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Sep 22, 2012
“You only live twice:
Once when you're born
And once when you look death in the face.”
― Ian Fleming, You Only Live Twice

March 1st, 2012. That date will always be the date that the world had ended. The nut jobs were right, the government did really have a virus that could turn recently passed people, into mindless, blood thirsty zombies. The movies got it right as well, Resident Evil, Dawn of the Dead and George Romaro, their movies hit the hammer on the rotting zombies head. The first thing to go was the government, who wants to listen to a man who let this happen? No one, that's who. The second thing to go was the prisons, no point in holding people behind bars if the world outside the walls are going to hell too. Finally, the last thing to go was overall society, gangs were made, make shift towns were populated.

Though the bravest set up towns above the ground, some took to the subway tunnels, it was dark and hid the undead very well, but when correctly done, life underground was the safest. Eventually, after five years of the dead roaming the earth, it seemed as life was returning to normal, or as normal as life could get with death walking around every corner. You could wake up, turn the wrong corner and find yourself having your face eaten off, life wasn't a luxury anymore, it was a struggle to achieve.

Like I had said, life was easier underground, you had areas you could wonder, and military like people keeping the area safe. It wasn't the same at every junction, but the bigger ones had done it right

That was just a rough draft, something I came up with in a few minutes. I can do much better, but I wanted to get it out there.

Even if you're not into the whole zombie thing, I do roleplay other scenes.

Brothers bestfriend
Wrath of the Titans
Fallout 3 or New Vegas
Mass Effect
Anything Military
Anything with romance

I'm open to alot of ideas, just give me a try and send me some messages.
I only roleplay M-F, rather you're a dom or sub, I don't care which.
X-men, Brothers Best friend, Best friends and the stripper bouncer sounds interesting to me! :)
I'm interested in a zombie rp, be it resident evil, L4D, dead rising etc.

Here are the pairings that piqued my interest:

Mass effect

As for the anything military I can't comprehebd what you are referring to, I dnt knw if its COD, battlefield or black ops since I dnt find anything sensual on those, PM me if youu want to start some fires, you feel me?
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