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SAS: Zombie Assault 3


Sep 24, 2012
Canada, eh?

This game kicks ass. It's got a 4 man multiplayer mode with 3 different game types.

Onslaught: Survive a set number of waves with your squad.

Purge: Destroy zombie spawn locations before you're overrun by the hordes of undead.

Apocalypse: Old school survival. Death is inevitable, how many of them will you take with you?

If anyone plays already, or starts playing, let me know so we can run private matches together.

I'm a Platoon Commander (Rank 19). Usually I do pretty good, and can carry a squad far. I normally carry my Vector SMG, a SPAS-12 shotgun, and my Desert Eagle, but I also have my AK47 if shit gets rough and the Vector won't due. But I'm normally found lugging that SPAS around, cutting mobs at a time down. I love that shotgun.

This is a great game that doesn't take too much time or energy. It's straight up, old school arcade style blood bath action. =)

What's not to love?
BTW, I forgot to mention, my Handle is OwenThorne.

The results of my last Apocalypse run:

Our 4th Squad member bailed out when the shit hit the fan. He was only a lvl 1, so it's to be expected.

But as you can see, I was with a lvl 6 & lvl 3, and I carried those boys through hell & back, racking up 1700 kills of my own. One of them died 9 fucking times, but he got a beefy 700 kills, and the lvl 3 (he was a trooper) only died 6 times, and got just shy of 400 kills, but he was workin' with a gloc & an M1 Garand, so you can't judge him. He did very well for himself, just staying alive.

I died once, and he held it down while I came back. By the time the run had ended, my radar was a blob of red dots. The map was packed wall-to-wall with corpses. Lugging that SPAS around lowers your speed, so I went down for the second time, ending the round. But buy & large, it was a good run. I could have protected them more, and taken them further, but I was focused on my own exp, as I want a new SMG and need 6 more lvls before the next one unlocks. So I protected them at first, held it down, but when the shit got heavy & Unknown PWND bailed on us, I pulled out the SPAS and went lone wolf on 'em.
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