Blood and Ice

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Seifer had looked shocked at Squall after he had spoken the words and practically pushed a doctor on him. Not that Seifer was complaining really, because he probably needed a doctor but he couldn't afford one. He would have to pay him back somehow but who knew how muchi t would cost and he would never do work for the mafia.

Meanwhile Irvine was walking along with Squall and walking his bike as well. Irvine wouldn't push the help unless Squall couldn't go on "Are you sure that was such a good idea Boss? I mean he does still owe us a lot of money right? I can drive you back to the house sir... if you'd like. I can wrap you up too, maybe relieve some of your tension?" IRvine offered hoping to help Squall let off more steam, hopefully Squall wouldn't be so mad at Irvine for interfering that way.
"Which part?getting into a fight with him or getting him a doctor?if its the fight,I have my own reasons for fighting, if its the doctor I'm sure he'll think the worst of it."ll said frowning a little as he glanced at his friend, for once having felt guilty about beating someone up and offered the doctor because he liked the blond....not that he was going to tell seifer or irvine that.Sighing softly as he realized that his fiend and second ws worried about him being mad. Usually eh was amused at everyone's reaction to him and his anger, but today it just made him feel tired."Fine."He sighed a little moving over to the other man nd waiting until the man got the bike straightened up and ckunbedi bm hyst wabtubg to lay down,maybe convince rinoa to come over and rub his back,already feelng the msucles starting to knot up from overwork, making his bruised ribs and shoulder hurt even worse.
It was a few weeks after the fight that Seifer brought another payment to the office. He still didn't have even half of the amount due paid back, he still had to at least make payments of what he could. He was never one to run away from obligations anyways and so he was there with the latest payment for Squall. Otherwise he didn't know what was going to happen, he had made the appointment with the woman Rinoa or whatever her name was and here he was at the proper time.

He had his hair done up with gel again and he was wearing the best jacket he owned and a nice ish shirt. A pair of washed slacks and some business shoes. Walking into the business he looked around before sitting once again in the waiting room to be let into the office or dealt with by the rinoa woman. either was her was there and he had a payment other then that there was n reason for him to be there.
"Seifer.You do realize there's such a thing called the post office?They bring mail to places all the time."Squall said deadpanned as he opened the door to the office, a slight amusement showing in his eyes as he let the other into the office, looking well despite the cast still on his wrist. While he'd healed well, not even a shadow of a bruise left, the man had cleanly snapped his wrist, and despite the clen break it was going to take awhile to heal. Which had regulated him to desk work, which he hated,but it did give him the option of seeing seifer bring in his payments.
"You'r the mob I thought you'd want it in person. Call me crazy but I'd rather not have a payment go missing because the package ripped and the mail carrier decided to keep it. Haven't seen you at any of the fights lately. Couldn't handle a fight against me huh?" Seifer asked tossing the money on the desk, not caring if he disrupted any of the paperwork. After all he'd won against Squall once. If it came down to a one on one Seifer was confident he would win again. Though his ribs were still broken, and he had a bruise along his jaw. It was obvious he was still fighting to earn the money.

Seifer sat in the chair on the other side of the desk, his cocky smirk on his face as he taunted Squall about the official win. The fact that they were stopped having not been their own decision but probably the wisest. Seifer had been training however and teaching classes regularly. While he probably would never be rich or even well off as long as he could eventually make ends meet he was content where he was.
"but it would be interesting to see you trying to explain it getting lost in the mail."A slight smirk twisted the brunette's lips as he leaned back in his seat, he glanced up at the other man, anger flickerng through blue grey eyes."I've been told if I show up at a fight, I'm getting handcuffed to my bed, in enforced bed rest."Squall said before laughing softly."My second seems to think that if I showed up at another fight, I might be tempted to get in the ring. So...I've been doing the paperwork I despise."
"Good thing wouldn't want you permanetly broken or anything. Besides a husband should never let his wife fight." Seifer laughed goading the mob boss again. He relaxed in the chair as much as someone with broken ribs was able to in the very least. "Good to be the boss huh? Everyone else gets to do hands on things and you get to read all about it." Seifer teased some more, as most said he wasn't the smartest and while he beat them for saying it he agreed most of the time that he was very stupid indeed if this was going to be the norm for him. Picking a mob boss was not generally a good idea on any level.While still oweing them money well it was pretty much on the suicide list of things to do when you want to die.
The laughter drained out of squall's eyes as he looked at the other man,anger making the usually blue eyes even more stormy, like thunderheads coming in."I am not the women in any of my relationships. Nor do I take a hands off approach to doing business. I enjoy beating someone's face in as much as the next person."He said staring at the blond as he weighed just how much it would hurt to beat the man outside the head for making fun of him
"Calm down princess, I know how well you throw a punch remember? You weren't the only one Doctor Kadowaki tended. She'd have an anurism I'm sure finding out I'm still fighting with broken ribs. What did you mean in any of your relationships? You gay? Like it on top?" Seifer asked with a chuckle, yes he really was stupid but he couldn't help himself, the clearer those eyes got the more Seifer wanted to make him lose it. fighting Squall was well better then fighting anyone else. By a long shot, though he knew he needed to cool it. After this he would leave, he had to open his Dojo for some womens reading club or something. He didn't care but at least they paid him for the space and they all brought chairs. Though Seifer did envest in some cheap folding chair's recently.
"She'd have a anurism if I picked up a chair to beat you over the head with it."squall said icily, bearing his teeth in a simbalance of a smile, "What I do in private is none of your business, unless your volunteering to pay off the rest of your debt that way."Amusement flickered through the anger as the s he considered that. Now that would be a interesting solution to the problem of his attraction to this man, and how much money seifer owed him
"Sorry mister Boss but even if I did swing that way, it wouldn't be with a small guy like you. My ass if off limits thanks anyways. I'll pay off the rest like I have been until it's all paid off though, it might take a while I'll pay it." Seifer says scowling at Squall who sat behind his desk looking angry and feminen and well if he was a chick Seifer would do Squall. Seifer was no virgin but he knew he didn't like it up the rear. He was a man for god's sake. A real man. He would pay his debt and then he would live the way he wanted like always. Maybe even take some of his students to the tournaments. If they could afford it. While Seifer liked sparring with Squall a lot and he liked teasing the guy and for some reason he wanted to deliver in person to see Squall again that didn't mean he wanted the man in his bed or up his ass either. So after standing Seifer headed for the door, no real goodbye like always.
Squall glared but amusement showed in his eyes at the man's words, amused as hewtched theother man leave.

Almost a week later Squall sighed softly as he glanced at irvine, growling under his breath. Just because he hadn't been laid in weeks, or that his temper was even shorter because of the man's rejection, didn't mean irvine of all people should be nervous to be in a room with him."Come in. I'm not going to kill you or something, I really did invite you over for dinner."He said smiling slightly.
"Well you can't really blame me can you boss? You've been in a fowl mood for a while now and I don't feel like being yer punching bag." IRvine said striding in, if Squall told him it was safe to enter and that he wouldn't do anything then Irvine beleived him whole heartedly. "Where we going to eat then?" Irvine asked leaning against the desk, while he would help his boss anyway he could he was strictly a ladies man. It didn't bother him in the least that Squall was Gay or anything, but Irvine wasn't. "Any news from that bum loser Seifer?" Irvine asked softly trying to tread lightly where this man was concerned, it seemed Squall was only really angry when it came to Seifer.
Squall chuckle a little, because it was true,but today he was feeling okay and sine the cast came off earlier that day, he was feeling even better."I was thinking Italian or japanese. Your choice."Squall said standing up and he pulled o nhis jacket, "Not yet, but he has a payment coming tomorrow."He said after a moment, frowning thoughtfully, trying not to get angry about the idea. It wasn't seifer's fault he was attracted to him, but it still annoyed squall despite that.
"Japanese is usually something that puts you in a very good mood. You seem to like Sake. Got a thing for him Boss?" Irvine asked waiting on Squall, wondering if this was a a simple case of sexual frustration in his bosses case. "We could always find you a man or boy that kind of looks like him for you Boss." Irvine says softly, not trying to anger Squall any more then he already was. Besides when Squall was unhappy everyone in the office was unhappy. He was always sharp with everyone and there was often times those who got punished. But that's why IRvine was there, he helped make Squall feel less angry all the time.
"I am not attratedd to the annoying pain in the ass, arrognant jackass!"Squall snarled in frustration as they headed out to his car, taking a deep breath as he slid into the car, running his fingers through his hair as he thought about it shaking his head a little as he realized that even not there, seifer was annoying him BAcking out of the parking lot when irvine got in, he headed for the other resturant as he thought about what the man had said.
Irvine remained quiet after Squall's explosion, it was obvious something was bothering his Boss but if his boss wanted to keep his mouth shut about it no one blamed him at all. In fact no one at all would try and get information about anything out of Squall, Irvine did hold open the door of the resturant for Squall however. IRvine would only speak when the boss was ready to talk again or wanted to hear IRvine's slight texan drawl.
Squall smiled slightly at the man holding open the door, "Thanks."He said moving to sit down at a table and looking over the menu before glancing up at the cowboy across from him."Go on, tell me about the fights."He said trying to not sound to interested through he wanted to know how seifer was doing during them
"He wins all of them but one out of twelve to fifteen fights. So odds are almost always on him. Personally I think he loses those so the betters will double think his abilities and bet more on the other guy, then after he loses he comes back in strong and bowls over the competition, making a lot of money on those who bet against him." Irvine said having been instructed by Squall to watch over Seifer's fights. Irvine made reports on everything. He had a small notepad and he was sure they would come in handy, of course now they really were.
"I wouldn't go making him sound smarter thn he really is."Squall said snickering to himself looking amused at the idea though he had a feeling that seifer was smarter than they gave him credit for. Pausing to order sushi and sake he sighed before looking up at irvine, smirking slightly."Now that I'm un-casted and no broken bones, does this mean that you'll let me enter the arena again?"He said amused, not because he thought irvine could have kept him out if he really wanted to fight, but because he hd allowed the other to do it. Sometimes it was good for a man to be ordered about.
Irvine grinned and ordered his as well. "I don't think that's a good idea sir... the heads of the corperation, they didn't like you joining in the first time and Cid doesn't want you getting into the ring again, he wants you to be a pure business man for the time being. At least that's what the memo said that Rinoa got at the office. But going to watch it would be okay if you keep a low profile I think." Irvine said softly watching Squall's face at least he was in a better mood at the moment then he had been in a little while. The cast coming off had really improved Squall's mood and Irvine was very thankful for all of that.
"Since when have I ever been a businessman only?"He said raising a eyebrow because it was true. He'd never been able to stay out of the arena, he'd always enjoyed the fighting. Snorting a little as he sipped his sake he smiled slightly,"There's no way I can not be high profile.Everyone knows me,and it's not like I can pass unnoticed,I'm just to pretty and girllike."he said wrinkling his nose, annoyed at the blond's description.
Irvine smiled a little at his boss and kept his boss's cup full. Another one with water for him as well. "It's not a message from me sir, it's from Cid, and you know how he can be sometimes. It's really that we're all very worried about you Squall. You broke your wrist and you got your cast off today, now you wanna go to a fight tomorrow and get into that ring gain and fight for nothing again? We're all just worried. If it's all about that Seifer character... maybe we should just take him in then. Make him really indebted to you. There are other ways too... drugs and things to get him hooked and not be such a liablity to you." Irvine suggests softly, obviously not wanting to make Squall mad but putting those thoughts out there, they'd done it all before so it wasn't too strange.
Squall sighed leaning back in his chair, shaking his head."No.I wasn't planning on fighting...I just don't like havint the option taken away,even if I wasn't going to do it."He said scowling a little before laughing softly, while it was a interesting idea, something disturbed him about putting the blond on drugs but..he wanted a excuse to see the blond again, because the way the man was paying his bills, he was going to have his loan paid off soon enough."Find something.And make sure he can't track the fault for it directly back to me."he said sighing softly.
"Find something to tie him to us all? Or to you?" Irvine asked for clarification on this. "No drugs?" Irvine asked again to clarify something for him. Irvine could do a lot, he could kill and he could hook people on drugs. He could black mail and he could seduce so what it was that Squall was wanting him to do he wasn't quite so sure so he wanted some clarifications. First of all he wanted to make sure there were some things he wasn't allowed to do. But he could seduce then black mail Seifer, maybe with a pretty girl or something. Maybe Irvine needed to learn how to seduce men, though he wasn't attracted to them at all.
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