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Monsters Of Rock

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Dec 31, 2011
Northeast USA (New England area)
Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band

Ricky Rocket was glad to be on the road again. The band scene may only be part of the job, a job that hid the real reason the band would come to town but for him it was a way of life. He loved the feeling of being on stage and as he sat back on the way to this town he was thinking about getting up on the stage more then the monster hunt that would follow. It was his way of doing things relaxing and focusing was key for Ricky and it got him in what he referred to as THE ZONE. He sat in his seat thinking about his past, his parents the night he almost died. He craved the stage it made all of that fade just a little bit for him. The crowds the noise the ability to just be himself it was soo important to him. The people back at HQ didn't understand it and had been against the very idea of taking a perfectly good squad and putting them out on a HEAVY METAL circuit. He fought then tooth and nail on it though and they knew it was either let them do it or loose the best men (including the ladies in the group when i say men) that they had to fight of the evil of the world.

His mic. sat beside him in a special case , he hadn't really needed the case it was just something extra to carry that made it even more bulky then it needed to be but it looked cool at the time when he bought it.

He had a metal magazine on the table in front of him and a crossword puzzle in his hand . The ride had gotten quite a while back each band member surely going through there own heads about the night to come and the trouble it could bring each going through there own preparations mentally to deal with the things they dealt with. But the silence was deafening to Ricky and it was driving him up a wall.
"So guys you ready to rock or what!!!!" Ricky yelled out breaking the silence. and pounding his hand down on the table in front of him, Picking up a beer off the table and taking a nice big sip killing off the last of the drink.

"Hey Dani you keep us alive till we get there ok pal. " He continued as he yelled up to Dani who was taking his turn driving. He liked to mess around with the younger band mate. looking to the others who sat close to him "Got to say he been doing a hell of a job with driving thus far we ain't dead yet so i sure as shit ain't gonna complain. "

looking out the window there wasn't much to see mostly just open fields "Where in the hell is this place anyway i feel like we are heading to meet up with the Children of the Fuckin' corn or some shit man. Alright i know none of us wants to put the thought to it but lets go over it one more time Whats the beast or burden that we have to deal with this evening let's get this conversation in the fuckin' bag so i can go back to thinking about the fuckin' gig man."

Ricky was a little on edge it had been about a month since they went to play a show and he was always edgy at the start of a tour , it's funny thinking of the word tour in his head because it had a double meaning when they went on tour as a band it was also pretty much a military style tour as well and it sometimes got the better of him thinking about it. But then he returned to thinking of the day his life was saved. and the Man who had got away. He was never caught the others in the group knew only a little bit about his past and for the moment he was content with that.

Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board

As Ricky spoke Kevin half listened like usual, he had a bottle of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other and he was walking around shirtless like usual despite the fact Lexi had told him he was getting fat and should keep his gut hidden. Lexi was in a seperate vehicle with a few of the others though so he didn't feel he had to do what the boss lady told him too, he was pretty much home while in the band's vehicle so he was going to make himself as comfortable as possible. He took a sip from his beer then a puff of his cigarette as he walked over and plopped down across from Ricky after he mentioned the children of the corn, "Shit if there's some creepy little fuckers like that out here I wouldn't be surprised, hell who knows if the people in this place are gonna like the music we you think they like sleep with their cousins and shit here and were coming to fight some Hills have Eyes type fuckers that live in caves and shit" ,Kevin let out a laugh. It was clear he was trying to make Ricky laugh and lighten up his mood knowing damn well the guy was stressed out.

Taking another sip from his bottle he stood up to look out the window to see if he could see Lexi's van anywhere near by he knew they were getting close to their destination and was wondering if Lexi was going to be late due to the little traffic stop that happened a few towns over. "I'll never be your beast of burden, My back is broad but it's a hurting, All I want is for you to make love to me, I'll never be your beast of burden, I've walked for miles my feet are hurting, All I want is for you to make love to me" ,he started singing. He wasn't no front man but he felt that with Ricky's comment about a beast of burden that the song fit at the moment.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani was driving the bus it was his turn and he was driving for a while now, maybe four or five hours, he wanted the others to rest for now so he was going to drive as much as possible, he didnt mind it though he could use the time thinking. Dani and the others band members were vampire hunters, he is here quz of the money cuz he wants to suport his poor family, with the father that left them it was only him, his mother and his two sister which he loved so much that he didnt want to see them hurt. Dani had a talent with the guitar and with long ranged weappons as well which made him perfect for the band. He usually doesnt like being around peoples, but this was different, those peoples were his friends and he cared for them very much, even if some jocked with him like Ricky, but this doesnt matter.

At first Dani was here only cuz they were paying very very well and he needed those money, but now things are different. He hates to admit it, but he has feelings for Cameron, his closest friend. He met him at the first day he entered the band and he was so sweet to him that he became best friends very fast, but Dani had a secret he was gay and his feelings for Cameron were very hard to hide now, he wanted more, but it may not be possible, cuz no one knows that he is gay... Dani sighed as he looked at the road and made a left turn... But he knew that eventualy his friends will find out and what will he do then.

Dani was a little confused at this moment and he was getting tired for driving such a long time when it is night. The road was very long, they will reach the city that they were heading at moarning or a little latter, but it wasnt that close and Dani was getting tired, he knew that he had to sleep early, cuz he knew that he was going to drive when it was late at night, but he didnt, well why not.

Dani turned his head when he heard Ricky talking to him, but his hands were still on the wheel "Sure Ricky. You know that I can drive" He said and turned his head around looking back at the road, he wasnt in the mood talking with Ricky right now knowing that he was only jocking when he spoke... Dani wondered where Cameron was, he couldnt see him near by, maybe he was somewhere in the back, he coud really use his company right now so he won't fell a sleep. Well it was hard for him when Cameron was around, with the feelings he had, making it so hard that he couldnt speak without looking away of Cameron's handsom face and good looking body... Why did he had to be like this. But what could he do life was like this.

Dani looked at the road seeing that there werent many cars, he let go of the wheel with one of his hands and moved his hand in his pocket and took out his phone he looked at the time and sighed seeing that it was only 2:03 AM. They had a lot of time till they reach the city and he hoped that someone will change him. Dani lefdt the phone in his pocket "Hey Ricky. Have you seen Cameron?" He asked wanting to know at where might he be.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
Ricky laughed at what was said to him from Kevin he was obviously just making jokes but that was ok with him. He was a bit of a ball buster and very outspoken. "Yeah Dani he is riding this leg of the trip over in the other car with our fearless manager . Try reaching him on the radio up there if ya want being the tech junkie he is i am sure he will have his radio tuned in. Ricky didn't question why he was asking about him he knew the two had become pretty close friends.

Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Anyone


Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone

"That stupid, arrogant, moronic prick!" ,Lexi growled out. She had been bitching Kevin up and down ever since the cops pulled her over for having a cup of iced coffee fly off of her roof and hit another car while they were driving down the road. Kevin had been the one to put the cup on her car and she just knew he had done it on purpose just to be a ball buster like always was.

Cameron looked up from his computer then looked over to Lexi, "Well good news, we're close enough to them to get a signal on their radio I've hooked us in would you like to say anything?" ,Cameron asked although he already knew the answer.

Lexi looked to Cameron, "Gimme one of those headsets" ,she stated in response.

He handed her one and she gave him a smile which made him smile in return, Cameron got along with pretty much everyone in the band but Dani was hi best friend out of everyone. He hoped Lexi would be quick with yelling at Kevin so that he could say hi to everyone they had been separated from each other for hours now and he just wanted to know if everyone was alright and if Dani was doing ok with the driving.


Cameron put on his own headset and tuned himself in, "Hey guys uh how is everything going?" ,he asked.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani heard what Ricky said. Dani didnt knew why Cameron was in the other van, but that was probably why he didnt saw him here. Dani chuckled. Well he was so lost in his thoughts and driving that he didnt knew that Cameron wasnt in the van that he was driving, heck he had no idea who else was here as well, cuz no one talked for a while and he just didnt cared to know that.

Dani turned on the radio and tryed searching for the signal, but he couldnt find them. And then just a minute latter he heard Lexi yelling at Kevin. Dani laughed hearing what she was saying, he really had no idea that they were pulled over, well he guessed he really was very lost in his thoughts the past few hours.

Dani waited for Lexi to cool off and then he heard Cameron's voice. He smiled finally hearing Cameron's voice, if only he could see him as well it will be vry good,but Dani has to drive for now and he wont be able to see him soon. "Hey Cameron. Everything is fine for now... How is Lexi doing?" He asked and looked back at the others mainly at Kevin knowing that he will get mad as well. Agh Lexi and Kevin were so hard to handle sometimes and Dani liked the peace and quiet and not like Lexi and Kevin always yelling at each other. But he got used to it and it he didnt cared anymore "So Cameron how is the trip. I miss you bud... You know" He said and chuckled waiting for an answer.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin was quiet while the others chatted it up, but then, that was her way to sit back in the shadows and listen. Observe. She wasn't the one to lead or speak first typically unless she felt it necessary and this wasn't one of those of times. Being still relatively new to the band on top of things, she was still trying to find her way with everyone, not to mention her... abilities.

Abilities. More like a curse so she felt. Erin hated what she could do and what was worse, she hated that she had on the tiniest bit of control over it. Sure, she was slowly learning, reading what she could and getting support from her friends in the band and trying like hell to use her dark gift for the purpose of good... but it was taxing to say the least. Taxing, depressing and down right terrifying.

The dark haired girl shivered as she recalled the one night a vampire who'd been stalking her for several years finally approached her. He'd backed her up against the wall in a dark alley after a solo gig she had in a goth night club playing her cello. Without warning and without hesitation, the grotesque thing... well, not really... shoved her hard against the brick and thought nothing of sinking his fangs deeply into the soft, pale flesh of her neck. He tasted her blood and she felt his rancid breath on her skin, its smell filling her nose. He told her she was the sweetest and purest blood he'd tasted in a long time, that he knew she would be. As she stood there, quivering in fear, starting to slump from blood loss, he whispered against her ear that he'd be back for her one day... that he'd find her...

Erin's fingers played with the scar at her neck absently and she suddenly winced. The memories were still fresh even though over a year had passed. But the nightmare hadn't ended there. She'd always had an unnatural pull, a strange energy that called the undead to her for reasons she could not explain. It was a living nightmare, one she couldn't wake from because her eyes were already opened. It was ghastly and no matter what she did, she couldn't get away from it. She'd been fortunate to come across another necromancer at another solo gig at a different goth bar. He taught her a few things, gave her a few trinkets and charms. She learned what she could, but she still couldn't keep the monsters away. It seemed inevitable... Until she finally met her friends in the band.

Erin looked over at both Ricky and Kevin and smiled, her hand gently touching the case that held her cello. "Lexi sounds angry," she said softly, her lips turned upward in a shy smile while her other hand began to rub at the amulet she wore around her neck.

Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Anyone


Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone


Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board

"Hey Dani, yeah Lexi is quite upset with Kevin, he accidentally left his ice coffee on top of her van and it fell off while we were driving and hit another car and a cop was in the area so we got pulled over" ,Cameron said in response.

"Cameron you're way too nice Kevin did it on purpose and everyone knows it, he's a bloody wanker and he drives me mad" ,Lexi told Cameron. It was heard over the radio seeing she had forgotten to take the headset off.

Kevin sat there laughing at Lexi's little tantrum he thought it was hilarious even though he knew she was probably gonna wail on him as soon as they met up at the place they were all heading. He looked over at Erin when he heard her say that Lexi sounded angry, "She's always angry, well with me anyway" ,he stated with another laugh. "AWE LEXI I LOVE YOU TOO!" ,he said loud enough for her to hear him before blowing kisses at her.

"Fuck you Kevin"! ,she responded.

"You wish baby" ,Kevin snapped back.


Name: Adam Richardson
Attire:Black loose fitting jeans, black button up dress shirt, Leather jacket, Black boots
Location:Band's Vehicle
Weapons:Hunting knife, ninja stars, spiked brass knuckles

Adam sat quietly towards the back of the vehicle he was never really one to get too rowdy with the rest of the band he mostly just did his job and when he wasn't working he was thinking. He took a sip from his glass of whiskey he stashed his own bottle to drink whenever he felt like it, he didn't like the taste of beer and that's what the band usually drank while on the road so he brought his own stuff. As Kevin and Lexi argued over the radio Adam just shook his head and sighed, "Those two will never get along" ,he muttered before taking another sip out of his glass.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

"Well dont think it was accidantly" He said at Cameron with a smile .Dani heard Kevin and Lexi arguing again, he just cant take them sometimes, he hated thir tempers sometimes, but he wasnt one to judge. He was a loving person and will never tell whats on his mind. He was open only when he was around Cameron, he was the only one that he felt very good so that he could share him almost everything... Well not everything, no one knows that he is gay and he doesnt want anyone to know this, and the other thing is that he wasnt edjucated, but the secound one wasnt that bad, cuz the group never had intelectual talking, only shit.

Dani waited for Lexi and Kevin to stop their arguing, he was still driving and he was getting a little confused with all this yelling. The road was straight up there werent any turns that he had to make, well for now. Dani looked behind him seeing almost everyone that was here drinking alchohole "Hey guys Im not driving the bus forever.... so dont drink too much.Ok?" He said and turned around looking at the road again as he drove "So something else going on with you?" He asked Cameron wanting to talk more with him.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin continued to fondle the amulet she wore, the charm getting colder and colder as they drove on toward their location. A shiver ran along her spine just then, an indication of nearby death. For as long as she was able to sense it, call it... she never got used to it. And it wasn't something she ever liked feeling either. She stayed away from the booze, not being much of a drinker not to mention a total lightweight, and turned a little when she heard Adam mutter about Kevin and Lexi. She shrugged and shook her head, letting him know she agreed with him completely. She hadn't been with the band long, but that wasn't something anyone could miss. Those two bickered worse than any two she'd ever seen.

Just then, Erin felt the amulet she wore tug a little, a burning freeze sizzling against her pale flesh as her fingers moved about its smooth surface. She winced a little. "Not sure what the call was for, for here," she began, her voice still quite soft. "But whatever's here... it's strong." Again she shivered, her body going small as she wrapped her arms about her middle. Also, noticing that Dani was getting anxious with the driving and confusion with the bickering over the radio, she called up to him, "If you need a break, let me know. I don't drink much and haven't had anything."

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.
Faith had been following behind the tour bus riding her black wearing her black helmet. she was a sight a pretty young vixen and deadly too. She also slept around and used her sex to get what she wanted. She that everyone had stopped so she did too leaned her bike a bit and opened up a pocket on her leather jacket and took out a pack of ciggs and light one. she sat there smokaing after putting her helmet on the bike. she looked around at the others and said "boy this road trip is boring we need something fun to do a show or something to kill would be nice".


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Lilly had been in a nasty fight with some vampires and they got the best of her. she laid there on the ground with her eyes closed in a bloody mess. she was healing herself but at a slow rate. she had no idea what was going on around her or that there was some people on the road. she was near death and had been laying there for a couple of hours already.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani was driving not really carring for anything, he was etting very tired feeling his eyes were going to close soon. He turned arounda and looked at Erin "Dont worry Erin I will pull over soon for some break" He shouted so she can hear him and threw a smile at her. He turned his head around and looked at the road first he looked at the radio "Cameron we are going to pull over soon" He said to him through the radion and released a loud yawn from his mouth feeling the tiredness going to him, he knew he shouldnt drive that long, but no one wanted too so he guessed it will be him.

Dani saw a sign on the road that showed that there is a gas station near by. They were almost there finally he can take some rest. IN some minutes latter he saw the gas station and turned the wheel and the bus turned. Dani stoped the bus next to a tank fulled with gas. "Come on everyone" He said to the others with a smile on his face. Dani opened the door and exit the bus he filled the bus with gas and payed to the guy that was there. Dani noticed that Faith was close to him and heard what she said and laughed "Yeah Faith you love killing vampires dont you" He said to her and looked around trying to see if Cameron's car had stoped somewhere in here.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.
Faith had been following behind the tour bus riding her black wearing her black helmet. she was a sight a pretty young vixen and deadly too. She also slept around and used her sex to get what she wanted. She that everyone had stopped so she did too leaned her bike a bit and opened up a pocket on her leather jacket and took out a pack of ciggs and light one. she sat there smokaing after putting her helmet on the bike. she looked around at the others and said "boy this road trip is boring we need something fun to do a show or something to kill would be nice".


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Faith just smiled at Dani and said "yea it keeps one fit you know". she looked at her bikes gage and saw it needed some gas so she filled it up. she went inside to pay the man the money for the gas . When the man saw her and started flirting with her she flirted back as well. she got herself some jerky and while they had been talking he did mintion something about a young girl also in all black passing thou here she seemed to be in a hurry had a nice bike like faiths. Faith smiled and said "that cause biking is so much fun only way to travel". When the man said she had been chasing a group of people on her bike now this got Faith all excited. "well thank you sir for the bit of info so tell me which way was the girl headed might want to talk bike with her". The man pulled out a map and pointed down the road they was on and said "not sure if your going to be able to catch her she was going pretty fast after the group not sure why but iam sure she will like to talk bike with you pretty thing". Faith nodded her head and walked out the door and up to Dani and said "lets go we stopped long enoch there was a girl who sped by here not that long ago has the same bike as me and she was chasing this group maybe we could find some action in that"..

Lilly opend her eyes and took a look around and saw she was alone the vampires had gone and when she looked down at her body she moaned from the pain. she saw she had a broken arm and the pain of it mending was so much it cost her to pass out again. she was still laying in a puddle of her blood.

Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board
Tagging:Lexi, Everyone


Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Kevin, Anyone

Lexi pulled into the gas station and parked before shutting her car off and getting out. She stormed towards the bus and stood by the door waiting for Kevin to get out knowing he would most likely be going in to get beer and cigarettes while they were there. As soon as Kevin stepped out of the bus Lexi caught him right in the face with a left hook, "OW YOU BITCH!" ,Kevin snapped. Lexi then grabbed him by the back of the hair and took his knee out so that he knelt down and she could look him in the face, "OH yeah I knew you liked it rough baby" ,Kevin teased. Even with the predicament he was in he still managed to crack off a joke towards Lexi even though he knew she was most likely going to wail on him for it.

"You inconsiderate little prick, you think you're really funny don't ya?" ,Lexi snapped while looking him in the eyes.

Kevin simply puckered up his lips and started blowing kisses again, then his tongue shot out of his mouth and he started making a very vulgar gesture with it. Lexi looked at him like she was disgusted before shoving him onto the ground and rubbing his face in the dirt.

"You nasty little pig you keep dreaming" ,she stammered before getting up and stepping on the small of his back heading towards the little mini mart attached to the gas station to get some snacks and a drink.

Kevin got up covered in dirt and spitting what got into his mouth out, "Crazy British bitch" ,he stated before walking into the store as well. He didn't even pay attention to the sign that said no shirt no service and he got a few looks for it but no one really said anything. Kevin walked straight past Lexi and headed to the cooler and grabbed two 30 packs of Budweiser and brought them up to the counter.

"I need a carton of smokes too" ,he stated. "Menthol please".

When the cashier was finished ringing him up he paid for his stuff then brought it outside, "HEY RICKY I GOT MORE BEER!" ,he shouted loud enough for Ricky to hear him. "LEXI'S INSIDE BUYING A DOOSH TO CLEAN THE SAND OUT OF HER TWAT IF YOU WANNA GO SAY HI".


Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone


Name: Adam Richardson
Attire:Black loose fitting jeans, black button up dress shirt, Leather jacket, Black boots
Location:Band's Vehicle
Weapons:Hunting knife, ninja stars, spiked brass knuckles

Cameron got out of the car and watched for a moment as Kevin and Lexi did what they usually did when together then made his way over to Dani, "Hey Dani how's the ride so far? Kevin must be a real pain huh? Eh he's a nice guy he's just really rowdy at points and he sure knows how to piss Lexi off" ,he stated with a sigh. "Wanna go look around and see what they have for snacks inside? I'm starving been chewing gum for most of the ride".

Adam got out of the bus and simply leaned against it before lighting up a black and mild to accompany the glass of whiskey that was in his other hand. He simply watched and shook his head as Lexi kicked Kevin's ass yet again, he took a sip from his glass then puffed on his cigar while he waited for everyone to be ready to leave and get back onto the road again.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
Ricky was watching out the window as Lexi beat up on Kevin. "For fucks sake man.." he said as he shook his head he took his time getting out and streching his legs when Kevin came back he gave him a look "good more beer just what the docter ordered. now get back on the bus before you cause any more hell" He said as he laughed heading over to the store mumbling along the way "why do I always have to calm these two down" he walked into the store and found Lexi "Hey luv i know he get's on ya nurves and all but could we please keep my bass player in one peice until after the gigs and yeah i said gigs ya know we need him for both dontcha.?" he said with a smile leting her know he wasn't actually upset with her at all. he made his way over to the slushy machine making himself

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

When the vehicle stopped and everyone got off, Erin decided to stay inside. Her amulet was freezing against her skin, which only meant one thing. The undead were close... too close. She felt her hands trembling slightly in fear as her one rubbed at it a bit vigorously. Biting down on her lip, she finally got up on her knees and turned around on her seat so that she could peer out the window at everyone as they went outside to stretch or do whatever it was they felt like doing. For some reason, she just felt safer staying inside... for now. At least until she was able to get her charms ready to shield to their full capacity and to prepare herself for calling upon her necromancer abilities. She just hoped whatever was out there would stay away for a little while longer.

Erin then turned toward Ricky and the others who boarded back on the vehicle after getting the beer. "Whatever is out there is close. It won't be long..." she said softly.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.
"well I happen to like kevin he seems to know how to keep us entertained" Faith said with a smile on her face as she watched Lexi beat him up. she then walked over to Adam and said "hey Adam can i get a swing of the whisky from you and maybe get a cigar from you do not feel like going back in to buy me some i got some cigs myself but what you got there looks tasty". Faith liked all the guys on the bus but for some reason Adam seem to really interest her as well as Lexi and ricky, and Erin. She wanted to sleep with them all but as to who she should settle down with right now none of them but she would not mind giving up her wild life just not yet it still was too much fun.

attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Lilly came to and looked over body still pretty banged up and saw her arm was where it should be but she could only move it a little . she tucked it under her body as she made a roll making her body move closer to the side of the road . she left a trail of blood and the roll caused more to come out and with how weak she was she could only pass out again.
(continued from last post) a blue and red mixed drink and walkinmg to the counter and tossing the clerk a $5 bill "keep the change " he walked back outside and screamed at the top of his lungs "wooohhhhhhhhHHHHHHH ROCK N ROLL MOTHER FUCKERS !!!!" walking toward the others "can ya feel that oh yeah thats the feeling of heavy metal in a fresh new town. and i feel eardrums that need to be poped and icky creatures that need to be dropped so lets load up and push on shall we." he caught wind of Faith yapping about needing to head up road after someone on a bike or something "you do that luv will be right behind ya." looking at the others "lets go gang Faith said something about someone on a bike chasing someone or something " he got back onto the bus and replied to what was said to him " YAY more dark stuff to deal with " he said giving her a smile "ya know i almost forgot you had a voice ya been so silent back there " he said giving her a wink.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani watched as Lexi pulled the car and came out of it furious. He rolled his eyes, knowing that she will yell at Kevin again. Why were they always like this, well not that he cared much. Dani saw Lexi started yelling at him and beating him up as she aways did. Dani released a sigh and moved his hand to his face rubbing his eyes and yawned feeling very tired. And then he turned around and saw Cameron next to him. He smilled and opened his eyes fully "Kevin can get on your nerves sometimes, but I know that he is a nice guy" Dani said with a smile and then he nodded "Yeah lets go... Im getting sleepy might be good to buy coffee" He said with a smile on his face.

Dani moved a hand on Cameron's back and led him to the store. When he entered he looked around and moved his hand away from his friend's back. He walked to the guy that was working here "One coffee... Make it strong" He said and waited for a while for his coffee, He handed the money to the guy when he was given the coffee. "Cameron you chose something?" He asked and took a sip from his coffe and sighed as he felt how strong and hot it was.

Name: Kevin Richmond
Attire:Tight Black Jeans, Biker Boots, Studded Belt
Location:Band's Tour Vehicle
Weapons:They're all in a large case somewhere on board
Tagging:Lexi, Everyone


Name: Adam Richardson
Attire:Black loose fitting jeans, black button up dress shirt, Leather jacket, Black boots
Location:Band's Vehicle
Weapons:Hunting knife, ninja stars, spiked brass knuckles

When Faith walked up to him Adam handed over his glass without saying a word then handed her a black and mild. He never really did talk and he always had a sadistic sort of look in his eyes that made people think he was always angry. After Faith took a sip and he seen everyone start to get back on the bus he took his glass back then got back on the bus as well, when Erin mentioned something being near he sat down and poured himself another glass of whiskey, "Whatever it is we'll be taking care of it soon" ,he stated quietly before puffin on his black and mild again.

Kevin sat down near Adam making the man sigh, "You should hit that she so wants your penis it's not even funny" ,he stated in reference to Faith. He then looked at Ricky and Erin, "Who's ready to fuck some dark force up? This guy Whoooooo" ,he said a bit excitedly before cracking open a beer.

"Kevin I have no interest in hitting that so please don't try and play matchmaker I'm not the dating type" ,he stated his voice was low as usual and had a very dangerous tone to it.

"OK fine keep your dick locked away like a caged animal then" ,Kevin joked.

Adam simply sighed then shook his head before taking a sip from his glass and leaning back in his seat.


Name: Cameron Parker
Attire:Faded blue jeans, black band t-shirt, black and white Vans
Location:Lexi's Van
Weapons:Computer :)
Tagging:Lexi, Anyone

"I'll have a coffee as well along with one of these cakes" ,Cameron stated as he put a package of coffee cakes on the counter. He waited for the cashier to ring him up then paid for his stuff. "Come on Dani let's go back outside, maybe I can convince someone else to drive you need some sleep" ,he said as he placed his arm around Dani's shoulder and led him out the store. He felt bad and knew Dani was tired just by the look in his eyes and he definitely wanted the man to rest before he had to be on stage.

Name: Daniel Clark
Attire: White modern short sleeved shirt, jeans with holes on his knees, and white shoes.
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Nothing on him right now
Tagging: the band

Dani waited for Cameron in the shop. He took a long sip from his coffe and shivered a little from how strong that coffee was. His eyes were half open and were getting red looking very sleepy. Dani moved his free hand in his pocket and took out his phone, he looked at the tme seeing that it was only 2:57 AM and they had a long time till they reach the city. He didnt knew if he will be able to be on stage if he drives all the way to the city, but he will try.

Dani smiled at Cameron as they walked outside feeling his arm wrapped around his shoulders. it felt very nice being so close to him, feeling his soft skin touching him. If only Dani could tell him how he feels about him, but he cant at least not now, not in the near futhure. Dani took another long sip and the coffee was quickly over. He felt a little better and started wincing trying to get his eyes fully open. He was better now with the coffee he drank, he can drive some more hours. Dani looked at Cameron as they were walking "I can drive some hours more... But I know that Erin can take my place for a while" He said and yawned again.

Attire:blank tank with tight black leather pants with black leather boots and a black leather jacket.
Location:eek:n her motorchicle
Weapons:two daggers in her boots
Tagging: Anyone.


attire:dressed like in her pic
location:eek:n the road a ways from the group
weapons:a pistol and a dagger
Faith watched as every got on the bus and how Adam did not say a word to her she was okay with that. she finished of the cigar he gave her and putting on her helmet she took one look at the bus and yelled "catch up you guys heading out". she did not give Dani a chance to respond she off in a flash speeding down the road . She soon had to stop in a hurry for there was a black lump on the side of the road in a pull of blood. "oh dam look at you someone sure fucked you up". Faith got off the bike and sitting her helmet down walked over to the body and pushed it over with her food and took one look at the girl and something just was not right about her. she bent down closer hand on dagger when she saw the wounds and the fact the girl was breathing "dam your still alive even after all of that wow your ether tough to kill or something else is wrong with you". she kept staring at the girl when the girl opened up her eyes making faith take a step back.

Lilly looked at faith and said in a weak voice "too many too strong I was too weak I failed". she caught wind of the girl's smell and she wanted to grab her so bad and suck her blood but she closed her eyes and fought back the urge and she laid there slowly healing. she noticed the way the girl laughed at her when she spoke as if the sight of her confirmed what she had said.

Name: Lexi Davis
Attire:Black Jeans, Black Tank Top, Studded Belt, Back Converse Sneakers
Location:Her Van
Weapons:Two pistols in a case in the back of the vehicle, some throwing knives
Tagging:Cameron, Kevin, Anyone

"Oh I know you need him love he's just driving me mad he has no respect for authority and if he wasn't so damn good at what he did then I'd fire his arse" ,Lexi stated in response to Ricky. She knew he liked to party but at least he was nice when he had a few in him and not a complete jerk like Kevin was. "Well I'll keep him alive you know I will even if he acts like a complete wanker, you guys get to the town safely alright I'll be right behind you all" ,she told him before purchasing her items then walking out of the store with Ricky.

Name: Ricky Rocket
Attire: Blue torn jeans , white t-shirt, Red Flannel with sleeves cut off
Location: Band tour vehicle
Weapons: Special Mic.
Tagging: the band
Ricky got up and sat in the driver seat trying to look out the door of the bus to see if the others were all ready he honked the horn "LET'S GO GUYS!!! WHAT'S THE HOLD UP" He already seen faith take off up the road. "Dani you coming or not. If you want you can ride with Lexi and stuff in the other vehical and get some rest just let me know" he yelled out to him.

Name: Erin Matthers
Attire: Black tank top, black fishnet shrug, black victoriana-style skirt, black doc martens.
Location: Tour vehicle
Weapons: Necromancy charms worn about her waist, amulet worn about her neck.
Tagging: Anyone.

Erin blushed a bit. She was always quiet, it was just her way being the shy introvert that she was. Every so often she'd open up, but it was rare given her nature and she often wished she could open up a bit more. But being shy didn't mean she couldn't smile and it most certainly didn't mean she didn't care. In fact, she cared very deeply and felt very much for her friends and anyone who bothered to take the time to truly get to know her... understand her. It was just difficult given her frightening abilities. And often times she was too worried about placing people in danger given that the undead seemed to be drawn to her for some reasons... and then there was the vampire that was out there somewhere lurking and waiting...

Erin smiled at Ricky and nodded. She then turned to Adam, her expression turning a bit more serious. "I hope you're right. It feels strong. Not sure if it's one strong one or several," she said, her eyebrows furrowing a bit.

Suddenly Kevin came in and Erin shifted in her seat so that she was facing everyone once again. She listened quietly as he and Adam bantered about Faith, her cheeks burning a little as her fingers rubbed her amulet. She sighed inwardly as she listened, her heart twisting a little as she looked over them, her eyes lingering a little on Adam. Men were funny sometimes... At that, she just looked down at her feet and kept her own thoughts to herself, thoughts on how she hoped to find 'her one and only'.
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