A Chance Encounter (Hahvy and I)

"All right..." As the trace system turned on, she noticed that the gundam wasn't on. That was weird. It seemed almost wrong to not have it on while being on it's insides. Or in it's insides. Whatever the case was, it just seemed awkward. As he tightened and adjusted the arm lengths, she moved her arms, testing to see the fit. It was strange being here and not being out boarding with Fraygen or sneaking out of her room to go bother Natsu before leaving for the night. Or even just going to the Third District garden and relaxing under her favorite cherry tree. Yet here she was, in a prototype gundam, with some random person named Finn who was from planet she didn't know about. She was running from the government, her life, and her father. Well, that's just how things went. Plus, she did it herself.

"It's a little loose," she said after a moment of playing around with the arms. Looking around the cockpit, she really wondered if Epyon knew what she was doing. Maybe it was silly to think of the gundam as being a living thing, but part of her believed that machines had some life of their own. There were just too many factors with coding that made her think otherwise. Maybe it was just her, but that's just how she had always thought.
"Well, it's not going to be perfect." Finn murmured, scratching his chin in mild thought. "There's only so much I can adjust before it's going to be plain human comfort," He said, but he tightened up just a bit more regardless. "So...what's your story then, kid? I hope you don't just steal expensive prototypes as a way to be social?" He said dryly. Well, she got points for being unique he supposed..both in looks and in method.

Boy, his family'd never believe him if he ever got out of this alive..
"I don't expect it to be perfect, just enough so it doesn't feel like I'm gonna fall out of it," she replied, feeling him make the adjustment. That was a lot better. It didn't feel so loose, just loose enough to be comfortable and allow her to feel her arm without too much extra tug and pull. Glancing around the cockpit, she heard his questions and was quiet for a good while. She didn't want to talk about her story. She didn't want to talk about her past or her life, or anything that remotely resembled why she was the way that she was. But then again, it wasn't like she had much choice. She did drop in on his life and pretty much fuck it all up. What was she to say? Well, she was always truthful so she might as well go with that.

"I have two friends so no, it wasn't to formulate a trend or anything like that. My father helped create this mobile suit. He didn't put it together or anything with the other engineers, but he helped design the specs and the OS. I'm the youngest child of seven kids and the only female out of the lot. My family dislikes my existence because my mother died a few days after giving birth to me. It's funny though, my oldest brother Natsu was fifteen when I was born and he's the one I'm closest to out of my entire family. I think deep down though he hates me and just humors me because I'm his only sister. My father has called me a murderer before, so I know where he stands. I was six when my youngest older brother said it was all my fault that our mother was dead. I think the only one who doesn't blame me is my mother's twin sister. I don't know for sure though. I just know how to hack into systems, get into trouble, and disappear. I don't know how to be a part of a family."

Shrugging her shoulders, she looked at Finn with nothing but blankness in her eyes. There was no sadness, no anger, no nothing but truth. She knew her voice had held some of her hidden emotions, but other than that, what was there for her to do? She couldn't change the past. Had tried so hard to be loved by her family but the only one who had ever tried to comfort her was Fraygen or Natsu and she had broken ties with them for the better. Maybe Natsu would finally get married to his fiancee since he didn't have to try to keep her safe from their father. Maybe he would start that family now. He was thirty-four and would make a good father. And Fray would probably find someone and make a life for himself outside of the Old District. She was in space and didn't plan on ever returning to Giga. It would be best for everyone, including herself.

"So what's your story? Where are you from anyways?"
"Frontier," He replied, making sure all the joints were properly secured before locking them in place. There, if that was better then maybe she wouldn't look like a fish out of water when she used this thing. "It's a planet on the north side of the Arm, most exciting thing to happen on there was the space port around the time I was born." The daughter of a mobile suit designer, eh? Well..that was something else. Guess being rich didn't have everything in paradise.

"Two brothers, and a sister that left a while ago." He mused, "Decided to leave because I got tired of working in a junk yard, working on people's mobile suits..guess space isn't too much different." He sighed. "But it's better than being at home, at least..minus being a criminal."
"Well, I've never been off the space colony. I've never been inside of a ship either, so I guess being a novice comes with the territory. How long have you been traveling in space?" She asked, moving the frame that was secured to her body around. It felt comfortable, like putting on a suit that fit her size. Nice, very nice. Stretching a moment and seeing how the frame contoured to her figure in the way that it could, it was a good fit. It wasn't uncomfortable and she felt like she could just relax. Though, she was starting to get hungry and wondered if there would be anything to eat on this ship besides something like ramen. She had seen empty containers of it and she had to admit she just wasn't a fan. Well, she did have her money if they would somehow be able to land somewhere and get some good food supplies. Hopefully.

"Do you like your family? What was it like living on a planet? Were there a lot of trees? Were there a lot of animals?" She asked, genuinely curious. Yawning, she realized how late it was to her body clock, but she would stay up as long as he did. She didn't feel right going to sleep just yet. It made her jittery.
"Sure," He shrugged casually, watching her move around. "But..there's nothing like being on a planet, I guess people born in the colony never tell..but the recycled air just isn't the same at all..it's..you know, like a planet, trees..animals..all that." He supposed he understood why it sounded so glamorous to be planet-side, and maybe somewhere there was that planet that was hustling and bustling..but not his. He felt like the entire planet was a prison that he had to desperately crawl out of.

Jeez, she asked a lot of questions..
"Well, I feel like the people on Giga are all wearing blinders. They just walk around and think that being on a colony is so exciting and wonderful. But it's not. It's all artificial and fake...except for the trees. The trees we have are real cause they needed organic things to keep the foundation of the gardens together that we have. Otherwise, it's all just pretty artificial things. I don't like it. It just makes me feel artificial for living there like I'm not an actual being. That I'm not organic," she said, looking up at him. Huo wondered if he just thought of her as some burden on his shoulders but she knew she was useful. She kind of had to be. Letting out a small sigh, she gave Finn a pointed look.

"Are you gonna let me out of this thing or what? I'm hungry." Giving a blank stare after a few seconds, her stomach growled as if to emphasize her point. She didn't show any embarrassment just kept staring as if she would make him into dinner if he didn't let her out so she could scavenge for food.
"Colony isn't exciting if you've lived there all your life..same for a planet." Finn replied dryly, nevertheless unhooking her from the trace system and shutting it down. Nag, nag, nag..sheesh..he was already regretting doing this. Why did he stick his neck out again? Because he's an idiot, that's why. That's the only reasonable guess he could come of, whatever happened to not trusting colony people until he could read them better?

All he read was that she needed help and she needed it now, and dammit..that was enough to pull him in.

"Yeah, well..got some ramen if you want it." He shrugged. "Life ain't so kind on food around here."
"Well, I have money if you want to stock the ship with better and more food," she replied with a snarky attitude. She knew that he thought she was a pain, but she was the one who brought a beautiful machine and had kept the police off their asses. You would think he would be grateful! But noooo. He just had to bitch, bitch, bitch. Jeez, it was getting on her nerves. Sighing once she was out of the trace system, she rolled her shoulders before cracking her neck. Grabbing the handle thing from before, she lowered herself out of the cockpit and back onto the hanger floor before releasing it so that Finn could get down. While she waited, she couldn't help but look up at Epyon's eyes and wonder if he had heard their conversation. It didn't matter if he could or couldn't, she would talk to him just the same.

"You're stuck with me," she said blankly. It was a good thing there weren't a lot of hallways and rooms and such with the ship or she probably would get lost. Still, she did need to know where she was going to sleep. She wouldn't mind just sleeping in Epyon, but her back might protest that course of action. Feeling her stomach rumble in protest to being empty, she sighed and laced her fingers together behind her head while she waited as patiently as possible for Finn.
"Save the money when we need it," He murmured, heading down the lift with a weary sigh. Stuck with her? Yeah, that sounded about right..like a tumor..or a parasite. Why did he have to be such a good guy again? This wasn't Frontier where everybody knew everybody and good deeds were rewarded with a warm dinner or some labor for money. He wasn't taking her home to Papa, because Papa was probably furious. Terrific, Finn. Just..wonderfully terrific of him to put himself into this kind of situation without a way out that didn't result in him being a corpse.

Oh well, he did it..he'd just have to work with it and keep the ball rolling.

"Cause I ain't got shit for cash, and I'd rather we use it on more important things if we have to." And they probably would, oh dammit...stealing a Gundam of all things? Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit.

"I have a lot more money than you think. I've been saving up since I was about seven so I have about...I dunno...take the seven carry over the three....eleven thousand, two hundred and seven dollars and thirty-three cents," She said, smiling a little. Her father had given her allowance every month since she was seven, ranging from twenty to fifty dollars until she had been ten, and then the numbers had gone up since he had gotten promoted to the Epyon project. Plus, she had worked odd jobs to earn her own money and get things that she wanted without relying on her family. And then the jewelry she had taken with her was worth a bit that they could hawk somewhere. The only thing she wouldn't sell was the pocket watch necklace her mother had always worn [a family heirloom] and the promise ring her father had given her mother when they had been teenagers. It was a simple metallic blue band with little black stars and was now resting on her right ring finger.

"Plus, I have jewelry we could get a few hundred bucks from, maybe. We just need somewhere to go to sell it. Sorry, but I'm not eating ramen as my victory slash escape meal. That's like saying I found a diamond and get ice cream for it," Huo said, planting her hands on her hips. If they needed more cash, she could always find somewhere to go to work for a bit or - and she never really wanted or liked doing this - hack an account and funnel out some funds from people. Maybe they could go to another colony and go to one of their old districts and found some things to sell. She'd gotten lucky a few times, but those were rare and far between.

"Seriously though...if I'm so much trouble, you can drop me off at the next colony and I'll find my own way around. I won't trouble you if that's how you really feel."
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