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Adventures including the dark side (NC)

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Jul 31, 2012
I'm looking for an dark, erotic game - by dark I mean with the possibility of violence, mayhem and abuse, I don't mean it necessarily has to be somber and oppressive of course. Humorous with dark possibilities works just as well!

Genre is flexible - I'm most used to fantasy or "super", though have dabbled in sci-fi and realistic genres.

I'm hoping to play a well-meaning, honest, and sometimes successful heroine. Beyond that is open, though possibilities include exploration of betrayal, or working against a largely misogynistic culture - not necessarily acting against the heroine, but not too supportive either. Though come to think of it, little acts of sabotage or opportunism by the "good" people she is helping are a big plus!

I'm not looking for just a grand romance, although that can be part of it, and I'm not looking to simply play a slave, though that might be explored for a time. What do you enjoy? Let me know, and let's see what we can work out together.

Prefer one-on-one or small group, I'm used to email but can try forum or PM, thanks!
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