- Joined
- Oct 17, 2012
- Location
- American Mid-West
Okay, since everyone in this game either already knows how to play 3.5e DnD or can look it up easily, this page will be for the Variant Rules. EDIT: I realized there is too much information that I don't want to copy and paste, so I'll post links to reliable sources when I can.
-Unearthed Arcana : Sanity
NOTE: Sanity Resistance will be Character level, and Sanity Loss from Magic will be Low (Spell level = Sanity points lost). Greater Restoration will only heal 3d4 per 2 levels sanity. I feel a full heal is a little too easy, y'know? We will also be using the Drug Addiction rules on the same page if someone gets addicted to, oh, let's say just about anything. DCs are subject to change a bit, but really, when aren't they? (Don't answer that)
-Unearthed Arcana : Death and Dying
-Unearthed Arcana : Character Traits
-Unearthed Arcana : Character Background
-Unearthed Arcana : Reputation (Don't forget to use your background)
-Unearthed Arcana : Spontainteous Metamagic: Daily Uses
NOTE: We will be using the Daily Uses variant, but that doesn't mean we can't do it the old fashon way as well. =]
-Book of Erotic Fantasy : Rating R (most of the rules will apply, will not be using App Score rule)
You should prolly get this book for yourself, or ask me to send you a download link for the .pdf file. I'm not gonna fit a whole book in this post.
-Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge : Arousal & Actual Sex Scenes
Okay, so there are only a few things I'm taking from this book that are of any importance, so don't worry about actually trying to find this one.
NOTE: This book will often make references to a "Sexual Prowess Skill." For our purposes, Perform (Sexual Technique) from the Book of Erotic Fantasy will fill this role. Also, the feats Quick Recovery from the Book of EF is being replaced by the sexual trick by the same name (see below). The Instant Recovery feat is also being turned into a Trick.
NOTE: A round in combat is 6 seconds. A round during sex is 1 minute.
NOTE: There are spells in this book that I am not posting due to already having so many options. If you want a certain type of spell, tell me and I'll send you a PM with all of the relevant spells. Considering how sandbox this campain is prolly going to be, I'll take suggestions for spell creation.
New Conditions
This list of physical states of being is to supplement the list in Core Rulebook II that includes "Exhausted," "Fatigued," and "incapacitated" and may often suggest changes to states that are already listed. When a spell or action or feat refers to a result that indicates a new state, it is referring to this section, so if a spell causes Arousal, then refer to this list to see what Arousal does to a PC.
The character is physically ready for sex. If the character is male, he is erect and ready to penetrate; if female, this means her nipples and clitorises are hardening and her vagina is lubricating.
The character is emotionally ready for sex – he or she has an itch and wants to scratch it. Horny characters suffer a -2 penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempts. A character who is naturally Horny remains so until they climax, are shocked, are injured, or have cold water thrown on them. Horny females get a +2 circumstantial bonus to their Charisma when dealing with sexually compatible males. Horny characters are normally (though not necessarily always) also Aroused. Characters who are both Horny and Aroused are considered distracted and cannot Take 10 on any non-sexual skill checks.
The character has a powerful attraction to another being, and a strong, nearly overpowering, desire to have sex with them. These characters suffer a -10 penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempts made by the object of their lust. (This penalty does not stack with the penalties from being Horny.) In fact, a Lustful character will often initiate seduction attempts of their own. Characters of evil and chaotic alignments may attempt to rape these objects of lust if their attentions are rebuffed.
The character is right on the edge of orgasm. He or she is at a heightened state of arousal, and requires only one more push to come. A character cannot be forced to climax (other than through certain spells) without being brought to this point. A character who is Peaked must make a Concentration check against a DC 15 before making any non-sexually based skill checks, and all said skill checks suffer a –2 distraction penalty.
The character has gone beyond Peaked and is in sexual agony as they are a hair’s breadth away from release, but climax is teasingly withheld from them. While in this state, a character cannot perform any Intelligence based skills (except Sexual Prowess using the Creative Lover trick) or cast spells, has a -10 distraction penalty for all non-sexual skill checks, and suffers a -5 morale penalty for all save attempts. An Over-stimulated character will agree to do almost anything to be allowed to achieve climax, and must make a Will save to resist agreeing to any such offers. The save’s DC equals 20 + the offering character’s Charisma modifiers. Finally, an Overstimulated character must make a Will save every round (DC 18) or take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. A character can become overstimulated by some feats, tricks, or spells, but the only other way to do it is to be brought from aroused to peaked a number of times equal to the Con bonus +1, without actually being brought to orgasm.
Sexually Delirious
A character who reaches this stage is considered Helpless. The only action he or she is capable of is mindless fucking and sucking. He or she is also suggestible as per the Hypnotize spell and loses all Will
save bonuses until he or she gets 8 hours of complete rest. To become Sexually Delirious, the character must have a number of orgasms equal to their Con bonus +1. These orgasms must be ones in which they failed their arousal check by (10+Con bonus) or more.
Sometimes magic can be used to make a character orgasm in the middle of a threatening situation, such as combat. In such a case, roll a fortitude save against your will save. If the will save is higher, having an orgasm counts as being shaken. If your fort save is higher you are both dazed and shaken for 1 round.
How Sex Works
The Arousal Check
This is the core sexual mechanic for d20 games. An arousal check is, at its core, a Constitution check. The DC for a character’s arousal check is based off of his or her partner’s Sexual Prowess check, and equals 10 + the Arousal Check Modifier indicated by the Sexual Prowess check result (see table S-1). Some feats provide bonuses to the Constitution check. Endurance, Great Fortitude, and Iron Will all provide their bonuses to arousal checks. Having 5 or more ranks in Concentration also provides a +2 synergy bonus to arousal checks.
The Basics
There are three basic steps to any sexual experience – getting aroused, getting close to orgasm, and having an orgasm. Each of these three steps has its own slightly different mechanics.
1. Getting your partner aroused
Getting your partner aroused is often, but not always, a non-sexual activity. Sweet nothings whispered in the ear, a seductive dance, or sheer personal presence can often be enough to prepare a person for sex. This generally takes the form of an opposed check – the character rolls the appropriate skill or ability check, and the target makes a Will save. If the target fails the roll, she is considered
Aroused. Some skills/abilities that might be used for arousing a partner include:
· Bluff
· Diplomacy
· Perform (Dance a.o.)
· Charisma
Arousing your partner through sexual means is usually more direct and harder to resist. If you choose to arouse your partner with pure sexual prowess, make a Sexual Prowess check. Your partner makes an arousal check. If your partner fails the check, she becomes Aroused. Male characters have a slight advantage in getting aroused, as men are naturally inclined to being ready for sex at a moment’s notice. If he is currently not Aroused, a male character can become aroused as a free action. However, he cannot become un-aroused without making a Will save, DC 18. However a character becomes Aroused, this condition will last 2d6 minutes unless stimulation is applied. If an Aroused character is stimulated, she will not become unaroused until stimulation stops.
2. Getting your partner close to orgasm
Once both partners are Aroused, sex can begin in earnest. Both partners make Sexual Prowess and arousal checks. If one partner fails an arousal check, he is considered Peaked. However, once a character is Peaked, he only has a short time to have an orgasm before his body settles back down. If he does not have an orgasm in 1d4 minutes, he returns to being simply Aroused, unless his partner can keep stimulating him. Barring magic or other supernatural effects, a character must be Peaked before he can orgasm.
3. Getting your partner off
A Peaked partner is on the verge of orgasm. Her partner continues to make Sexual Prowess checks, and she continues to make arousal checks. If she fails the arousal check, she has an orgasm.
After orgasm, a character goes into afterglow. Female characters are Aroused for 1d4 minutes after orgasm. Male characters, on the other hand, are no longer Aroused. Instead, they are considered Fatigued for 2d6 minutes. Any attempt to arouse a male after orgasm suffers a –10 penalty.
Quick Rules for Sexual Encounters
Not all DMs may want to play out an entire sexual encounter using the full rules, whether because of personal preference or lack of time. If you wish to include sexual encounters in your game, but don’t want to go through the entire process of making Sexual Prowess and arousal checks, the following rules present a fast and simple alternative. The simplest use of the Sexual Prowess is not much different from Performance. The player announces he is going to give his partner the night of her life and then rolls a skill check for Sexual Prowess and checks it against the following table for DCs and results:
Table S-5: Simple Sex Check Results
DC = Performance
5 or less = Disappointing Experience – You failed to satisfy your partner, and generally left him or her wanting more.You suffer a –1 penalty to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 days.
10 = Routine Experience - You both achieved satisfaction, and that is always good, as we all know. But it was nothing remarkable.
15 = Enjoyable Experience - You exhibited a bit more flair then the standard lover and may have even showed your partner a new trick. +1 impression bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for
the next 1d4 days
20 = Great Experience - Multiple orgasms were definitely involved in the evening, and you have definitely made an impression on all but the most jaded of lovers. With time, you may develop a local reputation as a lover of some skill. +2 impression bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 days
25 = Memorable Experience – Even the most jaded of lovers would be impressed by the sexual skill you have demonstrated. With time, you may develop a regional reputation as a lover of noticeable skill. +3 impression
bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 2d4 days.
30 = Extraordinary Experience - You just may be the best lover your partner has ever had--you certainly gave them on of the greatest experiences of their lives! With time, you may develop a national reputation as a lover of great skill. +4 impression bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 weeks.
40 = Religious Experience - Things were done in the bedroom that are the stuff of legends and ribald pornographic etchings! The gods and goddesses of lust would be proud of you. In time, you may even draw their notice and be whisked away to visit them! +5 bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 weeks.
The DM should feel free to apply any situational bonuses or penalties befitting the circumstances. Also, the DM may wish to subtract the partner’s ranks in Sexual Prowess from the character’s Sexual Prowess check result. After all, what is Memorable to a simple farmer’s daughter (1 rank of Sexual Prowess) might be merely Enjoyable to a lusty barmaid (5 ranks of Sexual Prowess), or even Routine to a seasoned prostitute (15 ranks of Sexual Prowess). Alternately, both partners may make opposed skill checks in a contest to see who is the better lover.
Different Species
Generally, characters tend to have sex with others of their same species. Very similar species also frequently have sex, such as humans and elves. Generally, as long as two characters are of the same creature type (Humanoid, Giant, Outsider, etc.), there are no penalties to any Sexual Prowess involved. Characters of different types, however, suffer a –4 penalty to their Sexual Prowess roles due to different anatomies and sexual proclivities.
The rules above cover action when both partners are participating equally. If only one partner is actively participating, she is the only one who can make a Sexual Prowess check that interval. She does not have to make an arousal check that round. During foreplay, Sexual Tricks that affect another partner’s Sexual Prowess checks may not be used.
Multiple Orgasms
Female characters are normally Aroused after having an orgasm. However, if a female character fails her arousal check by 10 or more when orgasming, she is still Peaked, and can still orgasm again with more stimulation.
Multiple Partners
While most sex tends to be a one-on-one affair, this is definitely not always the case. In the case of multiple partners, each person involved selects one other partner to focus on each minute, and can only modify that partner’s arousal check DC with his Sexual Prowess check. It’s perfectly permissible for two or more partners to “gang up” on a third to push him over the brink faster. In that case, add together the arousal check modifiers of all acting partners to determine the character’s final arousal DC.
Preferred Genders
While the basics of sex are the same regardless of what two (or more) genders are involved, sexual partners tend to be more familiar with the gender that they prefer, and are generally uncomfortable and/or unfamiliar with pleasuring someone not of their preferred gender. Whenever a character is having sex with someone not of his preferred gender (the same gender if he is straight, the opposite gender if he his homosexual), he gets a –2 penalty to his Sexual Prowess rolls. Bisexual characters do not suffer this penalty.
Sexual Fatigue
A sexual partner can only perform for so long before fatigue sets in. [There were a set of rules here, but it fits well enough with the Book of EF that we only need to add the parts around it] When a character fails the Constitution check for Sustaining Sex, the character must stop and rest for at least 30 minutes before attempting again, during which time he is considered Fatigued.
Taking 10
If all partners agree, each can take 10 on his or her Sexual Prowess roll to enjoy a nice, long, leisurely bout of lovemaking.
Virginal Partners
Virgins tend to react differently, whether they are giving or receiving. Virgins who are in the active (penetrative – usually male) role have a harder time resisting orgasm. Their arousal DC while Peaked has a +5 modifier. Virgins in the passive (penetrated – usually female) role have a harder time reaching orgasm due to pain. Their arousal DC while Peaked gets a –5 modifier.
How to define the size or capacity of an orifice, wang, or wang-like object
There are three times as many size categories as usual for defining sexual endowment - Lesser, Average, and Greater versions of Fine, Diminuitive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal. By default, any given member or orifice on a creatures body will be the Average version of it's size. Some creatures are better or worse endowed than others and have a numerical modifier found by halving your Starting Constitution modifier. For example, Minotaurs have a starting Con of 14 (10 +4 racial mod as a character) or 15 (normally, as a monster), both of which are a +2 Con Mod. Since we're halving that, it's a +1 modifier, which means their wangs are one size category larger than average for a Large creature - I.E., Greater Large. If they had a +2 modifier, they would be Lesser Huge and +3 would be Average Huge. Round half numbers towards 0 (I.E., +1/2 is actually a 0 and -1.5 is a -1). Certain Feats, Traits, Flaws, and Abilities may modify size, along with their inherent bonuses or penalties.
[NOTE: They did not explain how this would work for a vagina, but I assume that it is depth when aroused. Also, you might think this is a bit too much, dick sizes and all. Unneccesary? I don't think so. There are REAL people out there with dicks too big to fit it in. At all. ...I feel kinda bad for them.]
That's how it works.
Size Category Length [or Depth]
Lesser Fine: .24 inches
Average Fine: .3 inches
Greater Fine: .375 inches
Lesser Diminuitive: .6 inches
Average Diminuitive: .75 inches
Greater Diminuitive: .94 inches
Lesser Tiny: 1.19 inches
Average Tiny: 1.5 inches
Greater Tiny: 1.89 inches
Lesser Small: 2.38 inches
Average Small: 3 inches
Greater Small: 3.75 inches
Lesser Medium: 4.5 inches
Average Medium: 6 inches
Greater Medium: 8 inches
Lesser Large: 10 inches
Average Large: 12 inches
Greater Large: 15 inches
Lesser Huge: 19 inches
Average Huge: 2 feet
Greater Huge: 2.5 feet
Lesser Gargantuan: 3 feet
Average Gargantuan: 4 feet
Greater Gargantuan: 5 feet
Lesser Colossal: 6.3 feet
Average Colossal: 8 feet
Greater Colossal: 10 feet
Lesser Titanic: 12.5 feet
Average Titanic: 16 feet
Greater Titanic: 20 feet
Sexual Prowess (Cha; Armor Check Penalty)
{Being Replaced with Perform (Sexual Technique) To determine what your partner’s arousal check DC is, consult table S-1 below.
Table S-1: Skill Checks and Arousal Check DC
Check Result Arousal Check DC Modifier
9 or less +0
10 – 14 +2
15 – 19 +4
20 – 24 +6
25 – 29 +8
30 – 34 +9
35 – 39 +10
40 – 44 +11
45 – 49 +12
50+ +13
Special: Every rank of Sexual Prowess also gives you one Sexual Trick, a sort of mini-feat that can be used to enhance performance.
This is getting long, so I'll post the Tricks on the next post.
-Unearthed Arcana : Sanity
NOTE: Sanity Resistance will be Character level, and Sanity Loss from Magic will be Low (Spell level = Sanity points lost). Greater Restoration will only heal 3d4 per 2 levels sanity. I feel a full heal is a little too easy, y'know? We will also be using the Drug Addiction rules on the same page if someone gets addicted to, oh, let's say just about anything. DCs are subject to change a bit, but really, when aren't they? (Don't answer that)
-Unearthed Arcana : Death and Dying
-Unearthed Arcana : Character Traits
-Unearthed Arcana : Character Background
-Unearthed Arcana : Reputation (Don't forget to use your background)
-Unearthed Arcana : Spontainteous Metamagic: Daily Uses
NOTE: We will be using the Daily Uses variant, but that doesn't mean we can't do it the old fashon way as well. =]
-Book of Erotic Fantasy : Rating R (most of the rules will apply, will not be using App Score rule)
You should prolly get this book for yourself, or ask me to send you a download link for the .pdf file. I'm not gonna fit a whole book in this post.
-Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge : Arousal & Actual Sex Scenes
Okay, so there are only a few things I'm taking from this book that are of any importance, so don't worry about actually trying to find this one.
NOTE: This book will often make references to a "Sexual Prowess Skill." For our purposes, Perform (Sexual Technique) from the Book of Erotic Fantasy will fill this role. Also, the feats Quick Recovery from the Book of EF is being replaced by the sexual trick by the same name (see below). The Instant Recovery feat is also being turned into a Trick.
NOTE: A round in combat is 6 seconds. A round during sex is 1 minute.
NOTE: There are spells in this book that I am not posting due to already having so many options. If you want a certain type of spell, tell me and I'll send you a PM with all of the relevant spells. Considering how sandbox this campain is prolly going to be, I'll take suggestions for spell creation.
New Conditions
This list of physical states of being is to supplement the list in Core Rulebook II that includes "Exhausted," "Fatigued," and "incapacitated" and may often suggest changes to states that are already listed. When a spell or action or feat refers to a result that indicates a new state, it is referring to this section, so if a spell causes Arousal, then refer to this list to see what Arousal does to a PC.
The character is physically ready for sex. If the character is male, he is erect and ready to penetrate; if female, this means her nipples and clitorises are hardening and her vagina is lubricating.
The character is emotionally ready for sex – he or she has an itch and wants to scratch it. Horny characters suffer a -2 penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempts. A character who is naturally Horny remains so until they climax, are shocked, are injured, or have cold water thrown on them. Horny females get a +2 circumstantial bonus to their Charisma when dealing with sexually compatible males. Horny characters are normally (though not necessarily always) also Aroused. Characters who are both Horny and Aroused are considered distracted and cannot Take 10 on any non-sexual skill checks.
The character has a powerful attraction to another being, and a strong, nearly overpowering, desire to have sex with them. These characters suffer a -10 penalty to Will saves to resist any seduction attempts made by the object of their lust. (This penalty does not stack with the penalties from being Horny.) In fact, a Lustful character will often initiate seduction attempts of their own. Characters of evil and chaotic alignments may attempt to rape these objects of lust if their attentions are rebuffed.
The character is right on the edge of orgasm. He or she is at a heightened state of arousal, and requires only one more push to come. A character cannot be forced to climax (other than through certain spells) without being brought to this point. A character who is Peaked must make a Concentration check against a DC 15 before making any non-sexually based skill checks, and all said skill checks suffer a –2 distraction penalty.
The character has gone beyond Peaked and is in sexual agony as they are a hair’s breadth away from release, but climax is teasingly withheld from them. While in this state, a character cannot perform any Intelligence based skills (except Sexual Prowess using the Creative Lover trick) or cast spells, has a -10 distraction penalty for all non-sexual skill checks, and suffers a -5 morale penalty for all save attempts. An Over-stimulated character will agree to do almost anything to be allowed to achieve climax, and must make a Will save to resist agreeing to any such offers. The save’s DC equals 20 + the offering character’s Charisma modifiers. Finally, an Overstimulated character must make a Will save every round (DC 18) or take 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage. A character can become overstimulated by some feats, tricks, or spells, but the only other way to do it is to be brought from aroused to peaked a number of times equal to the Con bonus +1, without actually being brought to orgasm.
Sexually Delirious
A character who reaches this stage is considered Helpless. The only action he or she is capable of is mindless fucking and sucking. He or she is also suggestible as per the Hypnotize spell and loses all Will
save bonuses until he or she gets 8 hours of complete rest. To become Sexually Delirious, the character must have a number of orgasms equal to their Con bonus +1. These orgasms must be ones in which they failed their arousal check by (10+Con bonus) or more.
Sometimes magic can be used to make a character orgasm in the middle of a threatening situation, such as combat. In such a case, roll a fortitude save against your will save. If the will save is higher, having an orgasm counts as being shaken. If your fort save is higher you are both dazed and shaken for 1 round.
How Sex Works
The Arousal Check
This is the core sexual mechanic for d20 games. An arousal check is, at its core, a Constitution check. The DC for a character’s arousal check is based off of his or her partner’s Sexual Prowess check, and equals 10 + the Arousal Check Modifier indicated by the Sexual Prowess check result (see table S-1). Some feats provide bonuses to the Constitution check. Endurance, Great Fortitude, and Iron Will all provide their bonuses to arousal checks. Having 5 or more ranks in Concentration also provides a +2 synergy bonus to arousal checks.
The Basics
There are three basic steps to any sexual experience – getting aroused, getting close to orgasm, and having an orgasm. Each of these three steps has its own slightly different mechanics.
1. Getting your partner aroused
Getting your partner aroused is often, but not always, a non-sexual activity. Sweet nothings whispered in the ear, a seductive dance, or sheer personal presence can often be enough to prepare a person for sex. This generally takes the form of an opposed check – the character rolls the appropriate skill or ability check, and the target makes a Will save. If the target fails the roll, she is considered
Aroused. Some skills/abilities that might be used for arousing a partner include:
· Bluff
· Diplomacy
· Perform (Dance a.o.)
· Charisma
Arousing your partner through sexual means is usually more direct and harder to resist. If you choose to arouse your partner with pure sexual prowess, make a Sexual Prowess check. Your partner makes an arousal check. If your partner fails the check, she becomes Aroused. Male characters have a slight advantage in getting aroused, as men are naturally inclined to being ready for sex at a moment’s notice. If he is currently not Aroused, a male character can become aroused as a free action. However, he cannot become un-aroused without making a Will save, DC 18. However a character becomes Aroused, this condition will last 2d6 minutes unless stimulation is applied. If an Aroused character is stimulated, she will not become unaroused until stimulation stops.
2. Getting your partner close to orgasm
Once both partners are Aroused, sex can begin in earnest. Both partners make Sexual Prowess and arousal checks. If one partner fails an arousal check, he is considered Peaked. However, once a character is Peaked, he only has a short time to have an orgasm before his body settles back down. If he does not have an orgasm in 1d4 minutes, he returns to being simply Aroused, unless his partner can keep stimulating him. Barring magic or other supernatural effects, a character must be Peaked before he can orgasm.
3. Getting your partner off
A Peaked partner is on the verge of orgasm. Her partner continues to make Sexual Prowess checks, and she continues to make arousal checks. If she fails the arousal check, she has an orgasm.
After orgasm, a character goes into afterglow. Female characters are Aroused for 1d4 minutes after orgasm. Male characters, on the other hand, are no longer Aroused. Instead, they are considered Fatigued for 2d6 minutes. Any attempt to arouse a male after orgasm suffers a –10 penalty.
Quick Rules for Sexual Encounters
Not all DMs may want to play out an entire sexual encounter using the full rules, whether because of personal preference or lack of time. If you wish to include sexual encounters in your game, but don’t want to go through the entire process of making Sexual Prowess and arousal checks, the following rules present a fast and simple alternative. The simplest use of the Sexual Prowess is not much different from Performance. The player announces he is going to give his partner the night of her life and then rolls a skill check for Sexual Prowess and checks it against the following table for DCs and results:
Table S-5: Simple Sex Check Results
DC = Performance
5 or less = Disappointing Experience – You failed to satisfy your partner, and generally left him or her wanting more.You suffer a –1 penalty to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 days.
10 = Routine Experience - You both achieved satisfaction, and that is always good, as we all know. But it was nothing remarkable.
15 = Enjoyable Experience - You exhibited a bit more flair then the standard lover and may have even showed your partner a new trick. +1 impression bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for
the next 1d4 days
20 = Great Experience - Multiple orgasms were definitely involved in the evening, and you have definitely made an impression on all but the most jaded of lovers. With time, you may develop a local reputation as a lover of some skill. +2 impression bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 days
25 = Memorable Experience – Even the most jaded of lovers would be impressed by the sexual skill you have demonstrated. With time, you may develop a regional reputation as a lover of noticeable skill. +3 impression
bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 2d4 days.
30 = Extraordinary Experience - You just may be the best lover your partner has ever had--you certainly gave them on of the greatest experiences of their lives! With time, you may develop a national reputation as a lover of great skill. +4 impression bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 weeks.
40 = Religious Experience - Things were done in the bedroom that are the stuff of legends and ribald pornographic etchings! The gods and goddesses of lust would be proud of you. In time, you may even draw their notice and be whisked away to visit them! +5 bonus to Charisma-related checks when dealing with this person for the next 1d4 weeks.
The DM should feel free to apply any situational bonuses or penalties befitting the circumstances. Also, the DM may wish to subtract the partner’s ranks in Sexual Prowess from the character’s Sexual Prowess check result. After all, what is Memorable to a simple farmer’s daughter (1 rank of Sexual Prowess) might be merely Enjoyable to a lusty barmaid (5 ranks of Sexual Prowess), or even Routine to a seasoned prostitute (15 ranks of Sexual Prowess). Alternately, both partners may make opposed skill checks in a contest to see who is the better lover.
Different Species
Generally, characters tend to have sex with others of their same species. Very similar species also frequently have sex, such as humans and elves. Generally, as long as two characters are of the same creature type (Humanoid, Giant, Outsider, etc.), there are no penalties to any Sexual Prowess involved. Characters of different types, however, suffer a –4 penalty to their Sexual Prowess roles due to different anatomies and sexual proclivities.
The rules above cover action when both partners are participating equally. If only one partner is actively participating, she is the only one who can make a Sexual Prowess check that interval. She does not have to make an arousal check that round. During foreplay, Sexual Tricks that affect another partner’s Sexual Prowess checks may not be used.
Multiple Orgasms
Female characters are normally Aroused after having an orgasm. However, if a female character fails her arousal check by 10 or more when orgasming, she is still Peaked, and can still orgasm again with more stimulation.
Multiple Partners
While most sex tends to be a one-on-one affair, this is definitely not always the case. In the case of multiple partners, each person involved selects one other partner to focus on each minute, and can only modify that partner’s arousal check DC with his Sexual Prowess check. It’s perfectly permissible for two or more partners to “gang up” on a third to push him over the brink faster. In that case, add together the arousal check modifiers of all acting partners to determine the character’s final arousal DC.
Preferred Genders
While the basics of sex are the same regardless of what two (or more) genders are involved, sexual partners tend to be more familiar with the gender that they prefer, and are generally uncomfortable and/or unfamiliar with pleasuring someone not of their preferred gender. Whenever a character is having sex with someone not of his preferred gender (the same gender if he is straight, the opposite gender if he his homosexual), he gets a –2 penalty to his Sexual Prowess rolls. Bisexual characters do not suffer this penalty.
Sexual Fatigue
A sexual partner can only perform for so long before fatigue sets in. [There were a set of rules here, but it fits well enough with the Book of EF that we only need to add the parts around it] When a character fails the Constitution check for Sustaining Sex, the character must stop and rest for at least 30 minutes before attempting again, during which time he is considered Fatigued.
Taking 10
If all partners agree, each can take 10 on his or her Sexual Prowess roll to enjoy a nice, long, leisurely bout of lovemaking.
Virginal Partners
Virgins tend to react differently, whether they are giving or receiving. Virgins who are in the active (penetrative – usually male) role have a harder time resisting orgasm. Their arousal DC while Peaked has a +5 modifier. Virgins in the passive (penetrated – usually female) role have a harder time reaching orgasm due to pain. Their arousal DC while Peaked gets a –5 modifier.
How to define the size or capacity of an orifice, wang, or wang-like object
There are three times as many size categories as usual for defining sexual endowment - Lesser, Average, and Greater versions of Fine, Diminuitive, Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge, Gargantuan, and Colossal. By default, any given member or orifice on a creatures body will be the Average version of it's size. Some creatures are better or worse endowed than others and have a numerical modifier found by halving your Starting Constitution modifier. For example, Minotaurs have a starting Con of 14 (10 +4 racial mod as a character) or 15 (normally, as a monster), both of which are a +2 Con Mod. Since we're halving that, it's a +1 modifier, which means their wangs are one size category larger than average for a Large creature - I.E., Greater Large. If they had a +2 modifier, they would be Lesser Huge and +3 would be Average Huge. Round half numbers towards 0 (I.E., +1/2 is actually a 0 and -1.5 is a -1). Certain Feats, Traits, Flaws, and Abilities may modify size, along with their inherent bonuses or penalties.
[NOTE: They did not explain how this would work for a vagina, but I assume that it is depth when aroused. Also, you might think this is a bit too much, dick sizes and all. Unneccesary? I don't think so. There are REAL people out there with dicks too big to fit it in. At all. ...I feel kinda bad for them.]
That's how it works.
Size Category Length [or Depth]
Lesser Fine: .24 inches
Average Fine: .3 inches
Greater Fine: .375 inches
Lesser Diminuitive: .6 inches
Average Diminuitive: .75 inches
Greater Diminuitive: .94 inches
Lesser Tiny: 1.19 inches
Average Tiny: 1.5 inches
Greater Tiny: 1.89 inches
Lesser Small: 2.38 inches
Average Small: 3 inches
Greater Small: 3.75 inches
Lesser Medium: 4.5 inches
Average Medium: 6 inches
Greater Medium: 8 inches
Lesser Large: 10 inches
Average Large: 12 inches
Greater Large: 15 inches
Lesser Huge: 19 inches
Average Huge: 2 feet
Greater Huge: 2.5 feet
Lesser Gargantuan: 3 feet
Average Gargantuan: 4 feet
Greater Gargantuan: 5 feet
Lesser Colossal: 6.3 feet
Average Colossal: 8 feet
Greater Colossal: 10 feet
Lesser Titanic: 12.5 feet
Average Titanic: 16 feet
Greater Titanic: 20 feet
Sexual Prowess (Cha; Armor Check Penalty)
{Being Replaced with Perform (Sexual Technique) To determine what your partner’s arousal check DC is, consult table S-1 below.
Table S-1: Skill Checks and Arousal Check DC
Check Result Arousal Check DC Modifier
9 or less +0
10 – 14 +2
15 – 19 +4
20 – 24 +6
25 – 29 +8
30 – 34 +9
35 – 39 +10
40 – 44 +11
45 – 49 +12
50+ +13
Special: Every rank of Sexual Prowess also gives you one Sexual Trick, a sort of mini-feat that can be used to enhance performance.
This is getting long, so I'll post the Tricks on the next post.