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States To Secede

Hahvoc The Decepticon

Mar 4, 2009

About 18 states are petitioning to secede from the US and it says you need 25k signatures minimum to do that and it shows that a lot of those signatures have been from people of other states cause that makes total sense but all right.

Thoughts on this? I think it's batshit talk but it takes all people, I suppose.
Honestly, I think it's completely insane. If the Civil War taught us anything, it taught us that we are better together than apart. The Union must be preserved. If we divided..... just..... it would seriously be a total detriment to our country as it is. This is just a rash reaction to something that will only last for 4 years. For godsake people need to realize that this is how our system of government works. There is always turn around. And this is why we have various political parties, albeit really only 2 ever seem present. But even still, we did have a year where we very nearly had 3 very strongly represented. And there will come a time when that 3rd party will upset things and that will be quite a time indeed. People need to stop being so damned impulsive and emotional when it comes to politics. Use your fucking logic people. Get your head out of your asses.
DA, Hahvoc.. I agree with all that you are both saying.. especially in light of these parallels (just to show how right you are... that compare the "outrage" of this election with the 2004 election, which are eerily similar.... )... just a few.... and NONE of this is through a distorted lens....

2004 = 2012

1. Both elections involve unpopular incumbents that won because the other guy had a "creep" factor.
2. Both opponents running to get in came off as effete and elitist snobs who had no real empathy for the groups they were trying to court the votes of.
3. Both opponents OFFENDED major groups they desperately needed to get the votes of to get in.
4. Both incumbents were embattled to the point that many people started celebrating victory for the opponents early.
5. Both elections came down to a point where the winner (the incumbent) won by razor thin margains (Bush less than 2.5%, Obama a bit over 2%)
6. Celebrities and career pundits on the sides of the defeated candidates whined, raved, ranted, etc. (and yes, there were some blue states threatening secession... and some municipalities too.)
7. Both election victories were finalized DAYS later because of ONE STATE "still counting votes" (for Bush, it was Ohio, for Obama, Florida).

I am not going into the muck and mire of it, but I am just pointing out that IT IS AS STUPID as you both are saying. But, the only way it is going to stop is if we prevent the media from stirring it up and profiting from it. Make it where every viable person running gets free equal air time and prevent overly biased nitwits from interviewing and asking questions that make that person look "artificially" incompetent.... and this wouldn't happen.

As long as there is a reporter able to get face time from it, Secession is news, is what I am saying.
Also.. if people want to "revise history" that this didn't happen in 2004.. HBO, THE loony cable network, made the mistake of recording it all for posterity in a documentary about the now defunct liberal radio network Air America titled "Left of the Dial".

You will see the same behavior over John Kerry losing as happened when Romney lost.
This seems to happen every four years now. I don't even pay attention to it anymore. If they want to secede then let them. Offer dual-citizenship to the people in those states that are proud to be American and fuck everyone else that can't handle the democratic process. I'm pretty tired of the country-wide butthurt that settles into the US every four years.
Math and realism to the rescue!

The least populous state in the US is Wyoming, in the ballpark of 570,000 residents according to last year's census. In this least populous state, a petition with 25,000 signatures represents about 4.4% of the population. Wyoming is not on the list of states with a petition to file for secession, ergo every other state with a petition has a higher population, ergo the percentage of signatures to total population is even less (not even accounting for the fact that most of the petitions haven't even reached 25,000). These petitions do not, by -any- stretch of imagination, represent the will of any kind of significant portion of the population in a single state with one of these petitions. It's just a lot of hot gas, and as the media is inclined to do, simply bringing it up because it's a 'newsworthy story'.

Not to mention the petitions themselves have no legal bearing and are non-binding. The White house could simply choose not to even -respond- to any of them, let alone actually do anything about them. And even then, there are very few states that could realistically actually seceed, in the economic sense. Most of them are completely bound to the economy of the country as a whole. And -then- that's not getting into how the seceeded state would loose every piece of profession military it has; as we saw after the Civil War, state military was phased out in favor of centralized national military. Which, if we're delving this far into absurd-hypothetical land, means that the US could actually say "Okay, you can seceed. Now you're a completely independant country with no allies and no treaties with anyone." And then turn around and re-invade the state to occupy it.

This entire thing is just a silly farce by some whackjobs who are sad their dude didn't win, and as already noted, simply don't get what democracy means. This isn't even worthy of an eyebrow-raise to me. Give it a few weeks, and people will forget this ever happened. (now, if a Congressperson of one of the states were to start throwing support behind one of these petitions, -then- I'd raise an eyebrow and take notice.)
Frankly, I'm not surprised. But then again, this is coming from someone who donated blood instead of voting. While you might have every right to say that I succumbed to voter apathy, I say this: Did this election really change things around? Has it changed anything in regards to what the people want? Has it done anything that anyone liked? Well, it's still early to tell as of currently, but my money is on this little project of theirs failing.

But then again, the more that I think on this, the less that I still care in general.
This happens practically every presidential election. Just like there's always a group of people seeking an impeachment of the president before they even take up their elected office after the vote. It simply won't happen. Economically speaking, there'd never be a way red and blue states could survive independently. Neither side that has the power to consider such an action would endanger their pockets like that.
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