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The Good Old Days!

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Jul 1, 2012
Hello everyone! Love here looking for some good old fashioned RP. Lately I have been in love with the 1940's type era and would love to get some plays going in that general vicinity. From plot to smut I am open to pretty much anything. So if you find any of the following interesing send me a PM please, I would prefer that over being messaged here. Thank you.

Young and Naive

The year was 1947 and young Cassandra Coleson had run away from home at the age of 16. She had dreams of becoming a star like Bette Davis or Rita Hayworth . She wanted to see her face on the silver screen, being seen as an American beauty known and loved by all. So when she got off the bus in Hollywood with stars in her eyes she didn't have a clue what awaited her.

While looking for work she met an older gentleman who said he knew several casting directors who would love a cute little thing like her and said he would set it up. So when she was placed in a back room to wait for the Director unaware of the one way mirror that had the camera in it. Cassandra would soon find out how the under belly of Hollywood worked and the reason why they were called " Back Room Deals. "

The Mob Boss's Wife.

Nicole's sister had been the wife to a powerful Mob Boss, but when she couldn't take it anymore and her conscience had gotten the better of her, she had to get out. And Nicole had tried to help her sister get away, but being the wife of a high ranking Mafioso she was considered a liability and murdered.

With her twin sister murdered Nicole had no one left, and the Mob breathing down her neck to keep quiet what else could she do other than remain quiet? Already making plans to get away , she is stopped by a Detective who wants to put her sisters murderer away for good. Would she dare get herself wrapped up in a case that could cost her her own life as well? Would the handsome detective be able to solve the case and undercover the whole truth?


The War was still ravaging on across Europe as the German forces continued to push, While Mirielle Bonnet was engaged in another battle closer to home. Mirielle was an information specialist, better known as a spy. And she had been given orders to return to base to find a mole within the Allied base. It was a clever game of cat and mouse, where passions intertwined with a local soldier on base whom she had grown close to, allowing her to succeed in her mission of finding the mole, but failing the mission as the target was able to escape .

One Year Later Mirelle has found herself once again face to face with the spy she had lost before, but now she was on German soil undercover on his base. But when eye contact was made, even though disguised, she knew he knew. But he did not turn her in. Why not? Was he wanting to toy with her all over again? She wouldn't play his game this time, but maybe it wasn't a game? Maybe his feelings had been as real as her own?

( I would love to play this story from beginning to end in a tale of love, lust and a lot of action. Both adventurous and sexual. )

Teaching a Lesson.

She was the prime example of what a German woman should be. And she was married to a high ranking SS Officer. She was much younger than he but her main purpose was for propaganda. To show the prize a real German man could receive for serving . But when he is gone on the battlefield and the farm house she was taking refuge in is attacked, what happens when the ignorant young girl spouts her propaganda to the wrong person?

Perhaps a Jewish Soldier or even possibly a Black Soldier. Something a female raised to believe to be inferior as she had been taught would teach her a lesson? The problem is if she begins to like it. Are they really so inferior? ( One or the other can be played, your choice. Or both if feeling generous. )

Any other idea you might have set in older time frames I am willing to listen! I love older time frames. Medieval, Victorian, early 1800 to 1900's. Love them! Maybe throw in some Steam Punk! Have a idea of your own for any of them I am willing to listen.


Yes Please! I am willing to play almost anything Bioshock. Yes it is twenty years later than the 1940's era I have been going through but I just love BioShock. So that would be awesome too!
Would love to play young and naive with you. Do you prefer pm or thread? I'm happy to do either, but would love to chat about the roles first over PM
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