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FreakyKinky's NEW Fantasy kink thread! NEW RPS ALWAYS BEING ADDED![FxF]

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Aug 8, 2012
Freshly out of school, and that means I have a lot of free time to myslef to watch porn, masturbate, an roleplay! Hopefully all three! I'm looking for kinky, depraved, smutty and story driven roleplays to keep me going all week long, and beyond. I'm a submissive masochist, so I love to please, serve, and be beaten and humiliated.


Slime girls



Just like my picture shows, (Or used to until the rule change) but with a little more. You're the ghost of my dead sister, and you were always upset that I was a prude when you were so sexually open. You decide to literally rape my mind, and every time you do so, you force me to crave more and more depraved and kinky sex, and I go out to find it from anywhere I can until I find someone to have sex with me. I will literally do anything for sex. You possess the bodies of some of my lovers and use them to violate me, or just watch and touch your ghostly form as i'm used and abused by strangers and neighbors.

Domestic Violence: YES PLEASE!
Your character is married to mine, and we've been together since our teens. From the beginning of our relationship, you've been physically, mentally, and sexually abusing me. You cheat on me, steal from me, and make me work for all our money, and constantly beat me. I'm still madly in love with you, even if i'm deathly afraid of you. I give you everything you ask for without question, and never complain.

Such a Doll: NEEDING THIS!
I'm a very repressed, lonely girl, always bullied and left alone my whole life. I develop an imaginary relationship with a dolly I've had since childhood, and begin to treat her as my girlfriend. She goes everywhere with me, and I treat her like a real person, but no one knows what we do together in my room, in private. Until one day, you, my neighbor, catches me in my room with my window open from your home, and decide to take advantage. You develop a spell to turn me in to your own living doll. You trick me in to accepting the potion, and I transform in to a living, plastic doll, who you control completely.

Alice in Sexland:
I play Alice, and you would control this magical world i've stumbled in to, where everything is alive, and everything is eager to take advantage of my young, supple body, and rape me repeatedly. Each new creature is more powerful and devious than the next, and has a new way it wants to abuse me. This one can go two ways: Alice can eventually get used to it and crave more and more, demanding more of the residents of Sexland to abuse her and serve them, or she can pass out from the pain and abuse and be raped the rest of her life, trying to hide from the monsters.

Faking It:
You're my best friend, and have been my entire life. You recently came out to your mother, and she doesn't accept it as even a possibility that you could be gay. She argues with you, and demands that you prove it by bringing home a serious girlfriend within a week or you have to date a boy she chooses. You turn to me, and beg me to pretend to be gay and pretend to be your girlfriend so you don't have to do that. Being your best friend, I agree, and you invite me to dinner with your mother at your home. During the course of the night, your mother asks us about our relationship and forces us to prove how close we are, and our lies and demonstrations bring become more and more perverted and overt as the night goes on, eventually leading to me pleasuring you under the table, and you and I making love while your mother watches. (I would also play the mother in this one, unless you wanted to).

Incest is Best:
You're my mother, and you have been molesting me since I was very young. Our relationship has always been very close, and I grew up thinking it was normal. We sued the state to allow us to be nudists in public, and we display our love for each other whenever we feel the need. We are loving and compassionate in public, but when we are home, our sex life grows dark and depraved, and I become your sex slave and live in your dungeon where I serve you, my Mistress.

Sordid Affair:
This can be anything. You can be my boss, celebrities, my teacher, my best friend's mother, an enemy in a war, anything we can think of. I just think it would be hot if I were to be in a steamy, raunchy affair, be it hidden or blatant and public.

Jail Time: YAY THIS!
I have a bet going on with my group of friends. Who can have the best sex story by the end of the year? I try to one up everyone else by getting myself arrested and sent to jail, just so I can be someone's prison bitch. I think it will be easy time, but you, my cell mate, make it some of the hardest time one can serve...

Disney Princess:
I have a multitude of disney based stories, please message me and ask me what we can do together involving this!

Happiest Place on Earth:
I've been a Disney fan girl since I can remember, and during my trip to Disney World I ditch my family, and find a way to fool around with every single Disney Princess in the park. ((There is also a darker version of this story, PM me for it!))

Curious experimentation:
This one requires you to play futanari. We are best friends, and one night, I have a wet dream about you, a dream about sucking your dick, and every dick of everyone I know. I can't stop thinking about the dream for days, but i'm single, and I have no one I can ask to have a one night stand with. I break down, and ask you, reasoning with myself that it won't make me a lesbian if I just suck your cock, but we end up doing much...much more.

Gilmore Girls: NEW!
Inspired by a fanfiction I read, Rory and Lorelei go out to dinner for Rory's 18th birthday. Lorelei promises to give Rory anything she wanted for her birthday within financial reason, and Rory decides to use this opportunity to get her mother to come clean about something. She asks her mother if she has ever thought about her daughter sexually, and Lorelei admits she has. This can branch off in to a myriad of different storylines, no limit to imagination!

Celebrity: CLASSIC!
1. I play a crazed, romantic fan who is madly in love with a celebrity of our choice. I sneak on to the set/backstage/trailer/etc. and profess my love for you. You can either think i'm cute and we date, or you can decide to use me maliciously and have a one night stand before kicking me out, or keep me on the road as a sex toy to casually fuck.
2. I play a celebrity, depressed, at the end of my rope, drinking in a bar to drown my sorrows. I'm secretly gay, but haven't the courage to come out. You come on to me and drag me out of the closet kicking and screaming, bringing me down from my ivory tower of celebrity to become your common street filth sex toy.

Bad Luck Dolly:
Its my first day on the a prostitute. I'm desperate for money, and my first call is to a woman's home. Little do I know, the woman is a witch, and has a wicked sense of humor. She sends us to a magical land, and transforms me in to a living sex doll, alive, lifelike, but unable to move without being moved by my master, or by the witches magic. In the magical world, I am repeatedly raped and abused by monsters of all kinds, (amazons, giants, tentacle creatures, mermaids, fairies, furrys, the witch, etc.) so often I pass out in between them, only to wake up being raped by something else. Eventually I lose my mind, and learn to love my new life...or it can go darker...

Insane Asylum: YES PLEASE
I've been having paranoid delusions for weeks now, paranoias about random people who do not exist touching my body, and raping my in plain daylight, when nothing of the sort is happening. I begin orgasming randomly, without any REAL stimulation, and my parents send me to an asylum because they don't know what to do with me. In the asylum, one guard decides to manipulate me, making dildos come out of the wall to mess with my delusions. Night after night this occurs, until she decides to take me herself, knowing if I tell anyone, it will be written off as another delusion
I'm depressed, suicidal, and after my latest attempt, i'm sent away to the asylum. While there, a shifty, manipulative woman decides to take me as her 'twinky' to casually fuck while i'm there. (This can go long term and become a romantic/abusive relationship, or she can convince me to commit suicide with her help. Either way)

Zombie Apocalypse:
Its the end of the world, and this time, zombies aren't just driven to eat their prey, they rape them. An air-born virus has turned nearly the entire world in to undead sex-fiends, traveling the world to turn the survivors in to one of them. (This can be a romance between survivors, or a tale of multiple survivors being raped by zombies. Can be fluffy or dark as we want)

I play a young trainer, just beginning her adventure. While swimming in the ocean one day, a wild Tentacruel stings me, paralyzing me temporarily, and drags me under the water. It uses its tentacles to remove my bathing suit and...well...I think you can figure it out. And lets say i'm really good at holding my breath...hehe

Anything goes: After a massive war, featuring chemical warfare of unprecidented measures, mankind has been reduced to thousands. Society has rebuilt, but reproducing is at a snails pace. To compensate, the World Government has legalized all sexual acts formerly restricted, including public sex, public nudity, public masturbation, rape, incest, underaged sex (site legal of course), bestiality, snuff, necrophilia, etc. in order to promote procreation. The only species of human left are women, and futanari, and as long as you have the right licence, you can do whatever you want, to whomever you want.

I'm sure i'm missing some, but if any of this peaks your interest, please message me! I can change around just about anything, adding or subtracting any part of these roleplays to make them more interesting! Very mix and matchable! I can't wait to hear from you all!

Wow i'm back! Didn't think I would be! Anyhoo, i'm officially welcoming all comers again! PM ME!

I'm posting here because your pm box is full and I'd be glad to play dom in the rp request of mine you posted in.

DonVoltonus said:
I'm posting here because your pm box is full and I'd be glad to play dom in the rp request of mine you posted in.

Thank you for letting me know! I cleared a bit of space and i'd be happy to set up the rp with you!
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