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Building an Empire with the Gods (Wingshadow x I.Madness)

"I... Just have two questions for you," Mei set down her tea cup and turned to face him once again, "First, do you believe it would be possible to ensure peace between our races if you were to follow in Emperor Jhinn Thul'kale's footsteps and unite the human world under your rule?"

"If that were the case, I would like to offer to extend my services beyond that of merely replenishing your fields and lands with water..." her eyes had an ambitious glint in them as she extended her hand toward Kale, "Would you consider accepting the assistance of the monster realm in order to conquer the world?"

She paused for a short while to allow him ample time to consider the question before turning to the second, "Also... I understand that this question is of a more personal nature, but would you happen to have a human lover, someone that you have either officially or unofficially taken as your partner in life? I must admit that I am more than a bit curious about this distinctly human concept. I'm sure you are aware that in the earlier days of the monster realm, monsters fed off human life energy rather frequently, and although over time this shifted toward sexual energy instead, the original intent of feeding off of humans rather than having a romantic attachment to them has continued even to this day. That isn't to say that humans and monsters have not developed this sort of relationship in the past, as this is most certainly the case, but love is human in origin and monsters have simply begun to assimilate the concept."
Kale looked her openly in shock for a moment, but considered her hand for a moment before shaking his head, "I will wait on any such agreement, I fear an emperor may be a bad idea in this time...". His eyes held a watery glint as if holding back tears at her next question, though it had started to show when she mentioned emperor, his eyes seemed to darken, and narrow when he noticed that glint in her eye he knew it well, and he felt torn. "I have some information that needs to pan out, we can discuss it further when two days pass, and my messenger returns."

Though he looked down, to not let her see his face fully, his voice quiet, but loud enough to be heard, "I did not expect such a question, forgive my appearance... However, I have no bind of love...". His silence after seemed to scream to silent 'Not anymore' that he was unable to voice as he stood slowly, and with a slight bow, "I will see you tomorrow, excuse me...". He walked away with a stiff stride, his arms lightly shaking, a small motion near impossible to notice without looking for it. He would leave her to her work until the afternoon. He did not blame her, but he did indeed still hold his hate for her kind, but it was a general distain, he did not seem to disapprove of her.
The dragon blinked, surprised and honestly impressed. Few men, even those who harbored a dislike for monsters, would have passed up on such an offer. She supposed he had his reasons for doing so, and he was polite enough to postpone this discussion for a future time rather than outright refuse her. Perhaps, if she played her cards carefully, she could convince him to assist her in this endeavor. After all, humans would only be ruled by a human ruler, as any other would be seen as a tyrant and oppressor. Such a man could, potentially, bring peace to their races and establish a period of understanding between them like never before.

To his second reply, Mei simply nodded, sensing the tension in his voice as he stood up and took his leave for the afternoon. She figured it would be best to stay away from such personal questions in the future, as he doubtless had something that he would rather forget than allow her to dig back up and reopen old wounds. Perhaps it had something to do with his suspicions toward her? It was impossible to say at present, but she decided against prying into such matters. He would tell her in due time if he wished to discuss it.

Mei silently excused herself from supper and retired back to her room to resume her incantations and concentrate her power toward the heavens. Her intense spell-casting session drew out long into the night, the magical circle which appeared above the castle visible from miles around as the intricate formula was carved into the sky itself. She realized that if she lost this king's trust with failure, it would only bring more harm to her standing with him, so she pushed herself to the absolute limit. She worked through the night, the clouds which had gathered round about the castle and surrounding lands growing dark and heavy with rain as the darkness loomed above them in a somewhat menacing manner.

By morning, a thin rain had already begun to fall upon the land, causing a thin mist to rise up and wet the earth with welcome moisture as the drops trickled down from the clouds above. Mei, moreover, felt utterly exhausted as she had never even attempted to cause rain to fall on such short notice. It put a fairly large amount of strain on her body, but she decided to take a reprieve until she had restored her magical reserves.

She lay on her side across the pillows that his servants had laid out for her, her entire length reaching across the room. Her eyelids sagged in a weary manner, her ears picking up the distinct sound of a thin, cool rain just outside the castle walls. She took one of the pillows and hugged it to her ample chest, allowing herself a brief moment of rest before sending for the king to make her report of her progress, although by then it was rather moot.
Kale gave a small gasp to see the rain start to drop, the cool rain causing people to move out into the street. The people were glad, but showed the fear of what may happen, many setting out barrels, and old wine casks to collect some of the light drizzle. Kale reached out with his spell, just a simple scry spell to give him an idea of what was happening around his home. Kale figured that it would do for now, if nothing else his people had reason to keep their spirits high for the time being. Kale sighed as he slowly undressed, placing his elegant outfit to a stand where others were, to be cleaned. He sighed, figuring he would pay any price to bring that hope back to his people, he rocked his foot lightly for the time being thinking about what she would require of him, but this prospect of becoming emperor did tickle at the back of his mind.

Before laying for bed he sent a messenger to her, to thank her, and to remind her that he would be busy till the following evening. With that, he moved to sleep for the night. The following morning, the grown moist, and layers of dew flooded the dying grass, and crops. The people of his land worked hard, the ground was fertile, but incredibly hard to work, the people here were determined, and loved their home. Kale worked to send messengers to get people ready for more rain, making sure the farmers did not flood the crops with the new water, and keep people from trying to sell what little water they collected to people to afraid to know better. He took his meals in his room, or with his advisers so he could work with them to manage his kingdom, but when he finished, and the sun just starting it's decent shortly after noon he knew it was time to see Mei.

Kale admitted he had an interest in her, although he was hesitant to continue with this. He dressed out of his kingly vest, and cape, so he would be more casual when he met her, they both knew what this meeting was for, he wondered some if she saw it as no more than a meal. He looked himself in the mirror a black undershirt, the sleeves cut elegantly like a robes sleeves, simple black pants, with a simple belt along his waist that seemed almost plain if not for the fine material. without his vest he looked no more than a noble for a stroll about his home. When he moved to her room, he clasped his hands gently behind his back with a thoughtful smile, figuring he would question her some about her views.
When he entered, Mei appeared to be dozing off a bit, her arms and hair sprawled out in a rather unkempt manner before she noticed his presence. She swiftly pushed herself up into a seated position on her cushions and made a hasty attempt to rearrange her hair so as not to be in such a disheveled state when he approached her. She calmly folded her hands into her lap and gestured for him to take a seat close beside her, "I trust that you are aware of the current state of affairs. I have succeeded in causing a drizzling rain. However, in order to bring the downpour that you requested, I will need additional magical energy. I will try to make this as painless as possible for you, as I realize that you still find me rather distasteful."

"I am rather impressed that despite this, you offered to perform this duty yourself," she granted him a friendly smile, "Since I could just as easily make use of whatever willing volunteers you many have on hand. The amount of magical energy I receive is not dependent on the magical skills of the one from which I extract semen."
Kale seemed to be appraising her, seeing her move up to fix herself. However he gave a soft smile to her his voice holding a more or less friendly tone, "We could have a line of men leading to your room, then stories of soulless men running around my kingdom will start, something more private is best, and magic may not mean much to the act, but I assure you it has it's advantages if needing to continue for a length of time...". He seemed to decide she saw it as just something she needed for energy, and found it helped him relax further.

"I am here as a male, not a king". He gave her a look as if seeing if she understood. He knew it was going to be better if he enjoyed it, and if he did agree to keep her help it would be common they spent time together. He moved his hand to her cheek gently trying to see her as a women, not a monster, something he found difficult. Though he felt a flittering thought that he liked her better as she was, but pushed it from his mind as he spoke softly, "You are quite beautiful, i will not act as though it is otherwise...". He leaned closer to her to kiss her, wondering how she would react.
Mei blinked, unsure how to respond to his compliment. Was he simply trying to set the mood? This was certainly not her first sexual encounter with a human, but she still was surprised at how differently they approached sex compared to herself. Putting her doubts from her mind, however, she let him draw near to her and press his lips to hers. Her clawed hands gently slid up under his shirt, caressing his back as she pulled him into her arms and rested him against her ample chest. Her yukata was already parted, her movements causing the obi which held the robe together to become undone, exposing a thin line of pale, flawless skin between her breasts from her chin to the meeting of her human upper body and her serpentine lower body at her hips.

"Thank you... Coming from you, that is unexpected and sweet of you to say so," Mei dove back into the kiss, her tongue darting into his mouth as she held him, the heat of their intertwined bodies increasing with every passing moment. Her serpentine lower body gently wound around his legs, holding him in place as she freed up her hands to pull her robe down her shoulders, revealing her breasts to his full view and access, "Lets... Try to enjoy ourselves, no?"
Kale seemed to sigh, with the soft trail of her fingers up his back, and as her fingers slid gently up his strong tensing muscles he lifted his arms to remove his shirt letting it drop to the side. His hand on her cheek slid drown softly down her chin, and along her neckline till he felt her embrace him, wondering some if this had something to do with her nature as a monster, his heart picked up pace with her attention. His eyes shot wide when she kissed him so suddenly, the feel of her tongue along his caused him to freeze for a moment before catching up to the moment. He knew it was odd to let her take control so, to pull him to her, but he relaxed letting her do as she pleased. Once he felt her around his leg, everything of his body tensed hard as his muscles burned. Kale took a moment to relax when she opened her top for him, still having access to his hands he felt an urge he had not felt in some time.

Kale had been a long time since he last lain with anyone much less one who was like her. He slid one hand around her right breast, wrapping his strong hand around her groping her large breast, teasing the nipple with a tender touch, watching her reaction to see how she would react. With her left breast he pushed harder his mouth wrapping around her breast sucking hard as his tongue slide around her nipple to tease that one as well. It felt strange to have her so forceful over him, and he wanted her the more for it, still trying to push her back, but guessed she was trying to wrap around him before taking what she wanted, he thought he was repulsed by the idea, but at that moment, was looking forward to the experience.
"MMMph..." Mei moaned, her hips bucking forward slightly as he tasted her breasts, the sensations flowing through her causing her to begin to loosen up. Her hands clutched the cushions below them, the grip of her lower body on his legs increasing slightly before she reached up and clung to his back once again, her claws digging into his skin slightly. In one fluent motion, however, the coils around his legs pushed downward, pulling his clothes off and exposing her manhood. Without missing a beat, she reached between their bodies with her left hand and delicately reached down toward her sex, rubbing her soft lower lips with her forefinger as her lower body discarded his clothing and once again wrapped around him, pushing him up slightly so that his member was in line with her moist entrance, which closely resembled a human woman's.

Of course, as soon as he pressed inside her dripping honeypot, he would discover how very different sex with monsters was. With flushed cheeks, she kissed his forehead, allowing him to continue pleasuring her breasts while awaiting with baited anticipation for the moment that the two of them would be meshed together as one. For the time being, she allowed him to set the pace, as she did not wish to scare him off by being to insistent upon extracting semen from him right away. He needed to enjoy this or it would become increasingly awkward in the future.
Kale was shocked as she seemed more than eager to do more, when her claw bit slightly into his flesh he sucked harder than ever on her breast, while his right hand pinched hard, feeling her soft nipple between his fingers. He felt more shocked at the feel of her dragging his pants down, and exposing his thick fully erect cock. He was larger than most men, in both ways, his thick pulsing shaft sending an urge of want through him by the slight touch to put him to her opening. His hands moved to her back, pulling her overtop him, as he leaned back, knowing with her wrapped around his lef he would have trouble thrusting inside of her. He let a trickle of magic push from him, and through her to make her body more sensitive to his touch. When he wrapped around her breast this time he switched teasing her other breast with his tongue, his hand groping her harder, stopping for only a moment, "Go as fast, and hard as you wish. If you make me cum, we can keep going...".

Kale was not worried about not keeping it pleasurable, or lasting too short a time seeing as his magic could easily keep him fully hard, and wanting for more no matter how many times he reached his climax. His want overtook his hatred, and instead of seeing her as a monster, he only saw Mei, which came as a small pleasant joy, knowing if he thought of her as Mei, his hate gone, he started forgetting about her horns, and serpentine part. Kale slowly slid his hands around her hips, and lower back just to press her down, so his thick cock spread her tight wet womanhood with one strong pull until he felt her hips slam into his own, her wet opening wrapped tight around the very base of his long shaft.
The minor spell flowed through his hands and into her body, spreading across her skin with the results taking effect almost instantly, her mind hardly registering his words. She simply nodded, her eyes glistening with lust and desire, mouth hung open as a lewd bead of saliva slid out of the corner of her mouth. His insistent molding of her breasts and tweaking of her nipples forced increasingly heated moans to flow out of her mouth, filling the room with her voice. She could feel his tip press against the lips of her sex and thrust inside in one fluent motion, the warmth of her surrounding him as she took him entirely into herself. She Threw her head back and cried out, his length stretching her slightly in order to accommodate his size, which was slightly larger than she had ever taken inside before. At that very moment, her instinctive desires took over, pushing him down against the cushions as she transitioned their position so that she was on top, her eyes gazing down at him lustfully.

Unlike a human woman's vagina, the monster god had different sections of her vagina which she could control independently in order to bring her partner pleasure and draw out his semen over and over again with little pause between releases. The first, most shallow section was comprised of a series of inner rings of soft flesh which first tightened then brushed across his manhood with quick, broad strokes, the entire length of her inner walls pumping and caressing his shaft. As his member penetrated further, however, he would experience an even stranger sensation as she clasped tightly around the flared head of his member, her tightness almost entirely preventing him from moving. Thousands of tiny bumps, about the size and texture of taste buds, brushed his sensitive head as if she were sucking him off. Her body drew him in deeper still, however, until his very tip bumped against something very soft and puckered. It latched onto his tip with powerful suction, holding him firmly in place if he had any strength to move his hips and preventing him from escaping from the pleasure... And she still had not even moved her hips.

"How is that? Do you enjoy being inside me? Its intense, isn't it? That's to be expected... I am the monster god, after all, and I need to absorb energy from men regularly," she allowed him a few moments to get used to the intense sensations surging through his body before she slid her hips back about half an inch then plunging back forward, the movement of her hips gradually increasing each time as her body worked to quickly bring him to orgasm even before she could pick up the pace significantly

She reached up toward his face and caressed his cheek with her right hand, not pausing the thrusting of her hips for even a second, "Of course, I can also mate with humans in the same process, but I have a feeling you wouldn't be so happy about that, would you? Don't hold back, cum inside me all you like, I'll keep drawing it out of you until I am satisfied... Over and over again, until I drain your cock dry. Perhaps I'll keep milking you even after that... It feels good even if you have run out of semen, after all."
Kale enjoyed having her under his control, it was knowing that her power was a great ocean next to his, but he thought about it, and did not think it was to different, the gap not as vast as it felt, but clearly not one to challenge directly against, when she cried out, and started to feel her forcing him, he fought a little, as if trying to stay in control, but between his spells to make her want it, instead of making it something simple. He felt her body wrap around him, unmoving, but soft against his skin it was a pleasant feeling, when he felt her wrap around him he felt odd, being inside her reminding him of what it would be like with multiple women pleasing him in different ways, and it caused him to gasp in pleasure, feeling his climax build rapidly. Kale knew he would not last long, and could not even imagine what it would be like if she were to cum around him. He fit her perfectly with his thick shaft filling her completely, and thick enough to spread her lower lips around him.

Kale wanted to fight back for dominance, even in bed, but felt as though that would be impossible, as his body tensed lightly with her moving against. Him, as his seed shot deep inside her. His large load filling her more, and more while he felt like her body was trying to milk him of his seed. With a soft smile for her he set two weaves of magic, the soft ambient light from his lust, and pleasure empowering his magic. One of the spells was similar to healing, despite having just came his body was regenerating itself. The spell kept Kale strong as if having rested for an hour, and ready for more of the pleasure her body had to offer. The second spell was to keep him from draining his bodies strength when they were done completely. He was now ready for her, putting magic aside in his mind as he kissed her deeply his hands wrapping around her breasts harder, as he pinched her nipples harder, wanting her to cry out in pleasure for him. "Go harder, I want to feel your body in the heights of passion..."

Kale felt his mind screaming at him, he masked it well, but was still not on good terms with monsters. He was beginning to think of her a little better, but he figured among monsters there was of course those that were good, just like men could be of great evil. Knowing so many monsters in assaults in the mountains finding one in the lot that was better did not shock him. His mind seemed to blank, and fill with her, the feel of her breasts so large, and soft in his strong caressing hands as he fondled her breasts while she rode his thick shaft. He found it hard to think of anything other than her when he found himself ready to cum a second time so soon, knowing after a few sessions with her he would be able to last longer, and could hold more dominance in bed with her. He did not even notice the change in his mind between this being part of their deal, and a pleasure to partake in.
"Oh... You really are a fine human specimen, indeed, but if you want me to feel good you will have to try a little bit harder to please me," Mei sped up her movements as pulse after pulse of his thick semen shot into her body. Her walls tightened around him, the part attached to his tip sucking harder on him as if to draw out every last drop. She didn't give him even a moment of rest, and it seemed as if he didn't need it. The eagerness with which he played with her body gave testament to this fact, and not to be outdone she gave him an indication of her own sexual drive. Her tongue darted into his mouth, brushing across his and sampling his taste before pulling back and latching onto his neck. The tip of her tongue flicked across his skin, her clawed hands grasping his back gently so as not to cause pain yet firmly to prevent him from pulling away from her even if he wanted to.

He was hers now, and she had no intention on letting him go until she was fully satisfied. Her competitive streak was no better expressed in her sexual drive, as her normally passive and somewhat submissive demeanor quickly gave way while she was enjoying the pleasure of copulating with a human male. Her true monster nature seeped through at times like these, and it was difficult to say if this was her true personality, but it was most likely that both sides were equally accurate representations of the same being. She wished for monster and human to live together in harmony and peace, perhaps even accepting lovers between their kinds, but she did not reject what she was by any means, rather she embraced her nature as fully as she was embracing Kale at that very moment.

"You're... Quite an eager lover, aren't you?" Mei bent her head up slightly and nibbled on his ear, "Are you enjoying it? Do you want it to become even more intense?"
Kale let his hand slide from her breast, brushing along her neck, finding more need to strengthen his spells, and more to add to his physical strength so she could not push him around with ease. Clenching his fist in her hair he pressed her head closer not letting her pull away, even if she wanted as his other hand moved to grope her stronger pinching her nipple with a strong hand, trying to judge how much was pleasurable for her, but not go to the point it hurt. His voice was soft when he spoke, "Next time you can show me your tricks, but i do not think i could handle much more than this... For now". He hoped she understood, her body wrapped around his as she was showing such attention had made him much more sensitive, even lost in the lust of her body, seeming to offer to fulfill his every need, his mind beginning to fog as he started to breath harder. Kale did not think he could stand on his own to take control, and to pin her down he would find it impossible.

Kale gasped softly, shifting just slightly at the feel of her warm body rocking against his, the feel of her wet pussy pulsing around him, the feel of her tightening, and sucking on him was hard to get used too, but he tried each time she milked his seed from him he lasted longer the next time, enjoying the feel of her stretching around him, having feared she may be hard to please from her size, but he learned more, and more she was very much so like him. His voice was a soft teasing tone as he spoke to her ear, "Enjoy yourself, next time I will show you how... Eager, this specimen can be". He knew he could take control at first, but his spells could be beaten by her with a small amount of time, but he knew he could affect her, which could be fun for both of them. He bit back something he wanted to say, instead let out a low gasp of his pleasure, he was shocked by how own thoughts found the idea of spending time with her to be a good thing, finding more that he wanted her, and he only hoped it was only his lusts speaking out.
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