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Hunter and the Hunted

Spencer smiled looking up at him, shuddering as he stroked her back. Shivering hard as she squirmed, "I love you to."She muttered nuzzling him as she pushed t his shoulder, rolling him on his bck.Strddling his wist she shuddered s she lowered herself onto him, whimpering softly."You've been working today, you need a break."

"I do."Slate grorlwed as he moved with the other, eyes widening t the words as he came, holding the other tightly against him, nuzzling his neck."You do?"He muttered tesing him little but curious.
he smiled at her and blinked as he found himself on his back, a little surprised, before he moaned, arching against her as he shuddered, eagerly thrusting into her, loving how soft, and warm, and TIGHT she was. "nnnn no matter how hard i work, i will ALWAYS have the energy to give you the pleasure you deserve." he promised, winking at her a little as he gripped her hips gently and rolled his hips, making his cock do VERY interesting things deep inside of her.

Falin moaned as he came, blushing hard as he looked away from Slate, clearly embarrassed by his confession. considering it was Falin... he'd probobly never admitted affection to someone before, let alone admitted to loving someone, so he was embarrassed, and probobly confused by his own emotions... and yet. "yes... i... i do. i love you." he whispered softly, admitting it as he glanced at the other before looking away again. "..sorry..."
Spencer laughed softly, shivering as se looked down at him," promise?"She purred softly as she leaned down to kiss him, gasping as he thrust up into her eyes widening."Ohh that was nice."She muttered shivering.

Slate panted softly as he nuzzled the oter, resting his head on his shoulder as he sighed."Sorry?"he muttered sounding surprised wondering what he was apologizing for before moving away not bothering to dress as he picked falin up nd wlked to their rooms. Settling the other in the bed and snuggling into him."Love you to."He muttered.
he smirked as he nodded. "yes, i promise." he purred playfully as he rolled his hips again, rolling his cock inside of her once more with a chuckle before he started to thrust into her properly, moaning eagerly.

Falin moaned softly as he was nuzzled and relaxed under the other with a small sigh, smirking as he was carried, naked, back to Slate's room before gasping as he was snuggled into, sitting up and looking at the other with wide, shocked eyes. " do?" he asked, astonished, as if the thought of someone else loving him had been so inconceivable to him, that the very words had stunned him. he smiled and kissed the other again, hard, tangling his fingers into the others hair, his tongue into the others mouth before he released Slate and snugged into him with a happy little smile.
Spencer gasped eyes widing as she cme, clinging to him as she buried her face against his neck."Love you."She muttered snuggling him.

Slate smiled a little blushing as he nodded."I do."He muttered kkissing him back sighing softly as he settled back on the bed, content to just be with the other,holding him gently."Sleep.Theo's training starts tomorrow."He muttered yawning.
Falin smiled at the other before he scowled. "i don't want to see him." he complained. "he's probobly prettier than me." he complained unhappily as he snuggled into Slate, yawning as he drifted to sleep, dreaming of death and unhappy things. not even Slate could chase away the pain of loosing Thitan.

in the morning, Theo was waiting for them in the Breakfast Room, nibbling on rare delicacies... fortunately for him, Titanna hadn't spiked his food, not that she could have, as he examined every bite of food critically before popping it into his mouth. he smiled as he saw Tristan and Spencer enter, followed by a scowling, tired looking Falin and Slate. Falin was grouchier than normal, and snarled at both Tristan, who ignored him, and Theo, who looked startled. "uhm... good morning." Theo finally said, smiling at Slate and Tristan. "a good morning today, don't you think?" ever so polite...
Slate smiled pleasntly, rolling his eyes a little as he sat down."Ignore him, he's not a morning person even under the best of circumstances."Slate said smiling. "He's so polite."Nyk said amused as he took his own seat with titanna, tilting his head as he studied the small group before smirking slighly. "Theo, this is Spencer, the girl with a gift for finding things."He said smiring because he knew whatever had created the shadows in spencer's eyes as she looked at theo wsn't going to be pleasant for any of them."Hello."Spencer said smiling despite the worry tht tightened her stomh. Despite tristan's reassurances, te girl was a seer, had something clung to her from the dream, even if it was just out of reach.
Theo smiled a little. "it's alright. Thitan told me a lot about the Hunter." Theo admitted. "i don't imagine he'll ever really like me." Theo admitted, looking amused. Thitan had told anyone just meeting Falin, that Falin rarely liked anyone, and never at the first few meetings. hell, Falin hadn't liked Slate or Spencer at first either, and he still didn't like Tristan. he was a picky person and everyone knew it. Tristan snorted a little and shook his head at Theo. "don't worry, Falin doesn't like me either, he only puts up with me for Spence." he admitted as Theo turned to Spencer and offered her a bright smile. "it is a pleasure to meet you Spencer." he admitted happily. "i hope that we can all be freinds." he admitted, looking at them all, grimacing as Falin glared at him furiously. "i don't HAVE freinds." he growled. "i have a sisters, and i have a lovers." he growled. "and you don't fall into either category." Theo flushed but nodded. "my apologies..."
Spencer frowned at falin."Falin!Be polite. You're making my head hurt."She growled a little before siging softly, running her fingers through her hair looking up at tristan, trying to decide wht he thought of the knight. "You ready to get trained?"Slate said looking thoughtful as he considered what he was going to make theo do in training for the day.
Falin huffed, but went back to his own meal, Theo blinking a little as Tristan smirked, winking at Spencer playfully. because he was pretty sire the only three people on the planet that could control Falin where in the room. Titanna, Slate, and Spencer. " make is sound as if i should be preparing for battle... or a very harsh round of sex." Theo complained, looking rather amused despite his fear. "i am ready... i think." he admitted. "the Summer Lady said i had to be given my powers?" yes, normally this was done, Summer knight, to Apprentice Summer knight, but Slate held most of Thitan's leftover power, so it would be Slate, giving the boy his powers.
Spencer smirked amused that falin had listened to her before laughing at theo's words."That is probably what it will be like. Tristan can be a harsh tskmaster in training someone."she said looking at her lover with tesing smile. Slate tilted his hed before nodding,"You will.But for now, since thitan diedere, I hve them, nd I'm holding onto them before I'm sure you're strong enough to not accidently blow us up like spencer did." "I only did tht once!"Spencer sputtered.
Theo blinked at Spencer, looking rather horrified. "w..wait.. i'm being trained by the Blademaster?!" Tristan smirked viciously, pleased at the hint of fear in Theo's words. clearly, Thitan had told Theo of Tristan's terror. "of course i'm going to be training you. someone has to teach you how to wield a weapon, and Slate will be too busy teaching you everything else... i do hope you don't bruise easily." he mused, Theo shuddering as he turned to Spencer. " me?" he pleaded softly before his lips twitched in amusement at the thought of Spencer blowing someone up. Falin snickering a little. "i've done worse." Falin admitted, smirking a little. "i once blew up..." "the entire West Wing of my castle!" Titanna complained, glaring at Falin who started to laugh at Titanna's continued grudge against that. it had taken her MONTHS to fix it!
"You are."Spencer said giggling a little at theo's reaction, smiling sligtly. "You'll be fine. Killing you would upset Spencer and Titanna, and Tristan tries very hard to not upset the women in his life."Slate said snickering. "I can't save you. YOu'll be fine."Spencer said smiling softly. "It would have been better, had I not been in there at the time. She might forgive you for that."Nyk said snickering at the idea of the wing collapsing on him.
Theo grimaced a little and offered them a hesitant smile before relaxing a little at Slates promise, Tristan scowling a little. "curses but your right... no need to piss off Titanna..." he grumbled glancing at Spencer. "and the last thing i want to do is make my fiance' upset..." "Fiance'?" Theo asked, looking astonished. "congratulations!" he chirped happily, Tristan smiling a little at that, Falin snickering a little as he smiled at Nyk. "oh, you where fine! you didn't even get a scratch, and it was an ACCIDENT!" he complained. "it's not MY Fault i was attacked by a jerk with bombs!" he complained, sulking a little. "can i watch Theo get his ass handed to him?" "sure." Tristan stated simply. "you can even help." Theo grimaced and turned to Titanna and Nyk. "...i know they can't kill me... but can they... you know.. maim me?" Titanna pretended to ponder that for a moment then. "well... you would look very handsome with some nice firm scars..."
Spencer smiled softly "Hmm no it wouldn't do to upset me."She teased before sighing looking at theo,blushing ever so softly."Thank you."She muttered. "I fell!Like four stories!"Nyk whined snickering because falin was so upset. "No, we wont hurt you to badly. Again, you seriously maimed might not upset the queen here, who likes her men scarred-" slate said smiling "Im not scarred."Nyk whined. "Yes you are. I saw you nearly get gutted once, there's scars."Slate said snickering before looking at teho."But we wont maim you."
Falin smirked at Nyk and shook his hand dismissively. "your exaggerating. it couldn't have been more than two. besides your a Fey King... it's GOOD for you." he stated simply, smirking a little as he nodded. "and you are too scarred. i've seen you naked, remember?... Nicky?" Falin asked, looking about as Impish as a gremlin, knowing fully well how much the king hated being called Nicky. Theo didn't look all to convinced about his safety, and he wasn't sure whether to laugh or be scared of the rag tag group, so he decided finishing his breakfast would be the best course of action. it wasn't every day a mortal gave up everything he'd ever known, to join a world he knew nothing about. he was allowed to be in shock if he wanted to be.

(don't forget about Mob Law Love!^^)
"It was taller then that!"Nyk growled before snarling."DON"T CALL ME THAT!" Spencer smiled softly leaning against tristn, amused at the fighting before sighing softly, loking over at theo, "Having second thoughts?"She muttered looking worried for him.
Falin laughed at Nyk's snarl and Theo flinched, inching away from the Summer King, greatly regretting his decisions to come here... they where all going to kill him! he was going to be tomorrow's breakfast! he glanced over at Spencer, clear terror written in his eyes as he shook his head. "no! of course not!... however... i think perhaps i shall take a bath before my training begins. i'f i'm going to die, i should like to die a clean man." Theo was going to make a run for it, even Falin knew that. every Summer Knight tried to make a run for it the first time they where there. they where usually a pretty timid bunch at first... though Theo was damn near petrified he was so scared right then, as he jerked his way to his feet, and fought the urge to run as he walked out the door. don't run... never run from a predator... and these people, where certainly predators.
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