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Parasite Eve Roleplay OOC

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If you need to study go for that instead. It is more important. Unless you really want to join.
Ok, I just noticed I have something I need to work on right now (Yay for last minute e-mails) >.< You can do something with just Volke I have to go work on this. Stupid professor assuming we check our e-mail every 5 minutes and have unlimited free time.

I can still check stuff but will be incredibly slow in responding.
That sucks. Especially since I already posted a different backstory. Huh. Guess I just edit out the back story, or plain delete the post. Let Ghaigido study.

His choice.
Hrm... depending on how long it take Bunny.. well, I'll post again in 30 min to see the situation. If I'm not done by then and Iggy is on, we can change it. Or... If Bunny is ready, we can continue. sound good?
Well. Now I'm befuddled. Oh well. So what's happening? We're going with both and expect it really slow, or go with one, or go with none? Because if you two are busy, we don't have to do this. Totally up to you.
Ghaigido said:
Yeah... I think he's still mad, for whatever reason. I know I prolly wouldn't want to be interacting with people when I'm mad...

Anyway, I'd like to, but.... aw, what the hell, sure. Just don't expect me to be quick. I have 1. a PM string (long string of reply PMs) 2. studying happening at the same time. Both are kinda really important, y'know?

that's because I don't post so many OOC posts as you guys. X3

I have work.. But yeah, I was still upset for a while. I just got home a little bit ago and have been gone since 8:30
Sorry about randomly disappearing, but when I left to check something, I accident hit log out, instead of User CP, which is what I usually do to refresh.
As much as I can be... Sorry I left, it had nothing to do with you guys.. Just some messed up stuff at home.
I have a rather long project. I don't want to be completely MIA, so I am just slow as molasses.
It's fine. I thought that it was some extra assignment, usual homework. Not an actual project. You'd think he'd mention that in class.
Not really... it's more like "you'd hope." We all know that teachers, instructors, and professors can be pretty thoughtless or absent-minded.... or just Jerks. ^.^;;
They annoying part is this is the proff I LA for. You'd think he might mention it to me. I'm also having to deal with students e-mailing me with "This isn't working!" And they'd know what to do if they ever came to office hours >.<
Yeah, probably. That does seem kind......
Also, that's their fault. Tell them to come to the office hours (whatever that actually means).
Then again, people can be stubborn and stupid... who knows whether they would be able to figure it out if you explained it to them? >.<;;
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