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.Hack: Ragnarok Thread

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Windy came home from school again with a black eye from fighting. She was known to get into fights cause she hated bullies trying to pick on her. She wore a light blue tshirt with light blue faded jeans and black sneakers. She had no make up on but wore her hair up in a pony tail.

She knew she was going to get yelled at so she decided not to go thou the front door but rather thou the back door and run up the stairs to her room. She hated her parents for they only cared about what others viewed them as and as long as she stayed out of sight she was good. That was the reason why her parents bought her the game in the first place.
Jonathan heard the stories about the world. Incredible stories like how it is like another life; you could be anybody in the world and be famous. His real life leaves a lot to be desired, never been in a serious relationship, could never be a star in sports or anything else. Everything about his life was normal, and he was at the point where all of his friends had adventures, real adventures. Like last- night-was-a-mistake adventure; and he wanted that but common sense always seem to get in the way. He wanted to be wild and do something crazy but he wasn’t going to change who he was just for a day of remembering.

The new world came out and that was it, his ticket to be someone else. Not Jonathan the quiet guy, not the always responsible, think ahead, plan for the future Jonathan. He was someone else he was going to be bad ass and type that as his character’s name which was already taken. “Alright, how about Baz,” he whisper to himself under his headset and thankfully that was still there for him. Filling out the rest of the information a picking the blade master as his character, because who isn’t a sucker for samurais, he log in for the first time into the world.

In the world everything was new, but it felt similar to the real world. “They were not lying when they said the graphic are top notch.” At awe at just the beauty of the root town, looking around before deciding to walk through the town.
Windy sat down and logged on for the first time and saw she needed to make a profile. she picked out white fang for her log in name and picked werewolf class. She then put on the head set and said ";here we go windy";.

She was in the world then and took a look at herself and noticed she no longer looked like herself but a girl with wolf ears and tail and chuckled. she looked around her thought wow so many users. She then took a deep breath as she headed thou town.
Returning from a mission, Crypt enters the root town. His inventory was full, and he needed to sell his spoils if he wanted to make all the money he needed to keep his small guild going. So far it had only been him and a few others that rarely logged in. He hated that. He had hoped to make a successful guild but no one seemed to be interested in joining him. He sighed through his visor, wondering if he should take some time to relax out in the Adult-Only part of the game that they decided to add on to help attract more adult players. Then again...He needed to stay focus. Walking into town, he would pass by a few players that would just have logged in but said nothing to them. He went straight to the nearby shop and began to sell all of his excess loot...but didn't make much from it. How was he supposed to have a bank for everyone to share? Or at least everyone he trusted whom would actually take their required amount and use it wisely rather than emptying the entire thing and quitting the guild. He sighed. He had hoped one day his guild would become so powerful and grand that he would be granted an Area Card, where his guild would turn from a simple little house-like map into a custom map that he could design himself. "Fucking dammit..."
White fang watched as some guy walked right by her into a shop to sell stuff. she looked at what was on her and from what she read werewolfs use their fangs and claws in human form and as well use a wolf form. she then decided to check out the shop anyway after all armor might be nice or maybe to see what the shop keeper knew about this place.

White fang walked into the the shop just as the guy whom had passed her by said ";dame it" . She did not know what got under her skin but from the looks of him he seemed to have played the game before so she decided to ask him instead of the shop keeper her questions. "Excuse me can i ask you a few questions" she said tapping him on his shoulder.
Baz was on his way to see if he could do in the town and he had to say the adult part of the game make the females look hot. Skin tight clothes make it hard not to stare so he went back to the portal and put keywords in to go to a field and have his first taste of combat in the world. "Delta, Falling Cloud Kingdom" he could gated out of the root town to go to where the action was.
Viole had been hanging around the root town for a while now, rather bored to tell the truth. There weren't exactly that many people around that seemed interested. Ah well, chances were there was likely some noob player around that could use his help. If he got lucky it might even be someone that was interested in actually playing the game, rather then just the "Adult-Only Section". Far too many people joined up for just that in his eyes these days.

Getting up from his seat near the Town Market the blonde Blade Master walked towards the Chaos Gate.

Ah, looks like I've got my first target for the day. Kid with Silver Hair eh? Good as any other I guess

Following after his fellow Blade Master, Viole overheard the words that Baz had chosen to be for his area. A bit high for someone that just started out, but then again that's why there was people like Viole around. Inputting the code words he teleported to the area as well.

I'll hang back until he notices me, or looks like he's about to get into trouble. Whichever comes first really.
Baz came to see a grassy plane, he looked around and his first fight is one that starts off with a large lion "Holy Shit!" excaped from his mouth as the screen said battle mode. He quickly pulled out his sword and got into his stance "Alright lets go!" he began fight the big beast but from the start it was a lot faster then he looked with Baz missing half of the time to hit him. With one swipe of his paw he falls down and starts blinking with his life low. "You gotta be kidding me!" then rolls out the way of the next attack. With no money to buy potions he was left with the basic healing magic but the monster was strong and fast how was he going to used the skill without dieing.
Oh boy, seems like Viole was going to be needed already. The noob hadn't even initiated the combat, no telling what was going on inside the battle zone. Readjusting his sunglasses the Blade Master sighed for a moment, then rushed off to enter the fight as well.

Damn, a lion type. Those things are known for not playing around. Of all the things he had to get into trouble with....

Sword digitizing into his hands he leaped towards the beast, crying out the name of his skill "Ogre Sword!" and slashed the face of his foe. Jumping back after the attack while the beast roared in pain.

"I got your back kid! Heal up and I'll deal with this thing!" He told the other player
Feeling someone tap on his shoulder, Crypt frowned and turned around, looking at her with his menacing mask that only served to hide his face. "What? What do you want?" He murmured as he crossed his arms and viewed her name on his interface. "What questions? What?" He seemed to be impatient...A bit like he had someplace to be but he wasn't moving. "Come on. Out with it. I have to get rid of all this money and go back to loot more areas."
He didn't know this guy but from his stance and the way he called out that move he wasn't new like he was. "Repth," he glowed green and his health restored he brought his sword back up and went attack the lion from behind.
Good, the new guy was learning at the basics. Don't ever attack from the front if possible, and work in tandem with another player to inflict maximum damage.

While Viole was by no means a maximum level character he could have easily dispatched the creature they were fighting with one more blow if he wanted. But it would be good to let the other player spread his wings and get the kill, Viole would just distract the thing for now and keep it busy.

As soon as Baz had charged the other player rushed forward to meet the lion head on. Holding it at a stand still with his blade and giving the perfect chance for the new player to end it.

"Use your skill, kid! It's called "Sword Flash" that'll end this thing!"
White fang let out a sigh and said ";My name is White fang and Iam new and with no money and was wondering where is the place to get some and if you do not mind i could come loot stuff with you". she just wanted to get the hang of the game once that was done she was going to take off on her own. She did not like how he acted around her so first chance she got she was going to ditch him.
Baz quickly pulled up the skilled listed and founded the move that he was talking about, jumping up and charged the attack he give the lion the final blow "Sword flash!" his sword glowed and chopped the lion's head in too before it started to vanish. He sighed a breath of relief as X.P. started to come his way. He could tell that there was more to fighting in this game than the others he has played. This wasn't just a MMORPG this was on a much higher scale. He got some items from the Lion and walked up to the other blade master "Thanks you helped me out of that pinch there."
"Not a problem my man." Viole responded as he sword vanished from his hands. "It's what I do, trying to seek out noob players like you and give them a helping hand if I can. Actually...." Searching through his inventory for a moment the Blade master found what he was looking for. "Here, take this. It's better than that thing you're using now." He said as he tossed a newly digitized sword towards Baz. "Consider it a present."

"Welcome to The World"
Urowen logged into the adult only are of The World and looked around the town. This was his first time in this part, after having built up quite the reputation on all of the other servers. It wasn't his fault that he would disappear right before large boss fights, or after he had cleaned out dungeons without a thought to the rest of the group. That was his favorite part about the game, going on a dungeon dive and returning with whatever he could get is digital hands on. At least this way he had a nice collection of bribe material that he was sure he would have no use for.

When he walked down the entry way he saw a heavy blade and a werewolf class talking. He smirked, not seeing that class very often. Although he did enjoy forming groups, he wasn't one to seek out people. He would rather wait to see if anyone needed his help and then go with them. He made his way to the shop to get a few potions that he would need and sell some less valuable stiff to pay for them. He waited in his usual spot, just outside the gateway.
White fang saw that the guy was in no mood to talk to her so she left to just get the feel of the game for herself. She went to the gate way and just stood there starring at it. She wanted to go kill something and try out and see what skills she had if she had any or learn some. She let out a sigh and was not sure on where to go first when she looked to her right and saw Urowen and thought maybe he can help.

She walked over to Urowen and said "is it okay i ask you where i should go first to kill stuff"? she hoped he was not like the other one and get all grumpy with her for asking after all she was new right.
Infernal Tranquil Meadow Angel set the location surprisingly it was a level one area just right for some sight seeing. Angel appeared in the middle of a large grassy field her polearm slung over her back it was only the starters weapon. The blade was about as long as her forearm black and shaped like a zig zaging body of a crawling serpent. Angel notice a few enemies but ignored them instead focusing on the sky. She could see in the distance what looked like a bridge reaching between two giant trees and wondered if she could ever get there. Without noticing it she walked into a battle zone a large barrier went up all around her. A single large monster stood before her it had long arms and a small head and legs. Angel was about to laugh when the monster attacked she barley had time to place her polearm between her and the monster. She took damage and slid back the creature had used a spell to increase its attack power.

Angel hugged the barrier moving slowly to her right or left to stay out of the monsters way she was far outclassed. It may have been a level one area but it was also a group area which meant several level ones would have no problem. Angel considered using a spell but none of the were strong enough and she had no disposable charms. Pointing her polearm at the monster she jumped into the air bringing the blade down with all her level one might. The polearm bounced of the armor doing almost no damage great. The creature brought its long arm down like a hammer Angel had just enough time to roll out of the way of the hit. She needed help or she would be Koed and sent back to the starter town something she would not enjoy. Angel thrust her serpentine polearm at the creatures stomach only to have it again bounce of its armor. The creature hit her again knocking her back against the barrier her body or at least her avatar hurt all over.
Seeing that the Wolf had gone for another person to teach her the ways of The World, this relieved Crypt. He didn't want to be some teacher to some mutt. He had more important businesses to attend...getting more loot and more money. He sighed...And went back to the Warp Gate. The Keywords would be Delta Infernal Tranquil Meadow Angel. After warping, he checked what the Mission Specs of the map was. Simply activate keystones around the map and then defeat the final boss to receive the map loot. "Sounds Easy enough..." He murmured as he began to walk on, only to see a longarm character starting to fight an enemy. He frowned, watching to see if she was strong enough. If she was, she might force him to cut his profits in half if she was also on this map.

(Oh yeah. To anyone that knows it's system, I'm doing the Maps like .Hack G.U. Where its a mission on the map with objectives to complete. Rather than just finding a dungeon and goign to the lowest level)
Angel flew back striking the wall again the computer informed her there was another player on the field. If he saved her she would have to give him an item, baring that she would have to honor one request. It could be as simple as find me 10 of this or that item all the way up to join my guild. There were rumors of glitches that could make a player have to do things not usually in the game. Not that she knew what that meant besides worse comes to worse she would just have to start over. "No rush you can have the map to yourself in about five seconds" She stopped a powerful overhead blow but her life points and magic were down to almost zero.
Her style of fighting was...interesting. And it wasn't entirely nooby like he thought that it would be. He wondered if she would be a good addition to the Ragnarok Knights...But he would have to see. He could see that her life points were almost done for, and he had no healing magics or potions to spare except for he rushed in as well. Blade brandished as it trailed along the ground and with one hard swing he brought it up on the beast while it was distracted, cutting it in half and causing it to dissolve into data before revealing a small treasure chest as the kill's loot. He looked to her and sheathed his sword. "You did well for someone of your level on this map. Tell me...How often do you play The World?"

(Oh and your images on your character thread aren't showing up; only 404 errors)
White Angel

Angel rubbed her ass despite the fact that the game had yet to incorporate touch sensation. "Thanks i just started" Her spear looked like it would shatter if the new layer said boo. She looked him over it was not the most original character but neither was her own, no defiantly not custom. "My name is angel by the way" She sent him her info so he could add he to his list and call her up when he wanted. She had to get back to town and heal up thankfully the box had a few healing potions and new armor. It was clear he did not want to leave until he beat the map. "Can i use one of these" She asked as she only gotten the armor. She could trade or he could gift her a few health potions if he did not she would have to leave the field.
White fang got bored waiting so she just looked at the portal again and at a map she on her profile and after checking out some area's decided to just do her own thing if she died she could always start over right. she punched in the code for Infernal Tranquil Meadow and ported there.

She walked onto the map and saw a girl and the guy from earlier talking and decided to leave them be. She took off on her own hoping that she could handle this map cause she was only level one this place sounded like it was for higher level players. The map area seemed not hard to walk over but she had to stop short there in front of her was a very interesting monster like nothing she had ever seen before it was a mix of a serpent and human. she had her claws out and her fangs ready to fight but she did not know how tough this monster was and hoped she was a match for it.
"You can have it. But first...You must assist me. You see...My guild is in shambles with non-active players and thieves. You seem capable and you just asked me if it was alright to take the treasure rather than just taking it." He received the healing potions. "I'll use these on you. But you must join my party." Crypt sent her a Flash Mail asking for a Party. "Assist me in this map and I'll invite you to join the Ragnarok Knights." Upon saying this, his monitor flashed that a new player joined the map. "Newbie...Again..." He murmured when he could pretty much see the warp gate and the player that joined in. She was about to face a Naga. "Here's your first test. Assist the noob. Make sure she survives."
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