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LF engaging Role Play

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Jul 5, 2012
I'll be frank in this advertisement because really, neither of us have time to beat around the bush right? I'm looking for Role Play that has story. Not a semblance of a story before it devolves into a boring fuckfest that both of us will get tired of. I'm talking about character development and plot. An antagonist and conflict. I want an engaging RP that will not only keep me interested, but keep me thinking.

I multi para only, so if you don't, then don't bother sending me a message. It's not that I don't respect your RP if you do only oneline, but I only enjoy the type of Role Play that has multiple paragraphs with obsene amounts of detail. How much detail? Explain to me how your characters hair feels about what happens, I don't care. That is of course is a joke but hopefully you get the idea of where I'm coming from.

Think you can do this? If you do feel free to message me and we can work something out. Have an idea of your own? Send that down the pipe and I'll take a look at it. I have a few stock ideas in mind, storylines that I've grown to love over the years of RPing that I've done and if you're stumped for an idea, rest assured that I'm not.

Let me say this again.. NOT. A. FUCKFEST. If you're only looking for smut RP I will either refuse or get bored of it quickly and end the RP. Speaking of ending the RP.. If you, for some reason, find that you are not enjoying the RP please tell me. Do NOT do me the disservice of simply not responding anymore. We're all grown ups here and I assure you I can take rejection.

I only do straight RPs as well. I've done that who gay RP thing and I grew bored of it to be honest, sorry fellas. Well... Unless you come at me with a -very- interesting storyline then I may be pursuaded to do a male/male RP. Despite how stuck up I seem to be, rest assured that I AM friendly and won't make fun of you or otherwise snub you even if I don't find the idea appealing. If I find the idea even remotely interesting, chances are I'll give it a shot, provided the stipulations I've written above are met.

A few barebones examples of settings I like.

Underworld themed RPs (I do not play characters from the movie)
Futuristic/space RPs.
Starcraft (Again, I do not play with/as characters from the games)
Mercenary RP (Futuristic)

While I understand that these may not be as informative as you may like, there -are- storylines attached to these that I enjoy playing and there are more, but at the moment of writing I'm feeling rather lazy. If any of these interest you, or you have an interesting storyline you're itching to try out or love to play, drop me a line and I'm sure we can come up with something to pass the time.
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