Sword Art Online: The Frontier Chronicles

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Shinn quickly set up a personal fire between him and his partner, something that would keep them warm, and also served for the purpouse of cooking the meat the had the luck to drop from the Mountain Cougar. He carefully listened to the girl's words, and quickly looked around, seeing the were, indeed the center of attention. He felt a little sorry for the other males at the camp. He was sure they probably meant well. After all, most guys would certainly, in any given situation, try to catch the attention of a girl. Shinn had seen it countless times at Class trips and other school events. Jocks would try to appeal through atlethic prowess, smart guys with inteligence, and idiots would simply make a lot of noise and stabilsh who's the alpha male, close to what those guys had been doing until now. But if that was how she really saw them, Shinn could only shot her an uneasy smile. It was a rather cruel way of seeing them and he couldn't help but pitying them a little.

"Really?" - he looked around a bit, once more and continued - "I guess you're right, thats probably the reason." - the male stated casually, deciding to ignore it for now. Nothing he could do about it anyways, so he would just have to endure the unwanted attention. He shrugged - "Well, if that's the price to pay for not being treated as a sack of potatoes, I'll gladly take it, I guess. I'd be fine with a sack of carrots, but I definetely can't stand being potatoes!" - he joked, smilling. After all, he tended to be a very pragmatic young man. If it had no solution, it was by default, already solved. So they could envy and hate him as much as they wanted. Even if some of them really tried to start anything, he was way ahead them in terms of level, and by what he saw during the ARRC fight, so was she.

"About my cooking skill... Well, let's just say you're our designated cook!" - he said, taking what he had from his inventory, the items materializing out of thin air in front of them. - "Here it is. You can just go wild, If you end up burning it, I got chocolates." - he smiled. After that, he quietly sit, watching as she worked on it. He was thinking about how to split ARRC's treasure, as a very good item had just dropped, the famed Ancient Maul, and he had little to no interest on a warhammer.

"About the ARRC's loot..." - he began after a while, sending a trade window with the girl and listing the loot from ARRC in it - "I'm send you the list of things it dropped. Maybe you can use the boots. They're not that bad. We also got the Ancient Maul, and you can have it if you want, cause I don't have any interest in it. Two jewels that you could store if you plan on blacksmithing. The rest was junk. Some stones and stuff." - The noise quickly re-started once ARRC's loot was mentioned, the whole camp commenting the fact that for the first time the field boss of Rock Gorge had been defeated. By a two man team nonetheless, and one of them being a girl. Surprise was clear in the players eyes, and more than ever they envied the one boy sitting across her.
"I'll call you ninjin-kun from now on, then," Tuski's eyes gleamed playfully, showing that she wasn't seriously going to go around calling him a carrot. While Tsuki didn't honestly despise these young men to such an extent to liken them to veggies, she was still attempting to directly state her lack of interest in any of them. In ordinary circumstances, they would likely not even give her a second look and would instead chase after the attention of the cute cheerleaders and stars of the women's athletic teams, as well as the other shallow, self-absorbed girls that seemed to populate many of Japan's high schools in great numbers. They didn't really know her, nor did they care to, and that she found immensely insulting. She didn't want to be toted around like a trophy or gazed upon like some superficial embodiment of feminine beauty. She wanted to be acknowledged, respected, and liked for who she was as an individual and for no other reason.

"Are you serious? No wonder you're so strong already, since you clearly haven't been working on any other skills other than combat-related ones, have you?" Tuski shrugged, picking up the piece of meat and after a large pot appeared beside her she carefully placed it inside and began to drop various seasonings such as spices and onions in along with it, "I'd like the boots, since the ones I am using right now are just the standard beginner leather boots. You could hold onto the gems for me for the time being, since I won't be working much on blacksmithing for the time being. One of us needs to work on cooking after all. As for the maul, I suppose I could start getting accustomed to using heaver weapons, since that is the direction I was headed anyway. Plus, you have to admit it must look pretty badass."

She looked over the giant war hammer with pride in the list of items he sent her, which further drew the attention of the curious onlookers. Now, it was unusual enough to find a girl who actually took the combat side of SAO with this amount of seriousness and dedication but for one to be interested in specializing in heavy weapons such as hammers took them completely off-guard. Many of them would invest points in agility and speed rather than endurance and strength.

"I'll have to modify my Star Strike combination to better accomidate blunt weapons, but I think I can pull it off with a bit of practice," Tsuki leaned back slightly as the meat continued to boil and the progress bar above it slowly filled, "How about you, Shinn-kun? What sort of fighting style would you be interested in pursuing?"
The boy watched as Tsuki prepared their meal, and could feel the envy and something akin to hate in the glares he was receiving from most guys in the makeshift camp. Well that was probably normal, as he was the only one that, in a sense would eat handmade food from a girl. The thought made him blush a little, but thankfully, with only the only light being from campfires, no one should be able to notice. For some reason, despite the angry eyes all around him, Shinn felt strangely at home talking to her over dinner, as it probably was the most normal thing he did since the start of that mess. Probably because it reminded of dinner time at home with his sisters, usually one of the higher points of his day. It was always a soft hearted, laugher filled moment. The one he shared with Tsuki at the moment wasn't all that different.

"Well, yes, I prioritized Combat Skills. Most of us do." - he referred to the other "beaters" - "In the long run, that's the most important one, although the one that brings you less comfort and overral benefits. But I'm focused on beating it, so..." - he shrugged, trailing off. - "On the other hand, the one I'm impressed is you. Average level right now is about Level Six or Seven. The ones that are really trying are at Level Eight. Than there's us, leading at Level 12, Level 13 tops." - He took a dried, dead twig from the ground drawing random forms in the sandy soil as she cooked. - "I could see, by the way you fought, that you're not that behind me. You must be Level 10 or 11 by now, right? Without previous knowledge like we had, its impressive you got that far so quickly. How did you manage it?"

"So, you'll use the Maul? If I didn't know better, I'd say you like be the center of attention." - Shinn smiled friendly as he took the gems out of the list, and then accepted the trade, sending the items over to Tsuki. - "Well, your damage will raise considerably, but you'll lost a bit in speed, even more if you use it one handedly with a shield. Its a fairly heavy weapon." - he considered such a small girl with a weapon that heavy but he imagined she could pull it of. She showed a very deep understanding of the game mechanics, probably because she was, or appeared to at least, a very analitical and perceptive person. That probably allowed her a very quick understandind of it in a very, very short time. SAO was, in a way, heavily dependant on the user and what he thought to be right for him. Tsuki, best than anyone else, could say if a warhammer was an appropriate weapon for her to use.

"Me? Hmm..." - He considered the question for a moment. - "I'll stick with polearms. I tested it before, and it suits me just fine. Me and some friends saw advantage in lighter armor, before. We have less damage reduction, but we can move around really well, and our Dodge parameter gets pretty high. Most chose one handed swords, for a even quicker pace, but Polearms are my favourite. Its damage is almost as high as a Two-Handed sword, and I lost little to no AGI with it. That means I can burst a pretty good damage. Still working on the build though. But I can assure it will be awesome when I finish."
Tsuki's head dipped slightly when he mentioned her battle efficiency and what level range she was likely in. Shinn was rather sharp as well, it seemed, at least when it came to SAO experience mechanics. Even he realized that there was something a bit off considering that she wasn't a beater and had to pick up much of the world from scratch. Being level 10 or 11 in combat levels, with level 1 or 2 blacksmithing and level 5 cooking wasn't an easy task to accomplish given the current game time. She knew this as well as anyone, and the shocked looks that the onlookers exchanged did little to alleviate her worries. They would be traveling and training together from now on, and she knew that the truth would come out sooner rather than later so she should have known that she couldn't keep her secret from him indefinitely. Yet, revealing such a personal issue in front of so many people that she didn't know or trust was a difficult matter to say the least.

"I'm level 11. Although I was only level 10 before our fight with the ARRC..." Tuski admitted without much hesitation, although she paused briefly and looked away from him, as if unsure if she should continue to confide in him on this particular subject, "There really isn't a secret, as with anything in SAO it takes time and effort for us to progress. I suppose one way of putting it that I try my best to put what time I have to good use. I'm... I'm a pretty active person and I don't like sitting down for long periods of time. I like to keep my hands and mind busy, you might say."

Half-truths mixed with truth was what had passed through her lips. Perhaps if the two of them had been alone she would not have resorted to such deception, but it was all that she could muster up within herself at the moment. It would have been closer to the truth to admit that she was more along the lines of a "mild compulsive insomniac," one who was unable (or unwilling, rather) to devote much time to sleep aside from what was absolutely necessary, sometimes to the point of going days without sleeping before passing out from exhaustion. Perhaps it was due to her own unique personality, or perhaps from outright paranoia, but her mind swarmed with worries and concerns, the mere magnitude of which would likely reduce a typical individual into a stressed-out mess. Pressure from her parents to achieve high grades and perform well in her extra-curricular activities. Pressure from her siblings to retain her individuality from them and be recognized. Pressure form her classmates to bring participate in the athletic meet or organize the classes' fall festival food stall. Even her most ambitious efforts, however, resulted in lackluster results. She disappointed her parents, those who depended on her, and most of all herself. She was an ordinary girl, with ordinary abilities, and ordinary looks. All she could see ahead of her was a future devoid of excitement, interest, note, or love as she was finally abandoned by everyone that had placed such intense pressure on her to perform yet were disappointed. She could hear their condescending voices and see their disapproving gazes... The only recourse was to find some place where she could be different, someone whose efforts were rewarded and appreciated....

The world of SAO promised this much and more to her. Everyone started at the same level and proficiency. Effort was not only rewarded, but was the sole determining factor for advancement. She could be more than just a nobody, the girl that everyone saw but took not notice of. She could finally enjoy the sweet taste of success. It was a fresh of breath air in a stale, dark room in which she had sealed herself in. The world beyond herself had become something of an obsession, and with it came a renewal of her insomnia. She subconsciously realized that it was an unhealthy way to live, and if Shinn had been perceptive enough he would have already seen hints of it. She was mentally exhausted, which was why she needed to rest even when her avatar was fully healed. It also explained her extraordinary skill level so early in the game. Yet, how could she admit such a thing? And in font of so many others, too?

"Don't worry about the loss in speed, I'll invest more than enough points into strength to make up for its weight, and the rest I can deal with by varying my fighting form," Tsuki smiled and waved her hand in the air, "I've thought this through, so I shouldn't have a problem."

Sadly, her real problem wasn't something that could be solved by merely working it out in her head as if it were a math equation.
Hearing her explanation, Shinn stared at the girl for what felt like hours, without being able to hide his surprise. By now, they where the talk of the camp: Not only one of them was a girl, but she was in a complete level range then all players there, having even defeated the until then unbeaten ARRC. Along with the fact of being female, all that made her the center of attention of all those boys there. Shinn was no different, but he was focusing in something else entirely. Tsuki stated that she had gotten to Level 10, on her own, without previous knowledge of the game, in a matter of five days? That was almost ridiculous, and yet, for some reason, he didn't think seh was lying, not even for a single moment. Still, it was strange. Shinn was one of the most higher level player currently on the game, along with some friends from beta testing. He was keeping tabs in the ones he befriended before on his friend list, and they were all around the same Level. But they were, in the way the others saw it, "cheating" to keep ahead of others. Every one of them was getting the best quests, training on the best grounds. Shinn himself was on the golden road of XP, and he wasn't slacking off in the slightes, although he also didn't forced himself in a extenuous pace. She had, without knowing the best locations, kept up with him. To achieve that, the boy imagined Tsuki had spent almost everyday training her ass off. Calculating it briefly he could guess she needed at least to double his efforts to keep that up, and he had been leveling from eight to ten hours a day everyday, on the best spots he knew. She was probably doing twice that much, sixteen, eighteen, maybe even twenty hours a day, with barely any time to sleep or even eat. For some minutes, Shinn was speechless.

"Just that? Plain effort?" - he asked her when she finished, astoundished. Shinn wasn't a specialist but he was pretty sure that game pace was borderline insane. It was true that their bodies were pretty much asleep on the real world, but their brains were always on. The only way to rest now that they couldn't log out, was to sleep in game, which would have pretty much the same effect that real sleep had. Something was definitely off with that, but she seemed to have her reasons, which made Shinn guess that, as just about anyone else, that girl had her baggage. He was about to press the issue, rasing her hand, when noticed most ears were turned to them, listening in. He dropped his hand, and nodded then, albeit still worried. It was probably some personal issue she wasn't comfortable bringing up in front of all those strangers. Hell, even he was barely a stranger to her. Still, Tsuki should be exhausted by then, and in need for some good rest. He smiled at her, as sweetly as he could. - "Well, we'll talk about it later, alright?" - he looked around slightly displeased with the bunch of snoopers, trying to be as respectful of her problems as possible. - "Just take it easy. No reason to over exert yourself."

"I guess our dinner is ready," - he pointed out the boiling pot then, as the sizzling sound reached his ears. The scent that came from it was rather good, filling his mouth with saliva as he anxiously anticipated the moment to dig in. As many others, Shinn hadn't eat any proper meal since the launch of SAO, and the prospect of doing it was just as appealling as it had ever been. - "So, I guess we should go over our strategy now. Just like me, you're already out of this Zone's level range, so we should move to the next. I have the perfect place, close to the 1st Floor's Dungeon, so we'll be close when they decide to assault the boss' room. I guess we'll have two or three days before they decide to do it, unless the player base is a lot reckless than I thought." - he stated as he watch Tsuki finish their food. He barely noticed someone screaming his name.

"Shinn-san! Shi~nn-sa~n!" - Kamiki's voice reached him as the chubby player made its way through the camp, in a slow run. The poor merchant boy was rather lacking in finesse, stumbling around like that, but Shinn couldn't help but smile. As soon as he reached the duo, the merchant supported himself in his knees, gasping for air. A few moments later he looked up at the beater, his eyes slightly teary. - "I'm screwed, Shinn-san! That shady merchant screwed me! He said I could have this special Broadsword, and I paid him all the money I had on it! But its just a common sword!" - he cried, obviously distressed.

"W-ait, wait. What?" - Shinn turned to him, still sitting, trying to understand the situation. - "What kind of sword is it, and how much you paid for it?" - Shinn questioned him, frowning slightly at the young man's current state.

"Broadsword!" - came the boy's fast reply - "Common quality." - and then he added with a rather embarassed look in his face. - "W-well... I paid... Six Thousand Col..." - finished Kamiki.

"What? On a common quality Broadsword?! Are you insane?" - he asked, louder than he expected. - "Why did you do it?!" - he asked sounding a lot more agressive than he meant.

"He convinced me..." - explained Kamiki, close to tears. - "I was so euphoric, I forgot to check the quality... When I saw it, he had my money and refused to give me back. I'm so sorry, Shinn-san! I can't pay you for the Leafs anymore..." - he cried.

Shinn sighed, looking at the young player he had protected until then. The young boy was much to soft, gullible and fragile for that. Shinn worried about what would be of him once he had departed. Kamiki was a bit younger than Shinn, only 12 years old that logged for a casual gaming afternoon on his brother's Nerv Gear before getting tangled in all that. After meeting him before on the Initial City, Shinn gave him some pointers, and when he heard Shinn was coming that way, he insisted in coming together to get the leafs he needed to advance his crafting skill. Shinn was relieved to see they boy had kept his wits about him, chosing a safe route instead of throwing himself into battle and ending up dead. But he was worried, now. Kamiki was still Level 6, and obviously not prepared to gather what he need, and where Shinn planned to go next he had no way of following in that level. So how could he be sure the boy would be ok without him at his side?

"Its alright, buddy, don't worry. We'll get you rich again in no time, alright?" - the fighter stated, patting the boy on the shoulder as he saw his initial surprise had frightned the boy. Shinn had been a witness to the boy's dedication to his crafting skills with whatever reagents Shinn could find, that being the way Kamiki got so much money, and being tricked out of it would surely hurt. And he couldn't do a damn thing about it either. He couldn't force the player to return the money. There was only one way to help the boy. He had never helped Kamiki for free, it was true, but that was because if he did, Kamiki wouldn't feel as if had accomplished something, but as if someone was simply giving it to him. And he expected it to be continue that way, so it wouldn't shatter the boy's sense of self value. - "Let's make a deal, alright? I'll give you the Maple Leafs this time, and you'll pay me when you get back to your feet. What do you think?"

"Are you sure?" - asked the little chubby figure, looking at Shinn with glistening eyes. Seeing the older boy nod, Kamiki smiled slightly - "Alright... But I'll really pay you back, ok? For certain!"

"I'm counting on it, buddy." - Smiled Shinn, quickly trading the leaves with him. Kamiki dried his eyes with the back of his sleeve, as Shinn continued - "Say what, why don't you sit down with us and eat something? Tsuki-san is cooking for us tonight. By the way, this is Tsuki-san, my new partner. Tsuki-san, this is Kamiki-kun, someone I met on the first day." - Kamiki turned to her and blushed as he laid his eyes on her.

"N-nice to meet you, Tsuki-san!" - Said the little boy bowing. He had been so nervous that failed to notice the girl before, and was rather distressed about introducing himself to her, it seemed. He was a good boy, and Shinn thought it was a tremmendous injustice for him to be stuck there. If he get the chance he would punch Kayaba Akihito a good one for that. - "But is it ok for me to eat with you, Shinn-san?" - he asked, looking at Tsuki rather uncertain.
Tsuki merely nodded, as both of them understood that this matter was far from resolved. Given Shinn's concerned expression, he doubtless knew that she had spent more than just a little more time and effort to reach where she was, especially considering her cautious nature which would prevent her from venturing deep into the wilderness where most of the best training spots and quests could be found. The pot, however, had been simmering for some time and the progress bar had just filled up completely so she turned her attention back to the pot and lifted the lid, allowing thick wafts to drift about the camp and tantalize their noses. Tsuki frowned slightly when the message popped up, declaring that it was a level 8 meat stew of average quality. Given her current proficiency in cooking, this was quite an accomplishment and the savory meat would still taste quite wonderful. She waved her hand, and the pot vanished, leaving five bowls of meat stew behind. She handed one to Shin, one to Kamiki, and one to herself before stashing the other two away into her inventory for later.

"Nice to meet you too, Kamiki-san," Tsuki gave him a polite nod, urging him to dig into the bowl of stew that she had placed before him, "Go ahead. I don't think the two of us could possibly finish all this off by ourselves, and you seem like you could use some cheering up."

She smiled kindly at the slightly pudgy boy before her, his presence reminding her that there were many younger players who lacked the grit and determination to strike out on their own and survive in the harsh wilderness between the first and second rings. They had probably started playing SAO in the first place thinking it would be a fun social outlet in which they could have adventures with their friends from school and perhaps even make new friends of various ages from across Japan. They did not have the slightest clue that this would be a death trap instead.

"Don't worry, you aren't interrupting anything," Tuski reassured him, although to those around them it certainly did look like the younger kid was intruding on a dinner date between Tsuki and Shinn. She briefly looked through her skill menu, quickly scanning through her current ranks before returning to her attention to her untouched bowl, lifting her spoon which likewise materialized in her hand and brought a spoonful of the savory meal to her lips. The flavor of the meat combined with the onions and spices just right, giving it a distinctly meaty yet savory flavor that did not overwhelm the taste buds like a higher-quality meal would, but it was certainly delicious.

"Shinn-kun," Tuski turned toward Shinn in a rather abrupt manner, "Do you think we could bring Kamiki-san along with us? I mean, we will be gathering plenty of raw goods along the way which he could sell to players for much more profit than giving them to NPC merchants for a few Col each. Once I begin working on blacksmithing, he could watch over the shop while we are out training."
Shinn was happy to see dinner ready and served, the steam from each bowl rising through the air, the scent of cooked meet, vegetables and sauce numbing his nose and completely wetting the insides of his mouth. He couldn't wait to dig in it nut patiently waited for everyone to be ready to eat. As he guessed, Tsuki was pretty welcoming of his young friend which to him, proved that she wasn't the stuck up, antipathic person he first thought she was. Given Kamiki's age and clearly lack of any surviving skills necessary in that world, pretty much anyone would take pity and help the boy within possible, but since the start of his life on his new world, he had witnessed so much messed up behavior (like the con player who tricked Kamiki), that was was usually ready for anything. His instincts were right on mark when it came to his new partner though, as she accepted Kamiki quickly, warming up to the pudgy boy a lot more easier than she had for Shinn himself.

"Itadakimasu!" - Shinn happily said once his two companions were ready to dig it. Finally he would be able to sink his teeth in a delicious piece of meat, and enjoy a nice meal. It wasn't his sister cooking but it was better than NPC Vendors Yakissoba Pan. Thinking about his sisters made him a little sad. He hoped it wouldn't take long for them to beat the game, so he could see them once again. They did complained Shinn spent to much time playing and thy fought a lot, but still, he loved both of them very deeply, and missed those two already.

The first bite he took was pure magic. The savor, the consistency of the meat was perfect replicated in game, the onions and sauce clearly just as he remembered. Not even a week had passed since the boy was trapped in Aincrad, but when he finally enjoyed the so expected stew, it seemed he had been deprived of homemade food for his whole life. He almost feel like getting up and hugging Tsuki for giving him to opportunity. Kamiki was fairly happy as well, his chubby cheeks flaring in red, and a content smile cross his lips. He was just as pleased as Shinn for the meal, or maybe even more. Certainly that was enough to cheer the just boy who had just been conned out of his money.

"That's so good, Tsuki-san!" - Kamiki said, with a big smile, seemengly forgotten his situation, and Shinn couldn't help but smile. Kids were so quickly to get over their problems, that it made him a little bit envious. He couldn't agree more though. With just level 5 cooking skill, something that good was a great achievement.

"Indeed, its delicious!" - Shinn agreed - "Kudos to you, partner." - he smiled, oblivious to the fact that both he and Kamiki were, as of now, for certain the most hated people on camp. The only reason no one actually caused trouble was that given his and Tsuki's conversation about levels and the defeat of ARRC, all of them knew they stood little chance against them. He was still stuffing himself with the meat stew when he heard Tsuki's question. Kamiki looked up at him with eyes filled by expectation, and Shinn feared his reaction to his answer. He started by shooking his head, his face a lot more serious. - "We can't. Not where we're going. His level is too low, and makeshift camps will be getting pretty scarce from now on. I've seen a lot of times before, top players bringing low level with them, and it ended badly, most of times. As much as we can handle, we need time to defeat enemies, and we're not always able to protect others. The risk is too great." - he finished. Kamiki was rather distressed with it, but Shinn gave him a smile. - "What we could do, is set him in the initial city. Maybe rent a store, and provide him with the raw goods we get. In turn we form a partnership. He crafts and sells, we provide his reagents and in turne we keep a share of the profits. Let's say, Kamiki with 60% and both of us with 20% each. What do you two think? Its profitable for all of us and a lot more safe for him." - he looked at the two, seeing what the thought about the idea.
"Thanks Kamiki-san... I'm surprised it turned out as well as it did, considering I only had a 45% success rating for level 8 meats," Tuski smiled back at him, the warm feeling being rather contagious as even she couldn't resist breaking her typical distant expression. When she looked over at Shinn, she gave him a somewhat sheepish glance that was distintly different from the way she looked at Kamiki. To the younger, pudgy fellow she behaved like an older sister might, in a protective and caring manner. To Shinn, however, there was something a bit more too it, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Shinn-kun."

"I just hope we can all enjoy many more delicious meals like this, together," Tsuki tipped the bowl up toward her lips to drink the broth, not wanting to waste even a drop even though it wasn't exactly the most proper way to eat. She silently listened to all of what Shinn had to say, although it was clear from the way her brow furrowed that she wasn't pleased with what he said. At the same time, she also seemed somewhat relieved as soon as he finished.

"You know, I didn't say anything at all about bringing him along to fight with us. I assumed he was going to stay in town where its safe. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think I could sleep at all if a kid like him died right in front of me," Tsuki set down the bowl whereupon it broke into countless tiny blue triangular fragments which drifted upward, "I'm fine with 20%, and to be perfectly honest I would be satisfied with even 10% or 5%. My greatest interest is in surviving and getting stronger, not lining my virtual pockets with money. It certainly does have a use here, but it doesn't matter how much money we might have if we are faced with an enemy that we cannot defeat. I have no idea how long we will be trapped here, but for all our sakes we should strive to complete it as soon as possible. I have no intention of spending the rest of my life in SAO."
"That wasn't what you meant?" - Shinn looked at her, blinking a few times before smilling again, realizing how stupid he was, thinking she had proposed to bring Kamiki into the training fields with them. He laughed a little, pretty relieved. He should've guessed Tsuki was well aware of those dangers. - "Yeah, sorry I misunderstood you, Tsuki-san. It was really stupid of me. I forgot you're not the kind to say things without thinking." - he smiled at her again, sweetly. - "But if what you meant is the same idea, than yeah, sure. I was thinking about something like that from the beggining." - he continued. - "How about you, Kamiki-kun?"

"B-but. I would take care of a store? B-by my own?" - he asked, apparently somewhat scared of that responsability.

"Well, yes. We would provide the mats for you, you craft and sells yours and the products that Tsuki-san evetually come to produce herself. Of course, any good looting none of us can use, will also go to the store, and you sell it with us sharing the profit. Seems fair, right?"

"B-but are you sure I can do it?" - Kamiki asked again, still full of doubts. Shinn nodded.

"Yeah, why not? I think that if you keep your cool, you can make a lot of money. And believe me, the money will be important in here." - he looked at Tsuki, regarding her previous comment. - "I mean, I also don't expect to spend my life in SAO, but you bet it can come in handy. Even more cause we don't have the slightest idea of how much time we'll have to stick around." - He shrugged then, and smile - "Plus, 20% is a pretty fair price.

With his bowl coming to an end, a crescent sense of desperation grew inside the boy. That food was just so good, it couldn't end right there. He had to have more of it, he wasn't even half-full yet! It had been so long, it was pretty unfair that he had to stop right there and then. As soon as he dropped his bowl, watching as it shattered into blue crystal shards, his eyes shot back to the cooking girl, who Shinn saw had just stashed two more bowls into her inventory. Of course it was pretty much common sense to stash a little, but he wanted another bowl so badly. He had to have it!

"So, Tsuki-san. About those other two bowls. Can I have another? Pretty please?" - asked Shinn, with a rather sheepish smile of his own. Kamiki's head shot up on her direction again.

"I also want another!" - he gave her a big smile.

"Wait, wait!" - Shinn quickly extended his hand to Kamiki in a clear "stop" motion. - "There's only two of them. One is Tsuki-san's and she's saving for. The other one is mine!"

"W-what? Hi-hidoi, Shinn-san!" - complained Kamiki, rather distressed. - "I also want more!"

"Agh! You greedy little man!" - Shinn faked an unpleased frown - "That's mine and mine alone!"

"No!" - replied the pudgy player, very intensely.

"Tch! Alright kid, let's set this with a duel! You and me, right here, right now!" - He got up raising his fist as if about to punch the lights out of the younger male. - C'mon, let's do it!"

"W-hat?! W-wait, wait Shinn-san!" - cried the boy, quickly getting up. - "I'm not ready! T-time, time!"

"I don't care, let's do it!" - replied a mercilessly Shinn, with a deep breath. Kamiki, almost in tears prepared himself as well.

"JAN-KEN-PO!" - Both of them shouted as they hands came down three times, the last one showing their playes. Shinn wen't scissors, while Kamiki chose rock. Shinn knew the boy always went with rock when nervous, which clearly gave him the oportunity to win or lose as he saw fit. The boy probably didn't know that Shinn could see to it, and for the older male, it was better that way. Kamiki's face lightned up when he saw it, and he jumped as he celebrated his victory. - "I won, I won!" - and quickly turned to Tsuki to collect his well earned prize.

"Oh, why is fate so cruel to me?" - wondered Shinm as he sat back beside the fire, seeming quite desolated. Then he looked at Tsuki and discreetly winked at her, a contented smile on his face.
"Boys..." Tsuki couldn't help sighing as she calmly presented Kamiki with one of the spare bowls that she had stashed away into her inventory. Boys always seemed to squabble over the most pointless of things, especially when it came to food. Given the pleading looks on their faces, she had no intention of holding them back from fully enjoying the meal she had prepared for them, especially considering that she felt quite satisfied watching them eat in such a pleased manner. The way the two of them played off each other and Shinn discretely handed the stew over willingly to Kamiki was not lost on Tsuki.

"Here, I'm not very hungry anyway," she handed the second bowl over to Shinn, giving him a soft smile in return, "Just catch me something else to cook soon so we don't have to suffer through too many more tasteless meals comprised of bland NPC rations. Seriously, a table cloth would probably have more taste than one of those stiff rice crackers."

She then stood up from the log that she had been sitting on and turned toward an empty part of the camp to set up her tent, which appeared without much hassle on her part. There were certainly benefits to life in SAO, as many of the more tedious, back-breaking, or strenuous work could be done automatically or with the use of a simple progress bar. In Tsuki's case, she had no idea how to set up a tent in the real world, but it was a simple matter here as it simply required dragging it from the inventory list to a proper location on the ground.

"I think I'll turn in early tonight, boys. I'll see you in the morning," she gave them a friendly wave before dipping her head down and stepping into the tent, which she carefully locked the entrance of before undressing for bed. She dropped her armor, sword, and shield into her inventory before snuggling up against the simple pillow and blankets on the floor of the tent. There was a lot on her mind, with the excitement of having finally found decent companions that she could trust and the anticipation of exploring the world of SAO with them in the forefront of her thoughts. She could hardly remember a day when she had so much fun and had smiled so much, and she hardly even knew either of them. Yet, she had spent far too many lonely days and nights to dwell too long on this fact. She had found friends at last, and she'd be damned if she ever let them down once she had let them into her heart.
Shinn couldn't help but laugh at Tsuki's sigh. He had to say, finally SAO was being as fun as it was when he began playing it as a tester, even with the danger of death looming around their heads just as much as at launching day. Maybe it was because of her? Probably. He had been pretty much alone most times, except when Kamiki was around when they rest on camps. Now, she had been added to the group, so to speak, and it made Shinn feel a little better knowing not only he would have someone to watch his back, but also to play, chat and confide no matter how bad the situation. It made his thoughts on the game from there on to be a lot more cheery than before. One way or another, her presence lifted his spirit.

"Thanks." - answered the boy as he took the bowl from her hands, the soft touch of her fingers once more on his hands as they fingers crossed, making him blush only slightly. He imagined she would end up giving him the last bowl. It was something he pretty much knew she would do. - "Oh, don't worry. You beter clench up, because your cooking skill will go sky high with me around, my friend!" - he winked at her, smilling. - "Because we won't be eating those tasteless crackers anymore. Just... no way!" - Kamiki nodded, his mouth filled with the delicious stew. Shinn also digged in onto his new bowl, without delay. They were still eating when Tsuki set up her tent and announced she was going to rest. Both of them smiled at her.

"Its early indeed." - Shinn stated, smilling. But he figured she was very tired from the busy day. - "Well, good night, Tsuki-san. I hope you have nice dreams."

"Good night!" - Kamiki followed, waving his hand at her, broth spilling out from his chopsticks.

"Oy, oy, cut it out, you'll stain my shirt!" - Shinn complained, tilting his body to avoid the rain of sauce that approached him.

"Ah! Sorry, Shinn-san!" - he quickly apologized as Tsuki entered and locked her tent. After she was gone, Kamiki turned back at Shinn. - "She's nice, Shinn-san! I like her!"

Shinn couldn't help but smile at him. She really was nice, at least, once someone got to know her. He was sure she had her problems, or a girl like that wouldn't have entered SAO in the very launch day. Casual players wouldn't buy a game as disputed as that on its launch day. She had a reason to play, she was searching for something in virtual worlds. That much was clear. With the last conversation still in his head, he couldn't help but worried with the weight such a little girl could carry in her heart.

"Yeah. I think I really like her too..." - he smiled at the younger boy, while using his chopsticks to stir the stew, his gaze turning back to the tent she had just entered.

"Do you want her to become your girlfriend?!" - Asked the boy, a devious grin in his lips.

"What?!" - Asked a surprised Shinn, his cheeks quickly flushing in a deep red tone. - "That's not what I mean! You're too young to be concerned with that anyway, brat!" - his hand came crashing down on the younger boy's forehead in a clear Karate chop. The boy laughed happily at it, and they finished the meal fairly quickly after that. After a few yawns, Kamiki turned to Shinn, ready to hit the bed as well.

"I'm going to bed too. Good night, Shinn-san." - he got up, bowed, and made his way to his tent, disappearing inside it. Shinn stood by the fire for a while longer a whole miriad of different thoughts on his head as he considered the current situation. All in all it had been a very good day and they were lucky to have found a group, enjoy a great meal and he imagined what kind of surprises the future would still bring. He couldn't help but wonder.

When he finally felt tired, Shinn made his way to his own tent, quickly laying on the bed as soon as he stripped out of his clothes. It didn't take long for sleep to come as it alwas were with him. And a nice dream involving him and his new partner quickly ensued, but got lost in the haze of his uncounsciousness, no matter how good it may have been.
The next morning dawned, and with it came a fresh, brisk breeze that whistled rather loudly across the rocks. Yet, the camp sight remained still and lifeless, a tightly huddled group of tents in the clearing around a smoldering campfire pit. A single wispy trail of smoke let its long tail sway in the wind as it snatched at the edges of the tents and tugged at the ropes which held them in place.

Off in the distance stood a girl, whose armor shone in the morning light. Over her shoulder she slung the so-called Ancient Maul, her shield hung on her back in order to reduce its inhibition of her movements. She hardly had enough strength to use it, and given the great amount of difficulty with which she used it, it was no surprise that she did not intend to use it in serious combat for the time being. Although it could easily crush most of the enemies in the first ring, single, powerful strikes where far less efficient in terms of raw damage output, especially against opponents which possessed relatively low defense but large amounts of health and damage output. She had to find the proper balance that best suited her fighting style, and for the time being mauls were not the proper weapon to fully maximize her combat capabilities as she had not yet been able to modify her signature combination attacks for use with any weapon other than a short sword. She dropped the maul back into her inventory, replaced it with her trusty short sword, and re-equipped her shield. They were quite low in terms of stats, but they were strong and reliable in a pinch.

As Tsuki's mind continued to drift about on such topics, her ears picked up on the sound of movement in the area ahead of her, drawing her attention and rousing her curiosity. It wasn't monsters. Rather, it sounded like a large group of players on the move. Drawing closer for a better look, she peered over a small rock cliff overlooking the mountain pass below. Her eyes slightly widened, recognizing the guild's battle banner. Known as the Knights of Glory, they were rather exclusive guild rumored to only accept beaters into their ranks, with the intention of allowing only the strongest and most skilled of combatants and craftsmen to stand by their sides. As a result, they had something of a superiority complex when dealing with other players and guilds, although as of yet they had not actually done anything particularly heinous (as a PVP guild doubtless would). They were a proud group, but didn't stoop so low as to kick their fellow SAO citizens around as they pleased.
Shinn was up some time after sunrise, leaving the tent some time after. The day had already begin at camp, so Shinn quickly ate some rice crackers as breakfast, and pretty soon he was reay to leave. They had a long way ahead of them and it would be nice to leave early, get somewhat of a headstart since they had a lot of things to do. They could still get some levels before first boss fight, and after Kamiki was set on a City store, the incoming money flow would probably be enough for them to focus on leveling and clearing the game. Time was of the essence for that, so Shinn hoped to get going as soon as possible.

Outside the tent, in the camp, he could see newcomers settling in. He certainly knew the guild banner, and sighed when he saw it. The Knights of Glory. Those were the exactly kind of guys that gave "beaters" a bad reputation. Not that he minded much or anything, but still, being a overral polite young man he didn't like arrogant people. Seeing Kamiki finishing packing up and Tsuki standing nearby he knew they were probably almost ready to leave. He got close to his new found friend and smiled at her.

"Good morning, Tsuki-san. Slept well?" - he asked, politely. - "What do you think of we get going? On the way to the Initial City, there's two sites we could explore to get some more levels. I have a good plan for us to get at the First Boss above the requirements. Better be safe than sorry, right?" - he smiled, calling for his other friend. - "Kamiki-kun! We're leaving!"

After a short while they were leaving camp, Shinn leading them to their next training ground, on their way to settle Kamiki in a City Shop.


Some days have passed since their adventures at Rocky Gorge. Shinn managed to get two more levels to himself, and was sure that currently, both him and Tsuki were leading the game alongside a couple of beaters. Since that was the case, he decided to relax in the city for a couple days, mainly because the boy was really concerned for his partner. She she hardly slept long, and her dedication and driving was something he had never seen on a person before. But he knew that couldn't be healthy, even while inside a game like SAO. THe brain needed its rest, and the only rest it got was when the players were sleeping in game. Little by little he decided to help ease her into resting a little bit. They were way ahead others and well on their way to second floor, so they could enjoy peace for a little bit

After a long and nice shower at his room's bathroom in a Initial City inn, Shinn made his way down for breakfast. He had slept a little bit more than planned and it would hoped that the place would have a nice breakfast. At least that was the reason he choose a player ran inn, instead of a common NPC one. The player could have a good cooking skill and serve a decent breakfast. He was still making his way down, when the message icon flashed on his HUD. It was unnusual for him to receive messages since he was always by his party's side, but the sender was one of his friends from beta month.

'A knight named Diabel is gathering players for a raid on the First Floor's Boss, in Tolbana's square, tomorrow, afternoon. Can use a hand from someone I trust. You coming?' - Naask.

So it was starting. SHinn remembered that fight as a pretty straightforward one. Still he couldn't make a decision without consulting his partner about it. He was pretty sure she would decide to take part in the fight, but still, courtesy demanded. It took almost a month until the decision to attack the First Boss, and that was long enough. He hoped it would pick up a little bit faster from now on, but couldn't help but smilling. It was starting. The way out of SAO was finally showing itself. With that thought in mind, he resumed his way down the stairs and into the dinning room, hoping to have an opportunity to talk with Tsuki.
The dining area was quite well-filled as player-run inns were popular for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being that this particular inn was run by a young woman in her 20's. She stood behind the counter on the far side of the room across form the stairs leading up toward the rooms on the second story, where Shinn was descending toward the common area. Groups of adventurers where gathered in small circles or along the sides of the tables, chatting in excited tones about their latest adventures nad plans for the future. The initial shock of being trapped in SAO had long since faded, and most of the community had more or less accepted their place and become accustomed to life in this vast virtial world... Perhaps some to a rather unhealthy degree.

Tsuki was already seated in one of the chairs along the two long tables in the dining call, across from a young man in green-accented armor. She seemed terribly bored as he attempted to brag about his latest haul with his buddies who had cleared a small dungeon on the outskirts of town, unaware of the fact that Tuski had already cleared the very same one by herself before she had even met Shinn. She was making an effort to be civil and at least pretend to pay attention to his banter when Shinn entered her field of vision. She hastily waved him over, gesturing to the empty seat beside her.

The young man in green, of course, didn't take well to this development in the least, standing up and turning toward Tuski as he began to question her concerning Shinn's relation to her, "Who is this fellow?"

"He's my party member and friend, Shinn," she replied in an upfront manner, "He's one of the most reliable fellows that you will ever meet, even more so than a solid leather boot or blade of the finest steel. He wouldn't hesitate to throw himself in front of a spear for the sake of those he cares about, and I'd be willing to do the same for him if the situation demanded it."
Shinn was obviously unnaware of what kind of conversation Tsuki was having with that fellow player, but if he had to guess, the male was probably bugging her with some "heroic" tale about some dungeon he cleared or another, with an equally brave group of friends. That happened a lot with his partner, the poor guys oblivious to the fact that Tsuki was one of the most amazing players currently online. He guessed he was probably the only non-beater player on par with him and the other testers. Thinking about that, he was a pretty lucky guy indeed. Tsuki had the smarts, the looks, and the skills, and differently from most of the other girls venturing on the frontlines, wasn't a dead weight to her party. On the contrary, Shinn felt that if he slacked just a little, she would be ahead of him in no time, due to dedication and sheer willpower, not mattering how much he understood the game mechanics. Also, he was lucky that she seemd to enjoy his company and genuinely like him by then. And of course, he couldn't help to like her as well. Her company was very pleasing and something that the boy no only appreciated, but even yearned for, from time to time.

He was still concerned with her well being, though. Especially when her sleeping habits didn't appear to change at all, even with him intentionally forcing breaks and pauses.

As soon as the girl waved at him, Shinn waved back, making his way to her. The place was unsurprisingly crowded, and the young beater was forced to dodge them on his way there. It was clear that the man that kept her company while Shinn so lazily slept, seemed somewhat distressed with her action. He got there only in time to hear her last words, that she would be willing to jump in front of a spear for him. He couldn't help but blush, somewhat heavily, at that. He could imagine she felt like that, but couldn't ever picture a girl like her to simply tell that to someone that directly and with such a serious face. His cheeks felt on fire.

"Well, I'm glad you feel like that, Tsuki-san..." - he stated, blushing, but resting both his hands on her shoulders as he stood directly behind her. - "But please refrain to do that, will you? I would be very sad to see you hurt." - he smiled in a somewhat jokingly tone, just to disguise his embarrassment. Even though she was was so strong and seemed so decided and confident most of the time, he could see how delicate and petite her body was, just by touching her shoulders. He let go of her, and then sit beside her. He paid no mind to the other player. Wha that man dids was not of his business, as long as it didn't stay in the way of him talking with his partner.

"Ohayou, Tsuki-san. Slept well?" - he smiled at her, looking at the breakfast. Shinn was starving, and the food in the table seemed delicious. Three types of bread, jelly, cheese and ham, not to mention juice and even cofee. - "Itadakimasu!" - he said to himself, and dig in, smilling afer a tasty bit. It wasn't as good as the stew Tsuki did on their first night together, but still, pretty good.

"So, I just received this message from a friend..." - Shinn started, between bites, after swallowing down a great sip of hot latte. - "It seems someone is starting a group to raid the first boss. A meeting is being called in Tolbana's, tomorrow afternoon. I thought you would like to go." - He smiled at his female friend, happy to be with her once more. He really grew attached to that girl on their time together - "So I thought we could check on Kamiki and the store and then go to Tolbana. We spent a good night to rest there, and then help those guys Drop the first boss." - then he leaned towards her, wispering in her ear. He couldn't tell himself if he really needed to state it, or just wanted to get very close to her and speak by her ear, so close he could smell her shampoo and the very scent of her skin. He grew to like the looks that the other boys gave him everytime he showed they were somewhat close. - "After all, we'll probably be the strongest ones there. It'll probably make it safer for everyone else."
"Of course... It would only be as a last resort. I'm not some sort of masochist who might enjoy that sort of thing," Tsuki crossed her arms in front of her chest and shook her head from side to side slowly. She too seemed to have resolved to ignore the other player in favor of speaking with Shinn, as that conversation would likely be unproductive. He could fume as much as he liked. If she made it a point to ensure that nobody became upset with her choice of company she would have to find herself a mountain peak and become a monk. No, she would rather live her own life instead of cutting herself off from the reality that surrounded them for the foreseeable future. Her strength would be needed on the front lines, and that was exactly where she wished to be.

"I slept well... Better than most nights, in fact. I hope you still aren't waking yourself up in the middle of the night to check on me. I told you already that when I need to get things done I cannot afford to put them off... Knowing myself, I'd just delay indefinitely and end up getting nowhere at all," she waved her hand in the air and sighed, "I know you are just trying to be nice, so I don't really mind talking about it... Just give me some time to adjust, alright?" She was still sneaking out of her room at night to train herself and build up her endurance for lengthy battles, which she knew well that Shinn was aware of. Yet, the more pressing matter at hand was this proposed boss-fighting situation which she held a great deal more interest in.

"Of course," Tuski smiled, not at all bothered when he leaned in to whisper into her ear since she was unaware of any ulterior motives he might have in doing so, "My sword and shield will always be on the battlefield frontier. I push myself as hard as I do to that end. I just hope that this boss will actually live up to its reputation and we can move on to the second level. Its been high time for many of us to reach the higher floors for quite a while, and I'll admit that I'm more than a little excited about exploring what the other floors have to offer in terms of dungeons and new monster types. We need to clear all one hundred floors in order to escape, right? The last thing any of us would want is to spend over a month at each floor and end up spending the greater part of our youth trapped in some virtual death game."
Shinn chuckled a little, while looking at his partner.

"I kindly thank you for your concern, Tsuki-san, but actually, I'm waking myself up rather constantly to check out on you." - he smiled making sure he said it in a very formal way, and yawned right after, as if his body tried to prove his words. Of course, he knew very well she was sleeping very little, and training herself in the middle of the night, something that was straining Shinn to keep up with, although he kept the fact well hidden - "Well, I don't want to force you to act this or that way, and you're free to do as you want, you know? I just... worry about your well being, that's all." - he smiled kindly at her, being clear that he cared about his partner a great deal.

Then, he continued in a more serious tone.

"You don't need to carry the weight of the world on your back, you know?" - he said, looking at her while his hand made his way to hers, landing on top f it on the table. - "You can share some of your burden with me. That's what partner's are all about..." - the boy stared at her with a more intense look than he meant, and suddenly felt somewhat embarassed by his words and actions, his hand retreating to the back of his head, as he laughed nervously. - "Haha, look at me. Trying to lecture people and stuff. That really doesn't suit me at all!" - he stated, and quickly got back to his food, a little ashamed. Dealing with Tsuki was often like that. It was great and fun. Tremendously fun. and surprisingly easy. But was also nerve wrecking, intense and very, very difficult at the same time.

Then, the boy decided to go back to the main topic, it being their part in the first boss's fight. After all, they had a day, and altough it seemed at lot giving that they could teleport to Tolbana, it would go away pretty quickly if they allowed it. Something in Tsuki's last sentence caught his attention. She was still going the wrong way about the game and their current predicament. They WOULD indeed spend a great part of their youth trapped in that virtual world no matter what. That was a given. Shinn could picture two and a half to three and a half years for them to clear the game, if they managed at all. If casualties were high enough, they could get to the upper floors without the man power to go on and be forced to live like that, reason why most beaters and experienced players were holding off the attack on the first boss. In the beta month, the testers made to the 8th floor in just one month, but of course, they weren't worried about dying in the process. Now, that was not just a personal concern, but also, a matter of strategy. A lot of players were staying behind on levels, or just living peaceful lives as merchants, in towns, already, so their fighting force wasn't comprised of all the players. If they lost too many, too soon. Well, it was a certain way to spend their whole lives trapped there.

That being said, it was important not to rush things and to do so, they had to learn and enjoy their youth there as well, as that was their life, being virtual or not, at least for the time being. But would be him capable of showing that to Tsuki? He couldn't know.

"So, I was thinking we could swing by the store to see how Kamiki is doing, and after that we could go to Tolbana in the afternoon. There is a nice place I'd like to show you, close to the city." - he smiled, recalling something from his time as a beta. It could be fun. - "Then we spend the night in Tolbana, and take part in the meeting. What do you think?"
"You... Don't need to do that for my sake. I appreciate the thought, Shinn-kun," Tsuki reached out and took his hand in hers gently, giving him a light squeeze, "And I know what you are saying, but I just can't let go of the way I have lived my life so easily. I mean, I don't mind talking about it... But I would prefer to do it in a more private setting, since its a rather personal subject." She gestured toward the small crowd of onlookers who were obviously paying attention to their conversation while making a half-hearted effort to appear not to care. Shinn was a kind person, one of the few people that she could truthfully claim she trusted. She was glad that he didn't press the issue, and she knew deep down inside that her way of life was not healthy, especially considering all of the other mental strains pressing at her mind at the time. While some of the other players had already accepted their place in this world, she (ironically) sought to escape from her own escapism. A small smile graced Tsuki's lips as he turned the subject of their conversation. It was something much simpler to wrap one's head around than her own personal issues.

"So, basically you are asking me out on a date, right?" Tsuki's eyes narrowed slightly as she let go of his hand and leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms in front of her chest in a slightly defensive pose, "And all this time I thought I understood your true intentions... At last, the truth is revealed, and I must admit that I'm genuinely shocked that we have come to this, Shinn-kun." She rested her forehead on the palm of her right hand, eyes cast down toward the table as if the weight of such a proposition were bearing down heavily upon her shoulders. Of course, she didn't actually believe that he was asking her out on a date, but given their audience she couldn't resist the urge to tease him a bit. Without pause, she then turned her head toward Shinn and nodded, a playful sparkle in her eyes, "Sure, it sounds like fun."
"D-date?!" - Shinn was clearly affected by Tsuki's strong reaction to his invitation. When the words left his mouth it certainly wasn't the meaning he intended. Was that how it sounded like? Judging by all the sneering and conceiled laughs from the boys around the Inn, it seemed so. For some reason Shinn felt really flustered, raising his hands in a clearly surrendering gesture, in a very defensive manner. - "It's... Not... Not really like that!" - he managed to mumble, in a rather idiotic fashion.

But was that all wrong? Strictly speaking, he was doing just that, asking her on a date with him. He couldn't know that clearly if any kind of strange, different feeling was clouding his best judgement or influencing his actions, but even if it was... Even if unkowingly to himself, he had an ulterior motive to want and spend more time in her company. Was that wrong? Should he feel embarassed by it? Or guilty even? Logically, he saw no reason to. But if he was, indeed, asking her on a date, would that be her reaction to it? For some reason, Shinn feared it would. But did it mattered at all? Shinn enjoyed her company, liked to have her beside him, and was willing to spend fun times by her side. There was simply no reason for him to feel bad about it. Still he was already starting to regret his careless and thoughtless invitation when she finally graced him with a very delightful answer and a playful look. Shinn finally released the air in his lungs, noticing he hold his breath until then, while she spoke. His hands felt sweaty and his mouth somewhat dry. The boy reached for the glass on the table, taking a big gulp from it.

He couldn't help but notice that all the sneering and laugh turned to somewhat envious looks.

"Well, you certainly have a way of making me nervous, haven't you?" - he sighed, looking at his partner. Looking at her after that, for some reason he felt confident. Unnaware if it was her reassuring words, the envious looks, or his own realization from before, but he was feeling rather good about it, deciding to be a little more mature about it. He took a deep breath to muster his courage and looked straight at her, unable to hid a faint blush that tinted his cheeks - "But... Yeah, you know? I am, basically, asking you out on a date with me." - he said with a little bit more confidence.
While she had expected his initial reaction, a mixture of confusion and instinctive denial of an unintended answer to his question, the sudden shift within Shinn had taken her off-guard. Although she was actually his senior in terms of age, the way he spoke to her conveyed a maturity and emotional strength that she did not believe he possessed. Throughout even their most heated disagreements, Shinn had never held such a stance with her before as he expressed his desire to take her out on a date. No more denials, nor false pretenses, with only the hint of embarrassment from the words he had chosen. Where did this confidence come from? Now it was Tuski's turn to be nervous, as the young man beside her stared directly into her eyes and demanded a response.

He wanted to take her out on a date? From her point of view at least, ho boy had honestly given her a second glance when she entered the room. She had average looks, intelligence, grades, and talent. The only reason why any of these other boys in Sword Art Online even had the slightest interest was because of the severe difference in the number of boys and girls in the population. Her strength in battle was already starting to spread, which combined with her cynical attitude toward boys other than her two friends earned her the nickname of "Maiden of Steel". She didn't believe any of those were Shinn's reasons in asking her out for a date... Not surprisingly, she felt the need to find out.

"I... I already said it was fine," Tsuki mumbled, avoiding direct eye contact by diverting her eyes and turning her shoulders away, "I don't have anything special to wear or anything like that, and I'm sure you already know I can't carry a conversation if my life depended on it, but I'll try not to bore you."
Tsuki's nervousness didn't go unnoticed by Shinn, while he waited for her answer. It was pretty uncommon, even for him, to see the girl who always appeared to be so strong and centered to show such a clumsily reaction. And somewhat fun, noted the more sadistic side of his personality. But cute also. He found a breach in the armor of the strongest and most fearless female player of Aincrad and it was something that up until that point, he was the only one allowed to see. It made the boy feel lucky. Blessed even. While waiting, the boy felt his hands numb, as if all strentgh had left his fingers, and a cold on the very dephts of his stomach. He had done it. He actually said it, and now was left to wonder himself, where did he got the courage to do it. He wouldn't be able to say if his life depended on it. The courage simply appeared, from an unmapped part of his being, and it was done.

"Who's on the spot, now, huh?" - he teased, a little smile on his lips as he listened to her answer. A small wave of anxiety washed over him when she reaffirmed the aceptance to their, now official, date. He was half-expecting to get trned down after saying it like that, but to his pleasure, and surprise, she very shyly accepted it. He could hear the exalted whispers of players that were so shamelessly listening in on them. The rumor that the "Maiden of Steel" had accepted to go on a date with a boy rapidly increasing the noise in the dinning hall. Shinn paid no mind to it, too much relieved and simply happy that she gave him a positive answer.

"Well, I'm not really taking you to a fancy place or anything." - he smiled. - "Like I said, It's just a nice spot I found before, close to Tolbana, and that I thought you would like. Let's do it like this: I worry about the details, and you make us some delicious snacks for when we get there. Like, lunch and dinner! What do you think?" - he was always eager to eat a little more of her handmade food, not only because it was made by her, but also because she was getting a very good level at the skill as well.

For Shinn, her last sentence seemed like she was worrying a bit too much about how she was expected to behave on their "date", and alhought he found it cute, it completely beat the whole idea of the invitation.

"And you don't have to worry about this stuff too, you know? I'm not expecting you to act differently just because I named it like that. Like... a date kind of date." - he blushed a little bit, his index finger softly scrathing his cheek. He had no idea if he was making sense, but continued anyway, although this time his voice was very soft so only she could hear it. They had already given enough of a show to the other players around - "You don't bore me. I always have fun when we're together. So you don't have to try harder or anything. Just be yourself. I like it. The way you are, I mean." - he finished.
((Its been too long since we revived this RP. ^_^ Let us strive to press onward and create a story for others to read and envy our RPing prowess! XD))

Tsuki's shoulders relaxed, as if he had eased a heavy burden from her narrow shoulders with his words alone. She had never been asked out on a date by a guy before, but she had entertained various ideas concerning what a date should be like. Naturally, none of her fantasies had lingered long, as they were mostly centered around what the more popular girls at her school would chat about, but she still had constructed a rather elaborate framework within her own mind about how dates were supposed to go. Due to her own lack of experience, however, she decided to let Shinn take the lead for now, despite her advantage of years. The last thing she needed was yet another complexity to add to her list of worries she sought to escape, and she appreciated his effort to alleviate such concerns.

"Deal," Tsuki nodded. She still had a few foodstuffs leftover from their adventures together since Rocky Gorge, which she could put together into some makeshift snacks. She had improved significantly over their time together, mostly on account of Shinn insisting on sampling her cooking whenever the opportunity arose. Tsuki hardly minded his enthusiasm, as he seemed to appreciate her handmade meals on account of taste and quality rather than merely requesting them out of courtesy. To be acknowledged and appreciated on her own merits was something that Tsuki desired more than anything else in the world, both virtual and real. Shinn apparently had no qualms in satisfying that desire of hers.

"You... Should really be more demanding of me, sometimes," Tsuki whispered back to him, her hand reaching across the table and gently grasping his. Her own cheeks burned with embarrassment mirroring his, but she couldn't help but entertain a slight amount of disappointment with herself. She constantly sought to improve herself, break away from mediocrity, and become someone who others would appreciate on her own merits. Yet, Shinn stated that he liked her for who she was, not what she had, or would, or could accomplish. That one line tugged at her heart strings like no other declaration could, and it showed in the softness of her expression and words.


After finishing their meal, Tsuki set out with Shinn to visit their mutual friend. Doubtless he would be his usual enthusiastic, bubbly self that always warmed her heart. It was a different sort of warmth from the way she felt toward Shinn, however, and she acknowledged it as such. While Kamiki was a kind young fellow and one that she felt glad to call her friend, the attachment she had toward him more closely resembled that of a younger brother and older sister relationship. She sought to look after him in whatever small way she could, while at the same time respecting and caring for him. Still, even with the opportunity to pay him a visit, she still looked forward to her date with Shinn even more. Perhaps she would have an opportunity to open up to him a bit more... Perhaps it would allow her to move on past her obsessive desire to impress the world with pure devotion to self-improvement.
(I doubt anyone will envy my RPing prowess, but I'll certainly do my best, boss!)

It took Shinn a few seconds before being able to avert his eyes from the soft, incredibly beautiful expression on Tsuki's face, even as he was taken in by the soft sensation of her hand over his. The rush of blood to her face made her cheeks light up in a beautiful shade of pink and her eyes, as deep as a window to her soul itself, seemed to pull him inside and force the boy to fight with all his might not to lose himself in them and being consumed by feelings he was completely unprepared for. Those few seconds felt like a whole eternity as his brain struggled to find a proper reaction to what he was seeing and experiencing, but for just a moment there, he almost wished that moment would last just a tad bit longer. Instead he was once more assaulted by his usual lack of confidence and embarassment right the next second.

"Don't be silly, I have no reason to demand anything else from you, Tsuki-san." - He slowly pulled his hand back, getting up. - "Let's go get ready, shall we? We gotta stop by the shop before the date." - And with a small, kind smile on his lips, the boy parted ways with his partner and quickly went to his room to get ready for the day.


KTS General Store, store being a very generous way to referring to it, was nothing more than a small stand Kamiki bought with Tsuki's and Shinn's financial aid, was located in the main market street of the Starting City, several itens on display in a big counter that pretty much hid Kamiki behind it, though the boy was eagerly working behind it to sell both his own crafted items as well as raw materials used for professions. It was by far the best idea to make money this early in the game, and by the size the stand had expanded while Tsuki and himself were away, it was easy to see their investiment was quite fruitful already, which made Shinn a lot less worried with his little friend's destiny. Kamiki seemed to be doing a great job with the shop, so he and Tsuki could focus in clearing the game and just provinding crafting materials. The young shopkeeper's face lit up when he saw his two associates approaching:

"Ah, Tsuki-san! Shinn-san!" - exclaimed the pudgy boy, clearly pleased to see his friends. Especially Tsuki, it seemed, as they boy blushed everytime his eyes met the girls face. His infatuation with her was pretty clear to Shinn, and very understandable, he though, as Tsuki was not only a girl, but a beautiful, smart one at that, and the way she treated them in comparison to how she treated the other male gamers certainly made both of them feel a bit special. For a twelve year old boy, that combination as a one-hit KO by itself. - "It's nice to see you too here, safe and sound! Did you come to visit?"

"Yeah." - Shinn smiled at the boy's enthusiasm, nodding. - "Just checking up on you... How is everything going?"

"Oh, good. Very good. We tripled our investiments already!" - Kamiki smiled back at him, before looking at Tsuki as he shamelessly, though in a disguised manner, fished for compliments on her part.

While the two of them talked, Shinn approached some of the items in the stand, and quickly bought, storing the purchase on his inventory. It was best to show it to her only at their date place. He hoped it wouldn't appear to be too much, and that she wouldn't be mad at him for chosing it, but if he wanted it to be a surprise, he just needed to make some arrangements on his own. Now he could only hope for the best. After that, he joined the two of them again.

"Alright. Got what I came for too. Shall we get going, Tsuki-san?" - Asked Shinn, feeling more than just a bit eager to proceed with their date. So much, even Kamiki noticed it.

"Already? Where are you two going?" - Asked the boy, turning to Tsuki.
However absurd Kamiki looked while behind the counter, Tsuki had to admit that he had taken a little and done a lot with it. The young man had a natural talent with running a business, it seemed. Although it hardly seemed like much at the time being, she felt certain that he would become a wealthy, well-known merchant well before they managed to clear the hundred floors between themselves and the exit from the deathtrap they currently found themselves in. Despite the possible grim outcome of their adventures, Kamiki kept his positive, upbeat outlook, and for that much Tsuki could respect him. It was clear to her that he sought a compliment from her, and she felt obliged to grant him exactly what he looked for.

"Tripled?" Tsuki repeated, "It sounds to me like you really are more than just talk. Good job, Kamiki." She managed to grant him a friendly smile as well, although it was noticeably different from the tender way she looked at Shinn not long ago. Both of them were important to her, but Shinn was special in a different sort of way. She looked over some of the items he was selling for them, and questioned his reasoning for the prices he had set, somewhat out of curiosity but also to show some genuine interest in his chosen trade. Most of the SAO players invested the majority of their time training their combat skills, as the crafting and trading side of the game was comparatively less complex. Tsuki had her own stated interest in blacksmithing, but it had mostly been shelved for the time being as keeping the pace with the other frontier fighters remained her primary goal for the time being. She was so engrossed in the conversation that she did not even notice Shinn purchasing something.

"Sure," Tsuki nodded, returning to Shinn's side. She looked over at Kamiki then timidly grasped Shinn's arm in both of hers, resting his arm against her iron breastplate in the process before answering his question, "We are going out on a date... I'm not sure where, because he hasn't let me in on the secret yet." Despite her bold words and practically stoic expression, her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Several of those who were browsing the stalls exchanged confused looks. It was hardly a month into the game and people were already starting to pair up? More envious glares began to center themselves on the young couple.
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