and the Kel'Ra working together in the war. It's been five years ago that the Kel'Ra join us against the bugs. A advance feline humenoid race the Kel'Ra were found while a human team were in a bug hunt, the team was about to over taken by the bugs but a group of the Kel'Ra save the team. That day marked in history as we gain new allys to help end the bug threat!

Would you like to know more?

Over the five years both human and Kel'Ra have worked in there own teams and help each other best they could but time and time again it seem both race's still having a hard time working and trustiong each. This year however proves to be different, leaders of both race's have decided to form teams that would have both race's. To help understand and trust each other or else some fear that we end up fighting each other before giving the bugs a good fight. But be assured that we and our furry allys will put aside each other's differences and win the war with the bugs in no time!

Commander Maxwell stood in the mass hall of the human battle ship Black Odin, his team known as Hazard Squad. Though its still a little newer team then most but between the day they were form and now they became know as a human team that could get just about every mission done without any problems. The last mission however was a costly one, half the team were killed as intel didn't relize how many bugs were really there but of course they wouldn't admit their mistake.

Now he is being given some of the Kel'Ra to replace his lost memebers and making them one of the first teams of both races. It wasn't that he hated the Kel'Ra but still he didn't like the fact that half his team was being replaced, in his heart these newbes woun't be anything like his fallen team mates. He might not able to say the same for the rest of his team, few would welcome them and others might not like them at all but they would have to deal with it one way or a nother if they were going to win the war with the bugs. If they ever win the war.

Maxwell felt the ship shake some which ment it was docking with a nother ship. He figure that is the Kel'Ra memebers coming aboard. "Alright listen up, I'm guessing that our new memebers have just arrived. Despite how you may feel about them you will respect and treat them like you would any other soldier. Do I make myself clear?" He asked them and all of then give a 'yes sir' in reply. Now they wait to met there new allys if any of his team wish to say something beforhand now would be a good time.
The Kel'Ra were nomads and hunters they had never learned the weak habits of the humans. In fact there first meeting should never have occurred if not for one simple accident. During an extermination sweep of a small unimportant system the broken fang came upon a human war party. The humans were defending a colony, (a dirt came of some permanence), from the Far-ion a race of giant bugs. The single stalker ship normally would have waited for one race to finish the other off. But the captain was an old male without an heir. He rescued the party and adopted one of the younger humans into his clan.

"These humans are so weak" Favia roared her voice echoing of the small chamber of the Lions Mane. The small team was meant to reinforce a human (Grios) pack. Favia loathed the idea of teaming up with humans they did not know how to enjoy a hunt. Stepping aboard the Odin she found it to clean to antiseptic for her taste. There was no character no sign of who the crew were. It lacked trophies or any form of momentous from the hunt. The human fighter seemed frail even in body armor.

"I am Favia leader of the hunt" She looked the human over, strange creatures even there language was weak. She pinned to meet a German or Japanese or any of the more war like clans. These Americans were able enough in war but had no heart for it. "Were shall we hunt" Kel'ra had far more advanced weapons then the humans but wore only ceremonial armor. This made them fast, silent and lethal in most combat in jungles but weak in open areas.
"Oh the hell they think they are to be calling us week, we been fighting these bugs for years. Maybe not as long as long as them but shit we ain't standing here with guns for nothing!" One of the men yelled, this one was Rion one of best of Maxwell's team and also co-leader of the team as well. "Stand down Rion and leave your personal feelings aside, right now aint the time nore place! If you have a problem with that then your more then welcome to leave this team." He said to him. He didn't like saying that to him but he had to make sure everyone was working together here and understand each other as well.

A few ot hte Kel'ra gave a warn growl with Rion's words but they held back as Maxwell handle it. Max turns back to face Favia "I am commander Maxwell Wildheart, head of the Hazard Squad. By orders of both our superiors that I be leading this team but you would be co-leading as well. You will still go by my orders alone unless I said other wise, if you dout of what i say you can see it yourself on this data pad." he told her. He waited for a monment before he continued on. "Our 'hunt' will be at a space station not far form here. It is said to have bugs all over the place but not enough to cuase too give us problems. This is a warm up mission in order to help our team work and understand each other. This will be only one of a few warm up missions.." he said to his human half of the team then turn to the Kel'ra half ".. and hunts, so if I were you I would get to know each other and get along. Any questions before we breff about out frist warm up misson and hunt?" he asked them all and waited for any reply.
Unlike the humans the Kel'Ra had a mix of ranged an melee weapons each far larger then there human counterparts could ever wield. "Sorry i thought this was a group of children with toys" Goros Mocked before Favia back handed him hard enough to rattle his teeth. Females may have been allowed to join the pack in the hunt but they were far from equals. In fact making her leader of the mission was there way of giving her a bank handed compliment. "Sorry i am just not used to humans you smell too much like a pet i have" The animal was a herd animal small mammalian and with blunt teeth. She moved forward sizing up the leader of the human team.

"We should get started my team has not eaten in a while they wanted to dine on fresh prey" She moved to the right of the human so they could see her trophies. Favia had to leave her human trophies behind as they were now allies. She grinned the Kel'Ra became aware of humans long before the humans were aware of the Kel'Ra. "What is the...mission" Her leaders told her almost nothing other then they would be fighting aliens and humans. It seemed among the humans there were bug lovers. These environmentalist were trying to use there bodies to shield the bug. The weak willed humans did not want to kill children so perhaps they were there to kill just the bugs.
Max and the others of his team watch as Favia back hand one of the her men for the ill comment. It seems they have a sort of respect for humans after all. "Well you could say I was thinking the same thing so the feeling is mutual." Max said, he might take some insluts but when it came down to it he also would show that he was no push over and would gladly take anyone to prove them other wise, even to a Kel'ra.

"Our first mission is to take back a station thats over run by bugs but more then we can handle or else would take more then our teams to do it. The station is one of your old ones to be a fact which if we succeed your people would be very greatful. To what is in the station that is so importent I would say only you would know but its not our place to find out. Mostly its to help us get along better. So is there anything you wish to add?" He asked her. "Oh and yes there will be something to eat for your group, we brought in a few living animals so you may have them in any way you like. We have different way of eating and we ten to keep it that way so not to be insluting or anything." he told Favia.
Though Favias lips curled up in something of a smile the meaning was very different from that of a humans smile. She squatted down the heavy short barreled weapon on her lap. It worked something like a shotgun and grenade launcher. Only it used no propellent but instead used an advanced understanding of gravity. "Very well how long until we reach , you would call it purgatory" She asked the smile never leaving her face. Taken a hundred cycles ago the station was a mile tall and once housed a hundred thousand of her kind before they truly became nomadic.

Goros was happy that the human females unlike his own kind were smaller then the males. The team was made up of males and females, Hygar was the second in command and unlike the young commander a seasoned female. Hygar carried no long range weapon in fact she mostly used her own claws. "If we have enough time we should eat first you never know when you may have the chance to again" The sword she carried was only as long as a broad sword but far wider.
"Or do you humans have a different ritual"
"In fourdy two hours we should able to reach the station, within that time the crew is free to do as they wish as long they don't cuase any trouble. The same goes with you and the other Kel'ra, you can even sparring matches with the others but the rule on that is no weapons can be use, nore your claws for that matter. That also means no killing ether, I read files about your.. kills and trophies and let me say if you or any of your men do anything like that to mine I will take matters into my own hands. Are we clear?" Max asked though as he spoke he gotten closer to Favias not only to show he wasn't weak to them but to show if it came down to it he would fight them to the death.
Favia let out a grown and moved to size him up big for a human "You making a challenge" They had similar rules for children that had yet to stop suckling there mother. She slowly drew a circle on the floor as she began to discard almost everything. What was left covered little only a few straps of cloth to cover the most vital bits of her anatomy. "First blood or first out of the circle" Favia asked moving her fingers to crack each of the joints as she sheathed her claws. Her kind was all about the front they had poor peripheral vision and a worse turn rate. Like cheetahs they were made for speed so despite her size she could not take a lot of damage. "I could give you a handicap if you need it" The other warriors circled the rind sending catcalls to both of them.
Max was about to try to stop her but she already made the circle and he didn't say anytyhing until her atention was back onto him. "Its not a challenge, not yet anyhow unless it came to it. It is rules that my higher ups have place and must be fallowed or else WE could all get into trouble, that would be no fun for ether one of us now would it? On top of that I value the lifes of all of my team's lifes. As much I would enjoy showing you how a human can fight I have other dutes that are more importent but we will met again very soon. After the mission I'll gladely take your challenge, when im more ready for it." he told Favia in the same calm fashion before he gave a low bow and start walking off.

Some of the others in the human part of the team seem a bit unless with what was just happening but still they did there best now to show that in front of the Kel'ra. In a few monments however two large cows were being walked inside of the masshall and with that in site the other humans start moving out of the room sense the last thing they need to see is how these guys eat.
Her fists were clenched so hard that her fingers dug into her palms deep enough to make them bleed. The first beast fell to a single swipe of her other hand. Favia tore into the chunk of meat in her hand as she squatted down blood flowing over the floor. "What a coward" She moved to hit him again but the small male moved out of her reach. She took her choice pieces and left for a corner. Favia placed her back to eat and continued to eat. After she left the mated blood letting one of the young males clean her off. The time passed slowly she ate several more times never fight on a full stomach. It took away the hunger for victory making you weak. "We will wait till the mission and find out if these humans can fight" She painted her armor with the blood of the animal. She would latter use human blood to cleanse her dishonor.
Later on Recconess would come walking to where Favia was at, Recconess was a red furred Kel'ra with weapons as some would say are called gunblads, which weapon he held was a gun with a blade on it. So in case in any battle he could use for any range but what he is more known for is one of the few Kel'ra who is orderd to understand humans and at the same time teach the humans there own ways. Most think Recconess was too soft to the human and some times thought as weak but he proved each time that he aint weak what so ever and put most of any Kel'ra in there place. Recconess have more understand and odd enough more open then other Kel'ra, right now he hope to maybe eas Favia's anger though if he could not then he would let her be.

"Its not a dishoner to be decline a challenge Favia, the commander was only saying he didn't want any blood of his men spilled. You were a bit hrash to just challenge him for that alone." he told her.
She looked up at the blademaster and smirked he knew so little about how weak her position was. Only a generation ago women were not even allowed to leave the house. "No it is for me he would not even acknowledge me" She stood up and began to walk away she needed to oil her armor. The suit was her fathers, he had no son so passed it on to her. He of course never intended for her to wear it the small suit had to be reisized much of the padding removed. The ship came out of FTL much of the trip would be at sublight speeds. The base was deep in the system making travel difficult. Favia was a tiger patterned cat of red and yellow some would call her pretty others cute. "You can leave now blademaster before you make maters worse" She began to sharpen a blade a long dagger used for skinning.
"As you wish." Recconess said and gave a low bow in reply before he walked away from her. He knew Favia for a short time but he knew that women were just now geting rights to be hunters like himself but have more to prove the the men do sense for so long they been known only to clean and take care of the young. It was becuse of a female Kel'ka named Tammra that able the women to have there own rights to be more then what they are and though she died she still encouraged many women. He also seen her when she does get upset so it was wise to leave her alone for now. Maybe later on when things settle down or after there first hunt together maybe both race would get along better, or so he hopes. That or maybe talk to some of the humans later one before the hunt and see what some might do.
Rhena was not part of the actual squad but a pilot for the gunship Fox Five. The ship was like her child it was capable of operating in space and on planets. She loved the small ugly brick shaped ship more then any human alive. She was an orphan of the bug wars her parents killed by a bug asteroid. She was short just making the five foot requirement for the arm/navy. She had blue hair and purple eyes a product of her Luna father and martian mother. While in no way fat she was far more compact then most females in the navy. "I wonder if we have to change the litter box" The inside of Fox Five held dark red and black stains that would never be washed away.
Nick comes walking into the bay where the Fox Five was docked, he was there to check on Rhena as always. Nick knew Rhena for a while now, sense they joined up really. Though he was a soilder he still come and talk to her when he could to see how she is doing. He stood about 5'6 feet tall and have a mid body build. Short dark brown hair and brown eyes but have a scar across his left eye, a but almost got him good but lucky for him it was only a cut that the bug did rather then taking half his head off. "So how is the kid doing, normal as always. Well other then the stands I mean." Nick said and waited for a reply, he called the ship a kid sense Rhena treated it as her baby and it was always the first thing he talks about so that way she would start have an interest in talking to him most of the time.
Rhena gave him a look she would never have kids thanks to the bugs and a reactor leak. "Yeah the old boy is fine" She liked to call it male just to snub the other pilots. She turned around he was always sniffing around her. He was a cute enough kid she just had not been looking for anything long term since the academy. "Well what do you want" she asked standing up she was as tall as he was or a little taller. Her body was only inches from his own. "Look i need a good fuck, can you give e a good fuck soldier" When soldiers measure there life in missions it was always good to fuck, fight, and eat as much as you could. You just never knew when you would buy the farm.
Nick blinked when Rhena turned around and ask for a good fuck, it surprized him sense she never asked that from him what so ever. But he can only guess she been dieing for a good time sense being in this life time can be sort and you never know when its your last day in the living. He grins and told himself why the hell not "sure I can give you a good fuck, where be a good place, out in the open it might not be a good idea if you know what I mean?"
She was going to tell him it was a joke but decided it would not be that funny. "How bout in Fox Five you know the bunks are not that private" There was little more privacy then there would have been in the mess hall. A starship like its waterborne cousin seems big until you discover how many people you have to pack inside of it. She pulled him close and kissed him on the lips. "When i fuck someone i fuck them, i am not fucked by them" She meant normal sex it was more a control thing then an issue of biology.
Nick rose about when she stated she fucks them, he was hoping she didn't mean she had a dick of her own or somthing or else things like not go so well "If your more meaning riding the hell out of me sure im fine with that. Though if your thinking of puting anything up my ass well there might be some issues there." he said and chose his words carfuly. He wasn't sure who it would go but hopfuly for him at lese it will lead a good time.
zellsantal said:
Nick rose about when she stated she fucks them, he was hoping she didn't mean she had a dick of her own or somthing or else things like not go so well "If your more meaning riding the hell out of me sure im fine with that. Though if your thinking of puting anything up my ass well there might be some issues there." he said and chose his words carfuly. He wasn't sure who it would go but hopfuly for him at lese it will lead a good time.
Rhena placed a hand next to his head. "God you are a hoot and why would i want that, if i wanted to use a cock i would find a girl, i want a cock" She pushed him against the wall and began to kiss him hard her hands roaming over his body. Army training was better for men then women. It tended to make woman a little more bulky then they normally would be. "Besides i have a much better ass then you"
Nick was suprized by her roughness but he didn't hold her back, if she wanted a good fuck like she wants he would give her what she wants. On top of that she thinks hes hot which ether she is needing sex that badly or she does have a thing for him. In ether case he would please her best he could. "Heh, that Ill give you and be more then happy to tap that ass of yours." he said before quickly picking her hp and over his showders and carryes her incide the fox five and close the door behind him. Gently though he said her ontothe floor where he was not on top of her "hmm a hot girl under me, now what to do?" he asked with a grin on his lips seeing how she would react.
Rhena pulled him on top with her metal arm it looked just like flesh in color and shape but it was a composite. She also had one machine leg a gift from the service. "Well we can fuck" She teased him reaching in to grab a hold of him. she stroked him a few times so that e could grow in her hand. "Soldier i do not think that is regulation size, with a beast like that you would humiliate the other men" She teased him again crushing her own lips to his. She continued to stroke him using her other hand to pull down his pants. next time she would have to do the operation in reveres order. "You ever fuck a cyborg before" Just the arm and leg everything else was real.
"Heh no but there's a first time for everything, as it stands right now I'm happy to get any fucking at all. If going to die I want to at lest have a good time before I do." Nick said before removing the rest of his cloths. She was right that he had a beast in his pants, his cock is a foot long by two inch's thick. Nick might not look much but if look closer women would see he had more to offer then some guys. "Your turn." he said with a grin as he start helping her taking her own cloths off, though he knew about her leg and arm where taken away by the bugs and replace with metal implant ones but that still didn't stop him, really it made him feel sorry for her sense all the hard ships she must be going though. In a sense he did this more for her then himself.
She grabbed the back of his head kissing him on the lips she hated that sympathetic look. "Listen men outnumber women at least four to one in the infantry, and navy bitches don't put out to grunts so if you look at me again like that i will break that dick off and" There was an announcement about there impending mission that cut of the last of her threat. "Now cock and give me that cock" She stripped off her cloths she had a great body not a models but she was a soldier not a barbie doll. "Now show me how you use that weapon soldier give me fifty push up's with that cock in my cunt"
"Yes sir1" he said though smiles as he did, he gets both of her legs on ether side of his hips while he plunges his cock into her pussy. She was wet down there though she was still very tight around him but didn't complain, instead he held her hips and thrust's himself in and out of her. He went about mid speed at first but slowly he start picking it up to where she would enjoy it. At this point all that would be in there minds is fucking each other until one pass out though really he hopes both would pass out at the same time.
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