Blood and Ice

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Nov 30, 2010
Squall Lionheart sighed softly as he leaned back in his chair, raising his hands and pressing the heels against his eyes in a effort to ease the ache in his eyes and his head. He now remembered why he hated doing paperwork. There was no point into this paperwork, this was absolutely riddiculous. Scowling as he lowered his hands he sighed as he pulled his chair back to the desk he settled down to figure out what the next step was going to be.

Griever Inc. wasn't just any loan company, it was a front for the mob, who's business was all under Squall's command. He was light and slender, but with a will of iron, and a absolute bloodthirsty nature, the pretty boy of a mobster ruled over the longest standing family in the country. Not to mention no one had ever been able to pin a crime on him,even if everyone was aware he had his pretty pale fingers in every pie.

But at the moment, he would rather go to jail than to deal with the paperwork in front of him. He'd do anything just to have a distraction, even if it meant dealing with people. Which was the second most hated thing in his day, after dealing with paperwork.
Seifer worked at a Dojo, He taught people how to fight... either with a sword or a gun or with their own fists. There weren't a lot of people... and he had branched out into selling weapons but that had failed and he had lost a lot of money. So here he was trying to get loan from people he probably shouldn't be. But the banks had all refused him. This was the last place he could go. Besides he had always been too soft on members who couldn't pay right away. And on street kids as well.
Sighing and ruffling his hair that needed fresh gel in it from his constant bothering it. He straightened his vest and jacket and opened the door. After being shown into a waiting room he fidgeted in the seat while waiting to ba called into the office. He was not good at waiting... in fact for a man who was 6'2 and quite broad and imposing looking he was actually quite timid of corperations and operations like this one.
Squall growled under his breath in frustration at the paperwork, glancing up when his ex-wife, yes he let her work for him just because they couldn't get along didn't mean she wasn't good at doctoring books-came in."Rin?"he said in confusion, she usually knew better than to bother him when he was actually doing paperwork. He so rarely tried to actually do it, that on the days he did do paperwork, it was even worse because he always managed to delude himself that the next time would be better."You have someone who wants to talk to me?" "To me?"Squall mused raising a eyebrow, looking down at himself, despite the dark suit and soft hair, there was no mistaking that he was a mobster who was still well fit. Nodding a little he leaned back into his chair, raising a eyebrow as Rinoa escorted the tall blond man into the office.

"Shut the door. And tell me what you want."He said shortly, not one for small talk, or talking in general really.
"Yea right... Well... I need a loan. The banks won't grant it to me cause I was a little stupid with credit cards." Seifer said looking over the small form of the man in black behind the desk. Seifer couldn't help but feel superior to him. After all Seifer was taller, broader and more defined as a man... For all intents and purposes the man on the other side of the desk could be a woman.

Saifer put his hands in his pants pockets and stood taller, putting his chest out as much as he could. While his hair was in a bit of disarray, he was still strikingly good looking. Seifer was asking for money but he never did anything much with humility. In fact he wasn't good at it at all. HE only knew how to demand and take... like when he was a child. His hard life had made him learn a lot and yet he was still a blond and thusly not very smart.
Squall stared at him for so long you would have thought he had fallen asleep while dong it. But he found that there were so few times to stare at handsome men in his life when he wasn't having to hurt them, that he had to enjoy it for a moment. Nodding he tilted his head slightly."When burrowing money from people, it is generally agreed upon to introduce yourself.What is your name?"He asked because while he ws willing to see just how much the man wanted, Rinoa said the only thing he could be a fool over was men and blonds, and this man was both. Which was so going to get him in trouble. But that soft scolding tone in his voice said that despite his slightly-okay alot-feminine look, the man wasn't afraid to piss off a man almost twice his size.
"Uh... Right... Yeah I'm Seifer, Seifer Almasy. I need ten thousand. I can pay it back... I just have to pay some stuff first. I can't run a business without any money of any kind. So you gonna give it to me or what?" Seifer asked getting a little more nervous the longer he stayed in the posh looking office. His Dojo was in the slummier part of town and he had to ride his bike almost an hour to even get here.

But to belay the nervousness he felt he let his gaze wander over the man on the other side of the desk. Pretty... his eyes sparkling with something... Seifer wasn't familiar with. But the locks that looked to be in the way looked soft... untouched by product even. His suit looked expensive probably opposite of Seifers. Seifer could only wait nervously while Squall looked over him like he was a suit on a sale rack or something.
Squall looked amused as he studied the other man before nodding slightly as he got up. Walking to the wall safe, and even just that short few steps showed a man who was well comfortable with his body and moved with a lethal grace, caged violance waiting to explode. Pulling open the safe he counted out the money moving back to his desk he sat down putting it into a money bag before dgigng into his drawer to get the new paperwor before holding it out towards seifer on a clipboard.

"Here.Fill it out, the loan has to be repaid within six months."Squall said shrugging a little.The rest of the informations in there, read."He said because it was mostly rinoa's business despite him owning it, he hated knowing everything because really he had better more his own style businesses to take care of. He had no idea why she'd demanded he do paperwork today,but seeing as he met this...interesting man, well maybe the headache was worth it.
"Six months! How the hell am I supposed to pay it all back in Six months?!" Seifer scowled looking at the paperwork, while he had watched the smaller man walk to the safe and back he noticed this was a man who had serious skill. Not that he really looked like he would but the way he moved and the grace he showed well to someone like Seifer it was obvious.

However seeing the money Seifer couldn't afford not to take the deal, after all they were going to close his business and without a job to speak of he'd be living in the streets. There really weren't any options left for THe giant blonde. Seifer didn't even read the papers, legal stuff like this confused him anyways so he looked it over and after assuring himself it was legal talk he signed it. "Look if I make regular payments... Can I at least get some kind of extension? I mean I don't have this money to begin with how am I supposed to have it in six months rob a bank?" Seifer scowled at the brunette simply sitting there watching him.

Seifer was in need of a serious stress relief now but he didn't even buy booze to try and save all the money he could to repay all the loans and the other people he owed money to. He tossed the clipboard onto the desk hard enough it make a sharp clack sound and he unbuttoned the top button of one of his few button up shirts. HE would probably have to find an actual job to work when he wasn't running his Dojo by himself. Seifer couldn't help but Glower at the smaller man in the room, he wanted to vent or pick on the silent man something but he was holding himself back by the skin of his teeth.
Squall looked amused,it wasn't often that the person across f4om him didn't know who they were yelling at.usually when he designated to be working here he had to deal with sniveling and whing, but the blond across from him looked ready to try and choke him if he so much dared as laugh at the mans reaction which for once, he was tempted t5o do.for some reason this man amused him

"Seeing as getting paid with stolen money would bring to much attention to my business which is not something I need so regular payments would be acceptable."he said in such seriousness that it would take someone a moment to realize he was half joki8ng tbough serious about the offer
Seifer was so shocked he could only stare at the other man's face for a moment trying to figure out if he was serious or joking. He couldn't tell... the mans almost womanly features were stoic and without expression. "Right well... You aren't going to come after me with a few guys and try to break me or anything if it doesn't all get paid in six months right? Because that's just beyond the limits of stupidity. Even a girly faced mobster like you should realize that." Seifer says scowling harder at the emotionless man before him, it was a little unnerving and it made him want to get an rise out of the other man.

Bullying was something Seifer was very used to do and being ignored and not given anything in return like this was getting on his nerves big time. Though Seifer was worried they would come after him... or his business he had only ever been foolhardy and bull headed. Still however Seifer was preoccupied with thoughts of how to make the money back for the mob already and he didn't even have the money from him yet.
Squall tilted his head a little, a little half smile gracing his features at the other's response. It wasn't often that someone came out and asked if he'd cause bodily harm if something went wrong."I have no use for you if you're dead. Dead men can't pay me my money back."he said amusement and anger flickering through those storm grey eyes at the same time, amusement because most people didn't comment just how feminine he was, and anger because well, he hated just how girly he was.

"Here."He said holding out the bag of money as he finished packing it in, tilting his head slightly. "See me at the end of the 5th month, and we'll set up a payment plan or something.Well, most likely, see Rinoa. She's nicer and less likely to hurt you for being a idiot."Squall said pushing away from his desk and heading for the door, intending to not only see the man out, but to go home himself. He was tired of paperwork and of being here.,
"I'll make payments when I can. That should be good enough for you people. As for your girl out there if she pushes herself on me any harder I'll do something you will regret. Unlike some 'businessmen' I can catch my own pleasures. " Seifer said snatching the money and putting it in an inside pocket of his jacket. He was grinning almost ear to ear after getting the slightly angry answer out of the smaller man. When Seifer passed him he leaned over and ran his hand down Squall's cheek very lightly.
"My tastes aren't her either I can garantee it." Seifer whispers with the smirk firmly on his face. He was then past and through the doorway with a confident swagger in his step. He had much to do that day to pay off everyone, and repair his dojo a little and hopefully advertise to get some business so he could repay Griever inc.
Squall nearly jumped out of his skin at the touch, haking his head a little as he watched the blond leave his office. This had to be one of the weirder business meetngs he'd ever been to. Rolling his eyes a little he sighed before leaving himself.

Nearly six months later Squall stared at his desk looking slightly amazed before stealing a glance at the doors. While he wasn't known to be a man who shrugged off duty alot, every once in awhile he slipped his 'keepers' his second in command and best friend Irvine Kinneas, and he just didn't want to work. Heading for the door he shrugged into the short cropped black leather jacket, pausing a moment to enjoy the feel of the fur collar against his cheek before zipping it up, looking comfortable instead of businesslike in the snug black jeans, white t-shirt and combat boots as he headed downtown to the dojo he'd been thinking on and off about for 6 months. stepping inside he paused in the doorway to look around bemused.
Seifer was walking in with a payment in hand in an envelope. He bumped into Squall on the way inside the building. Not recognizing the business man for who he was, Seifer scowled. "Watch it kid!" Seifer gruffed at Squall giving him a gentle push out of the way as he walked in and handed the envelope to the girl behind the desk.
"This is for your boss. The company's name is on it." He says briskly not wanting to actually go in and talk, it wasn't even one third of what he owed and while he had picked up business it wasn't enough, he had had to get into some underground fights to earn even this much of the money.

It was more then a second job would pay and yes he had bandages on his face and his wrist, but sacrificing his good looks was something he wasn't too worried about. Paying back the mod was. Though he had been interested in seeing the boss again he didn't have time today. HE had another fight coming up he had to get ready for, seeing as he used his storage area in the back to host some of the fights, he was allowed to keep more money then usual. Since it was illegal.
squall,startled as he was nearly ran over before shrugging a little as he headed out again. Bemused because he'd heard about the blond's fighting, even if he hadn't been to any of the fights yet he wasn't above to going to one. Pinning his phone under his ear as he walked, listening to it ring."Kinneas, you have anything today?"He asked heading for the dojo, having every intention of bullying his way into being the blond's oppenant. He hadn't had a good fight in awhile, and he was interested in seeing if the blond good as a fighter as he seemed today. And well, if he could convince Irvine to come with him, meant that he could place bets on the fight without seeming to having to do it himself.Pausing outside the dojo, he leaned back against the wall, absently watching seifer walking back as he talked to irvine.
Seifer once getting back to the Dojo walked in past the young women's yoga class. He often rented out his place for others to use. It was another way to get even more money now that the place was fixed up and no one in the area would dare attack Seifer or try to oppose him.

Seifer went into the back room to get things squared away and bandage himself up better. Soon the ring runners would get there and begin their set up. Soon enough he was saying goodbye to the ladies and collecting the change from the tip jar he had in front. The front would be locked up, and everyone knew to show up in the back. Even some low ranking mob members have been showing up lately. But seifer put on a wife beater and some slacks, his silver neckless and he was done. He had already doubled the hairgel he wore so his hair wasn't going anywhere.
Squall leanedagainst the doorway as he watched the man get ready for the fight having let himself in."You know, if I didn't know better I'd say you were a girl with all that hairgel in."The brunette man said, and even with the handhold his chin length hair would give someone, the soft strands still curled slightly around his face. Moving through the gathering crowd to look at the blond he smirked a little as he shrugged out of his leather jacket, amused as every mobster that passed through the door hesitated, as if deciding whether they really wanted to be there or not, before walking in.
"What are you doing here!?" Seifer asked turning around angrily, though he faltered a little after seeing who it actually was. "Winning isn't just about beating the other guy sensless you gotta have some style to get the extra bucks in a place like this." Seifer says shrugging off the comments. He was working himself up to the fights coming up. "If you want to enter any of your guys you'll have to talk to the bookies.I just fight and rent out my place. I don't set anything up." Seifer says a little worried he was going to be shut down and delt with for not having paid the ten thousand back already. But you couldn't always win.
In fact he had been in a losing streak until the last fight. he was certain he ad his luck back again now as well.
Squall smirked a little,amused at the man's words.Tilting his head slightly as he laughed softly, a soft almost non existant chuckle."I'm here for the fight, not because you owe me money."he said before staring at the ring, amed before shrugging."I enjoy a good fight once in awhile.I'll see you later."A quick silver smile crossed the brunette's lips as he moved towards the bookies, intent on getting things settled before the first fight which was the one seifer was in. But it wasn't one of Squall's men that stepped into the ring with him, but the cold hearted mob boss himself, looking even smaller and girlish than normal without the layers of clothes to bulk him up. The man down to just the wifebeater and jeans, raising a eyebrow at the blond as he stepped into the ring.

"Now am I going to get a stylish fight, or just you trying to bash my head in?"He said bouncing a little one his toes, the only sign he was actually excited about the fight, otherwise his tone and stnce said he was bored. But he spent to much of his life behind a desk, or doing other things, and he hardly ever got out and work off the excess energy except in the bedroom, and he hadn't been laid in weeks.
"The hell?! I can't fight you! It'd be like hitting a woman!" Seifer exclaimed, though that wasn't completely true, he just didn't want to get in trouble hitting the mob boss... or beating him actually. It was bad enough he had business dealings with the effeminate man but now the guy wanted to fight with him too.

Seifer didn't like the idea at all, and the fact that the bookies were the ones who had set this up could only mean they were in on it. Which meant if Seifer refused he had to pay twice as much in return as they had paid him and he really couldn't afford that. "Just don't cry too much when you lose." Seifer said before getting in his stance, he was a big guy and so his stance was wide and strong his muscles bulged as he flexed them. Hoping to intimidate the smaller and younger looking man.

Then Because this was Seifer Almasy king of the ring so far, he beckoned Squall close tauntingly, giving him a wink as well ready to defend against the attack he was instigating.
"Me?lose a fight?I think you're dillusional blondie."Squall said rolling his eyes a little as he watched the man flex, for a moment not intimidated like the man wanted,but distracted all the same. While he didn't make his preference well known, those who knew him the best knew he had a weakness for good looking blonds, of either sex, even if he preferred men. Shaking his brown hair out of his face and looking amused at the man's taunt he moved in close to start the fight. He had no intention of losing, or beating the man either. He just wanted a good old fashioned brawl, just to liven up his life.

Within minutes it was obvious that he was working harder than he normally had to just to keep the other man from beating him into the ground. He wasn't actually used to having a real fight with anyone anymore, but after making it obvious that he wasn't holding any punches and he expected the same from the other, he was willing to see just who won.

Yelping a little as th other drove him down to one knee he blinked stupidly, momentarily stunned by the punch that had rung his bell, his head ringing as he blinked blood out of his eyes from the cut on the bridge of his nose, not even really aware of when he'd gotten it, only that it was starting to bug him. Twisting to slam a fist blindly out towards the other he staggered to his feet, twisting to see what was coming next.
Seifer was sure to have bruised ribs, his face being protected and higher then Squall's reach mostly the only reason it had been saved. Cocky with driving the mob boss to his knees he was caught right in the floating ribs by the punch thrown out by the slender man. Seifer staggered back holding his side. The little man had power but nut enough to compare to Seifer, but he had a little more stamina which Seifer was hoping to force him into using by playing defence most of the time. But now it was really serious.

Jumping forward as Squall got to his feet Seifer swung his left fist hard to Squall's abdomen and then rounded his right fist for a temple shot. The fight lasted longer then most of them and the spectaters were really getting their money's worth out of these two. But the fight wouldn't last much longer, not with Seifer's broken ribs making him move slower to avoid damadging himself too much more, or with the shakey brunette who was taking the full force and raw power from Seifer's frustration and personal feelings.

It was no surprise that after those two hits Irvine the man in the cowboy hat and leather duster began to talk furiously with the bookies to make them call the fight. Irvine, Squall's right hand man knew Squall would fight until he passed out or was broken and unable to continue. Especially seeing as this was the first man to offer real sport to his boss in a very long time. And if he had to IRvine would place money on the blonde brute to win. Nothing against his own boss but Squall lacked the raw physical power that this Seifer had.
Squall snarled softly as he twisted away from the punch, choking as the fist landed in his stomach twisting at the waist and slam a knee against the blond's side at the same time of throwing himself backwards, landing on the floor awkwardly, feeling bone snap as he slapped his hands down to the floor to catch himself, feeling his wrist give away as his full weight came down on it. Even as he pushed himself back to his feet, even listing a little on his feet, but irvine was right, Squall'd keep going at the man until he was passed out on the floor or to broken to fight on.

Snarling in frustration at the bookies calling the fight, he tilted his head slightly as he glared at Irvine through the blood soaked brunette hair, moving gingerly, slowly to not hurt his bruised and probably broken ribs more, "I told you to come to bet, not to stop the fight when it was getting interesting."Squall scowled, though some of the usually fearsome effect was lost when he looked like someone had slammed his face into a meat grinder. Moving slowly towards the edge of the ring he reached for the jacket to start getting ready to go, having every intention of going home, maybe getting laid after taking enough medication to down a elephant, and sleeping for hours.
Seifer staggered over to a seat and sat down. He had no one to help him... And he had no money to get medical aide. But the bookie's came over and gave him his winnings and the rent they owed. He needed to oversee the rest of the fight and lock up after they left. He got some basic first aid stuff and began to gingerly tend himself.

Seifer was obviously alone and without help. A few women tried to help him but he easily got rid of them. He was not a man of simple leisure that much was certain. Even though he had won it had been at a cost. The blood on his lips was proof of that at least. Seifer didn't focus on anything much around him as the next fight started.

Irvine on the other hand shrugged. "Neither of you was gonna win this one Boss. I'll call Doc K to meet you at your apartment and take care of you. It wasn't really a loss on your side the crowd just favors the big guy this time. Let me help you to my bike boss." Irvine said giving Squall plenty of space unless he wanted the help. He knew much better then to try and push his help on his boss.
"Make sure the doctor comes here first. I'll live through this, he doesn't have your sparkling self to fuss over him."Squall said rolling his eyes a little watching his second hover even as he nodded towards the blond. Pausing in the effort of pulling on his jacket he sighed, realizing something he moved gingerly over to the blond,staring down at him for a moment, even if even sitting seifer was almsot as tall as him."I'm sending a doctor over. You're going to let her see to you, because if you fuss to much, you're delaying my much needed care, which is going to make me grouchy. Goodbye."He said before turning away heading for the door. Abrupt and to the point, no one could ever accuse Squall of wasting words.

"I'm not riding that damned bike.I'll walk."Squall said heading-slowly-down the sidewalk, but to stubborn to admit he was in no shape to walk home, even if the mansion was only a few blocks away. Ignoring the cowboy hovering, he was going to push himself just to prove that he could do it. Growing up alone had taught him to take care of himself, but it also had made him totally incapable of asking for help when he needed it.
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