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Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) 3.5, anyone? : Campaign, Go!

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Paul sighs, and follows after the man who offered Volmar food. "Come on Vol. There's bound to be trouble. Would probably be best if you came along as well, Lios."
Ber'nia passes someone who mentions the people she is looking for. While she would like to stop and see she is more interested in seeing what the noise is and simply calls back.

"Tell them I'm up ahead."

(spot = 2 D: )
Lios sees the bunny-girl take off and knows he has to follow. He takes off sprinting after her. (full run at 4x speed. Modified non-running speed: 50)
Lios keeps pace behind Ber'nia. "Hello! I'm Lios!" He called out. "Are you the bunny I was to escort to Daggerfall?"

(Spot 12)
Ber'nia blinks at the person keeping pace with her and then nods.

"Yes, I think I am. That women gave me a terrible description of you. At least I managed to sort of remember your name."

She continued running wondering what she was getting in to, and what kind of people she was going to be meeting, and rather excited at the prospects.
Lios smiles sunnily. "Great! I don't suppose I could have your name, could I Miss...?"

DM: Ber'nia, Lios. Make another spot check.

Lios: 8
"Balmung, and you are?" He called back, his longsword and scimitar already half-drawn. (scimitar is off hand)
DM: Paul is the first to see it clearly enough, but through the wavy, heated air of the desert he could see an Army of Undead! Considering that they're only a fingerwidth (in his eyes) of the horizon, yet he could hear the sound of their movement...

Ber'nia notices 6 seconds later.
"Nice to meet you two. I assume you are a druid, or some form of mage then? I don't see many people with tamed wolves you know?"
"Shit. This could get ugly. At least none of _those_ are out right now. Volmar, Heel!" Paul says, knowing the undead make Volmar nervous.

"Druid." Paul answers afterwards.
When Ber'nia notices she pulls up short and stops. Her right ear twitches in an agitated manner and she looks toward the army.

"Well now... that can't be good."

She draws her sword and pulls her shield off of her back, rolling her shoulders and limbering up. If she is going to have to fight this, she knows she needs to be ready.
Lios slows to run next to Paul. "What? What could get ugly?" He said, tilting his head like a curious cat.
He looks back to Ber'nia. "Huh? Wait, an enemy?!" He finally figures out after seeing both pull out their weapons.

He reaches into his haversack and pulls out a Rod.
he pull the blades out and surge forth, as if the very idea of them getting close to the village sending him into a fury. "You can't have this village!"
"Undead. If it's low caliber, you should be able to take care of them with ease. But if you don't get rid of them with a positive energy burst (Turn Undead), the either there are heavy hitters among them, possible a couple of priests behind them, and if that's the case... It doesn't look good for the Legion patrol's lifespan. Low caliber means they got lucky getting past the Legion." A look of hatred covers Paul's face. "But they won't find any luck getting past me, if that's the case."
(I think Zeheris got initiative. Putting that here since not sure if he can see the OOC thread.)
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