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It's a Corpse Party! (RP)

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Guy watched as Paige called out for the others.

"They're here?!" Guy cried ecstatically, "That's great I can probably tell them what I learned and-" Guy's ramble was cut off by Paige's cry for help he didn't let go of her hand and stared at her perplexed.

"Are y-you okay Paige," He asked concerned. When she pushed him to the stall he felt his back smack up against the pipe that was jutting from the back of the toilet. "A-Alright I'm sorry for touching your hand, geez." He winced as he sat up from the toilet. "You try to reach out and touch somebody and they treat you like this. . ." He rubs his back attempting to make the pain subside. Guy looks up and notices the change that has happen with Paige.

"Fuck, you're not Paige are you?" he asks suddenly feeling a cold breeze wisp down his spine. "You know what fuck you bitch!" He replied staring back at the possessed Paige defiantly. "You want to play Ghost bitch! Fine we can play!" Guy felt a surge of pain rushing through his body, he locked up and started to scream. What the fuck are you doing? he thought. You're going to get yourself killed shut the fuck up! "You know what we can do bitch," Guy said reluctantly, "You can let me go so I can help the people out there! I don't want to die and I'm not going to die especially by the likes of you. You think I'm useless well I accept the darkness but I won't let it swallow me whole bitch! So whatever you have plan for me it can wait!"

Guy then started to laugh hysterically apparently mocking the spirit. "You think they're going to come and watch you kill me, well you wrong! I locked the door remember there's no way they are coming in here! So. . .so much for an audience for your twisted little fucking show?" Guy strained fighting his body's natural reaction to show fear; his arms and legs began to quake and he started to sweat. "So what are you going to do now ghost bitch! What kind of game do you have fucking planned now!?"
Paige continued to watch everything unfold from her own eyes. She tried to gain control back of her body, but there was nothing she could do. Without her necklace, there was no hope. The demon laughed at Guy and straightened up. With the wave of a hand, the bathroom door was unlocked and flew open. "Girls! Hurry! We are in here!! Guy is hurt and needs help!" The demon smiled a most horrific smile at Guy. "That is what I'm going to do!" A low gutteral laugh crept from the being. "You are weak, and insolent, just like all men, and you will die. But first, a game! Let us see how you handle what comes at you next! I just hope you aren't too fond of this girl. Her body could be of great used to me! And I would hate to have you interfering with my work!"

At that moment Paige's body dropped to the floor, twitching, and she released a blood curdling scream. She felt like her body was being burned alive, though there were no flames. She twisted and contorted on the floor for what seemed like hours, though only minutes, until she fell silent and her body went limp. The vicious laugh of the unseen demon echoed off the walls. From the inside, she felt like her soul was dying. She couldn't seem to come out of the darkness. Her heart still beat, though barely, but she couldn't seem to make her eyes open. "This is it, I'm not going to make it." She thought to herself. Still, her spirit kept fighting. She knew it was important to make it back, and she wasn't giving up.
Katura blinked as she listened to the odd noises inside. Indeed she was scared, but she didn't look it. She was never scared for herself... but worried for the others. She blinked as she felt her right wheel bump something... a necklace? Was it Paige's? Well dhe better give it back.

Something in her mind, nagged her to hurry, so she bent down, stretching to reach before scooping up the necklace, before opening the door and rolling inside. "Guy? Paige? Are you alright?"
Right behind Katura stood both Tina and Molly with worried looks on their faces at the noices inside of the bathroom. They wanted to rush to the door and bang it open with their bodies and knew it was to strong for them both. They watched as Katura picked up a necklace and woundered who that belonged to.

They watched as the door was opened and Katura roll inside followed by them looking for Guy and Paige.
Guy watched the horrific scene as Paige was flung to the ground and twisted and contorted like a repulsive Maronite doll. His eyes widen, ,transfixed, and forced to watch Paige suffer beneath his feet. As the event seized his leaned forward on the toilet and buried his hands in his face. "This can't be happening!" He said to himself as if consoling his weary soul. "Why is this happening to us!"

Guy then stood up from the toilet and fell to his knees by Paige's side. "Come on you can fight this Paige I know you can." He place her limp hand in his and looked down at her with a concerned expression. "Come on Paige, you have to have something or something you want to go back to. Anybody!" He then placed her head on his knees and started to stroke it gently.

He looked up and saw Molly,Tina, Zen, and Katura come in the bathroom and stare back at him. He chuckled lightheartedly and tossed his head back; resting it on the wall behind him. "You know what guys," he started addressing the group of friends, "If I were to die right now, I'd probably wouldn't be that sad." He sat there on the ground with Paige's head in his lap staring up at the ceiling reflecting upon what had happened. His eyes glossy and his expression looked blank and defeated.
Katura blinked as she looked at the two before giving a smile but looking serious. "You're not going to die. We will get out, but if you think that way then you wont. So quit talking like that." She said as she drew closer her hands gripping the wheels gingerly as they creeked against the wooden floor.
Molly and Tina kept right on following . Molly spoke up saying "guy shut up okay your scarying Tina and me too but not so much as poor tina here the girl looks like she about to lose it".
Paige kept on fighting to stay alive. She had to get back, she wanted to help the others get out alive, even if she did not. There wasn't much for her to go back to. She had a new step-father, who didn't give much thought about her, and a mother who was wrapped up in her new marraige to give her own daughter a thought. Paige didn't have any friends either, except for her pet cat back home. It didn't matter to her whether she lived or died, but she wasn't ready to go, not yet. She clawed her way through the darkness, and began to come to.

Paige's eyes fluttered and opened rather slowly. She had no idea how long she'd been out, and didn't have much memory as to what happened. Her vision began to focus and she noticed where she was. Guy was sitting right above her, his hand stroking her hair. She began to grumble, trying to find her voice. "What...happened?" Her head was pounding, her body hurt. She looked around and noticed the other girls standing there in the room.
Katura blinked but rolled closer with a small smile on her angelic face. "I'm not sure.. We were worried though since we heard you scream... Here... I think you dropped this.... Keep it safe okay?" she said softly as she raised the necklace she found earlier. Although she had a bad feeling about earlier, she would still be here to help her friends, after all... If they didn't stick together, they might not make it out.

"Are you two alright? Does anything hurt? I think I saw the infirmary nearby, I can see if it has anything." she suggested with concern, eyes looking at them gently. Paige seemed like a nice girl, and even though Guy had been quite cruel to her, he was still a human being. He didn't deserve all of this, none of them did. And she could only pray they could all get out safely.
Guy looks up at Tina and Molly with a cold Grimace, "I'm sorry that you afraid Tina but look around you! It isn't like I'm ecstatic about being trapped in the eighth circle of hell with all of you too!" Guy relented. He then looked back down at Paige sprawled out beneath him and sighed. You know you're not going to get out of here with that attitude. If you let your defense mechanisms take a hold of you, your definitely going to die here. The least you could do is work with them for their sakes He thought.
"Listen Tina I'm sorry it's j-just-"

Guy was interrupted by Paige shuffling and turning beneath him. "Oh hey. You scared me for a minute." He said as he greeted her back in consciousness. Guy smiled maybe for the first time all night, showing a side to him that wasn't there before, someone caring, and approachable had risen from that smile.

Guy looked up at Katura, "I'm pretty banged up. Probably from being bounced all over the walls." He winced as his body was aching and felt sore. "I could use a trip to the infirmary what about you Paige will you be okay?"
Tina just nodded her head to what all guy had to say. Molly moved for ward and said "alright then no more fighting do you two need any help getting up or walking to the infermary me and Tina could help if you need it". Molly was trying to be helpful even if she hated guy with a passion.
Paige caught the dim lights reflecting off something metal in Katura's hand. Reaching up for it, she realized what it was, and then it struck her. She shot right up, giving herself a head rush, and almost fell back over. Her knees curled into her chests, one arm wrapped around her legs while the other held her necklace. That necklace was vital for her protection, and now she knew why there was no memory of recent events. Her eyes were wide with terror, and she was shaking. "!" she kept saying over and over. Her eyes searched the room, looking for any signs that might tell her what, or who she became. There was a bit of damage in the bathroom, but not much else. Everyone appeared to be alive, although Guy looked a bit beat up. She gave him an apologetic look and fumbled with the clasp on her necklace.

Her head was pounding and she felt a bit weak. A trip to the infirmary sounded like a good idea. She nodded in agreement and struggled to get up. Her heart felt heavy, not knowing how much damage she had done exactly. Guy was hurt, but she didn't know how much of that was her own doing, well, the demons doing. As she struggled to hold herself up against the wall, she looked to Guy. "I'm....sorry. I never meant...I much as I detest men...." She sighed and struggled to find the words she so wanted to say. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but whatever I did, I'm sorry. I know we haven't gotten along, but I'd never wish harm on you, or anyone."
Adam dragged himself to the nurse’s office and looked for bandages but the feeling of being watch grew closer, He felt this cold chill on his back and quickly turned to see no one. His mind is playing trick on him when he heard something ‘you want to play a game?’ he looked all over but couldn’t find the voice coming from anywhere but he could feel it getting colder in the room. ’You look like fun, so let play a game.’ he leaned up against a deck and started to breathe heavy looking down he could actually see white puffs of air coming out. It wasn’t the room getting colder, he was getting colder. Somewhere inside his head he thought about his ‘Classmates’ and how they hated him, which was fine because he didn’t like any of them either. He slumped down onto the floor and had his mind slow eat away in the darkness. Thinking to himself “That right, they don’t think my jokes are funny huh, well I got a joke for them and the punch line is a Killer.”

Truth be told, Adam hated nearly everything about his life. It wasn’t hard to slip into darkness, in fact he kind of enjoy it and had his mind slowly be eaten away. No body understood him or how his brain work but this was a means to an end a way to finally get ‘control’ of his existence by having to force people to pay attention. His skin got cold everything about him got cold but he felt numb to it, like it was just a nagging pressure or weight on him that he had to bare. Slowly making his way back to his feet he thought of a way to take someone life which came easier than he expected. The first thing was to full a bucket with alcohol and tie a tooth floss around the top of the bucket. Next he cracks the door to the office and puts the bucket on top of the door and puts some match sticks in his pocket while he hides behind the door. Person walks in bucket falls Burning alcohol to the face. Take it off the tooth floss wraps around their neck Adam pulls; and for the grand finale lights their head on fire while they choke to death. That is a Grade A++ joke right there.
Guy strained getting up from the floor. "I can't promise any of you that I won't be disgruntled. I can't help it, I'm hungry, and tired and my thought mechanics are all shot up to hell! But I promise to be helpful and. . ." He shudder at the thought, ". . .Niiiiiicer." he said with great effort.

When he finally stood up straight he began to wobble a bit; clinging onto the wall of the bathroom stall for some support. He waited a little bit before everyone was headed out the door before talking to Paige.

"Listen don't worry about it. I never took you disdain for guys as anything personal. But I have to ask, you're not. . . ya know. . . uh-" He kind of tired to avoid the question darting his eyes around the room. He look down at the ground, bashfully, and with an expression filled with shame. "You know what I'll just ask you later." And limped over to rejoin the group.
Paige cocked her head to the side and looked at Guy puzzled, wondering what on earth he was going to ask. She shrugged her shoulders wobbled her way across the bathroom to catch up to the others. Her head was pounding and her muscles ached. If nothing else, at least she could find some Tylenol, or something. This time, as she walked through the halls, she held onto her necklace. She gripped it so tight that it started to indent into her skin. She noticed that the chain had actually broken, and wouldn't stay on her neck. She sighed and placed the valuable trinket in her pocket, hoping it could protect her well enough in there.

The school was incredibly dark, and creepy. She could see an occasional spirit pass through the walls, heard screams of terror and pain, and it felt icy cold. She shivered and hugged herself tightly. This place really creeped her out, and she had hoped to find a way out soon. Sadly, she never studied opening portals to escape a world such as this. It was all new to her. She walked quietly with the others, eyes fixed on the ground, deep in thought.
Molly looked at Paige and told Tina ";i will be back okay you are safe do not worry about nothing";. Molly walked closer to paige and put her arm around the girl saying ";hey its okay the group is mostly together now we just need to find Adam then we can all work on getting out of here alright";. she hoped her words worked on Paige and calmed her down like they did Tina.

Tina walked with the group lookeing around the place and playing with a strand of her hair. Tina wanted to run up to molly and hang on to the girl for the extra needed support but decided she was fine as long as the others were near. She looked over at Guy limping then moved closer to him and said in her quite voice ";would it help if you leaned on me while you walked";.
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