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Monsters Of Rock

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Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani stopped in front of the bus as he looked at Ricky. He saw him on the driver seat and yelling at him if he is coming or not. Dani was very tired and it would be good for him to not drive at least for now. Dani heard Ricky asking him if maybe he can go with Cameron and Lexi and rest there, he smiled wanting to be with Cameron a little longer and he would love to stay wih him in their car. But he didnt knew if Cameron will want this, he knew that they are best friends and he probably will lke Dani to be with him, he had to ask him first, but he didnt want an answer that he didnt liked so he just shouted out at Ricky "Umm.. Ricky go without me I will be with Cameron and Lexi" He said and turned to Cameron with a smile "You dont mind me staying with you right?" He asked feeling stupid, he didnt want to bother Lexi and Cameron, but he didnt want to rest in the bus, cuz there was always shouting from Ricky and Kevin and he wasnt going to rest there properly. Dani looked at the bus seeing that Ricky closed the doors and starting it "We should get going" He said smiling at Cameron.

Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone

"Of Course I don't mind I know you'll probably get more rest in the car with me and Lexi then you would on that bus with Kevin in the mood he's in" ,Cameron stated in response to Dani. "Plus Lexi bought a bunch of snacks and stuff so we'll be fed too" ,he continued with a smile and a small laugh. Cameron then motioned for Dani to follow him and led the way to Lexi's car and got inside.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani smiled as he heard that Cameron didnt mind him staying with Lexi and Cameron. He really enjoyed Cameron's company, but he didnt knew how long it will be till he says what he feels about him. He is a really nice guy and Dani likes him a lot, but doesnt have the guts to tell him how he feels and mainly cuz he doesnt want anyone to know that he is gay "Thanks. I really dont want to bother you guys... But I really appreciate it" He said to him and saw Cameron motioning to him to follow Cameron. Dani followed him to the car and waited for Cameron to enter the car first. When he was inside he sat next to Cameron and glanced at him before glnacing at Lexi "Hey Lexi I will be riding with you today" He said and leaned his back on the back of the seat and leaned his head a swell, feeling his eyes closing, but he was still awake for now.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin just continued to sit quietly, watching Ricky move to the driver's seat as he called out to Dani. She could sense that Dani was missing his best friend and was tired. The poor guy had been driving a good part of the day as well as the night and now into the wee hours of the morning. He needed his rest and he needed his 'friend time' to help him unwind and relax. He certainly wouldn't get that in the tour vehicle. Biting down on her lip, she slowly slid from her seat and moved toward the front. "If you want, I can drive a little. I haven't been drinking and Dani needs his rest," she said, her voice very soft. "I don't mind." She paused then. "Besides, it'll give the rest of you," she glanced back at everyone for a brief moment. "A chance to let loose a bit more before we get to town." Her fingers continued to rub her amulet as it burned her skin with its freezing cold sizzle.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
He began to rev the engine when Dani told him to go on without him "Oh buddy have fun and get some rest" he said as he closed the door and revved the engine again. As Erin mentioned she hadn't drank and that she didn't mind driving he looked over at her "Well i haven't drank all that much but a rest myself would be nice tell ya what ya wanna drive it's all your but do me a favor wake me up in a little bit so we can switch off and you can get some rest to ok?" He had pretty much done his fair share of party stuff for the time being besides he preferred to really party AFTER gigs both supernatural and musical were done. He loved to drink but he also liked being sober for shows and fights a little bit more then he liked to drink .

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin nodded and smiled. "I don't mind and thanks," she said. "I'll let you know when I need a break." She knew Ricky hadn't had much to drink, but she figured it best to let the little bit he had wear off a bit more before he drove since she hadn't had anything. Plus it would give him a chance to rest a little before taking on some of the driving, which would be helpful for him. Fortunately for her, she'd managed a small nap earlier on in the evening, so she didn't mind taking some time behind the wheel for a while to help everyone out. Also, she wasn't much of a partier, so it was an excuse to have some quiet time and not feel so out of place even though no one tried to make her feel that way, something she was grateful for... she just always did given her shy nature.

Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone


Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Kevin, Anyone

When Lexi got out to the car she noticed Dani was there and gave him a smile, "I don't mind the extra company and it beats being on that bus with Kevin so welcome to the quiet vehicle Dani" ,Lexi stated in response. Cameron snickered a little bit at Lexi's comment then looked over to Dani, "Get some rest buddy Lexi's a great driver so you can rest easy" ,he told him with a smile.

Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board
Tagging:Lexi, Everyone


Name: Adam Richardson
Attire:Black loose fitting jeans, black button up dress shirt, Leather jacket, Black boots
Location:Band's Vehicle
Weapons:Hunting knife, ninja stars, spiked brass knuckles

Kevin watched as Erin went to drive then downed the rest of his beer before looking at Adam, "So what about the driver eh? Don't tell me you wouldn't do her" ,Kevin stated. He thought he was being quiet but he was definitely loud enough for damn near everyone to hear him, being intoxicated made him less aware of the volume of his voice therefor what he thought was a whisper ended up being normal volume to anyone else.

"Kevin, stop it go take a shower or something you're covered in dirt from when Lexi kicked your ass" ,Adam hissed in response.

"Oh please I let her win I don't hit girls....anywhere above the waist" ,Kevin stated in response.

"Kevin go take a shower" ,Adam stated simply in response.

"Pfft fine don't answer my question then" ,Kevin stated throwing his hands up before standing and walking back to take a shower. When he was finished he dried off then wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way out of the small shower and sat down after grabbing another beer out of the fridge. "There Adam you happy now we'll have to refill the tank next time we stop" ,he stated before cracking the beer open and taking a large sip of it.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Lexi's van
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani heard talking to him and he half open his eyes and looked at her and schuckled hearing what she said "Well its not that bad in the bus... But yeah I can use some quiet." He said with the smile. Dani glanced at Cameron as he heard him as well "Ok... Wake me up if something happen" He said to Cameron and then he leaned his head back again and closed his eyes. He release a loud yawn and then in few secounds he fell a sleep very easily. He was very tired so he few a sleep in few secounds and it usually takes him a lot more to fell a sleep. Dani could hear the car driving, but he didnt woke up at all, Lexi was a pretty good driver. While Dani was sleeping his head accidently fell on Cameron's shoulder and Dani felt how soft his friend's skin was. Unknowing of his avctions he placed his hand on Cameron's chest and moved closer in his sleep using his friend as a pillow.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Faith looked down the road and thought come on guys get here already this girl is gonna die if you dont. she turned back to the girl and got down close to her and saw that she had a very swollen arm and when she touched the girl cried out in pain. "must be broken not bad but broken iam going to make a sling for that arm". Faith got up and opened a bag where she had extra shirts and ripped an old black one up that used to have a white tiger on it but was very fadded. She found a stick near by and put the arm in a very interesting looking sling not perfect but it will do.

Lilly watched her and when her arm was put in the sling and close to her body she knew the bones where close to mending and this would help to sped up the process but she did not mention that to the human. She did not know the girls name but something about her told her she also had a deep secert what it was she did not quite know. She manged to sit up and look faith in the eyes and anther rush of her blood hit her but she fought back the urge to bite faith right then and there. "what is your name girl mine is Lilly". her wounds still look bad but some of them had closed up and rest were still open so when she sat up fresh blood poured out of her.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

As Erin drove, she heard everything Kevin said. Her eyes went wide as she focused on the road and her cheeks began to burn. She had all she could do to not run and hide, but given her predicament--driving the band's tour vehicle--she had no choice but to stay put. Biting down on her lip, her eyes fixed on the road before her, she just kept quiet and acted like she didn't hear anything. She was grateful her back was facing the guys in the back... so grateful.

Erin heard Adam scold Kevin and then heard Kevin leave to go take a shower and so she just continued to drive. When Kevin was done, she instantly knew, the guy wasn't exactly quiet about his entrance. But then... that was Kevin...

Time passed a little and Erin kept mainly to herself. Suddenly, she noticed a shadow up ahead and the amulet she wore continued to blaze in all its freezing glory just as it had been for the past hour or so. Turning her head slightly, she called back to anyone who would listen. "I think I see Faith and her bike up ahead. Looks like she's stopped for some reason. I'm going to pull over once we get closer."

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band

As the vehicle came to a stop Ricky had been sleeping and wasn't exactly in a good position and with the bumpy stop of pulling off the road caused him to slide to the floor with a thud "What the fuck was that hey what's going on up there" Ricky mumbled as he got up and stumbled his way to the front taking a peak out the window he seen that faith was in front of them with someone else "who's that?" he asked looking over at Erin "I slept through a lot didn't i ? " he said with a laugh he went to climb out of the Vehicle but stumbled almost into the bushes on the side of the road "Oh damn i'm not awake enough for this" he mumbled to himself as he walked over towards Faith "what we got here Faith ? need some help?" he asked seeing blood on this other person he was wondering what happened if there had been a wreck or what but he decided asking if they needed help would be enough questions for the moment better to find out what needs to be done before worrying about what had happened.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Faith looked over at Ricky and said "do not know who she is or why she is like this all i know is she said too many of them i failed i was too weak not sure who she was fighting with but she is kinda out of it so not sure what more we are gonna get out of her till she is better". Faith went to touch the girl and flinched back a bit . "hey its alright just want to see the wounds okay"? When faith tried again lilly let her open the coat to see some where shallow cuts but she had bruises all over and some were deep wounds. "wow what a mess you are" faith said to the sight of the girls body.

Lilly looked over at Ricky and watched faith talk to him with out saying a word. when faith tried to touch her again she flinched cause of the strong human smell not only was there two of them making it stronger but now the girl was getting close again. She manged to hold back and let the girl look and she even looked herself and thought 'wow this is going to take a bit to heal". she felt stronger but still to weak to stand up so she just sat there a bit then said "yes many of them but its the two leaders who are the strongest one male and one female rest are males there was ten of them of against me normally i can hold my own but when the leaders fight together against you its tough ". she went quite again and even closed her eyes.

Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone


Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Kevin, Anyone


Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board
Tagging:Lexi, Everyone


Name: Adam Richardson
Attire:Black loose fitting jeans, black button up dress shirt, Leather jacket, Black boots
Location:Band's Vehicle
Weapons:Hunting knife, ninja stars, spiked brass knuckles

When Dani fell asleep then leaned onto Cameron and placed his hand on his chest Cameron smiled then just leaned more into Dani, cuddling with him. The only person that really knew that Cameron was bi was Lexi and when she looked back and seen the two she smiled a bit and kept driving. Cameron eventually got so comfortable that he himself fell asleep with Dani and when Lexi stopped the car he hadn't even realized it.

Lexi decided it be best to just let the boys sleep after she pulled over near the bus, "What's going on mate?" ,she asked Ricky as she walked up to him.

When Adam got off the bus he made his way over to Faith and the other woman, "Alright she seems stable but she can't lay here I have no clue how far the next hospital is and none of us could get a signal on our cell phones out here if we tried, we'll need to get her laying down after I bandage up these cuts" ,he stated. It was probably the most he had talked all trip but when it came to medical stuff and helping people Adam spoke up to let everyone know what needed to be done.

Kevin just stood there and watched and listened for once he held the towel around his waist so that it didn't fall off while they were standing there. "Who fucked her up?" ,he asked curiously.

"Kevin do you have to be so vulgar?" ,Lexi asked quietly.

Kevin didn't argue with her this time knowing that the situation was pretty serious, "So what should we do?" ,Kevin asked looking around at everyone.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: On a remote road to town just outside the tour vehicle.
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin got off the tour vehicle and walked over to where everyone was gathering together about the woman who seemed to be injured along the side of the road. She bit down on her lip as she watched everyone, her fingers vigorously rubbing the amulet as it froze even more against her skin. 'Odd', she thought to herself as she peered out into the darkness, her eyes searching for anything undead that might be lurking, skulking... watching. They were near. She could feel it, sense it. Her body was shaking as she shivered. Finally, she let go of her amulet and wrapped her arms about her body as she trembled as if the air had suddenly dropped ten degrees.

"I can set up some of the seats on the bus and make it into a sort of bed for her," Erin offered, her voice soft. "That should work for now. Maybe when she's better we can ask her some questions about who did this to her." She rubbed her hands over her arms and began to step backwards back toward the bus, smiling just a little, though her expression showed worry.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Lexi's van
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani was sleeping so nice, like a baby that he couldnt be woke up easily. He felt someone moving closer to him and snuggling with him, he smiled in his sleep knowing that it was Cameron. Dani wrapped the arm that was on Cameron's chest around his stomach while he was still sleeping, if he could be awake to see whats going on, but he still knew how things were even in his sleep, but not compleatly.

While he was sleeping close very close to Cameron, he felt something different, but he was too comfortable to wake up and he didnt want to wake up, this was the only moment that he was so close to Cameron and he didnt want to wake u and ruine everything, maybe this will be the only chance that he has to be so close to his best friend and he didnt want this moment to end. But eventually he woke up. Dani opened his eyes slowly and started wincing, his vision was blurry at first, but then he could see normal. Dani released a loud yawn and looked around, his head was still on Cameeron's shoulder and he moaned and snuggled closer to him, he was feeling greatfeeeling the warmth betwen the raising. Dani looked at Cameron's seeing that he was sleeping as well. Dani didnt want to wake him up so he didnt and was going to fall a sleep again, but he noticed that Lexi wasnt in the car and the car had stopped, he looked outside the window and noticed that the group had gathered in one place. He wondered what's going on and then he noticed the girl that was on the ground, she looked pretty hurt and she needed help. Dani didnt want to wake Cameron, but they had to go and see what's going on. Dani started pushing gently Cameron, but was still very close to him, not wanting to move away "Cameron wake up... Cmaeron" He said in Cameron's ear "Something's going on outside" He said with his head leaned on his shoulder and his mouth very close to his ear.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
"Still not fully sure yet " Ricky responded as the manager had asked what was going on. When it was suggested to set up a bed like spot for her Ricky quickly replied "Yes lets get her up and on board careful with her though don't want to do anymore damage to her. Adam Your on duty to help out any way you can and stay close to her in case your needed. , Once she is on board other then adam i want everyone else out here we need to have a talk."

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: On a remote road to town just outside the tour vehicle.
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin nodded silently and then turned around and headed back to the bus so that she could set up a bed of sorts for the injured girl. As she walked back, she had an uneasy feeling. Something was off... but she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. She figured it more than likely had to do with whoever or whatever had injured and left the girl they'd all just found and left her in the state she was in. From the way her amulet felt and her sense were firing... they were close. Very close.

Once inside the vehicle, Erin began pulling out blankets and pillows and then leaning back seats so that they'd have a bed ready for the girl. It wasn't the best nor would it be the most comfortable. But it would do until they got her some place better and safer.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Faith looked over at everyone and said "alright lilly we are going to help you out okay". The look on the girls face after she said that bugged faith some how. Faith could not put a finger on it but something about lilly just seemed to rub faith in a wrong way . Faith let it go for now after all the girl looked pretty bad and if she did not get help she would die soon.

Lilly looked around at all of the others and said "no just go now before they come back cause they will its best to leave and let me deal with them i can handle it i think". Lilly fought back the urge to get up and bite anyone of this people . she held back and felt herself get stronger so she tried standing up but fell over as soon as she stood causing some blood to come out.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
Ricky looked over at Erin "How ya feeling ya need a rest at all if ya do i can take over driving if ya need me to . If not thats fine to. i just don't think i'll be doing to much more sleeping at the moment if any . " he then looked around to make sure it was only the band that was close enough to be heard by him " So what do you think happened, Supernatural or mortal issues for her. cuz if its on the supernatural end i think we need to keep our wits about us even more then before. " he stoped and thought for a moment "not to say if it was thugs or something that we shouldnt still be concerned but just in a different way i suppose."

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Faith got close to Ricky and said "something tells me its not thugs and that girl too is just not right something about her rubs me the wrong way but i have no idea what it is". Faith watched as lilly with the help of the others get onto the bus dripping blood along the way . She turned back to Ricky and said "she did mention something about two leaders being stronger then she thought and took her by surprise that tells me its got to be vampires or something unless she is weaker then i thought and tried to take on a bunch of thugs ".

Lilly made it onto the bus and laid down on the make shift bed and took a look around. "you guys are putting yourself in danger great danger now do you understand its best you leave now ". she starting caughing real bad. she put her hand to her mouth but no blood came out like before and she knew the bleeding on the inside stopped. She also knew the brusing was lighter and the bleeding as also getting better. she knew soon she would bounce back but if she did too soon they would know her dark secrete.

Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone


Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Kevin, Anyone


Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board
Tagging:Lexi, Everyone


Name: Adam Richardson
Attire:Black loose fitting jeans, black button up dress shirt, Leather jacket, Black boots
Location:Band's Vehicle
Weapons:Hunting knife, ninja stars, spiked brass knuckles

Cameron woke up as soon as Dani had woke him up when he said something was going on outside Cameron looked out the window of Lexi's car and seen the rest of the group carrying what appeared to be an injured woman onto the bus. "Come on Dani let's get out and see what's going on" ,Cameron stated before getting out of the car. When out he made his way over to Lexi and the rest of the group, "What's going on Lexi?" ,he asked quietly. He then listened as Ricky spoke and soon realized what was going on and fell silent so he could listen to everyone speak.

"Someone fucked that girl up and by the marks I noticed on her it wasn't human" ,Kevin stated. Even though the man was drunk he still knew what was going on and was observant, he knew when to play around and when to be serious no matter how drunk he may get. "Well I guess it's time for me to eat and drink some caffeine looks like we're gonna be doing some hunting" ,Kevin continued before making his way back onto the bus.

When Ricky asked Erin if she needed a break Adam walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Maybe you should take a rest if things are close we need you to focus on that amulet and let us know when anything changes" ,Adam told her. "Come on let's get you comfortable and I'll make you something to eat and get you something to drink as well" ,he continued.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Band's tour vehicle.
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone; Ricky, Adam.

Erin turned to face Ricky when he asked her if she was all right and gave him a nod. Though her amulet was freezing and she was beginning to feel its wear not to mention just the weariness from the day of travel. Her muscles were starting ache and a dull throb was starting to niggle her temples, but she wouldn't complain about that. She wasn't the sort. Suddenly, Adam approached and touched her shoulder causing her to glance back at him. Her eyes found his for a moment and she nodded once again, her cheeks tingeing pink.

"All right, Ricky," Erin finally said handing over the keys. "Here you go. Thanks." She gave Ricky a smile as she handed him the keys, her fingers going back to her amulet once she did. She then turned back toward Adam and moved to go sit down, smoothing out her skirt as she did. "And thank you," she then said softly to Adam, giving him a smile, her hand almost squeezing her amulet now as it froze. "I appreciate it." She then brought her legs up onto the seat and almost curled up on it.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
For sure they were not sent hunting for whatever caused all the damage on this girl and yet it seemed like it may become something they may have to deal with none the less. and that was something that bothered Ricky to the core. He was thinking about it as he was handed the keys and he did a bit of a double take just moments before it had seemed she was going to say no to him taking over that she was feeling fine and then after she had been talked to her mind changed he noticed her paying a LOT of attention to her amulet and figured that was what the main problem was. He made his way back up onto the bus "ALL ABOARD !!!! " he yelled out the door just before climbing into the driver seat. He grabbed the radio "you guys ready to get moving over there?" he said not sure if they were in there vehicle yet or not. He took a moment to look back seeing the stranger in there bus laying there didn't make things feel anymore at ease for him. Now wasn't the time but sooner then later she was going to have to be fully questioned about what happened to her, regardless her story Ricky was sure it wasn't going to be one he really liked the outcome to.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
once lilly was on the bus Faith let it go what was bugging her so she got back on her bike. she will sort out her thoughts later and get to the bottom of Lilly and if that girl turned out to be bad news she will kill her herself. She started up the bike and watched the bus for a mintue for she took off down the road for she needed time to think and deicded the bus will only catch up again.

Lilly watched as Ricky went to the bus and started it up and asking if everyone was on bored. She wanted to scream at them telling them to leave her behind and go cause she was feeling the hunger rise up but fought it back. she laid back down on the bed again for keeping away was wearing her down so she decided to let her body do some more healing and closed her eyes and took a short cat nap.
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