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I was going to.....

Thank you, Raz!

I was going to go to bed several hours ago, but I started posting here in the forum games and lost all track of time!

(So I bid you all a "good night"!)
Awww... :heart:

I was going to say, you could "cyber tuck me", but then I thought that might sound too..... naughty!
I was going to eat something delicious from the local bakery, but I remembered that I am flat broke.

-Tips her wallet upside down, weeping as a small moth flies out and away-
I was going to go to bed nice and early, but then I started reading a book and well... Three hours later, I finished the book and I am now wide awake.
I was going to do something....What am I doing here again?
I was going to sleep but then another good show came on....what time is it? lol.
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