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hiatus broken babes ; ; lesbians and heterosexual.

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Feb 16, 2009
a big, big city.
nothing like coming back from a year hiatus ready to have
sexy time role plays. ooohhhyeah.​

Unfortunately, I have a slight cold and hate everything,
but you know, that's just what the world does to you sometimes.
Anyhow, in taking a lot of scrumptious ideas from a few of my old
role plays as well as ideas that are always going to be my favorites, let's
start this shit!

I've still got a thing for lesbians, and of course the generic heterosexual
role play or two, with the basic brother x sister pairings. Family shmamily,
ya dig?

I've got a craving to play a captive of some sort, a royal captive at
that. A captive of savages, and if you are interested, do send me a
message and we'll discuss that in detail.

Otherwise, I love fairy tales ( or not so fairy tales ),
and violent situations. Mafias, wars, rivalry, etc.
I love vampires and werewolves and things that
go bump in the night.

I have a quiet, suppressed love for matthew smith,
and a love for doctor who, but i've never actually done
anything involving the doctor.

anyhow, with that being said, let's keep this short and sweet.
message me baby~

I hope you feel better. Perhaps we can start a roleplay when you don't hate everything and you're feeling warm? :)
Since you're back to your normal self =) Perhaps we can start something? Matthew Smith is a good Doctor. Though I have never ever done a Doctor Who roleplay.
detox__ said:
nothing like coming back from a year hiatus ready to have
sexy time role plays. ooohhhyeah.​

Unfortunately, I have a slight cold and hate everything,
but you know, that's just what the world does to you sometimes.
Anyhow, in taking a lot of scrumptious ideas from a few of my old
role plays as well as ideas that are always going to be my favorites, let's
start this shit!

I've still got a thing for lesbians, and of course the generic heterosexual
role play or two, with the basic brother x sister pairings. Family shmamily,
ya dig?

I've got a craving to play a captive of some sort, a royal captive at
that. A captive of savages, and if you are interested, do send me a
message and we'll discuss that in detail.

Otherwise, I love fairy tales ( or not so fairy tales ),
and violent situations. Mafias, wars, rivalry, etc.
I love vampires and werewolves and things that
go bump in the night.

I have a quiet, suppressed love for matthew smith,
and a love for doctor who, but i've never actually done
anything involving the doctor.

anyhow, with that being said, let's keep this short and sweet.
message me baby~

AHH Doctor Who.. One of my all time favorites.. Lets chat.. thx :bows:..
dear ladies and germs,
i will be back to my regularly irregular schedule of posting
after my booze cruise of a birthday. which just so happens
to be today. thank you for da patience booboos.
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