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Night Riders

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Name:Jack, Kasey, Jasper, Akane, Cameron
Location:Groups Van
Tagging:Miley, Johnny, Tundra, Lexi, Valla

Jack drove the van into the building and parked it before shutting off the engine and getting out of the driver's seat. Kasey then got out of the passenger's seat and Jack opened the side doors of the van to let everyone else out. "Jasper put a shirt on" ,he stated before Jasper got out of the van. Jack and the rest of the crew were used to Jasper walking around shirtless but they were now around people they didn't know and it wouldn't be right if Jasper just got out of the van half naked.

He looked around at everyone and waited for someone to instruct him further or introduce themselves to him, he wasn't much of a people person unless those people were the members in his team. Jack felt someone bump against him and turned to see Cameron looking at him, he knew the guy was nervous so he had Kasey take a hold of his hand while they waited to see what was going to happen next.

Name: Lexi
Location: Top of warehouse

"Sure i would love to team up with you some. What is the plans for tonight anyway you have any idea or is it just wait and see ?"


Name: TEAM FALCON (Travis ,Brandon, Ghost Peter,Brian)
Location: One towns away from Warehouse
Tagging: Matt
Brandon relayed the message to the others and Captain Travis thought about it all for a moment. "were kinda sitting ducks at night time without any nightvision equitment right now we have a clear vision of anything that comes at us personally i'd rather do as much traveling as is needed during the day time and then bunker down at night fall. Peter check the map and find out how far this Mall is from where
we currently are"

Peter pulled out the map and took a look at it "Well it's not that far off at all. "
Travis "OK here is the plan we check the mall out see if we can stock up on any supplies then we we decide if we want to wait till nightfall for these guys or not."

Ghost "Captain i am not second guessing your commands or anything but have you thought about weather or not we should even trust this person we could be sitting there waiting for a trap?"
Travis "Ghost i've thought of that too but like i said lets check out the mall see what's there and then decide what to do . We do still have a team member to find while we are out here to."

Name: miley Jones
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Johhny,Tundra


Name;Johnny brown
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Miley,Tundra
Miley jumped out of the van holding her bow her arrows on her back and holding a half empty water bottle. She took a look around but said nothing not sure on what she can do now. She next to Jasper taking in the whole place with her pretty brown eyes.

Johnny walked up and stood by Miley and took a look around the place as well. "looks like a good place for a doctor to be" he said to himself quitley.

Name:Jack, Kasey, Jasper, Akane, Cameron
Location:Groups Van
Tagging:Miley, Johnny, Tundra, Lexi, Valla

Jasper looked over at Miley and gave her a smile when she stood next to him his blue eyes looking over her body as she stood there Akane just sighed and shook his head noticing the look in his brother's eyes. Jack stepped to the blonde woman and extended his hand, "I'm Jack, and this is Kasey, Jasper, Akane, and the nervous one's name is Cameron first off I'd like to thank you for letting us in here and whatever you need us to do we'll be more then happy to help out, I'm damn good with almost any kind of weapon as is Kasey, she's a former cop and was in the service as well so she's a great asset to have on your side, Jasper and Akane are still learning to fight and could use more training, Cameron as you can see isn't much of a fighter and he needs a lot of work" ,Jack told the woman right off the bat. He was straight forward and honest there was no reason to lie to her at all and he figured she had a right to know exactly who she had just let into the building.

Name: miley Jones
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Johhny,Tundra


Name;Johnny brown
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Miley,Tundra
Miley did not miss Jaspers smile or where his went as she stood next to him. She returned the smile and looked him over as well and said "want to talk later Jasper let me know". she turned her head to the blonde woman and said "my name is Miley and i can use this bow and my aim is very deadly so iam a fighter as well ".

Johnny grunted when Miley flirted with Jasper but said nothing instead his eyes went to the pretty blonde woman . "The name is Johnny and iam a doctor not much of a fighter but i make up for that in my medic skills". He hoped she was looking for a medic for her group and not just all fighters or he would be useless like cameron and he could live with that but then again he would feel like he was nothing more then a burden for the group that had stacked out this warehouse.

Name: Tundra
Location: Top of warehouse
Tagging: Lexi

Tundra leaned her head slightly as she thought on it for the moment. Matt normally planed things. Well him and Savhin anyway. She then looked over at Lexi. "I think it's kind of a wait and see know. I'm sure we will get an update just before we have to head out though." She told her.


Name: Matt
Location: Block away from warehouse
Tagging: Falcon Team

Matt didn't really expect a reply from them, but he still waited just incase they might decide to contact him again or not while he kept his eyes pealed ahead of him for any more movement. Night was still a good three to five hours away from what he knew anyway, and it was only going to feel that much longer while he turned the car off and waited the rest of the day out there.


Name: Valla
Location: Warehouse
Tagging: Everyone

Valla just looked at Jack for a second, not saying anything as he spoke, or offered his hand out. She was more of the silent type with new people she didn't know, a habit of her own it seemed. He offered a soft smile though after a moment, but never took his hand when offered, only backed up some. "I'm only here to help you all get some what more settled in." She said then let her eyes look the others over.

"We welcome everyone here that isn't dead though. So, it's ok if some of you can't fight." She then said after a second of silence. "You might talk to Savhin though. I would recommend Matthew though, but he left just before you all came in. Either will do though, since they kind of started the place." She explained just before giving a small shy smile at them.

Name:Jack, Kasey, Jasper, Akane, Cameron
Location:Groups Van
Tagging:Miley, Johnny, Tundra, Lexi, Valla

Jack was a little taken aback when the woman didn't accept his hand and kind of felt disrespected by it but he didn't say anything and just lowered his hand and looked to Kasey then back to the blonde woman she hadn't even introduced herself but Jack figured she was somewhat helping them so he wasn't going to complain. Cameron looked at the woman and moved himself so that he was behind Kasey his eyes remained fixed on the blonde though curious about her and why she seemed like she didn't like them too much. "Kasey I don't think they want us here, we should go" ,he whispered as he tugged at her sleeve.

"Cameron shh" ,Kasey whispered back. She knew he was just nervous and he didn't need another breakdown, the group didn't need another breakdown from Cameron, not there anyway.

"Kasey" ,Cameron whined.

"Stop it Cameron they're helping us behave yourself" ,she whispered.

"So who is it we should talk to?" ,Jack asked. "Can you introduce me to them or are they busy at the moment"? His question was honest and his tone was kind he had no reason to be mean to anyone at the moment and he was trying to figure the place out as he stood there.

As Jack spoke to the woman and Cameron showed signs of another freak out Jasper gave Miley another smile after she mentioned talking later, "I'd love to talk to you later" ,he stated quietly in response to her.

Name: miley Jones
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Johhny,Tundra


Name;Johnny brown
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Miley,Tundra
Miley smirked and said "maybe we could get some drinks here too have not had any in while just water but if not water works good to". she tugged at her braid flirting more with Jasper. She even moved closer to the guy which got her some ugly looks from Johnny but she did not care at the moment it seems Jasper was all she could see at the moment.

Johnny looked at the blond woman and said "its okay you do not have to be scared what is your name anyway or should we call you the girl with blond hair". Johnny was trying to get the girl to come out of her shyness . He did not know much about the girl or her past but it seemed Cameron was not liking how the girl acted but then again that boy had issues too not sure how he could help them both but he wanted to. He let his gaze look over to Kasey a girl who knew how to handle herself and on top of that keep cameron in checked. He liked a woman like that but he had to admit this blond girl was cute too and miley was too but he knew no future could come from miley so he was moving on finding a girl who would settle down so to speak . He knew cause of the Zombies having kids and trying to have a family would be risky but the way he saw it was all worth the risk.

Name: Valla, Savhin
Location: Warehouse
Tagging: Everyone

Valla gave a nod to Jack, her hands behind her back for the most part, one coming up to her ear where a ear peace was it, hidden under her hair. She changed the channel after turning it on before speaking into it. "Sav. We have guests, and they want to talk with you." She spoke and waited for a response before she turned it off again and gave them a smile as she looked over to some of the other guys that had helped keep the path clear for them as they put things away, cleaning there guns and such like that, a few already heading on up to the other levels.

She looked over at Johnny though when he asked for her name. Her eyes moved to the ground for a second before they moved back up to him as she slid her hand back behind her back again. "Valla." She told him offering a small smile to him.

Savhin took his leave from the room he'd been in with a few others, know planning for the most part would have to wait until later when orders would come to them, or unless Matt stopped back at the warehouse first to set up some plans. It didn't take him to long to get there though as he showed up, finding Valla then looking over at the others there. He knew how shy she could be at first, and so he didn't bother to much with offering much small talk to her to risk putting her in a light like Matt probably would have.

His smile was welcoming as he looked them all over for a second. "So, questions?" He asked, not to sure if there was any questions they would have or not. In a way he felt as if he was on a tour or some school teacher with the question he'd just given them.

Name: TEAM FALCON (Travis ,Brandon, Ghost Peter,Brian)
Location: One towns away from Warehouse
Tagging: Matt
Travis gave the order to his men "Ok boys lets move out we will radio again once we get to the mall ." They began moving forward up the road deep into the next town they were now less then a full towns distance away from the man they had talked to on the radio though they did not know exactly where he was at this point in time either.

Ghost "Right up in front of us is that the place?" He asked looking at Peter who responded as he ruffled through his map "Yes sir that's the mall just up ahead. "
they continued forward keeping a eye on all around them so far everything had remained fairly clear.
Travis "let's use caution going inside""we have no clue what's in there Ghost you take point and lead us in " Travis continued.

Ghost "Yes sir" He replied while moving to the front of the men with his gun now pointed out in front of himself he slowly opened the door and made his way inside quickly checking each direction. luckily this section of the mall lead directly into a wide open space
"There is one over there but he seems to be unaware of us i say we keep it that way " the zombie he spotted was on the opposite side and was a good distance from them so as long as they moved quickly and silently it wouldn't be much of a problem.
Travis "Move into that store front over there and lets go on the radio again in a few min once we know the store front is secure. "
they moved into the store and checked it over it was empty they managed to pull down the metal gate to the store to keep anything from getting in and moved towards the back of the store out of site. Travis "ok make the call"
Brandon "Yes sir" he said as he got the radio working again

"This is falcon team are you still there we have made it to the mall. It's not exactly empty here but we got ourselves in a safe spot we will have a look around for equipment and then radio back again for a status check. is everything ok still on your end?"

Name:Jack, Kasey, Jasper, Akane, Cameron
Location:Groups Van
Tagging:Miley, Johnny, Tundra, Lexi, Valla

When the man came out Jack looked to him, "Yeah just wondering what is this place? You seem like you've got a pretty good set up here" ,Jack stated. He took another look around and then put his focus back onto the man before him, "If there's anything we can do let me know we don't have much to give honestly mainly we've just been surviving out there" ,Jack continued. The man usually didn't talk this much but he figured right now was a good time to try and at least get to know the people who ran the place and get on good terms with them.

As soon as Cameron seen the man he ducked down even more behind Kasey which looked kind of funny considering he was a bit taller then her. "Kasey can I go sit in the van?" ,Cameron whispered into her ear.

"No stop acting like a kid Cameron you're a grown man" ,she hissed back then turned to look at the man Jack was talking to.

When Miley moved closer to Jasper he smiled again, "I don't care what I'm drinking as long as I get some time with you" ,he stated in response. The guy was a huge flirt and he never stayed with one woman for too long and he had a feeling Miley wasn't exactly the type to want to settle down either so he figured having a little fun wouldn't hurt anyone.

Name: miley Jones
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Johhny,Tundra


Name;Johnny brown
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Miley,Tundra
Miley grinned from ear to ear at what Jasper said to her. she tugged on her braid and pushed back a strand of her bangs out of her eyes in a flirty manner. She then turned to the man asking the questions and said "well if we all can stay here iam sure we all will prove useful in some way or anther but is there by chance Me and Jasper could get some time alone ".

Johnny knew what was going to happen to Jasper and Miley and from the way the two hit off he hoped the guy could handle the fact she would turn and move on soon after sleeping with him. Johnny then turned to Savhin and said "hey Savhin do you need a doctor in the house if so mind telling me where i can set up shop i do not have much of supples with me but if you got some i sure can make do whit what you have or come up with a way of making supples. "

Name: Matt
Location: Block away from warehouse
Tagging: Falcon Team

Matt gave a sigh when they came back on the radio. Oddly enough he wasn't to sure if they would have made it out there or not in once piece to start with when he judged there signal on the radio before. Would have made for a nice long walk as far as he figured. None the less, there where alive, and if bitten, he didn't exact know of that status just yet. "Still here. Just hold out for a few more hours. Come sun down i'll be getting a team together to head out there." He told them, eyes still never straying from in front of him. His face almost looking as he was bored, and just expecting a zombie yo walk in front of him already to at least give him something to do for the little while.


Name: Shade Tundra Valla
Location: Mall
Tagging: Falcon Team

I perked after a while, having caught myself on the verge of almost passing out. My eyes moved to the gate in front of the gun supply store I was in, another level up from the ground floor. They just didn't seem to make it easy for her with a group still trying to get in. To bad they just couldn't ever learn already that they wouldn't be able to unless they knew how to break a lock or at least move things enough to work with one. I wasn't exactly what one would call a fan of guns, but still knew how to use them anyway. Just didn't see the point though of having to shoot to draw more. Wasn't enough ammo in one store to even start with it.


Name: Valla, Savhin
Location: Warehouse
Tagging: Everyone

Savhin gave a nod as he looked at Jack, his eyes only glancing over at the others for a moment, more or less not paying much attention since they seemed to be on there own track of mind anyway for the moment. He figured they would get caught back up to speed again though later from this guy he was already talking to. "This, it's a warehouse. Well, more or less. You know, blend with the outside world. Place has been here before the start of this mishap with the dead. Well set up. Plenty of rooms still not even being used, much to do even for those who don't fight, and those who do." He explained rather slightly, since it wasn't exactly something easy to just up and explain the place. Was more or less something you had to see and learn the feel over over time.

"Help would be nice. I know we where planning on going on a raid in a few hours though. Still waiting to here back from one other person before we can set anything really up. If you would like to tag along for that." Savhin said with calming smile.

Savhin then looked over to the girl. He didn't say anything at first but then gave he an answer. "If you can deal with the climb then you two can do whatever. Last few floors, other then the top are all rooms. Any that is open, or doesn't have anything on the doors. Those are still empty rooms." He told her. He looked over at Valla who was still waiting there silent, as if trying to blend in for the moment.

"Guess that would be me huh?" Valla said, almost with a sigh, mostly to the fact she could handle a group to a point, but just one person made it only slightly harder on her. "Alright, Um... I can show you some of the supplies we have around here." Valla spoke a bit soft at first, but then managed to get her voice a little more up as she looked at Johnny

Name: TEAM FALCON (Travis ,Brandon, Ghost Peter,Brian)
Location: One towns away from Warehouse
Tagging: Matt /any

"Copy that, we are holding tight . over and out" Brandon replied. "You got that all right captain"

Travis " Yeah i got it copy that let's see what we can do in this place shall we , looks like we will be hanging tight in here for a bit so mind as well recon the place while we can." the others nodded in agreement with there commander. "it didn't look like we had a lot of hostiles in this place just the one over there" he said as he pointed in the direction that they had seen the zombie in. so lets move silently and try not to draw any attention to ourselves. i saw a sign for a sporting goods store a little further in maybe we can find some hunting equipment especially silent weapons like bows to deal with the targets in the mall without making enough noise to draw the attention of others. then we can look around and see if we can find any other supplies in this mall. "

They began toward the exit of the store they were in and began moving towards the sporting goods store. Once inside they found a few bows and arrows which they took with them as well as some large hunting duffel bags .

Peter " Captain i got a pair of night vision binoculars over here that should help us out after dark just letting you know"

Travis "Good work kid that will do us good to have"

Ghost " Maybe you should give those to someone with a bit more experience kid" he said to Peter

Travis " Now is not the time lets move out and see what else we have available to us in this place." they continued to look around.

Name: miley Jones
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Jasper


Name;Johnny brown
Location:in an abandon building
Tagging :Valla

Miley smiled and said "alright then a climb sound like fun ". she turned to Jasper and said "come on lets go exploring and get ourselfs some good excersie while we are at it".

Johnny gave the girl a smile and said "yes that would be nice lead the way Valla". he knew the girl did not seem to like being around a crowd by the way she was trying to blend in with the background .

Name: Valla
Location: Warehouse
Tagging: Johnny

Valla smiled slightly with a faint nod. "Follow me." Was all she really had to say at the moment as she started walking, heading a bit more down, for the level just below them. She didn't really look around her as she moved, clear she new the place well enough without even having to think much about it. The only looking she did was to look back and see if he following or not. She stopped though once she reached where she wanted to be, holding a hand out in front of her in a pointing manner at the section of all the medical supplies. It didn't seem like much while it sat next to all the guns and ammo. Or well, close enough to all of it. But there was enough for a small hospital to work with if needed.


Name: Shade Tundra Valla
Location: Mall
Tagging: Falcon Team

I glanced around only for a second as i finally got to my feet. Wasn't to much to look at other then what guns and ammo there was around the small little shop. It'd been raided well enough that it left only enough if somebody managed to get stranded there. My luck really. I didn't think there was anyone else alive in the place, let alone out there. It was clear though i could use the sleep, but then again in a way i ran only that much better with little to no sleep at times.

Moving to my feet i found a shotgun, loading it as i glanced back over at the gate the was well blocked for the most part. I planned on clearing that out soon as i needed a little more of a settling environment to work with, less dead watching me if i did pass out by any chance. Once the gun was loaded i turned as i moved to sit on the counter and took aim, "Alright guys, let's here you hit the floor shall we." I said, as if they might be able to answer, but knowing they couldn't if they where dead.

I hesitated only for a second on any off chance one might answer. Clearly loosing my mind just thinking one would. With a steady breath i started shooting, letting each one fall to the floor one at a time, the gun fire ringing out through the hole place, only to stop after a moment so i could reload.
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