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Looking for varying m/anything

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Nov 5, 2012

•I am searching for a realistic type emotion responses in a rp. I expect a good background story and inner conflict. I don't care about the quantity, but the quality of text.

• I switch roles, but prefer it to stay realistic. No real complete sub or dom.

• I prefer longterm full-scale roleplays to short chat-like ones, but can do both.

• I can do both forum and IM-based roleplays

• I prefer story over smut, so don't expect me to stay in a roleplay that's only about the fulfillment of sexual desires

Currently searching for partners for:

Mason Deville

Plot 1: Mason has a long backstory, but here's where you start. A strictly vampire city recently switched governments thanks to Mason's attempts at revenge. A long time vampire-only city is now being run over with other kinds of supernaturals, and Mason, losing his singing contract since his ex boss is now in a very excrutiating prison somewhere far away, has no business to stay in the country. He is relieved of his earlier misgivings to the supernatural community and leaves for France to start a new life. Not even a hundred into immortality, he now has to start a life completely on his own, abbandoned by his sire.

Your character can appear anywhere in the story, I am open to suggestions. Preferably m/m

Plot 2: The events take place ine the galactic empire of Galiath, Emperor star system of Lith, planet Jasmina. The empire is nearing war and Mason (a species of Siren, not vamire in this plot, but similar qualities) here is the main gift to the emperor from a distant galaxy as a sign of a very unstable truce, as of now. He is gifted in chains and extremely feisty and proud, so there is a matter of training him to serve the emperor well.

Your character can be anyone from the emperor to a pirate who wants a bounty for Mason's head to a dom who is given the task of training him to obey and not bite. Preferably m/m

Kain Arkada

Kain is a simple self-proclaimed artist that is usually silent and closed up and talks about transcendental stuff that he can barely understand himself. He is always open to some interesting experiences, so if you're searching someone to experiment with, he's the right choice.

RP preferably kept to modern and realistic. Your character could be anyone, since Kain doesn't have preferences.


Rainy is a very playful bunnycorn that would fill anyone's life with adventure, drama and space magic. Usually a sub, but could be switch. Doesn't have a preferred gender. Open to plot ideas.

PM for more details
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