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Oct 22, 2012
I'm searching for a female willing to do a hardcore nonconsensual roleplay.

Here is my current desire.
Futuristic setting. In the year 5010 monarchy is back and for the past thousand slaves were legal and that wasn't about to change anytime soon. Men and Women of power could buy poor people to become slaves. However each member of the Royal family can pick one person from any family to be their slave willing or not.
A local villager catches the Prince's eye and he immediately co.pacts his father of his choice. She is taken from her home kick.g and screaming and into the Prince's waiting arms. He is a cold hearted man of 21, this woman would be nothing to him but a pet he could release all his dark desires onto and who will bear his children to keep his line going. As he breaks her into his sex slave she breaks into his heart.

Feel free to personal message me any of your desires as I am up for pretty much anything.

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