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Thread Posting Tools not working!

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Jan 13, 2009
I'm trying to post and I realize I cant use font color,underline, any of those options.

It just does nothing or says undefined, is this a problem on my end or?
Odd. You should be able to do this without issue since there's a whole panel of buttons and drop down boxes that allow you to utilize these options. So, I'm really not sure what's going on here. Can you specify using a bit more detail as to what you're doing? Thanks.
Well when I'm trying to use the font color drop down thing, it just does nothing and does the blue highlight thing on the icon.

As for underline, when I try to use that it just says undefined
[undefined=undefined] <-- like this but obviously around the selected text.
Hrmmm..... very strange. I just tried it now myself and the buttons and drop downs work for me. So I'm really not sure. Maybe it's your browser? What browser are you using???
Firefox Mozilla, and it was recently updated to.

Maybe any plugins that would have an affect?
maybe ill try rebooting my laptop after this post for a RP and see if that might help.

PS: if thats you in avi pic, youre beautiful =3
rebooting didnt work and I checked my plugins, I think everything is fine o_O

It wasnt always like this...I dont get it

Wow...I tried more of other stuff and nothing will work T_T
It is and thank you. :)

Hrmmm... a reboot didn't work? Mysterious nonsense is mysterious..... I'll send word to techie Vek and see if he might have any ideas. *nod*
[undefined=undefined]Still doing it[/undefined]

And theres what it looks like when I try to underline things lol
Very odd indeed. I did send word to Vek. So hopefully he'll provide some insight since I'm not entirely sure what might be causing this. First time I've heard of it to be honest. And given it's working for myself and such, I'm really at a loss. Grrr...
I would just like to say that it doesn't work for me either. I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't seen this thread though(because I mostly hand type the coding for everything anyways).

color (the dropdown doesn't do anything when I click it)
sizes (or this one either)

I too use Firefox.
WEEEEIIIIIIRRRRRRRDDDDDDDD....... must be the most recent update of Firefox, which I know only just happened like the other day. I have yet to restart my Firefox. *is lazy* >.<
Wow, I'm glad I made this thread! XD

Seems like alot of people have this issue, good thing I addressed it! =3
Well, I'll have you know that I finally restarted my Firefox after the last update and the issue is happening for me now as well. So I DEFINITELY think it has to do with the browser and the newest updates. Obviously there's a compatibility issue of some kind. Next step is to see if there are issues with other browsers like Chrome or Safari, etc.
This link I found says the error is mybb related and also happens in opera. It also mentions that it will be fixed in mybb 1.6.9.

I've found something that miiiight be a fix, I'll shoot DA a pm and see if that helps any.
So basically when the next update happens (which will be whenever) it'll get fixed. That is Vek's arena, not mine. He is the coder. Not me. lol. But anyway, I always let him know when it needs to be updated, since I do see when that needs to occur. I've already sent him word (back when this thread first started) about this unfortunate Firefox, etc glitch. So he should be aware of it. But there's not much we can do until MyBB updates, which hopefully will be sooner than later given this blunder.
zero5906 said:
I'm trying to post and I realize I cant use font color,underline, any of those options.

It just does nothing or says undefined, is this a problem on my end or?

Clear your cache and do shift+refresh/reload.
I cleared my cache and did shift reload/refresh and it does undefined bug still.
As well as font color bring down thing still not doing anything at all.

Hal mentioned that in the next MyBB update the error should get addressed and thus fixed. So hopefully when that is available and we do the update, you'll see this error gone.
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