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Wild West Scifi Zombie Apocalypse - Notable Creations


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?
This thread is for all of us to use as a reference since it is here that we should post any and all notable things we create within the group RP. These notables can be locations (ie, cities, buildings, etc), specific items or goods, various technology, etc. But basically it will be things we all create as we go that should be noted in case we need to mention it in any subsequent posts.

When you create something in your posts, please mention it here and give a brief description for reference. I will then add the name of your 'creation' to the appropriate list and link to your post below.




Trinity Arms Model 38 (weapon)
Smith & Wesson R Frame Model 450 (weapon)
Pirate Special (weapon)

Trinity Arms Model 38


The Trinity Arms model 38 snubnose revolver is based of "antiquated" design, however it is still reliable and durable. The pistol was developed nearly fifty years before the colonization efforts kicked off and was considered outdated. However the revolver had a rather unique advantage over many firearms, it could fire multiple calibers. The model 38 is capable of firing four different kinds of ammunition; .347 magnum, .38 special and both in their caseless forms as well. The revolver has a five round capacity and is a double action (pull the trigger and it fires without the hammer needing to be cocked).

The revolver was purchased in mass quantities before the colonization efforts with the intention of being used by the security forces and civilians (if necessary). The weapon was chosen for that reason due to it's durability, which made ideal for civilians use since maintenance would not be such a high priority. The handgun also featured a large trigger guard which made the trigger easy to access even if one was wearing a pair of gloves. The trigger itself had a rather hard pull but could be easily adjusted to have a trigger pull as light as a pound (a "hair trigger"). However these adjustments take a knowledge of firearms which is beyond that of most laymen.
Smith & Wesson R frame model 450


The model 450 was the first pistol in the Smith & Wesson R frame line. The R frame line of pistols first started production in 3512. The model 450 used an "archaic" round, the .45 long colt, but was also able to use another outdated round, the .45 ACP, as well as their more modern ceaseless variants. The 450 has a swing out cylinder with a hand ejector and can be loaded with single rounds or a speedloader. The revolver was sold in varying barrel lengths from three inches to six, including half inches.
The Pirate Special

This pistol was designed by Josh for a private Citizen whom couldn't afford the bill he charges. It is designed off of the 1800's design for a "Flintlock Pistol" But he redesigned it to handle a Plasma charge and it is runs on a Solar recharge battery and the pistol makes a distint clicking sound as it charges but when it fires it has enough power to melt through most metals and it will cause a Zombie to disintegrate to ash. though it risk a major risk of overheating if fired to much. its best used as a last resort or just to make a group of bandits or Soldiers back down.
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