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Violelia's MxF search thread ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ . [Seeking literate females !]

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Dec 17, 2012

Hellos , Violelia here .​

  • I'm a straight guy , so I would really prefer rp-ing as a straight guy too .
  • I don't do complete smut . My fav rp(s) are long terms and have around 50% of both or 40/60 percent of either . The most I'm willing to go is 80% smut in a short termed rp , we all do get horny sometimes right ?
  • I'm lit / adv lit and I prefer quality over quantity , I'll usually give you around 2-4 paragraphs per reply , of course it would be better if I had something nice to reply/match to .
  • I don't require you to write thousands of words or something with such quality it would win you a Nobel prize , but please don't give me one liners / chatspeak .
  • That includes OOC chat , I hate it when I type like one entire chunk of text only to receive a "haha" or "lol" as a reply . If you're having a writer's block or whatever , take your time , I'm not the fastest replier in the world and I don't expect you to be one either .
  • I love getting to know whoever I'm rping with , so yeah , friendly people are more than welcome to approach me ! I'm really talkative and enjoy ooc chats so bring it on !! >;D
  • Oh and if you don't reply to my ooc pms, I won't bother sending another, I get slightly irritated when I write like one whole chunk of text only to be ignored.


  • VERY IMPORTANT: Don't. Ever. Disappear. On. Me. When. We're. Planning. The. Rp. If you're busy during the rp and need to go off for a week or two, that's fine, but if you were to come on like for ten mins once a week while in the planning stage, I will lose interest in you VERY quickly. And even if you're too busy for the rp, try not to leave our ooc(s) unreplied, you should know that not only do I enjoy talking to you (especially if I use a ton of smiley faces, I mean who doesn't like smiley faces), I would also prefer knowing that you're still alive D;<.
  • As stated above , I only do MxF Rp(s) where I play the male , unless I could be convinced to double as a female . I have close to no limits other than the normal gore , scat bathroom play . Tell me about yours , I'll respect and follow them . I prefer playing OC(s) but will do fandoms if they interest me enough .
  • I don't have a K-list (yet) , but I'm fairly open to whatever sorts of kinks my partner wants to do . What sort of kinks I love and want to use depends on the story , pairing , settling and plot itself . For example , I would love spending a romantic night making love by the moonlight's illumination under a cherry blossom tree with an old Greek guy gently playing the harp by our side . But then if it's some non-con hardcore stuff , I would totally down right hate the old Greek dude .
  • I'm able to play different characters with all sorts of personalities . Need a really nerdy , skinny dom guy with tentacles that work as a customer support guy ? Done . Need a sub that is more muscular and fiercer looking than Arnold Schwarzenegger at his prime and yet always muttering and looking away in nervousness ? I'm your guy .
  • I rp through email, thread and pm. I love ooc(s) with my partners on IM, but I don't and won't IM over there(s) .


I'm down for all sort of settings .

Modern , Medieval , Sci-fi , steam punk , apocalyptic , bring it all on !


A * means I could and would play in either roles .
Bold means I'm really craving playing that role .
Boss x assistant . *
Teacher x student . *
Milf x neighbor / worker .
Best friend x Best friend .
Master x slave . *
Prostitute x Client . *
Mafia / Yakuza / Gang themed member x Cop . *
Kidnapper x Victim . *
Doctor x patient . *
Assassin x target / assassin . *
Bounty hunter x target / cop trying to bring down target . *
Demon/human x human/angel . *
Human x Succubus .
Queen / shrine maiden x Conqueror .
Stranger x stranger . (Better if they ended up finding out that they are co-workers / classmates) .
Nerd x cheerleader .
Roommate x roommate .
Nobel x maid .
Military x Military / civilian of enemy's country .
Traveler x elf .
Cook/cleaner (basically a lowly peasant) x noblewoman .
Housewife x internet friend .
Bartender x drunk lonely girl .
Gladiator x roman women . (Like spartacus)

These are a few I'm interested in which I could think of at the moment . I'm sure there are hundreds more which I'm willing to do , ask me and we'll see !

On to the plots !

Plot heavy !

1.) Apocalyptic . (EXTREMECRAVING)
-Basically in the future , everyone lived on this huge floating city in the air due to most of the earth's surface being uninhabitable because of human's interventions , then one day there was this huge nuclear disaster , one ranked 8 on International nuclear event scale disaster (I did my research , I know there's no 8 , but it just shows you how severe that was) , and 95 percent of the entire population was wiped out , except for the people living at the 2 opposite ends of the city . They evacuated as the gigantic city crashed back onto earth , each settling down on opposite ends , their side of the world . Due to the nuclear winter that followed , earth changed dramatically , like almost every living thing on earth died , and there was a so called nuclear storm for centuries , neither the sun nor the moon had been seen then . So because it was in the future , most things ran on energy , and since they were low on it , energy became a source of income . Then one day , a ray of light shot out from the "hole" , the place which the accident was known to have taken place , and from it the energy reading went off the scales , so both countries sent their best men in to see if they were able to draw and or harness energy from this source . So in this setting , the 2 sides , one of them are more civilized , like they have a government , politics , jobs , army , they sent their best forces in , military with a leading officer , while on the other side , its more of a barbaric land , people fought , killed for power , when they heard about the energy , different groups of people all went after it , murderers , assassins , warlords , etc etc . And as they all started nearing the source of energy , they found out that there was a third party , there are tons of different ideas for this , like it could be those animals experimented in the past , or things that have mutated over the years etc etc . You'll be a high ranking commander sent from the civilized side to investigate the phenominum. I will be an assassin who would cross paths with you.

2.)Assassin x hacker / weapon maker .
(Modern plot) The assassin is one of the world's top ranked ones , give him a target , the correct amount of cash , and he'll never fail . His secret weapon ? You . A woman working for the government by day , hacker extraordinaire by night . Hacking into the very system you worked with day by day , you're able to access all sorts of sensative information , plans , details , things which you'll then give (or sell) , to the assassin for a price . He's hardly around , but when he is , you'll come over , pass him the latest chatter and indulge in each other's body , deeper feelings reside amongst the lust even though none of you care to do anything about it . Then one day , he receives a hit . On you.

(Victorian Steam punk) Pretty much the same as above except the assassin would be with a weapon maker .
Pm me for more information about either plots .
3.) Monster slayer x Monster . (monster girl quest inspired) . (EXTREMECRAVING)
A legendary knight , known for his many war conquests and kills , was sent by his king to the far reaches of his kingdom and beyond , into undiscovered , unmapped terrain , to find the demon king / queen and to slay him / you . You used to be the wife of a demon king, known for both your ruthlessness and pure power. You were banished and stripped of your power when you fell in love with a human. Cursed with an insatisable urge for human fluids, (male and female), you roam the land, capturing unluckly travelers and sucking them till they're an inch away from death. However you don't kill, and because of that, when the hero hunted you down, he spared you. And when you found out that he was going to kill the man who had caused you to fall from grace, you will accompany him on his journey.
4.) Gifted x gifted . Apocalyptic world setting .(EXTREMECRAVING)
This is a plot which is something like xmen (mostly born with abilities) and or avengers (mostly gained from elsewhere), where there are mutants and "powered" people in the world, etc etc. They then deemed themselves as unaffiliated with any country in the world, like a safekeeping group. They protected the world for a period of years, taking down villains etc. Then twenty years ago, the government of maybe united states or w/e country we can come up with, decided that having a group that had enough power to wipe out their country was something that they could not just sit there and let happen, so they sent people around the world collecting dna samples from powerful beings, of course, either through trickery and or forceful actions. With that they created two test-tube-children, both born and raised to be their strongest soldier. Ten years ago, an experiment went wrong and a huge explosion torn through the laboratory. The two child were thought to be lost forever. However the truth was that one of the villains had found out about the experiment, and because the two children were kept in separate labs with their minds being constantly wiped, he was only able to take one, and raised him as his strongest weapon. The other was woke and found his home destroyed and every single scientist murdered, he got out and walked and walked till reached a highway and was helped by a elderly couple who took him home and raised him as their child .
A few months ago, the villains started taking out the peacekeepers one by one, they gathered their strongest forces and marched into the villain's headquarters, only to be destroyed by a single man, the one created in the lab twenty years ago. Soon they started taking over the world, and the ones who survived the encounters could only say that before everything around them died, they saw angels coming from the man himself.
So a few years later, the villain set himself as the one man that ruled the entire world, the man with the angels as his faithful right arm man. The peacekeeping force was destroyed, but they still had a tiny base hidden deep underground, training and waiting for the day they would finally have a chance to take the villain down. Then one day, as one of their comms guy, a mutant or something who could plug himself into the internet and reach out for all sorts of information and stuff, stumble across the top secret confidential files of the two babies. You used to be one of the youngest and strongest fighter back in the days, now you're assigned as a high ranked council member and also a teacher in your free time. You had tried to get the other members to let you find and convince the other man to join your causes. The rest of course initially refused, they knew nothing about the other men, their own forces were dying left and right and their resources were dwindling. But they finally gave in, risking their final chance, but you shall travel alone, they could not spare anymore resources for you.

At that time the world was already ruined, debris and destruction laid everywhere, the entire sky was clouded by a deadly acidic storm that would not stop raining. You have nothing to count on, other than a ten year old picture of the man and the fact that on his profile, his power was listed as : devil .

5.) Another teacher x student .

You always had a crush on your Uni professor , you had your fair share of bad-boyfriend-experiences and wanted to meet someone nice . On your first day of class , you tripped and fell in front of the entire class . And who was there to help you ? Him , with his neatly combed hair , super big framed glasses and the most welcoming smile ever , your professor . Needless to say , you fell for him then . As time passes , your family started having some financial problems and couldn't continue paying your rent , (You were studying in an overseas uni or at a place far away from your house) so you had to find a roommate and get money from the rent . You finally found someone who had no problem on their résumé , an Uni professor , single , no pets , willing to pay the exact amount at the start of every month , and imagine your surprise when he finally showed up , roaring down the road with a sleek , gigantic bike , a cigarette hanging in between his lips and tattoos running down his revealed forearms ,your professor , a completely different side of him , and he's here to stay . At first nothing much happened , you both went on with their lives , but soon the professor noticed how much you're failing class , and just how hot you looked when you dressed oh so casually in the house . He doubts that you'll wants to repeat your year due to bad grades , and he starts to think of a way to "pull" your grades up , something that would benefit both of you two
6.) Bartender x Lonely drunk girl .
He always sees you drinking alone at the corner of the bar . He would give you a smile and your usual drink whenever you show up . After years of bartending and reading people's reaction , he could feel that there was a sense of sadness coming from you . One day , everyone left but you , you were was resting on the counter , seemingly asleep , he tried to wake you up , to tell you that he was closing the shop . Suddenly you turned and grabbed him , pushing him to the wall , you kissed him , lust took over and you both spent the night on the bar's floor making love .

Notes : This would be a short story . But it would be reaaaally cute if that girl had a crush on him due to something he had did for you in the past but couldn't remember it . So all you did was to try to gain his attention
7.) Gladiator x roman women .
You are a woman of power , status , wealth . Your husband recently bought a gladiator's "farm" , wanting to complete in the games . Seeing that your husband was always not around and being surrounded by extremely buff , good looking men in minimal clothing You couldn't help but choose the best looking one of them to come into your room at night and pleasure you . He would do anything you ask of him . Fight naked in the arena , have sex with your maid . He wouldn't refuse .

Smut heavy !

1.) Housewife x internet friend .
You, an attached/married woman has an online fling , one that has been going on for a year or so , meaning you both are actually very close and comfortable with one another . One day , he asked you to meet , you had all along yearned for his body , but is unable to do so due to your relation status and they both knew it . But he assured you that this was going to be fine , so on that day , you went to the place you both settled on . When you got there , he wasn't in sight , but then you received a text , it asked you to look under the table , and when you did , you found an envelope containing a tiny remote controlled vibrator , "this isn't really considered cheating" , he said as he asked you to put it on .
2.) Doctor x Patient .
You, a doctor had put one of your patients into a false paralysis so that you could experiment on him with all sorts of different drugs . You've found the most handsome guy , maybe a movie star , celebrity or sports star and kept him in one of the private wards , out of sight so no one knew of his existence . You had two different sorts of drugs in your possession . One that kept him from moving any part of his limbs , save his hips , privates and face , and the other which removes his paralysis , but would get him so aroused his mind would cloud over and only think of sex , lusting for flesh till he reaches his orgasm , which would then result in him losing consciousness . So you kept him as your private play toy , using both of those drugs to keep him in check . Till one day ... you didn't apply the correct amount of paralysis . And he reversed your roles and got his revenge .
3.) Human x Angel / Succubus .
Pretty straightforward , researcher spent years of his life finding a way to summon a being not from their realm . Finding a technique which would bind them to him , lusting and unable to salsify themselves without his cum , he manages to summon either a succubus or an angel to his bidding
4.) Boss / Teacher x Assistant / Student .
This plot is quite straight forward , you, the boss / teacher would be either in a relationship or married with a virtually non existent sex life . You would end up taking out you urges / frustrations on you assistant / student . And they won't be able to complain or do anything about it , like the assistant might be blackmailed with something that would cause him to lose his job , the student might end up losing his sports scholarship if he fails your class , etc etc . It won't involve actual sex , more like how you would tease , humiliate and play around with them . Forcing them to strip in their office , an "accidental" touch or grope . The events would escalate until the student / assistant couldn't take it anymore and started craving for you body .

For the assistant , they could be sent overseas on a business trip where you both go drunk and ended up spending the night together . He'll use that to blackmail you and reverse your roles .

For the student , he might rape you one day after class , video taping it to make it seem like it was consensual . So he'll also end up using that to blackmail you and reverse your roles

Anyways , I have tons of other plots in mind , none as somewhat complete as these so I won't list them out . Pick a pairing and ask me about it and I will give you what I have in mind . If you already have a plot , I wouldn't mind doing that either​

So yeah ! If you're interested , please do Pm me , I've never ignored a single pm so don't worry about that ! :)
Tick-tock tick-tock!

Hi, you seem to have a list that piques my interest.

Here are the plays that I'm interested in:

Professor or teacher/student
Kidnapper x Victim
Mafia / Yakuza x Cop
cleaner x noblewoman

PM me if you want to start the engine.
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