I looked over at swanson and smiled. " Thanks." i slowed alex down to a walk, and led him towards the other side of the pasture, away from swanson. " Let's try something harder." i turned him around as we reached the fence, smiling. I thought for amoment, picking out one of my hardest tricks. I knew the risks of falling, and with out a helment the damage would be way worse if i did fall. i slowly led alex towards the middle of the pasture, when we where almost half way to the middle, i tapped his side, sending him into a gallop. I twisted my body around, letting go of his reins and grabbing onto the saddle, i kept my foot in the foot holders ( Forgot what that's called) as i flipped back. My back rested against his side, my free leg stretched out over my. I felt the saddle straing against my weight, at first only slightly, but as soon as i heard the snap i quickly tried to pull my self back up. but it was to late. I felt my self slip off of the saddle, and thrown to the ground. Alex kept running, throwing his head up as i fell to the ground with a thud.
(that's what it would have looked like before she fell.)

(that's what it would have looked like before she fell.)