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Fucked up, Dark, and Twisted

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Aug 14, 2012
Sorry to any partners I left hanging recently! School picked up in an awful way, and I'm just getting back. I'll try to reply to all of you as soon as I can.

First off, let me say I'm only interested in roleplaying with females, and I prefer my role plays to take place in the modern era. If you have a role play in a different setting you're welcome to share it with me, I may bite, but I really do prefer the modern era.

As for kinks and limits, I'm pretty open. I'll try just about anything once, and nothing I've tried so far I've not been open to trying again. If you have any questions about specific things please feel free to ask.

Now for pairings, here are some favorites, though please feel free to message me with any that you have (first is me second is you).

anything incest
counselor/camper (either way works)
older woman/younger man(or boy)

Also, please reply with PM's, I probably won't check comments on this post. Aside from PM I have aim and yim.
Though I do not think you are either of those three things in your title, I do know that you are a great partner to write with! Free Bump!
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