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Storm's requests (mostly [MxF])

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Oct 26, 2012
Well, let's get a few introductories and ground rules out of the way first. I think I'd much rather prefer to RP over threads, although I may be inveigled into doing so by email, if you can give a good reason why it'd be better to do so that way. I'd rather not do this over IM or a similar more transient medium though. I'll give you my YM/Google Talk if you'd like to talk with me outside of the forums about anything, but let's not do any RPs there. I'm relatively new to this type of thing actually, so please do be gentle with me, and give me constructive feedback if I seem to be going off track or doing things that I shouldn't be.

Keep in mind that my timezone is most frequently UTC+8, which is probably quite different from most of you folks, so my responses may come at odd hours. I promise to try to write at least once every twenty four hours for any active RPs that might be there. I promise I'll let you know out of band if something comes up with my life (or I simply have writer's block) and I can't do so.

Nothing against our homosexual friends here, but I'll only do straight RPs. Gay action is just not for me.

In general I prefer RPs that have serious plots. Smut is fine and dandy, but it's even better if there's a premise for it to stand behind.

Now, with that out of the way, here are some of the things I'm interested in trying to do. Most of them can be rather long-term RPs. The ones I've marked with asterisks are the ones I most particularly feel like doing.


1. Miku Hatsune. I've been wanting to do an RP involving her, and to a lesser extent the other vocaloids like Rin and Luka, for some time. My pet scenario for this is in a cyberpunk future where Miku is an AI software agent like Rei Toei, and she is "incarnated" as it were by means of a nanobot assembler. She is obviously extremely curious about sex now that she finally has a practically human body, and is willing to try anything with her chosen partner. But well, if you have other ideas involving them, please do make suggestions.*

2. Nasuverse. The world of Fate/stay Night, Tsukihime, and Kara no Kyoukai has always fascinated me, being a world balanced with equal parts shadow and sunlight. This could be an RP involving any of the canon characters such as Shirou, Saber, Rin, Sakura, Shiki (both of them), Arcueid, Ciel, Akiha, etc. One scenario that seems like it might be very interesting would be Shiki Tohno from Tsukihime crossing paths with Shiki Ryougi from Kara no Kyoukai. The fact that Shiki Tohno has more than a passing resemblance to Mikiya Kokutou might make such an RP very interesting indeed.

Another possibility here would be a completely new Holy Grail War, with a non-canon Master and Servant fighting to win the Grail. Master and Servant have to be opposite sexes, but obviously I have to get the male character, whether Master or Servant. Several possible Servants I've thought might be interesting might include: Lucrezia Borgia (Assasin), Odysseus (Archer), and Isaac Newton (Caster!). Feel free to suggest ideas here.

3. (Added 2012-10-31) Míriel and Anárion. This RP is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium, in the Second Age, and is set in Númenor. If you are unfamiliar with this, read the Silmarillion or this page for more background information. Anárion is the son of the Lord of Andunië Elendil, younger brother of Isildur, and Míriel is the queen of Númenor, wife to the corrupt king of Númenor Ar-Pharazôn the Golden. While Ar-Pharazôn has been corrupted by the influence of Sauron and is preparing an assault on Valinor, Míriel remains faithful to the Valar. Anárion was likewise among the Faithful, and has loved Míriel from afar after his wife's untimely death. Basically, we depart completely from canon and make the two of them secret lovers, hiding from her husband Ar-Pharazôn and Sauron, and make Míriel the mother of Anárion's son Meneldil. (Anárion's other children by his own wife wind up getting sacrificed at the Temple of Morgoth.) Story should end with Meneldil's birth a few weeks before the final fall of Númenor, and Míriel's subsequent death. While this is a story about some canonical characters in the legendarium, I don't want to see them written as though Tolkien were writing it. I particularly dislike the way he does female characters, and I don't want Míriel to look that way.

Original Stories:

1. Baroque Era RP. This one has many possibilities. I've been reading Dumas recently and have several scenarios in mind:

a. The Hunted Mistress. Let's have our female protagonist be a fictional former maîtresse-en-titre to Louis XIV who has been implicated as part of the fictional plot that assassinated Cardinal Mazarin (feel free to suggest another heinous crime for her to have committed if you don't like that bit of non-historicity for whatever reason). She has fled to Saint-Dominigue in the New World to escape the king's justice, and she is pursued by a former Jesuit priest who has been excommunicated for sleeping with the wrong woman and has been given a mission by the Pope to bring our former royal mistress back to France to stand trial as condition for his pardon.*

b. 17th Century Black Magic. This'd be a [MxFxF] scenario I think. A sorcerer has attempted to summon a demon and make a diabolical pact with her. A beautiful young woman who loves him attempts to wrest his soul from the devil in female form. You can play both the devil and the woman if you think you can manage it, but it really should be a scenario for three. I'll edit this post if I get one taker so that anyone else interested can fill it in.

2. Simple college romance. Clueless freshman girl and her senpai. They wind up living together under the same roof due to whatever circumstances, and stumble on each others' quirks until they stumble into bed together. They're both clueless about love, as they're both completely inexperienced.*

3. Otaku boy and girl romance. They meet at an anime convention at Tokyo Big Sight, traipse around Akihabara and the rest of Japan in a horny romp, with cosplay and other kinks in the Land of the Rising Sun.

4. (added 2012-10-30) Cousin-in-Law. Our male protagonist has just gotten married, and seems all set to have a nice happy life with his new wife. His wife has a difficult, stressful job at a downtown law firm, but he just stays at home telecommuting. One day, however, an aunt of his wife's, driven from the town where she lived with her abusive ex-husband, becomes their neighbour. Her only daughter is fifteen and growing very pretty and has transferred into the local high school. She has begun asking him to tutor her, and they wind up taking private, forbidden lessons...

Well, that's all I can think of for now. Feel free to PM me if any of my ideas strikes your fancy, or if you've thought of something in a similar vein that you think might interest me given what I have proposed here.
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