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Twisted Romance (annika and google)

RE: Twisted Romance

She had forgotten what a pain it was to share a bed with Dominic. She was no longer used to being held against him all night and she found it suffocating. Lydia slept lightly, waking when Dominic moved or mumbled too loudly, squeezing her to him.

She woke when he sat up and the twin agonies of a hangover and sleep deprivation crashed in on her. Lydia squinted up at Dominic and found that he looked obscenely refreshed. She flipped her pillow over and curled back into it. Let him go shower or work out or whatever. She needed at least another couple of hours sleep before she was going to qualify as human.
RE: Twisted Romance

Dominic knew the signs of Lydia having had a poor night of sleep, knowing that given her size she had drank far far too much and that she had likely been woken up by his moving around at least once. In truth he didn't quite feel... bad about that set up but he wasn't happy shat she was doing poorly and knew that he had a great chance here to endear himself to him. He knew that she kept some painkillers in the mirror cabinet for when he was particularly rough on her, they might be a tad stronger then what she might need for a hangover but he would happily bring it to her if it meant that she smiled upon how he took care of her. “Drank a little too much last night?” He asked with a chuckle as he saw her roll over and pull a pillow over her head to help her get some more rest. Climbing from the bed slowly he moved and tugged the curtain together a little tighter to block out that little bit of light to help her sleep better, then a quick kiss to her exposed neck. He could already spell the coffee in the machine that he had programed the night before, even before going to her party.

“You rest for the time being, you had a rough night and I am more then happy to take care of you, as my appearance probably exacerbated it.” Admitting that meant practically nothing to him, a little humility never hurt and Dominic took a little time to slowly stretch as he made his way from the room, he had drank a bit the night before and while not hangover he was a little bit tight feeling, a run or a swim would be needed later on to help him out and make sure that he was feeling like himself, before long he was going to plow her like never before and he would hate to disappoint her.

Slowly he made his way through the apartment, pouring some coffee into a mug that she had left behind, a slightly faded kitty upon the face of it, adding just the amount of sugar and cream that she liked before a step into the bathroom got one of the pills that she used to use, carrying both into the bedroom for her with a smile. Soon the potent brew was laid on the dressed beside her sleepy head, the pill right next to it as Dominic settled back into the bed next to her, not quite touching her but enjoying the closeness and the knowledge that she would be able to feel him there, so easily able to touch her.
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The kiss to her neck startled Lydia but his words were music to her ears. Now that Dominic was getting up Lydia had some hope of being able to sleep properly. She kept her eyes closed as he moved around the apartment, waiting to drift off.

She heard the mug scrape against the dresser and smelled the coffee. The smell was nice enough but she really didn't want to become more alert just yet. Lydia squinted at the faded mug she had left behind. He really had hung onto and brought everything she had abandoned in their apartment. It was creepy but Lydia lacked the will to give thought to that just now.

She murmured her thanks and took a sip of coffee in order to wash down her pill. It was yet another reminder of Dominic's ridiculous affluence. The coffee tasted expensive and she hadn't had cream in coffee since she left him.

Lydia suppressed the urge to groan or sigh as Dominic got back into the bed. She should have known better than to think he would leave her alone to sleep. He seemed to finally take the hint however as he made no move to touch her. Lydia thanked whatever capricious deity that might be up there for small mercies and drifted off as her headache gradually eased.
RE: Twisted Romance

As she drifted off to sleep Dominic smiled as he watched her, gently brushing some hair from her shoulder and running that hand down her side for a few moments before letting it rest upon her hips. He was tempted to stay like this until she woke up but knew that it just wasn't feasible, if he did that now then he would have to leave her alone later when she might be more likely to try to leave. While she was still out he might have a little bit of time to take care of some things. Slowly, and with a glance back to her Dominic climbed from the bed and made his way from the bedroom and into the kitchen. Breakfast was a simple affair for him that morning, normally he would have expected Lydia to get up and have already made some breakfast for him but since she was in no fit state to get out of bed he was willing to let her sleep through it rather then drag her from bed... she would make it up to him before all that long.

A bowl of cereal and some toast was all that Dominic threw together for breakfast that morning, enough to soak up what little of the drink remained in his body and keep him from going hungry. In truth he really wasn't able to cook all that well, his last attempt at bacon had started a small fire, cereal however was an easy enough choice and wouldn't lead to a visit from the fire department. Then, breakfast finished and the dishes just left in the sink Dominic moved into the spare bedroom to start a morning work out.

It was a simple thing that morning, he had pushed hard yesterday so he mostly made due with some push ups and sit ups before getting onto the treadmill and starting a brisk run and before long he was covered in a fine layer of sweat, some of it stinging his eyes which he brushed away with the back of his hand as the run came to and end. Then, with what he needed to do for the day out of the way Dominic made his way from the spare bedroom and on his way back to the master bedroom he picked up the two wrapped gifts that Lydia had not opened the night before. The larger one on the bottom was something that he had picked up little more then a week ago, the newest model of iPhone for her and of course something a little more personal in the smaller and slimmer package atop it. That one he had been planning for some time, inside of it lay a gold choker, carefully measured to fit tightly around her neck at all times so that just below the hollow of her throat there would hang a small diamond heart, the diamond artificially colored so that it would almost perfectly match the color of her hair... a symbol of both affection and ownership, a sign that she belonged to him that he would enjoy clasping around her throat.

With boxes in hand he made his way back into the bedroom, their bedroom, Lydia had slept long enough in his mind and she needed to get up. Setting the boxes down beside the bedside he slowly pulled the sheets down from her body, even through the rather unflattering clothing she wore he found her to be desirable, he wanted her then and there. “Wake up Lydia...” He half whispered and half growled to her, bent over her so that his teeth brushed her ears as he spoke. “I think that you have slept long enough and I won't have you spend all day in bed... unless you are being more productive.”

RE: Twisted Romance

Lydia was sleeping lightly when he returned to the bed but instantly awoke at the sound of his voice, motionless for a moment as her eyes took in her surroundings and reminded her where she was. The fear of him was present in her and she sat up before he could try getting her to be 'more productive' where she was.

Lydia scrubbed her eyes with her knuckles and managed to smile at Dominic. She couldn't believe she had let him bring her back here. Somehow she was going to have to get out of here and back to the safety of her shared dorm room.

She hugged her sweats to herself and regarded him shyly. The coffee on the night-stand was stone cold now but the lingering aroma of it was enough to make her stomach growl.

"Morning Dominic. Do you fancy going out for breakfast?"

If she could get him somewhere public, Dominic would have to behave himself and it was just possible that she could escape him.

This time she was going to go to the police and report him for stalking. She just didn't have the resources to relocate a second time and no college would countenance so much moving about. If she ran again under her own steam, she'd wind up in a dead-end, menial job and no doubt he'd still bloody find her.
RE: Twisted Romance

Lydia was delusional if she thought that Dominic wouldn't make use of her when and where he felt like it, the only reason that he wasn't pulling off the sweats she had slept in was that it currently suited him to play nice with her, to draw her back in. He doubted she would be able to run again, she didn't have the resources available that he did, for him the move across the country was inconvenient, something that had taken up time which he valued more then the money he was spending. On the other hand she was stuck here for the time being, he knew she wanted to finish college and have a life ahead of her that was better then her mothers, he of course was fine with that until the birth of their first child... he expected her to be a stay at home mother once that occurred, it was of course the best way to ensure things turned out properly... his own career would more then support them so she wouldn't need to go out and have a real career of her own.

Her smile seemed a little forced but Dominic had expected as much, it would take a little bit of time for her to get used to things going back to the way they were supposed to be. In time she would smile at him the way that she always had before, her face lighting up at the very sight of him, as she lived to serve his every whim. HE expected that to be back soon but for now he would tolerate a little hesitation, she did of course have to get used to things again. “We don't need to go out for breakfast.” He said swiftly with a small smirk upon his lips, no doubt she wanted to go out into public where she might have a hope of getting some distance between them and time to collect her thoughts but Dominic had no intention of allowing that just yet. Maybe she thought she would be able to get someone to help her, the police or the campus security... but she had to be fooling herself if she thought she could really do anything at all. “I already ate and you missed your chance to eat with me, but there is plenty of food in the kitchen so if you want to help yourself you can... even a little more fresh coffee though not much.”

Letting her have any coffee at all seemed rather generous in his opinion, he had poured her a cup the way that she liked it but now that she had slept until it was cold that was her own fault. Too damn generous, that is what he was being but she would show her gratitude soon enough, Dominic had some ideas for just how she could go about doing that.

First though, he wanted to slip her gift around her neck and see how she looked in it. With a glance to his side Dominic picked up the packages and held them out to her, the look in his eyes making it very clear that she wouldn't be allowed to forestall opening them now.
RE: Twisted Romance

Lydia allowed him to hand over his gifts, wondering what he had blown his money on now. In the first package he gave her she found a new cellphone. Lydia's heart sank. Before she had run from him, he had got her a cellphone that was an additional handset on his own contract. As such, he was able to get printouts of her calls and texts each month, something that had caused Lydia no small amount of suffering unless she was very careful.

"Thankyou Dominic." Was all she said, hating how smug he looked.

The second package held a heavy gold choker. It was gaudy, encrusted with diamonds and with a heavy jewel hanging from the centre. The meaning of the choker was clear. He had forced her to wear a simple leather dog collar often enough in the past. Lydia couldn't make herself smile at this gift. She placed it back in its box and closed the lid with a snap, before turning to face him.

"Dominic... look, I didn't want you to come looking for me. I didn't ask you to move down here. I don't want to go back to how things were between us. I'm a grown woman and I have my own cellphone. I don't want to use one that you have full access to the account of. And as for this choker... it's WAY over top Dominic. I don't even know if I want to be your girlfriend again. I don't want to be wearing that thing. It'll look ridiculous in college, like I'm some kind of whore, bought and paid for. I'll probably get mugged in the street for it."

She could see how fucked off he was but Lydia wasn't going to sit meekly and let him have his way all the time any more.

"I'm sorry Dominic, I know you went to a lot of trouble. But I need a lot more time than this and... well I never want to go back to that kind of relationship again. You were too controlling and you hurt me so much... not just physically either. I still don't think you have any idea what you put me through... why I ran all this way."

Lydia was still under the impression that he wanted to make things up to her and to demonstrate that he had changed. In her mind now was the time when she had to make it clear what her ground rules were and what would become a dealbreaker. She didn't hold out much hope for Dominic doing a complete 180 and in truth she wouldn't want him to... but perhaps he could manage 90 or so, if she kept honestly communicating how his treatment of her made her feel and impacted on her physically and emotionally.
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Of course the cellphone would allow him greater access to her, hell even the built in GPS would be tracked easily enough allowing him to find out where she was at practically any time. Not that it would be needed, last time he had gone to heavy on the controlling and watching closely but not actually made sure that she wanted to obey him and keep him happy at all times. If he had done a good job in properly breaking her into what he had desired then she would have never run off. In part he blamed himself, of course it had been a failing on his end that had allowed her to feel like she could get away from him, that she would be able to escape him. This time there would be no chance at all of escaping him, she was going to belong to him heart and soul for the rest of her life.

The collar though, he had expected that she would smile when she saw it but her reaction, her need to assert that she was independent and had her own cell phone and what not only made his eyes narrow in anger. She had entirely missed the point of the collar, it had been meant to be something special for her, it had been meant to bring a smile to her face. It had cost far more then his move to the new college, he had planned it out before she even left in order to ensure that it would be ready in time and he wasn't going to just let her turn the gift aside.

She probably expected him to just lash out at her and really he was tempted to do just that, to grab her hair and let a quick slap across the face with the back of his hand remind her of where she belonged. Still he took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down a little though his eyes remained narrowed, showing that he was a hairs breadth away from loosing what little patience he had for her new found confidence and reminding her of where she belonged. “Well I would hope you didn't just wear that choker out on the street.” He said with a small smile, visibly tense but trying to relax. “It was something special that I planned out months ago, before you even left... I was thinking that it would be something nice for you to wear when we had a night out... we won't be college students forever and if say we went out to dinner with my parents or to a formal event it would look fantastic on you.”

No it wasn't for every day wearing, he was going to find her something more subtle to wear day to day but that was of course, an issue for the future. “And I know I hurt you...” He said slowly, making sure not to break away eye contact for even an instant. “But I also know that I love you, and you clearly love me otherwise you would have left me a long time ago. You can't just run away from your feelings for me Lydia, you mean the world to me and I will do whatever it takes in order to make sure that I can keep hold of you. So if I need to maybe take an anger management course then I could do that.”

Then his smile changed, a subtle shift into something more akin to a smirk, confidence filling him now. “Keep this in mind though Lydia, you must have liked what I did... you never came harder then when I was rough with you, I had to put up with the neighbors complaining about your screams after I spent a night with my cock buried in your ass.” Even the thought of it was exciting him again, he had been patient all night long... he wanted her and he wasn't going to be able to stay patient much longer.
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“Well I would hope you didn't just wear that choker out on the street. It was something special that I planned out months ago, before you even left... I was thinking that it would be something nice for you to wear when we had a night out... we won't be college students forever and if say we went out to dinner with my parents or to a formal event it would look fantastic on you.”

Lydia silently conceded that she had misread the gift a little... but only slightly. There had been times in the past when he had put something around her neck; one of his ties or a scarf and she knew how much of a kick he got out of seeing her 'collared.' Lydia had automatically assumed that he wanted her to wear this ostentatious bauble all the time as a mark of his ownership and although he said it was for special occasions, she wasn't blind to the effect her wearing it would have on him.

Dominic had always been skilled at making Lydia believe she brought something out in him that he couldn't entirely control. She had lost count of the times he had said she had 'made him' do something to her, because of some word or deed that had been innocent in its intentions. So adept was he had making Lydia accept more than her share of responsibility for what happened to her, she now absolutely believed that Dominic's self control was tenuous at best when it came to their relationship and her body. It was no small part of the reason for her deep seated fear of him, for how could she put trust in promises from a man who wasn't wholly able to master himself?

“And I know I hurt you...” He continued, holding her gaze now. “But I also know that I love you, and you clearly love me otherwise you would have left me a long time ago. You can't just run away from your feelings for me Lydia, you mean the world to me and I will do whatever it takes in order to make sure that I can keep hold of you. So if I need to maybe take an anger management course then I could do that.”

"I think that anger management would be a good start."

Lydia seized on this crumb of compromise because Dominic had never before offered to try managing his temper. She knew that he was trying to win her over, which meant that just for the moment she was in more of a position of power than she usually found herself. She would be swift to take any commitments from him such as this because if she stayed with Dominic, down the line once he was sure of his place in her heart it would be all she could do to wring the smallest concession from him.

Lydia lifted her chin slightly in yet another small gesture of self respect, one Dominic would no doubt read as defiance. Her face was still streaked with make-up from when he had made her cry last night and she would not soon forget the way he had treated her before she left.

"Of course I haven't stopped having feelings for you." She interjected. Lydia was no ready to use the L word yet. Dominic would count it too much of a victory. "But it wasn't my feelings I ran from, it was your treatment of me. You were so controlling and so... rough... during sex... that you terrified me. It was like you were trying to see how far you could push me. I don't want to be pushed like that again."

His earnest smile gave way to a knowing smirk, not prepared to cede an inch. “Keep this in mind though Lydia, you must have liked what I did... you never came harder then when I was rough with you, I had to put up with the neighbors complaining about your screams after I spent a night with my cock buried in your ass.”

Lydia flushed a deeper shade of scarlet, dropping her gaze swiftly, staring down at her hands as they twisted a small portion of the bedsheet.

"I can't help the way my body responds to you Dominic." She murmured, refusing to so much as glance at him. "But that doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want to me... or that I'm going to do all my thinking with my pussy."

Now she lifted her eyes once more, searching his face for any chink in his emotional exoskeleton... but there never was.

"There were other times too Dominic... times when you knew I didn't want to and you just didn't care. There was the time you choked me until I blacked out... the time you took your belt to my ass until it bled and I couldn't sit down in class for days."

She saw his eyes glaze and knew he was reliving one of those times and wholly without remorse. Lydia cut into his reverie, speaking more sharply now to get his attention.

"And that's before I even get into the ways you controlled me, the friendships I had that you sabotaged, the way you were always super-nice in front of my family..."

Lydia handed him back the phone, her whole body tensing almost imperceptibly as though expecting a blow.

"I don't want to give you this control again Dominic, because I don't think it's good for you. The more influence you have over my life, the more you want. I don't think it's healthy for you to be able to print out all my texts and call logs whenever it suits you. I don't think I should have to account for my every movement throughout the day, every person I encounter."

She took one of his hands in both her own, wide eyed and pleading as she tried to get through to him.

"Dominic... I think you should have a little trust in me... a little faith. I've never asked to see your phone, never accessed your computer, your email or facebook. I trust you Dominic and I know you're a grown man. Why can't you do the same for me? Because I think a large part of your control and anger issues are due to your inability to trust."
RE: Twisted Romance

The anger management likely wouldn't be happening, oh Dominic would be willing to go to a session or two, maybe see a therapist in order to put Lydia back at ease. It wouldn't last though, he wouldn't care at all for the bull shit that a therapist told him, he would just trash any prescription for medication that he was given to help calm him down, and in the end things would go back to the way they were supposed to... he would just need to be more subtle about his controlling nature while the rougher aspect of their relationship would no doubt carry on unhindered. She was objecting now but she wanted it, he could see the way her hands twisted in the sheets. Her blush and the fact that she had broken off her attempt at a defiant look was a clear sign that he could still take control here, she would surrender to him the way that she always had in the past and with a hand under her chin he lifted her face to make her look at him.

He let her talk without interrupting, it was tempting to just cut her off, to either strike her to the ground or pull her into a hungry kiss... however he was able to be patient if only for a little while longer and when she took his hand he gently squeezed her, glancing down to the phone that she wanted to return to him without comment just yet. “Lydia... I do trust you.” He said with a small smile, his voice kept soft in order to force her to listen carefully to each and every word that he said, rather then yelling he was keeping a tight leash on his own impatience and instead finding a way to exercise a little more control over her through a more subtle method. “But you are really the first relationship I have had that meant anything too me at all, the first one that lasted more then a month. You are a beautiful young women but you don't seem to understand just how desirable that other men find you...” When he had first met her she had indeed been a little naive about her body and the affect that it had on him and others, he suspected that she still didn't understand how guys who she thought of as just friends would crane their necks to watch her pert little ass every time that she walked away. “You are going to keep the phone Lydia, I won't make you print out texts for me on demand though, I will try to play nicer with any guys that you happen to be friends with, and if you want the password to my facebook then it is yours.”

The last part was just a little humor thrown in there, knowing it didn't quite fit but that it might also distract slightly from the current issue, not enough to throw her off entirely but maybe catch her off guard, maybe get just a little bit of a smile out of her for what was going to come next.

The hand on her chin shifted around, to the back of her neck where he gripped her hair, not rough but a firm hand there to pull her in as he lent in for a kiss, his lips brushing over hers for a moment in a teasing action before deepening quickly until his tongue had pressed into her mouth, exploring the familiar recesses that he had missed so much over those past few months. He loved having her close like this, the taste of her, his tongue pressing over hers, a simple intimacy that led to more very quickly. “The way you looked last night though was... you have no idea what that did to me. I have been rock hard since I first laid eyes on you Lydia.”

The hand that was holding hers moved, pulling her hand to the bulge showing in his underwear and holding it there, not letting her pull away as he looked into her eyes, holding her gaze with a small smirk upon his lips, he was in control here and there was nothing that she could do about that. “And I know you want me... anything you want I am willing to try for you Lydia.” A little lie there, he was going to be in charge, he liked how things were and wasn't going to give up the control that he had enjoyed over her. “I can try to be less possessive, I might be able to be a little less jealous... but I know that you like it rough.”

The hand in her hair yanked, not all that hard but enough to cause a little bit of pain for her. “If you can look me in the eyes and honestly tell me that you weren't turned on the night that I had my hands around your neck like that... then I won't ever press you further then you want to go again, I will never try anything that makes you uncomfortable.” The uncomfortable things that she had hated before always ended up turning her own before very long... and without a moments hesitation he released her hand and moved his own to her leg, pressing it towards her covered pussy without waiting for a second, he was tired of waiting and would have her now.
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The instant Dominic's hand moved from her chin to her neck, a war erupted within Lydia's body. Her bones liquefied and she could feel the heat pooling in her belly. At the exact same moment however, fear lanced through her abdomen and her whole body became hypersensitive with it. Her eyes widened and her breath caught. His cock was hot and hard againt her palm and he wouldn't let her pull away. The feel of him made her moisten, though he would have a hard time getting her to admit it.

Dominic tugged hard on her hair and managed to kick Lydia's mounting terror into a higher gear than that of her lust. She struggled slightly before she remembered who exactly she was dealing with. Struggling against Dominic just made him savage.

“If you can look me in the eyes and honestly tell me that you weren't turned on the night that I had my hands around your neck like that... then I won't ever press you further then you want to go again, I will never try anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

Lydia looked him in the eye and lied to his face with a total guilelessness to which even a man as duplicitous as Dominic could never aspire.

"I wasn't turned on. I was just too scared... I told you to stop and it just made you worse. I never want you to push me that far again."

She felt not one shred of remorse for the semi-falsehood, though she was apprehensive about Dominic's unnatural talent of seeing right through her. Lydia was a very long way from trusting him with boundaries like that again. Far better that he believed her wholly non-consenting.

His strong fingers released her hand and quested for her pussy. Just like that Lydia knew there was no thwarting him now. The knowledge thrilled and petrified her in equal measure. She was quite simply paralysed by her total ambivalence.
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She was lying to him, it was a subtle thing for Dominic to pick up on because she really was putting everything she had into that lie. If she applied that same enthusiasm to just about anything else then she could likely convince a professor that she hadn't been able to finish a paper because of a death in the family, or talk her way out of a speeding ticket by telling the officer that her leg had twitched. The only reason Dominic was able to pick up on the lie was because of how long he had known her... and if he hadn't already known the truth in the first place she might have been able to make him question confidence just a little bit.

That first time he had felt the way she squeezed down on him when his hand clamped on her throat, how she had practically soaked his bed with her arousal... the rougher he got the more she enjoyed it and Dominic was starting to see that he would need to remind her of that.

She had lied to him after all, she needed to be taught a lesson, and Dominic saw no reason not to enjoy himself while teaching that lesson.

Anger flashing in his eyes, Dominic's fingers tightened around her neck, before there had been a firm grip but now he was moving to strangle her, his face twisting with rage as the hand that had been pressing towards her pussy pulled aside what little fabric had been in its way and two fingers roughly pressed into her, finding her wet and hot to the touch. “Your cunt tells the truth while you lie to me.” He growled at her, eyes locked on hers as his fingers curled and pressed deeper into her. “Face it Lydia, you might pretend to be a well behaved young woman but in truth we both know that you are a filthy fucking slut... how many times did you close your eyes and pretend it was me while the little bitch tried his damnedest to make you scream... did you ever even enjoy yourself when he fucked you?”

Fingers tightening again, feeling her pulse against his fingers he grinned now. “Did he make you cum Lydia?”
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She trembled violently as his face contorted and his fist squeezed. Lydia's lungs were only half full of air and panic swiftly rendered her incoherent. Two thick fingers rammed into her pussy and she was shaking so hard that the effect it had was not dissimilar to that of a vibrator. She would have flushed at how hot and slick she was for him, had her face not already been purpling as her eyes bulged.

Her traitorous cunt pulsed hard on him and the edge of triumph it added to his expression was enough to make Lydia burst into tears. Her hips pressed herself even deeper on to him as her back arched and her chest heaved fruitlessly. She held Dominic's gaze through her tears, mutely pleading with him.

“Did he make you cum Lydia?”

Josh had made her orgasm but that really wasn't what Dominic was asking. What Josh had never done was force orgasms from her while she screamed in pain and terror, the kind of orgasms that flooded the bed and rendered Lydia totally incoherent and quivering from head to foot for some while afterwards.

Josh had never been able to fill her till it hurt either. All Lydia could think about, even while on the edge of passing out, was how it would feel to have Dominic's cock rammed into her as deep as he could make it go.

Deep within her addled mind, some part of her with a sense of self preservation compelled her head to shake from side to side. It was barely even perceptible given that Dominic was crushing her throat. Lydia's gaze slid away from his and her eyes rolled before she fought to control and refocus them. Now though, the terror was gone. There was actually love in her eyes as Lydia's consciousness began to slip.
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Watching her turn red and then that red slowly deepening, her eyes bulging, her body struggling for breath even as her tear streaked eyes locked on his, she was gorgeous to him right then and there. She was always beautiful but when she was entirely powerless... it was that moment that Dominic found her the most desirable. Oh the fun that he would soon be having with her, he was going to break her down again, remind her just how much she needed him, remind her just what he could do to her. He wouldn't be able to just let her go, perhaps he should even chain her to the bed just to keep her from running away for a little while. He did have the handcuffs with the long linking chain, one that would give some range of motion while keeping her trapped there for the time being, the thought made him smile though the anger didn't leave his eyes.

For a few moments he was willing to squeeze until she passed out and just take her while she lay face down on the bed, unable to do anything at all. He had done it to her before, fuck her while she was unconscious, enjoying her body while she was unable to respond to his ministrations, forcing climax after climax upon her until he was spent and she eventually woke up, exhausted and sore. Of course she occasionally woke up before he was finished but it didn't matter, she existed to be used and fucked like a piece of meat, awake or asleep he would have her whenever the urge struck him.

Her eyes though, before she passed out he caught a glimpse of something there as they were rolling back, the adoration that he knew she felt for him, the love that he knew was there no matter how hard she might try to hide her feelings for him. As his fingers pressed deeper into her and twisted harder in an attempt to get her off he released her throat, grabbing a hold of her hair right away and roughly pulling her closer to his face, ensuring she couldn't look away from him. “I can see it in your eyes Lydia.” He mocked her with a small chuckle. “The truth comes out when you are close to passing out, you need me Lydia, I know you need me... now why don't you do what we both know you really want to do and ride me like the cock-crazy slut you really are.” Of course he was giving her one last chance, she could either get to work right away or he would pin her down and fuck her, either way they would both enjoy it but he wanted to give her the illusion of chance.
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She writhed beneath him as his thick fingers twisted and curled inside her. His grip moved from her throat to her hair and Lydia didn't even have the wherewithall to inhale right away. Her whole body just shook as he snarled at her.

"now why don't you do what we both know you really want to do and ride me like the cock-crazy slut you really are.”

Finally her stricken body hauled air into her lungs and the rush of it as her brain re-oxygenated rendered thought and action impossible. Her limbs were heavy and useless from oxygen deprivation and if she had tried to straddle him right then, she would likely have fainted. Lydia disliked riding Dominic however. He always managed to retain total control even when she was on top of him and would simply yank her body up and down his shaft or hold her in place while he thrust upwards into her. It was rare that he let her actually ride him and right at that moment she was incapable anyway.

Some part of her was still aware that Dominic would count it a victory if she complied and one of Lydia's only defence mechanisms when he got like this was total passivity. Somehow if she didn't really participate in what he was doing to her, she loathed herself less for enjoying it as much as she did. Dominic's fingers were long, thick and talented, they knew the depth of her vagina and her g spot as well as they knew his own cock... but they weren't his cock. Lydia was past everything now beyond the primal need to have him inside her, to be taken by him once again. She was tired of his constant mind games and in no mood to affirm anything he said.

Her voice was weak and guttural from the choking when she managed to get the words out, her eyes locked on his and tears streaking her terrified face.

"Shut up and fuck me Dominic." She rasped in an uncharacteristic departure from her usual demeanour. Her expression betraying the raw need inside her. "I need you to just fuck me. You can tell me why I need it when you're done."
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She was gorgeous as she lay there, to tired to move, unable to even speak properly for a little bit. He watched her carefully, eyes locked on hers as she struggled to recover. He wanted her to get up, he wanted her atop his cock, he wanted her to go crazy and ride him properly, she needed to be broken back in and letting her enjoy herself on his cock might be a good way to reinforce his control over her. Normally he did take total control when she was on top, using her as a living toy that he would drag back and forth across his cock, forcing her to dance to a pace that he chose. This time however he had been perfectly willing to just let her go at her own rate, wanting to see if she had learned any tricks while they were apart and from then he would of course punish her for anything that she had picked up.

He smiled a little bit at her words, she had grown bold and it was amusing though she needed to be broken of that habit. His fingers withdrew from her cunt, slowly twisting even as they came out to tease her just a little bit more and his fingers stroked lightly over her clit. Really she needed to be punished further, she really needed to be taught a lesson but just as pressing as his need to punish her was his need to fuck her like an animal, his cock was painfully hard and already leaking pre-cum, the clear fluid soaking into his underwear, darkening the already black fabric.

“You should probably watch how you talk to me.” He told her, his voice giving hint to his anger but clouded by an intense amount of lust. No warning was given, gripping her hips he quickly flipped her over onto her stomach and pulled her back towards him, pressing his covered cock against her ass for a moment and grinding there before pushing down the boxer briefs that he wore, continuing to grind the head of his cock against her bare cunt for a little while longer. This was what he had missed, the sex that he had while she was gone had been far from fulfilling, only Lydia took care of his every need, only Lydia could tire him out so thoroughly. “Right now I am feeling a little forgiving but that won't last.”

Unwilling to wait any longer he pulled her back against his cock, fingers grabbing hold of her and squeezing roughly as he buried himself inside of her. There was no tenderness now, not even the most subtle hint of the gentle nature that he had displayed for her the night before, instead he took her hard and fast, his hips slamming against her ass again and again as he fucked her wildly from the very start. She needed to remember her place, and this seemed like a good way to remind her that she belonged at his side.
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She gasped as he flipped her over, the fear twisting her guts anew as her tiny body inverted in mid air. When he pulled her back against him she arched her back deeply the way she knew he liked and pressed back shamelessly against his rock hard cock. Although he was teasing her with it, he was also rubbing the head across her clit so she tried not to get impatient.

When he took her she was soaked enough that he slammed straight in to the hilt. Lydia squealed and her body bucked at the raw pain of accommodating him. Her reflex would have been to try and pull away from him but Lydia had control of that even without Dominic's huge hands on her hip and rib cage. She had expected him to be rough with her but the pace he set was brutal. Her pussy stung and the soft tissue he was pulverising swelled in protest but that only made her tighter on him. She was nothing but a vessel now, could not have thrust back against him even if she had tried. All she could do was stay in place and take it.

Very soon Lydia felt her G spot start to ripple and gave a guttural moan as her pussy flexed hard on Dominic's shaft. There was no need to tell him that she was close to cumming, he knew her body far too well. Lydia attempted to cling to the edge of the precipice, unsure how Dominic would react to her just letting go.
RE: Twisted Romance

Dominic was making a lot of noise as he fucked Lydia, he wanted her to know just how much he was enjoying himself, groaning loudly, leaning over her body and breathing heavily into her ear, his breath hot on her neck. He might have fucked others while she was gone, but none of them were nearly as satisfying, none of them were as tight as she was, as responsive as she was, none of them got off as much when he roughly pounded them, it was as though Lydia had been made for him, from the very moment his fingers had slipped into her Dominic had known that he needed to posses her and he never intended to let her go again, even if he had to ensure she never left his sight.

Normally he prided himself on his stamina, fucking her for as long as possible until he either left her unconscious or he came close to collapsing atop her, letting her remain satisfied while he lay atop her in the after glow of their pleasure. One hand moved from her hips, quickly smacking her ass twice before moving over her breasts, slapping the tender flesh there again and again in time with his thrusts, knowing that even if it brought tears to her eyes she would enjoy every moment of it, his fingers catching her nipple and roughly twisting it, laughing in amusement at each and every noise that she made, loving the way her cunt tightened around his cock with each and every degradation that he inflicted upon her, the more pain he put her in the more they both enjoyed it.

“Little slut.” He growled into her ear before roughly biting her neck, revling in the fact that he would leave an immensely visible mark on the already tender flesh. This was just the first step in breaking her down and claiming her again, he would soon be moving her out of her dorm room and having her living here again, though perhaps for his own amusement he would first fuck her in that dorm room, in front of her room mate, let word get around about the complete whore that the otherwise straight laced young lady was when he was around... normally he went to great lengths to dress her in modest clothing but if she wanted to behave like a whore on the dance floor then he would happily parade her around.
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The sounds he was making were simply obscene and at the same time their bodies slammed together audibly. It immediately took Lydia back to the days before she had fled from him. Josh had always been very quiet during lovemaking, moaning very softly or else whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Dominic on the other hand was the polar opposite. If he was getting his rocks off he wanted half the street to know about it. Lydia herself was more vocal than usual, unaccustomed as she was now to this kind of fucking and his kind of huge cock. After Josh, it felt like she had a baseball bat inside her and Dominic kept up a simply relentless pace. She squealed on his deeper thrusts and yelped when he slapped her. A particularly vicious slap to one of her tiny tits had her stricken cunt flexing to tightly on his cock that she actually screamed.

Dominic growled in response and bent over her back, calling her a slut before sinking his teeth into her. The whole of her spine shuddered and she arched helplessly, managing to give him even deeper access.

"I'm going to cum." She moaned. She wasn't exactly asking his permission but if he had an objection she'd soon here about it, though it was a long time since she had had to try exercising any kind of control over her orgasms.
RE: Twisted Romance

Was it possible that Lydia was tighter then before, of course it was but to Dominic this felt like a brand new cunt that he was plowing. The last time he had felt her anywhere this tight was the night that he had pulled her down onto his bed and for the first time taken her, enjoying the small sounds of pain which she made, every squeak, moan, groan, and gasp had driven him to take her harder, the scratches she left on his back feeling like a fantastic parallel to the marks that he had left on her, before that night he had been careful not to leave any major marks that might be seen by anyone else, but that night he had left her neck bruised with his teeth marks, her body sore and exhausted when she had woken up in his arms late the next day. He had made sure she was on birth control long before that, hating condoms himself he enjoyed fucking her raw, wondering if she had let the idiot who had nearly replaced him fuck her raw.

Feeling her cunt tighten around him Dominic began to fuck her harder, slamming into her over and over again while he continued to slap her tits, knowing she would be left bruised and beaten but that hardly mattered to Dominic, his own pleasure and the pain she experienced was the most important thing to him. Of course he could push it a little bit further, there was one thing that she didn't like him to do to her, that she tried to avoid giving him as frequently as she could, but Dominic still took it frequently, enjoying her cunt more but the way she squealed painfully when he fucked her ass was enjoyable.

The hand on her hip stopped pulling her back to him, trusting that she would keep moving on her own while the hand moved over to her ass, a rough smack before he pulled the cheek to the side and pressed his thumb to the small puckered hole, twisting it as he applied pressure and forced it deep into her ass. “You can cum if you want little whore.” He growled to her with a smirk. “But I want you to tell me just how much you appreciate this, tell me how much you love me, or else I will take a belt to your back.” Of course he was close to his own climax as well, he would enjoy it either way, in fact leaving the red lines across her back would probably make it more enjoyable.
RE: Twisted Romance

Lydia knew that Dominic would want her to keep moving on him and in truth it simply wasn't in her to stop now. It was a welcome moment's respite too, to have control over how deep he went as she thrust back onto his cock and then dragged her swollen cunt forwards until he was in danger of slipping out. Lydia was so high right then that she barely even felt his slaps, they registered somewhere other than the pain centre in her brain and only heightened her arousal.

She wasn't stupid however, Lydia kept herself in check. If she came without his permission there would be trouble, which was the last thing she wanted. Dominic was reasserting his dominance over her and Lydia knew instinctively that he needed her to be passive.

Then he gripped her ass hard and rammed a dry thumb into her tiny puckered rosebud. Lydia shrieked as though he had stabbed her. Her hips stopped moving and after freezing for a moment with the shock, the orgasm that had been welling within her dissipated almost completely. Lydia lunged forwards like a scalded cat and Dominic's cock slipped out of her.

“You can cum if you want little whore.”

"Bastard!" Lydia gasped the expletive. His thumb twisted and then curled inside her, making it impossible for her to pull herself off of him.

“But I want you to tell me just how much you appreciate this, tell me how much you love me, or else I will take a belt to your back.”

Lydia wasn't even listening to him by this point. She bucked in the only direction she could go with the pain of his thumb curling and as her body lurched backwards she managed to accidentally strike his bone hard cock with her hip. Lydia heard him exhale with the pain of it but didn't immediately register what she had done.

"Thank you? You're lucky I'm here at all Dominic! Why do you always have to take things too far?" Lydia was unable to censor her thoughts, they just surged from her.

Suddenly she realised what she had just said to him and she cowered helplessly, unable to try pulling away and getting some distance between them.

There was no point in trying to run from Dominic. She had tried so hard to escape him and yet here she was again. Despair overlaid her fear. She looked back at him through her long tumbled hair, silently begging him for mercy.

"You're hurting me." She pointed out quietly. Her asshole was clenched on him like a vice, betraying her terror.
RE: Twisted Romance

The way she shrieked and threw herself forward from him, while Dominic was irritated that she was no longer wrapped around his cock it did give him a moment to breath, it would keep the fun for him going even longer. His thumb twisted and pushed further into her, ensuring that she she would be held in place by nothing more then a single thumb. Even as she twisted and turned like a wild animal, inadvertently striking his cock, Dominic hissed in pain through his teeth but didn't relinquish the grip that he had on her. His thumb even continued to twist a little in her, feeling how tight she was gripping because of her fear, two fingers roughly pushing into her cunt and curling to pinch the thin membrane that separated those fingers from his thumb, holding her tighter as he laughed at her reaction.

He hadn't wanted to break her, he had wanted to remind her of her proper place and let her slide back into it, a little bit of pressure would likely be needed to put her back into that proper place.

No it seemed perhaps he would need to go further, he would need to break her down further then before, he would need to remind her that she was nothing but a perfect cock sleeve for him, and let her know just how much she enjoyed that experience. Squeezing his fingers inside of her tighter Dominic pulled her closer to him again, keeping her from trying to pull away any further. “You should really watch what you say.” Dominic warned her, clearly still amused by the pain that she was in but a warning tone creeping into his voice. Grabbing hold of her legs in the hand that wasn't inside of her, holding her by the ankles he pushed both her legs back and leaned in, trapping them there over his left shoulder as he withdrew his finger from her cunt and ran them over her clit before pressing his cock back into her, continuing to curl and uncurl his thumb within her ass.

“Just accept it Lydia, you are nothing more then a warm hole for guys to fuck and you never will be anything more then that... if it wasn't me then some other guy would have come along and broken you in. Really you should consider yourself lucky that I have become as attached to you as I have.” With a small smile his hand slowly crept around her throat, starting to squeeze tight there. He didn't want to make her pass out now, but he was applying steady pressure there, wanting to weaken her, wanting to see her start to turn red and watch her eyes roll back, she needed to have the fight taken out of her and Dominic had a feeling this would be a long and time consuming process.
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